Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 966 1066. Get a little closer

"Joseph, that person's suggestion is simply to destroy you." After listening to Joseph's answer to Nie Wei, agent Luke couldn't help but said excitedly: "He has money, he has power, he has his own film company, so he can wait patiently, but you are different. If you miss this wave of popularity, it will be impossible to have so many opportunities again."

"And look at these scripts, are they really bad?" Luke pointed to the scripts on the table and asked loudly.

"There are Universal movies, Warner movies, many excellent film companies, and excellent directors here. If we wanted to audition for any script here in the past, we might not be selected. Now the opportunity is in front of you, what are you hesitating about?"

"And I don't understand why that gentleman rejected these scripts. Maybe his vision is too high. After all, the starting capital of each of his movies now is hundreds of millions of dollars, so he doesn't like these scripts."

"But I'm different, Joseph. We have to put ourselves in the right position. What that gentleman doesn't like is the most suitable for us. Start with these basics and move forward step by step. In the future, you will definitely be able to play the leading role in a blockbuster. Believe me, Joseph, my professional ability will help you choose the script that suits you from here."

"And I have made a plan. I will arrange your schedule for this year. Those advertising endorsements will allow everyone to see you every day, and these scripts will allow everyone to enjoy your movies every quarter!" Luke said ambitiously.

But what he didn't notice was that when she was speaking passionately, Joseph's eyes were very calm, and he was not moved by Luke's words at all.

And all this was because of Nie Wei's words, which made Joseph stay sober enough when facing Luke.

"Luke, I need to take these scripts back and think about it again." After thinking about it, Joseph did not directly deny Luke's suggestion in person, but prepared to take these scripts back home and ask his parents for advice.

Luke couldn't help frowning when he heard Joseph's words, but soon pretended to be indifferent and asked Joseph if he wanted to take him home.

"No, I drove here by myself." Joseph rejected Luke's "good intentions" and left the office with the script.

Luke looked at the direction where Joseph left thoughtfully, then thought about it, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed a number.

Joseph returned to the villa with a bunch of scripts.

His father is Dennis, a radio news director, and his mother is Jenny, who also works at the radio station. His family is not rich, but not poor either. It is a typical American middle-class family.

His parents are also the founders of the Jewish Progressive League and have a high reputation among Jews. This has also provided some convenience for Joseph's development in Hollywood, of course only a little bit. For example, in the movie "Inception", he can play the second male lead, which has a lot to do with the help of his parents.

So compared to Luke, he is more willing to believe in his parents' advice.

Back home, Joseph's father was drinking tea in the small yard, while his mother was pruning her potted plants. When they saw Joseph coming home, the old couple were very happy.

"In the recent several gatherings of the League, my old friends mentioned you many times. They expressed high appreciation for your recent performance and thought you were a child that we Jews should be proud of. Your performance conquered Hollywood, and I am also very pleased." Dennis patted his son on the shoulder and praised.

Joseph blushed a little when Dennis praised him. Although he became famous because of "Inception", he was still far from conquering Hollywood. Dennis was just flattering his son.

"Dennis, Joseph finally came back. Don't worry about work." Joseph's mother Jenny smiled and hugged Joseph, then said, "I will prepare your favorite bean paste for you."

"Okay, mom." Joseph couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he thought of the bean paste made by his mother.

"HEY, Jenny, why did you say that all the potatoes were gone when I wanted to eat bean paste yesterday?" Dennis was jealous when he heard that he was going to make bean paste for his son.

"Who told you to break my beloved potted plant? That's the punishment." Jenny turned around and glared at Dennis, and then continued to walk towards the kitchen regardless of your reaction.

At this moment, Jenny's identity was no longer Dennis's husband, but Joseph's mother, so the most important thing for her was to make a delicious meal for her son who finally came home.

"Well, actually your mother loves me, otherwise she wouldn't have made hummus today." Dennis explained to his son awkwardly, and then immediately changed the subject.

"Joseph, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Oh, Dad, these are the scripts I received recently. I want you to tell me the source. I'm very distressed now." Joseph went home for this matter. When he heard his father ask, he immediately put the scripts on the small wooden table.

But Dennis didn't take the scripts.

"Joseph, although I am a director, I am a radio news director. I don't understand these scripts very well." Dennis smiled and said, "You should consult some professionals in this field."

"I did ask, but they did give me different answers." Joseph replied distressedly.

"Oh?" Dennis asked with interest: "Then tell me about it, maybe I can give you some help in this regard."

Hearing his father's words, Joseph did not hide anything and told his father all the suggestions given to him by Nie Wei and Luke.

"Is that so?" After listening to Joseph's words, Dennis nodded and replied: "From my point of view, I actually prefer to believe what Mr. Nie said."

"Why?" Although Joseph also preferred Nie Wei's proposal, he was also very curious to see that his father chose Nie Wei without thinking.

"In fact, both of their suggestions have their own correct points." Dennis organized his words and continued: "But from the perspective of interests, the cooperative relationship between you and Nie Wei has basically ended. He did not give you advice for any purpose of interest. This is a pure suggestion without any interest, so I think he made the suggestion completely for your consideration."

"But Luke is different. He is a businessman. Everything will be based on interests. The advice he gives you must include his interests, and the results of quick success and instant benefits are often not good."

"And I think Mr. Nie used a word very well, it is better to have nothing than to have something bad. Whether it is an actor, a singer, or even a news anchor, once the reputation is tarnished, it may take a thousand times more effort to change the public's impression, and it may not be possible."

"But what if I adopt Nie Wei's advice and I can't wait for the play I want in the future?" Joseph asked. This is also what he is most worried about. The most important thing in this line is to seize the opportunity in front of you and don't miss it.

Dennis looked at his son and smiled, "Since Mr. Nie is willing to give you advice, why don't you get closer to him? Anyway, I have been dissatisfied with your agent for a long time."

Jenny happened to come out at this time and saw her son's expression of surprise.

Nie Wei received a call from Joseph at around nine o'clock the next night. On the phone, Joseph expressed his idea of ​​signing a contract with Max Films.

"Can you tell me why you suddenly have this idea? I remember that you get along well with your agent." Nie Wei asked curiously.

"We get along well, but this does not mean that he can help me. In fact, I have had enough of his short-sightedness. He always focuses on the immediate interests but never considers my long-term development in the future. He is no longer a qualified agent in my mind, so if possible, please let me join Max Films, and I will prove my value." Joseph said very sincerely.

After listening to Joseph's reasons, Nie Wei agreed to Joseph's request directly on the phone without hesitation.

Although Joseph is not a Hollywood A-list male star, his value has also risen sharply because of "Inception". Moreover, he is just 30 years old this year, which is the golden age for a male actor. In addition to his appearance, acting skills and professionalism, he is a very worthy candidate for cultivation.

As for his ambition, Nie Wei admires it very much. Ambition is the motivation to climb up.

In fact, ambition is the basic quality of a qualified artist.

He is also confident that the development of his entertainment empire will far exceed the other party's personal development speed, and he is confident that he can firmly win over this talent.

"Welcome, Joseph, joining Max Films will be the most correct decision in your life. Go now. I will let Thomas receive you in person and prepare a contract for you, and I will reserve a role for you in my next movie." Since he has been recruited, Nie Wei will naturally give him a sweet date.

Originally, Nie Wei had no choice for the third male lead in the next movie he planned to play, but now it seems that Joseph is very suitable.

Thomas was immediately excited when he heard that Nie Wei was going to reserve a role for him. He quickly expressed his gratitude. There were only a few works of great directors like Nie Wei in a year, and every role in them was something Hollywood actors wanted to fight for. But he didn't need to fight for it. Nie Wei was willing to reserve a major role for him.

Joseph immediately felt that joining Nie Wei's company was indeed a very correct decision, and his father, who had guided him in this way, was indeed his life mentor whom he had believed in for thirty years, and he could always help him at critical moments.

As for Luke... I'm sorry, Joseph could only say sorry to him.

When he saw Luke again, Joseph was full of apologies. After all, he took the initiative to "betray" Luke. Of course, if Joseph was asked to choose a hundred times, he would still make this choice, but after all, he was the one who breached the contract first. Joseph still rejected the proposals of the lawyer team and prepared to allocate the full amount of liquidated damages to Luke.

But when Joseph walked into Luke's office, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Oh, Joseph, you're here. Look who's here." Luke pointed to an old man on the sofa who was drinking coffee and had a somewhat arrogant expression and introduced him: "This is Director Hank, the director of the movie "Man-eating Shark" from Universal."

"Ah, hello." After hearing the introduction, Joseph was still a little confused, but he still politely extended his hand to greet him.

But what embarrassed him was that the old man named Hank didn't even stand up, let alone shake hands with Joseph. Facing the palm of Joseph's hand, he turned a blind eye and raised his coffee cup to take a sip of coffee.

Joseph took back his hand embarrassedly.

"Are you Joseph?"

"It's me." Joseph didn't know why Hank asked such nonsense, but he still answered patiently. A good tutor made him always polite.

But his politeness pushed Hank further.

In front of Joseph, he was like sizing up a pig about to be sent to the slaughterhouse. While staring at Joseph, he commented: "The appearance is so-so, but the height is not bad. Give it to me to see, by the way." Take off your coat and shirt for me..."

"Director Hank, may I ask what you want to do?" Joseph initially cooperated with Director Hank's words, but when he heard that he was asked to take off his clothes, he immediately stopped.

"Didn't you hear my order? I told you to take off your clothes and tell you that my time is very precious. If it weren't for Luke... In short, you just need to cooperate with me. Remember that I am Director." Seeing Joseph not cooperating, Hank immediately shouted as if he was stimulated by something.

Luke on the side also helped: "Joseph, just take off your shirt and let the director see your muscles. Director Hank specially came to interview you. If you succeed, you will be the first male lead in "Man-Eating Shark". "

If Luke had said this in the past, Joseph would have probably cooperated and just took off his shirt. It wasn't a big deal. Hollywood actors often get naked for a role.

But the key is that Joseph was not prepared to take on this "Man-Eating Shark" at all.

In addition, this old man named Hank did not leave a good impression on Joseph at the beginning. He was not well-known, but he seemed to be arrogant and rude. In Joseph's opinion, even a great director like Nie Wei would be filming. Sometimes he accepts some verbal suggestions. Why does he, a young director, dare to say that only his words are enough?

"Sorry, Director Hank, please allow me to refuse your request?" Joseph said, his face gradually becoming cold.

"How dare you..." Hank was about to continue to be angry, but found that Joseph did not continue to pay attention to him, but walked towards Luke who was standing aside, which almost made Hank angry.

Luke was a little flustered when he saw the change in Joseph's attitude. Just as he was about to explain, he heard Joseph suddenly say.

"Luke, let's terminate the contract."

Following Joseph's words, the entire office suddenly became silent.

Thanks to Magic Melody n, Fantasy Park, and 0773 for their generous reward.

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