Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 970 1070. Success

Chen Daoming and Zhang Ziyi were both stunned by Nie Wei's sudden question.

A few seconds later, Chen Daoming suddenly laughed and said, "I smell the fragrance over there. You guys chat first, I'll go find some delicious food." As he spoke, he was already walking towards the BBQ chef.

Zhang Ziyi also came back to her senses at this time. She did not avoid Nie Wei's question. Instead, she looked at Nie Wei with interest, as if she wanted to see from Nie Wei's face whether he was joking or serious.

"Sister Ziyi, I'm serious." Looking at Zhang Ziyi's eyes, Nie Wei guessed what she was thinking, so he told her very confidently and gave an explanation.

"Sister Ziyi, although your contract in Hollywood has always been represented by CAA, which is also the largest agency in the United States, I want to tell you the truth here. They actually only care about your influence and popularity in China, but if you really want to shift the focus of your career to Hollywood, they can't provide you with much help."

Zhang Ziyi was silent. Of course, she understood what Nie Wei said.

CAA is indeed the largest agency in the United States and even the world. Its business covers the world and its resources are countless, but the artists in this agency also face fierce competition.

As a Chinese actor, Zhang Ziyi does not have any advantage in this competition.

Because CAA only focuses on Zhang Ziyi's influence in China. To put it more bluntly, the seemingly fair competition model within this company actually has racial discrimination. Most people in the company believe that Chinese actors cannot become first-class in Hollywood, so no matter how much resources are invested, it is a waste. It is better not to waste them.

"My Max Films is preparing to set up an agency department. So far, only Joseph has signed a contract. If you come, you will unconditionally become the number one in our company." When Nie Wei said this, Zhang Ziyi couldn't help laughing. Isn't she the number one? She is just a female star. What else can she be?

Nie Wei also smiled, and then continued: "Although our company's resources are limited, not as wide as CAA's, and also not as influential as the other party in the world, but our company also has advantages that they cannot match."

Zhang Ziyi's expression gradually became serious as Nie Wei spoke.

"First, as an actor, the most important thing for you is actually the work, and the rest are additional. As long as the work is outstanding, those things will come to you on their own initiative. In terms of the work, I can say with absolute confidence that this is the strength of my company."

"And compared with CAA's purely local film resources, I think I know better how to play to your advantage, Sister Ziyi, instead of letting you blindly cater to those roles that are neither light nor heavy."

Nie Wei's words hit the nail on the head for Zhang Ziyi.

Hollywood movies are naturally prepared for Hollywood actors. Although Hollywood actors come from all over the world, in fact, most of them are black and white. The survival of yellow people in Hollywood is very rare, even for those native Chinese Americans, not to mention the actors who fought here from China.

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a hit in North America, Zhang Ziyi signed with CAA. She thought she would be able to become a Hollywood star, but the subsequent development was completely beyond her expectations, which made her disappointed as much as she hoped.

Several consecutive supporting roles dampened her enthusiasm, and even when she played the leading role, it was mostly in art films.

But Zhang Ziyi is no longer a hot-blooded rookie who just graduated from school. She knows that no matter how many awards she wins, it will not help her make a name for herself in Hollywood. Only by starring in commercial films can she truly expand her influence and help herself become a big star.

But how could a Hollywood commercial film use a Chinese actress as the leading actress?

So even if Zhang's international name becomes bigger and bigger in the future, her desire in her heart has never been realized. Until now, Inception has become popular all over the world, and the box office in Hollywood has even exceeded 250 million. She has truly become the leading actress of a commercial blockbuster, and for the first time she has the feeling of conquering Hollywood.

Of course, Zhang Ziyi is also very clear-headed. Her current popularity is only temporary. Whether she can truly conquer Hollywood depends on her future works. And all this, as Nie Wei said, is that he is the person who can help her the most.

In fact, Zhang Ziyi was moved the first time Nie Wei proposed to poach her. The reason why she continued to listen to Nie Wei's explanation was more to hear how sincere Nie Wei was.

"And in terms of movies alone, we actually have more advantages than CAA."

"I own 100% of Max Films, and I also own the second largest cinema chain in the United States... no, maybe in less than a year, it will be the largest cinema chain."

"In addition, if you sign with Max Films, I will also be able to take care of your domestic market. If you are willing, the domestic agency contract can be signed under Huayi, and I will also give you the best conditions."

"In addition to these, such as variety shows, records, anything you want to be involved in and have the ability to do, I will give you top resources. I believe you understand that this is not just empty talk, but a sincere promise that can even be written into the contract."

Zhang Ziyi nodded subconsciously, with a touch of shock in her eyes.

Because after listening to Nie Wei's words at this time, she suddenly discovered that Nie Wei already had so many resources and connections without knowing it. Perhaps Nie Wei's entertainment empire at this time was just a prototype, but according to this model If it continues to grow, it will definitely become a world-class entertainment company in the future.

Having become a veteran artist in such an entertainment empire, Zhang Ziyi felt her heartbeat begin to accelerate.

"Nie Wei, let me think about this matter for a while. In this way, we still have three days to return to China. I will definitely give you an accurate answer before returning to China." Zhang Ziyi thought for a while and said.

"Of course." Nie Wei nodded with great understanding. Faced with such a major life decision, not to mention three days, even a month is not too much to consider.

Nie Wei was not in a hurry anyway. It was just a test, and he never thought that Zhang Ziyi would agree to him on the spot.

After all, Zhang Ziyi, a LEVEL star, cannot be as enthusiastic as a newbie.

And she not only represents herself, but there are countless teams who rely on her to make a living, and the opinions of these people also need to be taken into consideration.

Ever since her conversation with Nie Wei, Zhang Ziyi seemed preoccupied. Even if there was an exquisite meal presented by Blanco, the famous American Michelin chef, she still couldn't stop eating.

After the meal, Zhang Ziyi said goodbye. Although Chen Daoming wanted to chat with Nie Wei for a while, when he saw Zhang Ziyi said goodbye, he had no choice but to accommodate the lady and left Nie Wei's seaside villa together.

As soon as Zhang Ziyi returned to the hotel, she immediately took out her phone and called her domestic management team.

The domestic management team is Zhang Ziyi's confidant. Here in Hollywood, she is surrounded by people sent by CAA. Since she wants to change jobs, of course she cannot discuss it with these people from CAA.

Among these people, there is no one Zhang Ziyi can trust, which is why she has no hesitation about changing jobs.

Because CAA really only focuses on pure interests, but Zhang Ziyi is a native of China. China focuses on human relations and society, so she felt really uncomfortable at CAA.

If she hadn't wanted to maintain her reputation as an international superstar, she would have fled from this shabby agency.

Now that she has a better backer, Zhang Ziyi is 99% inclined to switch jobs to Nie Wei. As for the remaining 1%, she wants her team to give her the last 100% firm support. Supported.

Within an hour, all thirty-seven of Zhang Ziyi's most trusted partners were notified, and then they held an online conference together.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the Fanxing Weibo platform. The online conferencing platform is a function launched by Fanxing Technology Group two years ago. As long as you spend a few hundred yuan, you can enjoy exclusive broadband, and then use the software and camera of the Fanxing platform to , you can hold meetings online.

Because the video connection is smooth, the operation is simple, and the functions are many, it quickly became popular in the business circle.

Zhang Ziyi faced the computer and briefly told her trusted partners what Nie Wei had said to her today.

"Big guy, can you give me some advice?" Zhang Ziyi asked.

"Dance, why don't you dance? To be honest, I've had enough of those people at CAA for a long time. They obviously don't have much ability and can't get any good drama for you sister, but they still act arrogant and hold garbage It’s disgusting that resources are being given to us.”

The speaker was Zhang Ziyi's sister-in-law Yin Xu. She had been Zhang Ziyi's agent for a long time. Until recently, when she wanted to pick up her old career as an actress again, she gradually handed over the agent's job to Zhang Ziyi's current manager. Agent Wang Ke.

It can be said that she has been with Zhang Ziyi for the longest time since she entered the industry, and she naturally knows the faces of the CAA gang the best.

"If Nie Wei can do what he promised, we can jump." Zhang Ziyi's current manager Wang Ke also gave a positive answer.

The two people nodded, and the others also nodded. Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi was about to end the meeting and find a time to reply to Nie Wei. Suddenly, one of Zhang Ziyi's personal assistants asked timidly: "Sister Ziyi, After you jump to Huayi and Max, can we still follow you?"

This question made everyone who was having a heated discussion about life after job-hopping suddenly become silent.

"Yes, Nie Wei values ​​Zi Yi, not necessarily us. And does Nie Wei really allow us to continue to follow Zi Yi? Logically speaking, he should arrange for talents in their company, right?"

"What should we do? We won't lose our jobs, right?"

"Zi Yi, have you asked Nie Wei about this?"

Looking at the panic-stricken people, Zhang Ziyi didn't know how to reply, because she really hadn't thought about this question.

"Zi Yi, you should discuss this matter with Nie Wei. It is best to pack up our entire team. If he feels that the burden is too heavy, or we can set up a separate studio and affiliate it with Nie Wei."

"Well, I'll ask Nie Wei first." Zhang Ziyi replied.

Zhang Ziyi has never thought about the problem of establishing a studio. Although establishing a studio is more independent, it also loses more. This kind of affiliation relationship is more like a business cooperation model. Unless the film company has excess resources, it is impossible. We will give top resources to such studio artists.

This is Ziyi's original intention to violate the rules.

She would rather earn less, and hope to get more high-quality resources in her last golden period, which is the guarantee of her future. As for money, it is just a number for her.

As one of the top female stars in China, her ability to attract money is also top-notch. As long as she doesn't play with airplanes, yachts and other top luxury goods and tickets, the money she has accumulated now can't be spent even if she squanders it for a lifetime.

So the only thing Zhang Ziyi can do now is to try her best to convince Nie Wei to give her more quotas so that she can bring more people to change jobs.

After attending the celebration dinner of Max Films that night, Zhang Ziyi found Nie Wei again and told Nie Wei about this situation.

"Nie Wei, I have almost thought about the job change. Your ideas and promises are very touching, but I have a concern now, which prevents me from making a decision immediately."

"Tell me, what is the concern?" Nie Wei asked curiously.

"You know I have been in the industry for so many years and have always had a professional team serving me. If I change jobs now, I would like to ask, how should I arrange my team?"

"To be honest, I have developed a good tacit understanding with them over the years. If you are willing to accept my entire team, I can make concessions on the profit-sharing conditions." Zhang Ziyi said.

The profit-sharing conditions provided by Nie Wei were originally very generous. Zhang Ziyi felt that even if she gave up 5% or even 10%, it would be acceptable.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Nie Wei burst into laughter.

"Sister Ziyi, your worry is unnecessary. Since you have changed jobs, your team must also change jobs with you. However, I would like to state in advance that you must obey the company's orders when you come to the new company. You cannot do whatever you want just because you are not the team originally trained by the company."

"Of course, I understand these principles." Zhang Ziyi was surprised that Nie Wei accepted her team so easily, and suddenly heard Nie Wei's warning, and quickly assured.

"What else can I say? Of course I welcome you with open arms." Nie Wei opened his arms, hugged Zhang Ziyi, and said with a smile: "Sister Ziyi, welcome to join us."

"My honor."

Nie Wei persuaded Zhang Ziyi, and Max Films didn't think much of it. After all, Zhang Ziyi is far from being a top actress in Hollywood. She just gained a certain amount of popularity recently because of the popularity of "Inception".

However, Wang Zhonglei in China almost went crazy with excitement after receiving Nie Wei's call and knowing this.

Thank you 0773 for the generous reward of 500, and thank you Fantasy Paradise for the generous reward.

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