Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 981 1081. Of course

The Live Data Monitoring Department was established after You Tu Bie started live streaming, and the Live Content Supervision Department was established at the same time.

These two departments are responsible for monitoring live streaming data, recording the popularity of major anchors, and then arranging recommended positions based on the popularity of each anchor.

The Live Content Supervision Department is just as the name implies, that is, the management of live streaming content.

After all, many anchors really do whatever it takes to attract popularity. After being warned several times by the Supervision Department, You Tu Bie finally made up his mind to properly manage these anchors with bad intentions. Now the number of people in You Tu Bie's Live Content Supervision Department has exceeded 300, and they will monitor the content of all anchors on the platform 24 hours a day.

Once a violation is found, it will be handled in accordance with You Tu Bie's anchor violation regulations.

The number of people on Rex's live streaming increased rapidly, from 20,000 to nearly 100,000 in just half an hour, which immediately attracted the attention of these two departments.

First, the live broadcast data detection department. The staff on duty were drinking coffee and eating donuts leisurely, but unexpectedly, the computer on the table sounded an alarm.

"Data abnormality, data abnormality..."

If the number of people in the live broadcast room suddenly increases a lot after one hour of broadcasting, the system will automatically prompt an abnormality. However, the monitor on duty, Ross, was not in a hurry. He ate the last bite of donut before clicking the reminder.

"Rex's live broadcast room? Five thousand people increased in ten minutes?" Ross was slightly surprised.

Ross was not unfamiliar with the anchor Rex. After all, Rex was one of the anchors in the top 100 of the oil and earth, but his popularity has declined a lot recently.

However, after all, there was a glorious time, and Ross also knew the content of the other party's live broadcast. It must be that the other party found some good songs again, so the popularity finally recovered.

When Ross was guessing this, the computer sounded an alarm again.

"Data abnormality, data abnormality..."

"Damn, why are there so many data abnormalities tonight." Ross muttered, and clicked the reminder again, and found that it was Ross again.

Only two minutes later, thousands more people appeared in Rex's room, and the total number of people exceeded 30,000.

"What good song is so attractive?" Ross began to be curious and prepared to open his laptop to see what songs were playing in Rex's live broadcast room.

As for the abnormal increase in the number of people, Ross still didn't care much. With Rex's previous popularity, the number of 30,000 could only be regarded as a partial recovery of vitality.

But just as he opened his laptop, the warning sound on the table rang again.

"Data abnormality, data abnormality, data abnormality..." And this time the warning sound did not just stop after ringing once, as if it was stuck, it kept ringing.

Ross quickly put down the laptop that had just been turned on and opened the reminder, only to find that all these abnormalities came from Rex's live broadcast room.

"It's 50,000 now? This is impossible!" If Ross didn't care about the previous two increases, but it rose to 50,000 in just over ten minutes, Ross had to carefully consider this data abnormality.

Without paying attention to the laptop computer next to him, Ross quickly opened the system and listed all the IP addresses of the viewers who had entered Rex's room in the past ten minutes.

Ross was convinced that Rex had fallen and started to increase his popularity, while he opened a statistical software.

If a streamer was increasing his live broadcast popularity, then the IP addresses represented by the accounts that entered these live broadcast rooms would definitely have a large number of duplicates. This was inevitable. After all, the most powerful studio in the world that increased popularity could not really have tens of thousands of employees from all over the world.

So as long as the popularity was increased, the monitors would always find clues in the data center in the background.

But when Ross opened all the IP addresses in the data center, the results obtained by the statistical software were very surprising.

Among the tens of thousands of IP addresses that entered Rex's room in twenty minutes, the duplication rate was only 0.6%.

In other words, it is certain that there is a 99% chance that these viewers are not robot accounts created by a studio that increases popularity, but real live viewers.

This result made Ross's eyes pop out. He wanted to see Rex's live broadcast room through the screen immediately. What happened there that made so many viewers rush in instantly?

Just when Ross hesitated, the alarm sounded again...

When the live broadcast content management department received Ross's call, the number of people in Rex's room had exceeded 70,000.

At this moment, Rex's live broadcast room was like a festival, full of joy. The comments in the comment area were so exciting that people couldn't keep up with them, and the gifts were one after another.

"Wow, this song is really cool, please play it again!"

"I want the full version, I want the full version, Rex, if you can find the full version of the video or sound source, I will give you a gift of tens of thousands of yuan, I promise to God."

"Why is such a good song only more than a minute long? Why is this?"

"Ah, I have found the social account of the singer Nie Wei, everyone go and leave a message to petition!"


After watching a one-minute video over ten times, the audience in the live broadcast room was obviously not satisfied with it. After all, the video was not complete, nor was the picture quality and sound quality high. Not to mention that there were many viewers in the live broadcast room who pursued music quality, even some ordinary viewers who were attracted were not satisfied.

Rex was very panicked. When he played the video for the second time, he had quietly asked his assistant to contact the fan who sent him the video, but now twenty minutes have passed and there has been no response.

His assistant also tried to contact Nie Wei on Facebook, but also did not get a response.

"Oh, are you a fool? He is the boss of Weibo. How can he play Facebook? Go to Weibo to find him!" Rex wanted to slap his assistant friend in the face and make him live more sober.

The assistant obviously realized that he had done something stupid. He lowered his head and did not refute, and quickly logged into Weibo to find Nie Wei.

Rex turned on the camera and headset again, and changed his angry and anxious look a second ago. He read the comments left by the audience in the comment area in the live broadcast room, and occasionally made a few jokes.

However, under the relaxed surface, there was an extremely anxious heart.

At present, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100,000. Even when Rex was at his peak, the number of viewers was not even half of this.

This was the opportunity he had dreamed of.

But what made him collapse was that this opportunity was incomplete. The video was only more than one minute long, and the picture and sound quality was extremely poor. If he had a choice, he would tell the person who took the picture to put down his phone, and I would give him a high-definition camera, and then tell him to start shooting from the beginning!

But what embarrassed Rex now was that he only had such a short video. At this moment, he was like an explorer who was the first to discover the treasure, but he had no choice but to get only part of the treasure, but there was a group of explorers around him who were also eager to rob his treasure.

He knew very well that if he could not find the complete video or audio in the first time, all the popularity he had gained today would be lost and become someone else's popularity.

Like ordinary stars, Nie Wei's Weibo was usually managed by staff.

These staff members don’t post any information on Nie Wei’s Weibo. They just help Nie Wei clean up some private messages on a regular basis. If there is any promotional activity or celebrity blessing, they can also help forward it.

Shi Qing is a member of Nie Wei’s Weibo management team. Today is his turn to manage.

Unless there are special circumstances, he goes to work at 8:30 in the daytime. The first thing he does is to log in to Nie Wei’s Weibo, and then check some private messages every once in a while and sort them out. If there are some important messages, he will also select them and make a report to Nie Wei in the evening.

Shi Qing logged into Nie Wei’s Weibo with familiarity. As expected, the private message in the upper right corner shows the value of ‘99+’.

It looks like 99, but Shi Qing knows that there are at least tens of thousands of these messages.

“Another hard day begins.” Shi Qing muttered. Checking Weibo is not an easy job. So many messages need to be checked one by one. Although you don’t have to read them carefully, it is also a very mentally exhausting job.

In addition, the comment area should be checked regularly, and accounts that use foul language or spread rumors should be banned one by one.

"Eh?" After Shi Qing checked a few pages of private messages, he found something wrong.

Among the private messages today, the proportion of private messages written in foreign languages ​​is much higher than usual. What makes him more concerned is that the content of these private messages is basically the same, all asking Nie Wei for a song.

Shi Qing then looked at the comments again, and sure enough, there were many Weibo posts that were obviously made by foreigners, and the content was also asking Nie Wei for a song.

"It's not a coincidence." Shi Qing thought about it for a while and judged.

The only song Nie Wei released recently was "Summer-Funk" in collaboration with Ma Dong, and it was also an English song. Could it be that these people were asking for that song?

Thinking of this, Shi Qing quickly stood up and walked towards Nie Wei's office. He felt that this matter should be reported in time. He was in the media industry, so he naturally understood the timeliness of the popularity of songs. Moreover, this was news from abroad after all, so he dared not delay this matter.

Nie Wei was also surprised after receiving the report from his secretary.

He knew that this song would be popular, but surprisingly, Huayi had not released any music at present, and "Infinite Challenge" had not yet started, but it became popular just based on that short one-minute video.

After returning to China, Nie Wei didn't know whether to praise himself for singing so well or to sigh that the charm of this music was too great.

"This opportunity is rare. I think we can publish the complete sound source on the Internet for free. In addition, we can also use the music anchor mentioned in the report to promote it abroad. This is a win-win situation. I believe he knows how to do it."

"Then let's do it." Wang Zhonglei felt that although the incident happened suddenly, it was indeed good news.

And doing so can save the company a lot of money. Otherwise, the company would have to contact some cliche anchors and pay them to promote it. Now that it’s free, it’s natural not to waste it.

“It’s a pity that this song can’t be made into a commercial album, otherwise it would definitely be another source of income.” After making the decision, Wang Zhonglei shook his head again with regret.

When Wang Zhonglei heard this song for the first time, he actually wanted Nie Wei to keep it, and then use this song as the main song for Nie Wei to create a commercial album. As for the summer concert, he could just find a random song to deal with it.

However, this proposal was rejected by Nie Wei.

If this song was sung by big names like JAY-Z and 50 Cent, it would definitely be able to reach tens of millions of sales, but Nie Wei also understood that if he sang it himself, it would be a surprise if the song could sell two million copies.

First, he didn't have many fans in the European and American pop music circles, and he didn't have much influence. Second, discrimination was everywhere. Even if Chinese singers sang well, they would not be easily accepted by European and American fans.

They would appreciate listening to songs for free, but if it was a paid album, not many would buy it.

In the end, Nie Wei was really too lazy to do publicity. After all, he couldn't just ignore the album, and he had to prepare a new movie, so he didn't have the time and energy.

So instead of doing this, it would be better to do a better publicity for free.

After all, people at home and abroad are curious about free things. Nie Wei thinks it is more cost-effective to give up a little profit in exchange for greater influence and popularity.

However, everything happened suddenly. It was too late to discuss shooting a song MV.

The Infinite Challenge program team also needs to be notified, but since it is also a charity album, it has no impact.

Rex finally stopped playing after playing the song for the twentieth time last night.

Then he didn't fall asleep all night. Almost every few minutes, he would click on the contacts on Weibo to see if there was any news from Nie Wei.

Hopes turned into disappointments again and again. When the sun rose the next morning, he was even desperate.

"Mr. Nie Wei, my name is Rex, I am a music anchor who is not very good at writing. I really like the English song you sang at a concert, which has the lyrics of..."

"If possible, I hope you can authorize me to play the full version of this song in the live broadcast room, and I am willing to pay you the copyright fee."

"If you see this private message, please reply to me, I am online 24 hours a day."

Rex opened the private message and wrote several more messages to Nie Wei, but after sending it, he waited for a long time but there was no response. With his eyes full of bloodshot, Rex just sighed again, and suddenly two words caught his eyes.


Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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