Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 969 1069. Mantis trying to stop a chariot

Luke was just surprised for a moment, and didn't pay attention to the stranger. After all, Joseph in front of him was the most important to him. Others, no matter what their identities were, didn't matter.

"Joseph, I thought you were going to hide for a lifetime. How come you finally figured it out?" Luke asked with a victorious attitude. In his opinion, Joseph's appearance had already shown that he began to give in.

"Luke, I came here just to tell you that you have been fired by me."

"In addition, I will not fulfill the contracts you forged. You just wait to receive my court summons." Joseph took a deep breath, resisted the urge to punch Luke, and announced loudly.

Seeing that Joseph still wanted to resist, Luke narrowed his eyes and revealed a dangerous light.

"Joseph, watch your words. What is a forged contract? Those are all contracts with your signature and formal legal effect. Do you want to confuse right and wrong with just one sentence? I advise you to give up this idea and fulfill these contracts obediently, so that I won't send you to jail later."

Joseph felt a little regretful when he heard Luke insisting that the contract was signed by him. He didn't expect this guy to be so cautious. It seems that the recorder in his pocket is useless.

However, Joseph did not get angry, but cast his eyes on the middle-aged man who had been following him.

Getting Joseph's signal, Laker stepped forward and said to Luke, who was provocative, with a stern face: "Mr. Luke, from the beginning, I am speaking to you on behalf of my employer Joseph."

"Who are you?" Luke put away his provocative expression and looked at Laker with some solemnity. In Luke's eyes, this guy looked like someone who was not easy to mess with.

"I am Joseph's lawyer." Laker briefly introduced himself and got straight to the point.

"Joseph has explained the situation to me. I have the right to ask you a few questions on behalf of my employer. First of all, there are eleven clauses in the contract between you and my current employer Joseph..."

Luke was a little disdainful at first, thinking that Joseph just found a lawyer from anywhere to scare him, but he didn't expect that this lawyer named Laker was so powerful. All the traps in the contract terms that he personally drafted were found by this lawyer named Laker.

More importantly, this lawyer named Laker also questioned and denied the contracts that were originally set in stone through some clauses in the brokerage contract between him and Joseph.

Luke was speechless for a while, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Because he found that his means of threatening Joseph were not as clever as he thought.

"Finally, Mr. Luke, you have been claiming that these contracts were signed by my employer Joseph in person, but according to my investigation, surveillance videos of at least five companies show that my employer Joseph was not present when these contracts were signed."

"In addition, I have also obtained testimony from representatives of 16 companies to prove that these signatures have nothing to do with my employer and were not signed by him personally."

Joseph was so excited that he trembled. He really didn't expect that Max Films could collect so much key evidence in this week. Joseph knew that he was safe when he heard what Laker said.

In comparison, Luke's face was pale. Joseph thought he was a devil, but Luke thought that Laker in front of him was the real devil.

Just when Luke was thinking about how to refute Laker, Laker suddenly stopped talking and looked at his watch.

"Mr. Luke, I suggest you call your lawyer now, because within five minutes, a police officer will come to take you to the police station for investigation. In addition to me, the whistleblower is seven of your artists, and they all suspect that you took kickbacks from their film pay, commercial performances, and advertising income."

"Good luck to you." Laker said this calmly and retreated behind Joseph.

Luke's face flushed with Laker's last sarcastic sentence, but he was scared in his heart. At this time, he was really panicked. The lawyer that Joseph found was really a devil. He actually investigated his past clearly within a week. Luke knew very well that what the lawyer said was just the tip of the iceberg. If he could get these evidences, he could get more evidence.

But who is playing tricks on him? He didn't believe that Zhiping Joseph and his parents would have such power. There must be a mastermind behind the scenes.

"Mr. Joseph, if you have nothing to say to him, let's go downstairs. The driver is still waiting. As for this guy, the law will naturally deal with him." Laker ignored Luke, whose face was red and white, and said to Joseph.

Joseph looked at Luke silently and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, the door of Luke's office was pushed open, and then the three of them saw Luke's curvy secretary running in in a panic.

"Boss, it's bad. Several police officers are coming to take you back to the police station for investigation. They showed a search warrant. We can't stop them. They have already gone upstairs." As the secretary spoke, several police officers in police uniforms had already walked to the door of Luke's office.

"Mr. Luke, we have received a report from the masses. Please come with us."

Two policemen grabbed Luke's arms and led him out the door, while the rest of the policemen started to search Luke's office. Luke seemed to ignore it. His sharp eyes seemed to be lifeless at this moment. He was almost dragged to the door by the policemen like a zombie.

When he reached the door, Luke suddenly seemed to have a flash of life and shouted at Joseph in horror: "Who is it? Who is it?"

Joseph sneered: "You will know when you come out in 20 years!"

When Luke heard this, his eyes turned red, and then he rolled his eyes suddenly, and he fainted.

At this time, downstairs in Luke's office building, Nie Wei and Thomas were sitting in a Rolls-Royce Phantom, watching Luke being carried to the ambulance by a group of doctors.

"The one on the stretcher is Luke." Thomas said with some surprise.

"Who is so venomous that he put someone in the hospital?" Nie Wei even sat in the co-pilot seat to watch the fun. He clearly saw that Luke, lying on the stretcher, had really fainted.

"God knows." Thomas, who was driving Nie Wei, couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Nie Wei said.

An agent like Luke seemed to have some power in Hollywood, but when he met super-rich people like Max Films and Nie Wei, the connections he relied on became a joke.

Just like this time, Nie Wei only ordered the company's lawyers to contact those companies, and most of them immediately "betrayed" Luke when they heard that it was Nie Wei's order.

In the eyes of these companies, Nie Wei's favors are obviously much more important than Luke's.

As for those artists under Luke, Thomas only asked the scouts of Max Films to contact them a few times, and then he turned these guys against him. The little resources that Max Films, represented by Nie Wei, had revealed were beyond the reach of these artists. The key point was that they did buy out Luke's exploitation. With Max Films as a backer, they also had the confidence to resist.

Half an hour later, Nie Wei met Joseph and Laker who had just returned in the conference room of Max Films.

Nie Wei naturally praised Laker and gave him a reward. Joseph also reported everything that happened in the office to Nie Wei.

Hearing the last reply Joseph left for Luke, Nie Wei couldn't help but smile and give a thumbs up.

"Joseph, you did a great job."

"Thanks to your help." Joseph said gratefully. In Joseph's opinion, Nie Wei must have spent a lot of money to collect so many witnesses and evidence within a week.

For his own business, Nie Wei was so dedicated, and Joseph was really grateful from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Nie, please excuse me. My parents know that you have helped me and would like to invite you to a dinner. I wonder..."

"Of course, tomorrow night, I happen to be free." Nie Wei was also very interested in Joseph's parents.

When he was casting, he was able to choose Joseph mainly because his parents asked a boss of a Hollywood film company, and then recommended Joseph to Nie Wei through this boss.

Joseph's parents' professional identities themselves are nothing, but their identities as founders of the Jewish Progressive Alliance are what Nie Wei is very interested in.

You should know that many actors and film company bosses in Hollywood are Jewish. If you can establish connections with these people through Joseph's parents, it will be of great help to the development of Max Films.

Seeing Nie Wei happily accept the invitation, Joseph was very happy. In his opinion, Nie Wei's willingness to attend his family dinner was to treat him as one of his own.

The next night, Nie Wei went to Joseph's home as scheduled and had dinner with his family.

After that, when Joseph's parents attended the dinner again, many friends asked them about Nie Wei intentionally or unintentionally.

"That day, Nie Wei brought a bottle of 1988 Petrus dry red wine and a bouquet of flowers. My wife and I were very satisfied with these gifts. He is a very educated person, humorous and knowledgeable. He even knows something about the radio work I do." Dennis praised.

"And the boy is even more handsome than he looks on TV." Jenny added with a smile. When the women around heard this, they all chuckled. It is obvious that handsome guys are a topic that women have a tacit understanding of.

Nie Wei's good reputation quickly spread in the American Jewish circle through the mouths of Dennis and Jenny. The evaluation of their compatriots is much more real to them than what they see in the news and materials.

Many people have a good first impression of Nie Wei. Seeing that the time is almost right, Nie Wei also decided to hold a private party at his seaside villa, and the guests were left to Dennis and Jenny.

A party allowed Nie Wei to meet many Jewish directors, actors and bosses in this circle. Because of this party, Nie Wei also established preliminary friendships with these people. The rest is how to maintain these relationships and make this group of people become small satellites around Max Films and Nie Wei.

While Nie Wei was busy building more connections in Hollywood, Chen Daoming and Zhang Ziyi were also carrying out film promotion activities.

Starting from Los Angeles, in a week, they passed through ten states and seventeen cities. The two of them were so tired that they only rested for less than five hours a day.

Although they were very tired, when they saw those Americans cheering for their movies, the fatigue of the two people would be swept away.

Unfortunately, mental excitement can't really relieve physical fatigue. When the promotional trip ended, the two of them collapsed as expected. Chen Daoming lay down for twelve hours on the day he returned to the hotel, and Zhang Ziyi was even more powerful. She slept from noon that day to eight o'clock the next morning, a full twenty hours.

It can be seen how tired they are.

After the two woke up, Nie Wei arranged a spa for them and found a famous local masseur to massage them.

After the massage, Nie Wei also prepared a seafood dinner and entertained the two in his seaside villa.

Eating abalone and drinking red wine, Chen Daoming looked comfortable and smiled, "Nie Wei, although this trip to the American promotional event at the seaside villa is tiring, it is worth it. I never thought that there would be foreigners in this life who could call out my name. Although it is only a name in the movie, it is worth it."

As an actor of Chen Daoming's generation, he is the most eager to be recognized by the market outside the mainland.

They want to be recognized by Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, and what they want most is naturally the recognition of Hollywood in Europe and America.

So any director of that era who could win an award at a major international film festival would be immediately praised to the sky.

Chen Daoming had thought at that time that he would become popular abroad after starring in a movie and become an international superstar like Cheng Long and Li Xiaolong. Of course, due to development reasons, he buried these unrealistic ideas in his heart, but he didn't expect that one day he could dig them out and even realize them.

Zhang Ziyi was also happy to hear Chen Daoming's sigh.

His situation is much better than Chen Daoming's. The international Zhang is not fake. When "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was released, she didn't know how many foreign boys regarded her as an oriental goddess.

But it's the first time she has experienced such popularity as it is now.

"Nie Wei, my company has received a lot of Hollywood scripts. Do you think I should take them?" Zhang Ziyi suddenly asked Nie Wei. She felt that Nie Wei could give her very important advice in this regard.

"Is there a female lead?" Nie Wei thought for a moment and asked.

"No, there is only one female lead." Zhang Ziyi replied.

"Sister, if you are willing to change an agency, I can give you another female lead." Nie Wei suddenly said.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise, a fish lover, for the generous reward that is rare in life.

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