Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 980 1080. Prank or surprise?

Thanks to the rapid development of the Internet and the continuous improvement of Internet speed, some emerging Internet industries have also emerged.

For example, the original video websites have also begun to expand their own live broadcast business.

Some well-known video producers on are the first batch of people who have transformed into anchors, and Rex is one of them.

He was a music video producer before, and he would make some videos appreciating various music. Moreover, because of his sharp words and sharp tongue, coupled with his good musical literacy, he has a decent popularity on

However, what really made him popular was because of a record company. Originally, this record company gave Rex a record of its own new singer, hoping that he could make a video to help promote the album of its own singer.

It even promised Rex that as long as he said something good about the album, he would have a certain amount of compensation.

But what was the result?

Rex didn't care about the instructions of the record company at all. The video he made at that time was a sharp tongue for all the songs in this new album, which caused the reputation of this album to drop sharply on the Internet.

The record company was so angry that it sent a lawyer's letter to Rex.

Rex finally became famous because of this lawsuit.

After all, there are too many musicians who speak well of turntables these days, all of them are flattering. Suddenly, Rex, a person with a sharp tongue and a lot of reason, suddenly appeared. It was like a mudslide that suddenly appeared in the music circle. It was hard not to pay attention to him.

After Rex transformed into an anchor, he became one of the well-known anchors in the You Tu Bie music area with his good popularity. There are about 50,000 people watching his live broadcast every day.

Every night at 7 o'clock is the time when Rex starts live broadcasting. Today is no surprise. Rex opened the live broadcast room on time at 7 o'clock, and tens of thousands of people immediately poured into it.

"Hello, everyone, it's time for Rex to talk about music every day. I am Rex, who everyone loves and hates. Thank you for your attention." After an opening speech, Rex opened his mailbox.

Every day, countless netizens send emails to Rex, and by the way, attach their favorite new music. Of course, Rex will not comment on any music.

First of all, the song he comments on must be timely, at least a new song released within a month. If you just find an old song that has been released for a long time, Rex will not waste time, after all, there are almost a lot of reviews of such songs on the Internet.

Secondly, he will not comment on the songs on the popular list. In his words, he does not want to take advantage of the popularity of those songs, anyway, there are a lot of music critics who comment on them.

And he only comments and appreciates those niche music that is not mainstream or songs by some unknown musicians.

Because he has a good ability to appreciate music, he can always bring some "small happiness" songs to the audience from time to time, so many viewers watch his live broadcast with expectation.

While Rex was chatting with the audience and checking his emails, the number of live viewers in the room was gradually increasing, and it was almost close to 20,000 people without knowing it.

However, after looking at the number of live viewers, Rex was not in a good mood.

Because in March, when Rex was the most popular, the number of people in the live broadcast room would definitely exceed 50,000 within half an hour of the start of the broadcast, but recently the number of people in the live broadcast room has been declining, from 50,000 at the beginning to barely over 20,000 now.

Rex is very clear that a big reason for this is the audience's aesthetic fatigue and the poor performance of his own live broadcast content.

After all, he really hasn't found any powerful new songs to bring to the audience in the past two months, and Rex is also very tired. After all, he is just a music critic, not a creator.

Even his team has recently begun to suggest that he try to comment on the popular songs on the music charts. It is better to be said that he is riding on the popularity than to have no popularity.

Rex disagrees with this. He firmly believes that he can always find "treasures" in those unknown songs, and that is when he will turn over.

And he is very clear that most of the audiences who like him now are attracted by his ability to find good songs in unknown songs. If he makes a hasty transformation, he may not even be able to keep these iron fans now.

The barrage keeps brushing, and Rex also opened his first email.

These emails are not actually the mailbox where netizens submit their posts. That mailbox can receive hundreds or even thousands of emails every day. If Rex uses that mailbox, he doesn't need to do anything except opening emails all night.

And the mailbox he uses now has all the emails that his assistant has already screened for him.

According to the content of the picture, the assistant will not read it. The assistant will just filter out those emails that are not filled in according to the prescribed format, and then post the types of songs that Rex does not want to comment on. The rest depends on Rex's own ideas. He can read any email he wants to read, and he can read it from the first page if he wants to read it, or from the last page if he wants to read it.

Anyway, there are only ten songs a day, and Rex will go off the air after reviewing them. As for the emails from the audience who were not selected, Rex can only say sorry silently in his heart.

Unknowingly, two hours have passed, and Rex has finished reviewing ten songs. Just as he was about to go off the air, he heard the assistant beside him suddenly shout: "HEY, Rex, there is a very interesting email. Do you want to read it?"

"WHAT?" Rex asked as he watched his assistant transfer the email to the mailbox he was using.

"Dear viewers, today's special program has arrived. My assistant White suddenly forwarded an email to me and said that this email is very interesting. I guess everyone also wants to know what is in it, right?"

Rex asked, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with "want to see" messages. Of course, there were also a few naughty "don't want to see" messages in the middle, which Rex basically ignored.

"Since everyone wants to see it, let's take a look together to see what kind of email makes White so interested. Of course, if it's not interesting, I believe you won't see White tomorrow night. After all, he always wants to waste my time. Time takes its toll," Rex teased White as he clicked on the email he just received.

"Woooooow, guess what I saw. This email turned out to be from a viewer in China. Could it be that I, Rex, have become famous in China?" Rex said narcissistically.

He now understands why White suddenly asked him to read this letter. This kind of overseas fans is a good publicity tool for Rex.

No matter which country you are in, being able to become popular in your own country is a symbol of popularity.

"Let's take a look at what this cute little fan from China wrote to me and what songs he recommended. It won't be a Chinese song, right? But what should I do if I can't understand Chinese?"

"But it doesn't matter, music has no borders...Oh, let me see, my God, my God, is this lovely fan kidding?" Rex exclaimed, holding his head, because the content written in the email made him He found it incredible.

This fan from China recommended a song to him, and it was written by a very famous big shot, but in his opinion, this big shot didn't belong to the music circle at all.

"Oh-My-God! He actually recommended me a song written and composed by a great director. Has he gone crazy? And what kind of file is this? It's not an audio file, but a video?" I was surprised. For a while, Rex smiled silently.

"I suspect this is probably a prank played by fans on me. Or is it simply a prank by White? When the video opens, it may not be a song at all, but a ghost or a zombie?"

"White, tell me this was all your idea, right? I won't be fooled by you." Rex, who was about to download the video file, suddenly stopped and asked the person who was watching the show. white.

When White heard this, he quickly waved his hand to clear the relationship.

Rex thought it was a prank and didn't want to download the email, but the audience didn't care and kept yelling at Rex to download the email quickly.

Faced with the booing from so many parents, Rex had no choice but to bite the bullet and click on the download.

While waiting for the video to download, Rex kept mumbling.

"White, if you let me know that this is a prank video and I am simply a virus, then you are dead, you are really dead. If this video scares me, I will deduct your entire year." bonus, I guarantee with my music..."

Rex's "cowardly look" actually aroused great enthusiasm from the audience. After all, the Rex we usually see is always arrogant and has a arrogant and arrogant look. When have we ever seen him become such a coward? .

Even because of this, two to three thousand more people came into Rex's live broadcast room than in the previous few days. Apparently they were all attracted by the "tap water" to watch Rex's jokes.

Videos of less than 20MB are downloaded instantly.

Rex hesitated, and at the urging of many spectators, he opened the folder.

"Sorry, I opened it by mistake." But the moment he opened the folder, Rex immediately closed the folder again. The flashing scene shocked the entire comment area of ​​the live broadcast room.

At that moment, everyone seemed to be offline, watching Rex's old face gradually turn red on the screen.

A few seconds later, the sound of ridicule filled the entire live broadcast room. The folder that all men knew had the biggest smile so far tonight. The entire screen was filled with remarks ridiculing Rex. For a while, it was said whether Rex was... There is a 'girlfriend' who is inseparable, and then she is looking for resources...

Rex tried his best to ignore these sounds and quickly opened the correct hard drive to find the video he had just downloaded.

The moment he clicked on the video, Rex's eyes rolled around, trying to distract himself, but he couldn't help but glance at the screen curiously. The next second later, he let out a long sigh of relief.

The fan who sent the video did not do it as a prank, but as a real video of a concert.

"The picture is so blurry that it makes me think I have returned to the 1990s. Should I switch my computer to the WIN98 system? Will this be more in line with the video quality?" Rex joked with a smile, but it was very He was almost speechless.

Including those viewers in the live broadcast room who were originally teasing along with Rex's words, they gradually put down their keyboards.

And all this is because of the music in the video.

Many people originally watched this video with the intention of watching a joke. Naturally, they knew Nie Wei. The three movies made Nie Wei's popularity surge in the United States. Many people remembered this actor who could act well. A film and television genius who can also direct.

But many people don't know that Nie Wei can also write songs.

So when Rex was surprised before, only a few people who had heard Nie Wei's songs refuted him, and most people were actually following the trend and making fun of him.

But now no one can say those words.

Because the person on the stage in the video was the one who shone brightly in the audience, and it was Nie Wei who they just made fun of. However, Nie Wei's performance was not like a clown as they imagined. Instead, he shone like a sun, which made them unable to open their eyes and also made their faces red.

"It's hard to believe that he is really a director." The comment area was quiet for a long time before an audience member posted a barrage.

With this set of barrages, the comment area quickly regained its vitality, but unlike before, this time everyone's attention was focused on Nie Wei in the video, and Rex, the host of the room, was ignored.

At this moment, Rex opened his mouth in surprise. The video played for half a minute, and he kept this image for half a minute.

When the video of more than one minute was over, Rex still kept that action and stared at the screen blankly, then subconsciously held the mouse and clicked to play again.

No audience complained about why he didn't comment on the song. In fact, many viewers called on Rex to play the song again in the comment area at this moment. Rex's move was in line with the wishes of most viewers.

Of course, Rex's dull look also made the audience dissatisfied. They really wanted to know what the song was called and where they could hear it, but now Rex, the incompetent anchor, obviously couldn't help them.

After listening to it for the second time, Rex finally came to his senses.

"This is the best music I have heard this year. Cool, really cool." Rex commented while pressing the replay button and shaking his head.

The moment he heard this song, Rex felt like he was electrified. He felt that his musical soul was awakened at that moment.

What a beautiful song this is. The sense of rhythm made him sitting in the chair couldn't help but twist with the music.

And the lyrics sounded perfect to him. The feeling of excitement made his heart itch.

What Rex didn't notice was that the number of people online in his live broadcast room was also rising as he continued to play this music, and unknowingly it had exceeded the highest number of people online he had created.

Thanks to Qiangloverong, Fantasy Paradise, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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