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"Fortunately, I didn't do anything stupid."

The pirate captain thought about himself and realized that he was really smart.

Nie Feng's move made the pirate captain, who was originally desperate, see hope at this time.

With the God of War, one person can reverse the outcome!

The pirate forces he ruled were considered powerful and among the best in the sea.

But in the hands of Nie Feng alone, I'm afraid they can't hold out for too long.

After all, the important point in determining whether a pirate is powerful or not is to look at your pirate ship, your guns, gunpowder, etc.

Now your bullets have no effect on Nie Feng at all, and if Nie Feng attacks you, he will kill you instantly.

How can you fight this? It's like an ordinary player encountering a cheating player.

"Who are you?"

Nie Feng's performance caught the attention of all the pirates.

"Wushen, that man is the captain of the pirate ship that attacked us. If we kill him, the other side will be leaderless and in chaos."

The pirate captain pointed to a pirate in front of him and said

""God of War, don't look at me, I can't beat him."

The pirate captain smiled bitterly. Although he was also a master of martial arts, he was no match for the other party.

Nie Feng was too lazy to think about this. He stepped lightly, picked up a dagger that fell on the ground, and pushed out his palm.


The dagger shot out at such a speed that even the hand guard wrapped behind it smelled like burnt.

The enemy pirate captain sensed the danger and tried desperately to dodge, but the attack launched by Nie Feng was too fast.

It was so fast that the pirate captain could not dodge it at all, let alone resist it!


The dagger pierced his heart and nailed to the wooden board behind him.

He looked incredulous. He had been in the sea for many years and had cultivated his pirate forces to such a scale.

He was notorious and had strong fighting power. He rushed into the pirate ship and wanted to kill people.

But now, he lost his life.

He was unwilling, extremely unwilling, but this was his last thought.

"Take off his head and hang it up high."

Nie Feng spoke without any emotion.


The captain of the Xia pirate ship nodded. Although he was in disbelief, he reacted quickly.

He thought that Nie Feng would at least get close to the enemy pirate captain. He didn't expect that a dagger thrown over would kill a US master.

However, Nie Feng was so strong that even bullets couldn't do anything to him.

And Nie Feng's attack just now had shocked him.

At this time, he accepted it.

As long as Nie Feng didn't overturn the pirate ship by himself, he could accept it.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Nie Feng kicked out the weapons on Class A as he walked. Wherever he went, within a few dozen meters, there were no pirates who could survive.

""Shit, I heard from our captain that some kind of god came to the pirate ship. This must be that god."

On the pirate ship of Xia Country, many pirates hid under the order of the pirate captain.

They watched Nie Feng's battle in some hidden places.

It's not that the pirate captain didn't want to help. No one wants to be a waste.

But he was worried that his men would become a burden.

The point is that he was worried that Nie Feng's attack would only be the aftermath. If these men were unfortunately touched, they would lose their lives.

"Don't be so superstitious. There are no gods in this world."

The other pirate shook his head. He was a staunch materialist.


He was slow to react. Seeing the direction the pirate pointed, he couldn't help but say these two profound words.

Wherever Nie Feng went, swords and knives flew. Within a radius of dozens of meters, there were pirates who were killed one after another.

You have to know that Nie Feng cut the Grandmaster like cutting vegetables. These pirates are far from reaching the Grandmaster's realm.

""Mom, I really saw a fairy!"

The pirate fell to his knees and worshiped devoutly.

"Captain, let's retreat! The enemy has a man who is too strong! We are afraid we are no match for him!"

The American pirate who finally escaped said to the other captain who was supporting him.

"Bullshit! How powerful is one person? Charge!"

This captain, of course, did not believe in evil.

"Boss, look!"

One of the younger brothers was smart and handed the recorded video to the captain.

"Everyone evacuate, we will use artillery to attack!"

After seeing the video of another captain being killed, he immediately gave in.

""They have withdrawn! The three enemy pirate ships have withdrawn!"

At this time, the captain of the Xia pirate ship was very excited.

He originally thought that the dust had settled and he would definitely die.

But Nie Feng alone fought back many of the enemy's pirates and three first-class pirate ships in the high seas.

He really wanted to shout"Dad" loudly now.

"How long will it take to reach the Xia Kingdom's sea area?"

Nie Feng did not have any emotional fluctuations. He had fought with many masters until now. These pirates who were ferocious in the eyes of ordinary people were just a group of ragtag troops. They didn't even need the strength to cut vegetables.

"We will be there soon, God of War, please take a rest."

The pirate captain spoke quickly.

He did not dare to neglect Nie Feng in the first place, and now he was supporting him like a father.


As Nie Feng was turning around, a cannonball with explosive power hit the pirate ship where Nie Feng was.

"They didn't dare to fight in close combat and used artillery fire. I'm afraid our pirate ship can't hold out for too long, after all, it's being attacked from three sides!"

The pirate captain originally thought he had escaped, but the enemy's pirate ship had sufficient firepower. They were afraid of close combat, but they had plenty of artillery shells for long-range attacks.

"Fight back!"

The pirate captain shouted, even if he dies, he will take the blame with him.

"Are these three pirate ships the strongest in your sea area?"

Nie Feng turned around and asked the pirate captain.

"No, the strongest pirate group, just pirate ships, has five, and each of them is agile, not something we can compare, but their three pirate ships are also among the ranks of first-class pirates."

The pirate captain shook his head and answered

"Five pirate ships, don't they control a lot of gunpowder funds, etc.?"

Nie Feng smiled. Anyway, if he returns to Xia Country now, there will be countless troubles. After all, what he did in Japan is now in the limelight.

"The largest pirate group in this sea area probably has more than 10 billion in assets."

The pirate captain said with envy, if the pirates could do this, he would die with peace of mind.


Nie Feng nodded. You know, he entered the military district with only 100 million, and now it's just a pirate group, but it has 10 billion funds.

Although Nie Feng has basically no place to use the money, but Nie Feng has his own plans! _

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