Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 965 1065. A difficult decision

"Boss, this year is the fourth season of the Summer Concert. You don't know how much our staff has put in to put old wine into new bottles. You see, my hair has turned a lot gray, but I'm still doing pretty well. , there is a writer in our group who is so tired that he looks like a Mediterranean. He is a very handsome young man, but he was forced to shave his head recently.”

"Besides, boss, you have been idle recently. Our program does not take up much of your time. We only record twice in the studio. The rest can be done while you are free at work, or we can simply go to your home to record. Anyway, whatever is convenient for you , let’s do it.”

"As for the final stage, others need to worry, but do you still need to worry? You are recognized as the king of the scene."

Ma Dong was flattering and complaining, both ways. Just as he was thinking of more words that could 'impress' Nie Wei, Nie Wei interrupted him.

"I agreed."

"Nie Wei, don't refuse so quickly. We can still discuss it. Besides, you are the boss of Fanxing Entertainment. You created "Extreme Challenge" by yourself. Please support us in due course."

"So I agreed."

"Eh!?" When Nie Wei confirmed again, Ma Dong came back to his senses and his eyes widened in surprise.

In the past, when Nie Wei was invited to appear on the show, he refused to persuade her for several days, and Nie Wei was tired of persuading her. Nie Wei would not let go. This time, Nie Wei agreed to him so easily. Ma Dong felt a little incredible for a while.

"Looking at your expression, it seems you don't welcome me, so I..."

"No, there is no way. The most distinguished guest of "Extreme Challenge" will always be you." Ma Dong showed his signature Maitreya smile, but in Nie Wei's opinion, this smile was as fake as it was fake.

"Tell me how to arrange this summer concert this year." Since Nie Wei decided to appear on the show, she naturally wanted to know more in detail.

Although he had participated in the summer concert, as Ma Dong said, even if "Extreme Challenge" is just a fried rice, it must come up with new ideas, so even though he knew it was the summer concert, Nie Wei knew , it must be completely different from the one I participated in.

"In our last program, we already announced that the summer concert will be held."

"Because this year's summer concert is held a little late, the time may be tight. We expect to record three sessions, and we do not rule out four sessions, but we only have one month to complete these recordings. We The concert must be officially held before mid-August.”

"After all, if it were later, it would be a Mid-Autumn Festival concert." Ma Dong said jokingly.

"What about the guests? Besides me, who else did you invite?" Nie Wei asked curiously.

Ma Dong shook his head and replied: "You are the only one who has promised me so far, but our program team has already drawn up a list, such as JJ Junjie, Teacher Li Jian, and Teacher Wang Feng. These are all people we can cooperate with."

"Can I recommend someone?" Nie Wei suddenly asked after hearing this.

Ma Dong was startled, but quickly came to his senses and nodded immediately: "Of course, you say it."

"Alan, she is going to release a single recently, and she can use this summer concert to release it. In addition, the filming location will be at Huayi Company. When the time comes, let the camera crew cooperate with me. I will take the opportunity to promote it. Let’s look at some new combinations and trainees in the company.” Nie Wei made a long list of requests.

Ma Dong was a little surprised that Nie Wei suddenly made such a bunch of requests, but without any hesitation, he indicated that he had written them all down.

From Ma Dong's point of view, Nie Wei's request is actually not excessive at all. In the past, when "Infinite Challenge" invited big stars, there would also be requests from the agencies behind those big stars to "take care of the big ones".

As long as they don't steal the show, guest scenes and guest appearances like this are within the rules for Ma Dong and "Infinite Challenge".

What's more, this was a request made by the boss, so Ma Dong naturally had no reason to refute it.

He was just curious as to why Nie Wei suddenly wanted to bring in new people, not to mention a new group, but he even had to take care of the trainees. Or was it that there was some great new person among the trainees that Huayi was going to do next? The object of admiration?

Ma Dong guessed half right, there was indeed a great newcomer among the trainees, and that was Zhou Duoduo.

Only this sister can make Nie Wei tell "Infinite Challenge" to take care of the company's trainees. Otherwise, even a trainee from Huayi would not be qualified to appear on "Infinite Challenge", even if it is a guest appearance. , if trainees from other companies knew about this, they would probably become extremely jealous.

"Then it's settled. The first recording will be in a week. I'll notify you two days in advance." Ma Dong stood up with a smile and was about to leave. After all, the goal has been achieved, and Nie Wei would not stay any longer. Take care of his food.

"Wait a moment, I have a variety show plan here, take it back and take a look." Nie Wei suddenly stopped Ma Dong, and then under Ma Dong's expectant eyes, he took out a brown paper bag from the drawer.

Ma Dong took the brown paper bag and wanted to open it on the spot. Nie Wei saw it and said with a smile: "Take it back and look at it again. I'm afraid you will live in our Huayi Company today."

"Okay, bye." Ma Dong waved to Nie Wei, and without waiting for Nie Wei to respond, he hurriedly ran out of Nie Wei's office with the brown paper bag, obviously looking for a place to read the plan. .

Nie Wei put down his half-raised hand and smiled helplessly. Ma Dong is the president of the variety show department under Fanxing Entertainment, but this president is different from other presidents. He can not only manage the company, but also do variety shows.

In Nie Wei's view, Ma Dong is definitely the pillar of the entire variety show department. Even if the company has more first-line variety show stars, it can't match Ma Dong's role in the company.

At the end of the year, Nie Wei has decided to give Ma Dong one more percentage point of dividend rights. Ma Dong has made an indispensable contribution to the company's current development, so Nie Wei can't be stingy and must provide benefits.

With benefits and friendship, such talents are not easy to change jobs. Otherwise, if there is only friendship but no benefits, even the best friends will eventually go their separate ways.

A week has passed, and the craze of "Inception" is still there. The box office of 1 billion in a single week has made the total box office of this movie exceed 1.6 billion. After eight days of release, it can still have a box office data of about 100 million yuan every day. This is also the only movie of Huaxia Film so far that has such a lasting popularity and box office appeal.

The media even went to the cinema to do another interview and found out the fundamental reason why Inception can maintain such box office appeal.

"I feel like this movie is like a super interesting puzzle game, with too many inconspicuous clues worth discovering, so I felt that it was not enough after watching it once, and I had to watch it a second time, but I still felt that it was not enough after watching it the second time, so I watched it for the third time."

"This is the fifth time I have watched this movie, and every time I have new discoveries, and these new discoveries always make me continue to watch it with pleasure, because I feel that I still haven't fully explored all the doubts of this movie."

"I think it is necessary to watch it twice more. At least when chatting with friends, if you accidentally throw out a small problem that no one has discovered, it will often cause exclamations, and then you will become the center of the chat group."

"I watch it repeatedly just to prove that my IQ is normal."

"The actors' appearance is worth watching once, the special effects are worth watching twice, and the story is worth watching ten times!"

According to the media interview, the box office appeal of "Inception" is so good, which is mostly related to the fans watching this movie repeatedly.

Among the 100 audiences they interviewed, surprisingly, 43% of them had watched the film more than twice, and among those who had watched it twice, 55% had watched it more than three times.

What surprised the host even more was that there was an audience member who had watched it eight times. He showed the reporter his saved movie tickets in case the reporter didn't believe him.

"I come to the cinema every day to watch Inception. It is really a movie that makes people feel more and more interesting the more they watch it. The little hints buried by the director are a little surprise to me every time I find them." Facing the camera, the audience holding eight movie tickets said that he would watch it for the ninth time.

In eight days, the screening rate of Inception is still as high as 53/8, and the attendance rate is still around 45%. The attendance rate of the 3D version is still as high as eight layers. There are still queues at the entrance of many cinemas in prosperous areas.

And according to this trend, there is no suspense that the box office of Inception will break through 2 billion. Even this record will be fully created next week, and even the goal of 3 billion should not be too difficult.

According to the release cycle announced by the cinema, Inception will be released for at least three months. No expert dares to guess how much box office this movie can get during this period.

As Inception is popular, a number of peripheral products have also become popular.

In Huayi's official mall, several props used by the Inception team to distinguish between reality and dreams are available. Each one is limited to 2,000 copies, and five people are exactly 10,000 copies.

In less than two hours on the same day, all the props were snapped up by the merchant, especially the small spinning top used by Nie Wei in the play, which was sold out in less than two minutes.

There are no genuine props to buy, so the audience who likes this movie will target those replicas who have heard the news.

For example, the small spinning top used by Nie Wei sold more than 40,000 copies on Taobao in just one week, which is a typical case of a movie supporting a spinning top factory.

In addition, the props used by the other leading actors to distinguish between dreams and reality have also appeared in duplicate versions on the Internet, and the sales are also very impressive.

The official novel of the same name, Inception, sold more than 50,000 copies a week after its release, ranking third in the weekly book sales list.

This kind of novel of the same name as a hit movie can achieve such sales, which is definitely the best result in the past five years.

In North America, the box office of Inception has reached 130 million after eight days of release, ranking first in the North American box office list that week. This movie has been highly praised by both the audience and the critics.

Some media have even begun to cheer for Nie Wei, thinking that this year's Saturn Award, the best science fiction film award, already belongs to Inception.

Even some big directors have spoken to the media, saying that Nie Wei's movies have reached world-class standards, and Nie Wei has a place in Hollywood.

"He is the Chinese director who impressed me the most after LEE and WOO. He even seems to be a director who grew up in Hollywood. The movies he shot have Hollywood-style perfect rhythm and Hollywood-style world-class special effects. Nie Wei's style is unique. I think he has embarked on the road to becoming a world-class director and has taken a big step forward." Spielberg gave Nie Wei a very high evaluation when a reporter asked a question.

After this report was transmitted back to China, it caused a heated discussion again, and Nie Wei's reputation also rose.

The actors who starred in the movie naturally benefited a lot.

As a native North American actor, Joseph was finally remembered by the audience six years after his debut because of his outstanding performance in "Inception".

In the week when "Inception" was popular, he received more than 20 movie scripts, including some that invited him to play the leading role. Before that, he had only received 15 scripts in six years.

The sudden surprise did not make him lose his mind. As a member of a Jewish family, he inherited his parents' intelligence and knew how to make trade-offs. So after getting the movie scripts, he did not ask his agent to reply immediately, but took the scripts to ask Nie Wei, hoping that Nie Wei could give him a choice.

Nie Wei had a good impression of Joseph. This young man was very dedicated when filming the movie, which left a good impression on Nie Wei. So when he asked for help, Nie Wei did not feel that the other party disturbed him, but was very happy to give him some help.

After Nie Wei finished reading the twenty scripts, his answer to Joseph was: "Wait."

"Joseph, to be honest, I don't think any of these twenty scripts are good. My advice to you is to keep waiting. Although I am a director, I am also an actor. In my opinion, I would rather play the third or even fourth male lead in a good movie or TV series than the first male lead in a bad movie."

"You have fame and reputation now, but I don't want you to squander them. Wait patiently, or even take the initiative to pursue opportunities, but remember one word, that is, it is better to have nothing than to have something bad."

After hanging up the phone, Joseph fell into deep thought, but the agent who had been waiting for news was anxious enough.

"Nie Wei said that he didn't think any of these twenty scripts were good." Hearing the agent's anxious inquiry, Joseph spread his hands and answered helplessly.

He didn't expect that Nie Wei didn't like any of the twenty scripts.

There are even some scripts from Universal and Warner among these scripts, but even so, Nie Wei still told him that he hoped he could reject these scripts.

After Joseph finished speaking, his agent immediately became anxious. In his opinion, since Joseph is so popular now, he should immediately take on a TV series and strike while the iron is hot, instead of waiting silently and letting his popularity fade away.

Thanks to Vulala, Fantasy Paradise, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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