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"What kind of monster is this? Have we provoked the sea gods?"

This power is too strong.

Lao Wu spoke directly and expressed his inner thoughts.

"No, this person should be majoring in physical strength, and the eldest brother is also majoring in physical strength. If the eldest brother takes action, the same scene will occur."

The third brother shook his head. The fifth brother is far behind them.

The fifth brother and the fourth brother are even far behind.

"This person is not easy to deal with, but if our eldest brother takes action, he can definitely be taken down!"

The elder brother shook the fan in his hand and said

"The five of us will attack together, it will be safer."

The leader of this pirate group, although huge in stature, is also very smart.

"If this person is willing to join our pirate group, we will definitely be able to move to a higher level."

The boss continued. He majored in physical strength, and his realm was extremely high.

So he could see Wang Fan's height. It was precisely because of this that he had the idea of introducing Wang Fan to their pirate group.

"Okay, I'll follow my eldest brother's instructions."

The fourth brother nodded, and the five of them quickly formed a circle and surrounded the middle.

"Everyone evacuate!"

The third brother spoke, and all the pirates evacuated quickly. Wang Fan gave them the feeling that he came from hell and was specifically designed to take their lives.

Now that the captain had given the order, they naturally wanted it.


The boss said, and the five of them surrounded and attacked Wang Fan together.


Wang Fan snorted coldly, not taking the five people seriously at all.

Baji Collapse!

Wang Fan saw the weakness among the five people at a glance, that is, the weakest among the five.

This person is naturally the fifth.

And Wang Fan's attack was directly aimed at the fifth.

Before the fifth could react, he felt a huge force coming from afar. The unlucky fifth, who had just sat in this position and had not had time to enjoy it for a few days, was killed instantly by Wang Fan.

""Old Five!"

Old Four looked at Old Five who had fallen to the ground and roared in grief and anger.

He had the best relationship with Old Five, but now Old Five had lost his life in front of him in an instant.

"It doesn't matter, you will be there to accompany him soon."

Wang Fan spoke, and his cold words made Lao Si feel a little scared.

He raised his head and his eyes met Wang Fan's.


Twelve kinds of animals, integrated into it, extremely cruel.

Wang Fan took Lao Si as his next target and approached quickly.

"Get out of the way!"

The boss shouted loudly, and his figure moved quickly. He concentrated his strength on his fist and collided with Wang Fan's attack.

In that instant, his face changed drastically!

If he hadn't majored in physical strength, his punching arm would have been shattered at this time.

Even so, his right arm was severely damaged and lost the ability to attack again.

"How can he be so strong!"

The boss stepped back, thinking

"Not bad."

Wang Fan looked at the boss and said in a hoarse voice.

However, this voice made the boss, who had always been fearless, couldn't help but step back.


The boss spoke, asking the remaining three people to delay time.

"He is really brave."

Wang Fan looked at the first person who approached, and it turned out to be Lao Si who had just escaped. He couldn't help but sigh.

This proves that if you want to die, no one can save you.

Twelve-way Tan Leg!

Wang Fan kicked Lao Si out a very long distance with the first leg.

Lao Si didn't even spurt out blood, lying on the ground without any movement.

"It's really unbearable."

Wang Fan shook his head and walked towards the remaining three people.

""Brother, you are my brother, I will give you whatever you want, please let me go!"

The boss looked at Wang Fan approaching, and his mentality collapsed.

The moment the two of them collided, he knew that Wang Fan only needed to use one more move, and he would be powerless to resist!

"If I kill you, can I still have it?"

Wang Fan smiled. The boss's entire fortune was on these five pirate ships. If he was killed, Wang Fan would still have it all in his hands.


Wang Fan didn't say anything more. The second kick arrived. This time, it was the third brother who was attacked.

The third brother was agile and actually dodged the second kick.


The third kick, the third brother didn't have such good luck.

But this time, Wang Fan used more force, causing the third brother's body to bounce a few times on the deck.

""Brother, let's run away!"

The second brother's face changed drastically. In such a short time, the third, fourth and fifth brothers lost their lives!

This is too powerful. The three of them, except for the fifth brother, are at the Grandmaster level!

In Wang Fan's hands, they couldn't even take the second move. It's really unbelievable.

"You can't escape."

Wang Fan's voice appeared, and the second brother felt a chill on his neck, and a dagger slashed across his neck.

How could he escape from Wang Fan's hands at such a close distance?

""Brother, I know the passwords to all the accounts. If I die, you won't be able to enjoy many things. You are my uncle!"

The boss knelt down on the ground and lost the confidence to resist.

How can he fight?

If he took action, he might not be able to survive more than two moves and lose his life.

If he begged for mercy and said his own value, he might still have a chance to live.

"This is your last value. Gather all five pirate ships."

The boss was as if he had been pardoned when he heard Wang Fan's words.

"Yes! Sir!"

The boss spoke loudly, looking extremely loyal.

"All pirate ships, gather together!"

The boss took out a communication machine and gave the order.

It can be seen that these five pirate ships, whether in appearance or interior, are far superior to the four pirate ships where Wang Fan is.

"Bring all of them up here."

Wang Fan pointed to the four pirate ships below and said

"Yes, sir!"

The boss nodded again and gave orders to his men.

He was extremely sharp-eyed and could see that, except for Wang Fan, the four captains on the four pirate ships, even the strongest one, was only about the same as the fourth one.

Letting them come up would not pose any threat at all.

Besides, now that Wang Fan had given orders, he dared not disobey.

"Our boss, please come aboard."

Several pirates shouted to the people below.

"Please let us get on board?"

It was such a short time before he said the word please. They were a little bit unbelievable.

"Come up."

Wang Fan's voice appeared in the loudspeaker.


"Damn! It's the voice of the God of War, hurry up!"

The four captains were extremely excited when they heard Wang Fan's voice.

"Did the God of War take down the strongest pirate group in such a short time?"

Although the four captains couldn't believe it, they actually accepted Wang Fan's accomplishment.

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