"How is it, everyone, are you satisfied?"

Shen Lanqing asked with a smile.

“very special enjoyment”

Terminal total

The person in charge, Yuan Xiaojun, coughed a few times.

"That's right.. Let's go to the next recipe first!"

The other people were also blushing.


Although this dish is delicious.

But they don't want to comment

Because the food fantasy just now. It is too realistic.

Almost made them unable to hold back.

"Okay, the next one is Dudu's work!"

The maids brought her work up

Doodle down below, nervous


After all, this is the first time she has participated in the food and wear competition.

And opposite L

Or chef Lin from the dark cooking world.

It made her very nervous

Several judges _ opened the lid involuntarily.

this time

No light appeared.

The dishes below were also unremarkable.

It's just a bowl of tea and rice.

tea to relieve hunger

Refers to the use of tea to soak the rice. In the southern part of China, hot tea is usually used to make it cold.

Rice is dyed rice.

It is usually made with ingredients such as salt, prunes, and seaweed."

"This is my cooking!."

-[Flower Rice from Yuying Tea]!

Dudu is below, Xiaoji said

"I think it's something special!"

"It turned out to be tea and rice!"

Shen Lanqing on the side couldn't help laughing

"Hua Cong Yuying, a good name!"

That Du Yunsheng looked at the tea and rice below and said.

When he was young,

The family is very particular.

It's rare to eat something good

His mother would always bring him a bowl of tea and rice.

However, after he made his fortune, he never ate that slightly rough tea soaked rice again.

but now.Suddenly saw this tea with rice again.

Can not help but feel a few words.

“I picked whitebait and orchid tea as main ingredients!.”

“Whitebait is the best of lake freshness. The color and shape are all good!”

"And orchid tea. It's a famous Anhui tea _ pure tea!"

Dudu below, explaining

This orchid tea is fragrant.

Is it suitable for making tea and rice?

And that silver fish.Supplemented by her to deceive with powder, the form is complete L

Fish like snow, tea like ink

have a strong visual aesthetic

So it was named [Flower from Fish Shadow 1⊥

"sounds good!"

"Then let's try it"

The five judges could not help but taste it directly.

that - moment

As if the spring breeze was blowing slowly.

Peach blossoms are falling all over the sky.

The five judges L instantly fell into their own food fantasy⊥

Jinlong closed his eyes e

He felt as if he was back in his youth

At that time, he was still a little nameless catcher.

Running around every day.But seeing the happy smiling faces of the people around him, he immediately felt that no matter how hard it was, it was worth it

Eliminating violence and Anliang was his ambition since he was a child.

..2 ..

As for the youth gang boss Du Yunsheng, he recalled his youth affairs.

He is in the country.run unrestrained

No worries.

Every time he came home, his mother always brought him a bowl of stubborn tea and rice.

He swallowed too much

His mother patted his back

While laughing softly, he said, "Slow down, slow down ⊥"

he ate it to his heart's content

Everything at that time was so happy

Far less complicated than growing up

He seemed to be at this moment. _ Back to the past.


The head of the terminal

, Yuan Xiaojun also, returned to his youth.

At that time, he was still a common worker at the dock.

There is this - gang bro.

Eat meat in a big bowl, drink it too quickly at 917

So unhappy.

Straight people dare to come and grab their territory.

The brothers picked up the guy and slashed at the person who came.

Killing that is a bloody storm

Feng Jingyao, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, returned to the moment when he was newly married.

Wife who just got married.Gentle.

Whenever I am tired

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