Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 967 1067. Strong backing

Luke opened his mouth in surprise and stared at Joseph with an expression of disbelief. Director Hank, who was complaining on the other side, also stopped talking. At this time, he also realized that something was wrong.

"Joseph, what did you say?" After a moment, Luke, who came back to his senses, stared at Joseph and asked loudly: "Damn it, do you know how much manpower and financial resources I spent to lift you up?"

"Luke, I have made a lot of money for you over the years, and I will pay the liquidated damages in full." Joseph replied calmly.

He didn't want to care about what Luke said. Just like what he said himself, he had also made a lot of money for Luke over the years, and it was definitely much more than what Luke had invested in the beginning, but he He won't settle the matter with Luke. He just wants to have a good time with the agent he has worked with for many years.

But Luke obviously didn't want to just get together and part ways.

"Listen, Joseph, you and I still have one year on the contract. We can discuss everything easily. Do you think your share is less? It doesn't matter. We can discuss all these. And you don't know, I have already done this for you recently. I have prepared a new contract, and I am willing to give up 10% of the share. You should be able to feel my sincerity. "

"As long as you are willing, we can sign this new contract now, and everything you said today, I will treat it as a dream. As long as I sleep, I will forget everything. When I wake up tomorrow morning, we They will also be close friends.”

"And don't you want to know what my next plan is for you? Did you see Director Hank over there? You will be the leading actor in this movie with an investment of 50 million, and your salary will be more than 3 One million dollars, a full 30% increase from your previous salary."

"Joseph, believe me, only I can make you famous and rich. No matter that bastard tempted you, you only need to tell that bastard that Luke is your best partner. Do you understand?"

Luke was almost like a kindergarten teacher at this time, teaching Joseph, this precious child, and promising countless sweet-looking candies to make Joseph fall into his arms again.

Of course, in Luke's eyes, Joseph is more like a cash cow at this time. Although it is not big enough, it is enough for an agent like him.

Anyway, he had to stabilize Joseph first. As for who was the one who dared to poach him, Luke thought that when I deal with Joseph's matter, he must get to the bottom of it and teach him a profound lesson.

Originally, Luke thought that his 'true confession' would at least make Joseph hesitate. After all, he thought, Joseph was a very kind-hearted and soft-hearted child.

But what he didn't expect at all was that Joseph didn't catch any of the candies he threw, and ignored them as they fell to the ground without even looking at them. Joseph even took a few steps back.

"What my father said yesterday was indeed correct. This man only cares about profit." Joseph thought to himself.

He had read the script of "Man-Eating Shark", and it was just an outline. The specific script had not yet been released, but it seemed that Luke had already taken over the script for himself.

And listen to what he said, it was all about remuneration and remuneration, and there was no mention of the plan and future of the film at all. In his eyes, just like his father said, there was only pure profit.

While Joseph was thinking, Hank, who had been silent on the side, finally spoke at Luke's signal.

"Boy, I don't know who gave you what kind of ecstasy soup. You must understand that in this industry, credibility is the most important thing. If you tear up the contract in advance, if this matter spreads in the circle, then you will be unable to move forward. ”

"Oh, Hank, please don't say that. Joseph is just obsessed for a moment. Believe me, his heart is actually on my side, right Joseph?"

One of the two people was a bad guy and the other was a bad guy. Joseph easily saw through their purpose, which was nothing more than threatening himself with such despicable means, using a big stick and sweet dates to make him submit.

But how could Joseph, who had obtained Nie Wei's promise, care about their threats, let alone the 'sweet dates' they threw at him.

Joseph took a deep breath and solemnly said to Luke again: "Sorry, I have made up my mind."

"And I am not discussing this matter with you, Luke. For the sake of our cooperation for so many years, I want to tell you in person. From now on, our contract is over. I want The liquidated damages you pay will be credited to your account within twenty-four hours.”

"Joseph, shut up!" Seeing that Joseph was still stubborn, Luke finally couldn't pretend anymore.

After yelling at Joseph, Luke held back his anger and said to Director Hank on the side: "Director Hank, I'm sorry for today, but please believe me, I will solve all this, and then I will take the initiative to contact you again."

"I hope so." Hank looked at Luke, then at Joseph, snorted coldly, and left the office.

As soon as Hank left, Luke immediately glared fiercely at Joseph, a very disobedient child in his opinion.

"Joseph, I didn't want to get into this situation, but you forced me to do this."

"Do you know how many contracts you have now? If you don't complete them, you can't leave me. Let me tell you, the liquidated damages will make you bankrupt, so you'd better continue to cooperate with me honestly, otherwise you will be ruined in court!"

This time it was Joseph's turn to be surprised: "Luke, what are you talking about? I don't understand. I'm on vacation now. I haven't taken any work."

"No, you have, and you have taken a lot." Luke smiled sarcastically and said, "Do you want me to show you the contract? All of them have your signature, and I believe you will change your mind after reading the liquidated damages on those contracts."

After that, Luke didn't care about Joseph's shocked expression, and directly took out a stack of contracts from the drawer beside him and threw them in front of Joseph.

Joseph quickly picked up the contracts and flipped them one by one, and the cold sweat on his forehead was getting more and more.

"I never signed these contracts, Luke, you forged them!" Joseph looked at Luke, his eyes full of shock, fear and strangeness. Even if he thought Luke was bad, he never thought that this agent would forge his signature and take so many advertisements, commercial performances and scripts for him privately.

"There is still one year. We will cooperate well in this year and then part ways amicably. But if you are still disobedient like today, then I will take these contracts and die with you." Luke said with red eyes and a crazy face.

Joseph forced himself to calm down and silently looked at Luke who looked like a madman. He left Luke's office without saying a word.

Five minutes later, Joseph returned to his car, took out his mobile phone and called Nie Wei.

In his opinion, only Nie Wei could save him at this moment.

Joseph didn't dare to think about working with Luke for another year. Just now in Luke's office, looking at his signature on so many contracts forged by Luke, Joseph had already developed a fear of Luke in his heart.

This is a terrible person, just like a devil. Joseph never thought that he would work with such a person for so many years.

His father's dislike is not without reason, but he certainly didn't expect that Luke would be so bad.

Joseph took a deep breath while waiting for the call to be connected. He thought about it for half a minute. Just when he was anxious to hang up the phone and call again, the call was finally connected.

"Nie Wei, who is it?" Joseph was about to say hello when he heard a vague female voice from the other end of the phone and stopped talking immediately.

He suddenly realized that the time he called was inappropriate.

"Joseph, is there something urgent that you call so late?" What relieved Joseph was that Nie Wei's words did not have any dissatisfaction or irritability after being disturbed, and he was still so refreshing.

"Sorry, Mr. Nie." Joseph apologized first, and then immediately seized the time to briefly tell Nie Wei about how Luke forged his signature and signed a large number of contracts today.

"That man is simply a devil. He also threatened me that if I didn't continue to cooperate with him, he would drag me to hell. Mr. Nie, now only you can help me."

Joseph asked for help. At this time, he was like a drowning man, and there was a huge ship in front of him. As long as the huge ship was willing to pull him, he believed that he would definitely be rescued.

"Well, you mean that all those contracts were forged by him, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Nie, I dare to swear to God that I didn't sign even a letter! The terrible thing is that those signatures are exactly the same as mine. I don't know what to do. Can you teach me?"

"Joseph, things are not as terrible as you think. Listen to me, take the contract you signed with your agent, and then go to Max Films. Someone will help you solve all problems." Nie Wei said very calmly.

In his opinion, Joseph's matter is really nothing.

After all, in the entertainment industry for so many years, he has seen many such agents who have stolen artists' money and contracts and even received kickbacks. Nie Wei has hundreds of ways to deal with these black-hearted agents.

Nie Wei's calm tone made Joseph no longer so scared. After hanging up the phone, he immediately drove back to his apartment, found the contract he had signed, and then immediately drove to Max Films with the contract.

To be honest, he himself couldn't figure out how Nie Wei would help him, but he believed in his heart that Nie Wei could solve his troubles. This was an unfounded trust, and he didn't even seek help from his parents.

Joseph drove for more than half an hour and finally arrived at Max Films.

Looking at the Max Films building, Joseph straightened his collar. Although he had not signed a contract with the company, if nothing unexpected happened, he would soon become a member here. Moreover, this was his first time to come to this company, and he was full of curiosity and expectations about the people and things in the building.

Of course, these curiosity and expectations were temporarily suppressed by worries. Without thinking too much, Joseph immediately walked into the building with the contract, eager to seize every minute and every second to solve his troubles as soon as possible.

After entering the building, Joseph suddenly felt confused. Nie Wei only asked him to come to Max Films and said that someone would help him solve his troubles, but he did not tell him who that person was. Who should he find now?

Just when Joseph was hesitating whether to call Nie Wei again, a staff member from Max Films saw Joseph and came over.

"Mr. Joseph, our president is already waiting for you in the conference room. Please follow me."

"Ah? Okay." Joseph was surprised while subconsciously following the steps of the staff, thinking in his mind who the president he was talking about could be Thomas, the upstart in the industry, right?

When he was led by the staff to the door of the conference room and opened the door and saw the first person, his suspicion was confirmed. It was really the upstart in the industry, Thomas, the president of Max Films.

For a moment, Joseph was extremely moved. He really didn't expect that Nie Wei would ask Thomas to personally come forward to help him solve the problem. But at the same time, he was also determined. With the president of a large Hollywood company coming forward, Lu What does it matter?

But what surprised Joseph was that besides Thomas, there were six or seven people sitting there, all wearing crisp suits and looking like social elites.

"Joseph, you're here." Seeing Joseph enter the room, Thomas welcomed him with a smile.

"Hello, President Thomas, I'm Joseph, nice to meet you." Joseph replied quickly, and at the same time cursed himself in his mind for being so stunned at such a critical moment. He should have taken the initiative to say hello.

"Young man, have you brought your contract? The chairman has told me that we will solve your little trouble for you soon. It will be regarded as a gift for you to enter the company." Thomas looked at Joseph. , said with a smile.

Thomas was also evaluating this young man in his mind. After all, this was the first artist that Nie Wei personally signed to the company, and also the first artist signed by Max Films' management department.

In her opinion, Joseph's appearance is indeed good, but his height is a flaw. He is only about 1.75 meters tall. Among Hollywood actors, his height is actually below average.

Joseph didn't know what Thomas said about him. After hearing Thomas' words, he immediately handed the agency contract to the big lawyers. At the same time, he was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that in order to help him solve the problem, Max Films actually A team of lawyers will be dispatched.

While the lawyers were checking the agency contract between Joseph and Luke, Thomas was chatting with Joseph.

"Joseph, how are you going to solve Luke's matter? Are you going to teach him a profound lesson, or are you going to let him go just like that?"

"I think people like him should receive a profound lesson." Joseph replied firmly.

"Then don't worry. In Hollywood, no one can get away with bullying after bullying our actors. Max Films will definitely seek justice for you and teach that person a painful lesson." Thomas Said confidently.

Joseph's eyes began to sparkle, and Thomas's confident and powerful words really infected him, making him involuntarily start to feel proud of being in Max Films.

Thanks to Fantasyland for the generous tip.

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