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Tải ảnh: 0.147s Scan: 0.140sThe tires of a large truck are exactly the same height as a small car.

Now four pirate ships are not as big as one pirate ship.

"Do you remember your mission?"

Wang Fan did not have any answer to this.

These five pirate ships were indeed huge.

But in Wang Fan's eyes, size made no difference.

Wang Fan would not take them away anyway.

Moreover, Wang Fan had different ideas from them. In their eyes, the bigger the other pirate ship, the more dangerous it was.

But in Wang Fan's opinion, the bigger the pirate ship, the more money it had.

And although Wang Fan could not take these five pirate ships away, he summoned these four captains to let them help him control these five pirate ships.

Wang Fan also regarded this as sustainable development funds.

"Our mission is to stop the five pirate ships, but Wushen, they will not flee at all, they will only attack us."

Captain B smiled bitterly, just like a tiger seeing a rabbit, they will definitely take this as a meal, how can they flee?

"After we capture them, your pirate ships will be useless."

Wang Fan said, it would be best if the other party didn't flee.

"You just need to take care of your own lives."

Wang Fan said, as long as you can enjoy your life, it will be fine.

""Get close to the other pirate ship."

Wang Fan opened his mouth and ordered the pirate ship he was on to get close to the other pirate ship.

Just now, Wang Fan could use the force to step onto these four pirate ships, but the other five were too huge.

He could only use the pirate ship he was on as a leverage point to reach the other five pirate ships.


Captain A gritted his teeth and approached the five pirate ships.

At this time, the captain of the strongest pirate group sneered.

He didn't expect that the ants today were particularly overestimating their own abilities.

He didn't take the initiative to attack, but just thought it was fun.

He didn't expect that the ants in his eyes would take advantage of the situation and approach them actively. Isn't this courting death?

"Aim at this pirate ship and sink it."

The captain gave the order, firing the cannon behind him.


The pirates on this pirate ship were particularly terrified. They were getting closer and closer, which meant the danger was getting more serious.


The captain of the huge pirate ship ordered


The huge cannon was aimed at him, and at this time, Wang Fan jumped up.

This jump, plus the original height, directly reached the middle of the pirate ship of the strongest pirate group.

"My god, what kind of jumping ability is this!"

Captains A, B, C, and D, who were originally worried, especially the three captains at the back, dropped their jaws.

"This is not jumping ability, it is light skill, the light skill of Xia country."

At this time, Wang Fan kept four captains on the same pirate ship for the sake of four pirate ships.

At this time, Captain A was proud and promoted the national martial arts of Xia country.

"If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely ask the God of War for advice."

Captain B said, this kind of light skill is simply a weapon for escaping.

"Let's finish this first."

Captain C sighed and said

"This is indeed the case."

The four captains took command together. After all, they still needed to save their lives before they could discuss other matters.


At this time, the captain of the huge pirate ship had sharp eyes and saw at a glance the height of Wang Fan's jump.

"Concentrate your firepower and shoot at this position!"

This captain is also from the United States.

His martial arts level is extremely high.

He saw at a glance how powerful Wang Fan was. After all, the height of his jump was so high, and his own realm was needless to say.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

All the firepower was aimed at Wang Fan's position.

Wang Fan's figure was ghostly, and he quickly dodged the bullets and went up.

Although his body could withstand the bullets, Wang Fan didn't want to try such a huge number of shots.

"What kind of speed is this! Shoot with artillery fire!"

The captain of the American pirate looked at Wang Fan's speed and frowned.

He could clearly feel the threat from Wang Fan.

""Captain, this is our ship."

A pirate nearby said,"This is the first time I've heard of someone using his own guns to shoot at his own ship."

"Am I the captain or are you the captain? Why are you talking so much nonsense! Shoot!"

The captain was furious. If Wang Fan arrived, it would not be so simple.

"Five pirate ships, gather together!"

The captain continued to shout, and as the message was sent, the five pirate ships began to gather together.


A cannonball hit, with a wide range and strong attack.

Wang Fan frowned and strengthened his footwork. When the cannonball arrived, his figure appeared on the pirate ship.

"The God of War is up!"

Now the four pirate ships are getting closer and closer, and they can still see some things.

"Only a martial god could threaten the other party by directly letting them shoot at their own pirate ship."

Captain A sighed, and was satisfied that he could reach one tenth of the martial god's ability.

""Old Third, you are making a big fuss. There are only four insignificant ships below. Is it worth gathering the five of us?"

A voice appeared lazily, with some disdain.

Wang Fan raised his head and saw the man who appeared.

Through the appearance of this man, Wang Fan knew that these five pirate ships should have a captain for each pirate ship.

"Second brother, look."

The third brother pointed to where Wang Fan was.

"Hmm? Who are you?"

The second brother looked at Wang Fan, whom he had never seen before, and considering the danger from Wang Fan, he also understood why the third brother was so worried.

""Big brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, a big guy has appeared, come out quickly." The second brother's realm is the same as the third brother, but his combat power is higher than the third brother.

They are divided according to this.

""Big guys?"

Five masters appeared together, and these five people were stronger than the nine masters who arrived in Xia Country.

After all, being able to have such a large pirate group shows that they are still very capable.

"Everyone, shoot!"

The five men retreated. They naturally wanted to see what Wang Fan was up to.

They kept their heads in their belts all year round, so they were still cautious.


Various machine guns attacked, and Wang Fan's figure disappeared as the shooting continued.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The three pirates flew a long distance first, and when they landed, they had already lost their lives. Wang Fan rushed forward very quickly. In everyone's eyes, wherever Wang Fan arrived, there were people flying around.

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