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""Martial God!"

Wang Fan moved forward, his figure like a ghost, dodging the attack of a cannonball.

After all, bullets have no effect on the body, and cannonballs still have a certain degree of damage.

Before the pirate captain had time to react, Wang Fan jumped into the deep sea.

The pirate captain was stunned, and he really couldn't see through Wang Fan's actions.

Did the Martial God want to overturn the other three pirate ships by himself?

Although it was a bit fantasy, it seemed that Wang Fan entered the deep sea for only this purpose.

At this time, Wang Fan had reached the depths of the ocean.

What he had to do now was to take down these three pirate ships!

Unite four pirate ships to fight against the most powerful pirate group in this sea area.


Everyone on the Xia pirate ship fought back desperately, but there were also a few people who kept their eyes on the sea.

At this time, Wang Fan appeared, leaped into the air, and after several maneuvers, he came to one of the pirate ships.

Wang Fan's arrival also caused panic among the pirates on the pirate ship.

Twelve Tan Legs!


After Wang Fan boarded the pirate ship, he attacked directly without any words.

The surrounding pirates were no match for him.

In Wang Fan's hands, they would die if they touched him.

"Surrender or die!"

On this pirate ship, the one who was grabbed by Wang Fan by the collar was a Xia country pirate.

Wang Fan naturally conveyed his meaning through him.

"I surrender, I surrender!"

This pirate has no backbone at all.

They became pirates for money.

If life doesn't exist, no amount of money will be enough.

"I don't want your own surrender, I want theirs too."

Wang Fan's voice was hoarse and full of oppression.

He certainly didn't just want the pirate to surrender. Now his purpose of shocking the pirates had been achieved. He just wanted to convey his meaning. Most of these pirates would surrender.

After all, if they were all dead, it would be useless for Wang Fan to capture the three pirate ships.

"I understand, I understand."

The pirate nodded quickly, and was glad that he knew the Xia language, otherwise he would have lost his life at such a close distance.


Just as Wang Fan threw the pirate to the ground and was about to let him convey his meaning, a gunshot rang out.


Wang Fan raised his hand and caught the bullet directly in his hand.


The reserve captain of the pirate ship gasped. The Wang Fan in front of him was too terrifying. He could hold the bullet that could take someone's life between his two fingers.


Wang Fan played with the bullet in his hand and flicked it lightly. The bullet exceeded the speed of the gun and directly pierced the pirate's head.


Wang Fan looked at the frightened pirate next to him and said.

The Xia pirate nodded quickly and used a foreign language to quickly express Wang Fan's meaning.

"I surrender!"

The reserve captain of this pirate ship actually understood the Xia language.

He spoke on his own initiative without any translation.

The original American captain of this pirate ship had been pierced by Wang Fan's dagger and lost his life.

"What about you guys?"

Wang Fan's eyes swept across.

All the pirates whose eyes met Wang Fan's felt a great pressure and bowed their heads.

"We are willing to surrender."

As soon as Wang Fan entered the pirate ship, he started killing people without stopping anyone.

He was like a killing god descending to earth, but there was not even a trace of blood on his body.

Now their captain has surrendered? It is even more impossible for them to be stubborn.

"Take me to where you store fresh water."

Wang Fan nodded and told the captain to


The reserve captain nodded. Now that he had surrendered, Wang Fan, who was so strong, had lost the idea of resisting.


Wang Fan took out a pill from his arms, threw it into a bucket of fresh water, and took the bucket out.

"One bowl per person."

Wang Fan said

"If you dare to have other thoughts, your life will not be in your hands."

Wang Fan said, looking around.

Of course, these pirates would not be willing to drink it, after all, they didn't even know what the potion was.

Wang Fan explained through the Xia pirates.

This is a chronic poison. After drinking it, you must get an antidote from Wang Fan once every seven days, otherwise you will die of the poison.

"After drinking it, you will have no evil intentions and will never be in danger. If you don't drink it, your head and body will be separated now."

Wang Fan said coldly. This is not a multiple-choice question, but a matter of life and death.

"I'll drink first!"

The Xia pirate was determined and drank first.

""Okay, you."

Wang Fan nodded and pointed at the reserve captain.

The reserve captain felt the unparalleled pressure and danger, and finally had to drink it.

Compared with being alive, freedom seems insignificant.

"Want to hide?"

Wang Fan sneered, grabbed the dagger from the reserve captain's waist, and threw it in one direction.


The dagger was nailed into the wooden board. No screams were heard, and a pool of blood appeared on the board.

"There are still seven people hiding. I only give them five seconds."

Wang Fan opened his mouth, and seeing that there was no movement, Wang Fan sneered again, raised his hand, and seven pirates lost their lives.

"You guys."

Wang Fan stared at the pirates who hadn't drunk the potion yet and spoke coldly.

These pirates were already scared out of their wits after Wang Fan attacked them again. As soon as Wang Fan opened his mouth, they drank the potion in big gulps.


Wang Fan nodded and stood up.

"There are two pirate ships left. Are they going to have the same fate as you?"

Wang Fan said, jumping into the ocean. He actually used this method to run back and forth between the four pirate ships.


As Wang Fan left,���The pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

But they also understood that from now on, as long as Wang Fan was there, they would lose their freedom.


As Wang Fan entered another pirate ship, a gunshot rang out.

After a while, this pirate ship also surrendered.

The last pirate ship suffered the same fate.

There was no possibility of escape. Under the absolute power, they could only surrender.

At this point, as Wang Fan's thoughts emerged, the four pirate ships surrendered to Wang Fan in a very short time.

And everyone drank the pills that Wang Fan mixed in the water.

""Martial God!"

Looking at the three pirate ships that had stopped attacking, the captain of the Xia pirate ship knew that Wang Fan had accomplished something in a very short time.


Wang Fan's voice appeared, and the four pirate ships slowly approached.

Many pirates had no courage to resist.

Wang Fan's attack was invincible, and they dared not be arrogant with the poison.

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