"Because they have the support of many countries, not only are their weapons advanced, but they also have all kinds of things we have never seen in the sea, etc."

"If we give them time, even the pirates that have dominated the sea area will not be their opponents, and they will even fall in a very short time."

The support of several countries is not only about financial resources, but also firearms and weapons, and many high-tech things, which are things that cannot be defended in this sea area now.

"I understand."

Wang Fan nodded and said nothing else.

""God of War, shouldn't we take some action?"

The boss looked at Wang Fan's indifference and asked.

His tone was a little panic. If Wang Fan didn't take action, he would be gone next time.

He told this matter this time just to let Wang Fan solve it.

After all, Wang Fan was so strong that even the power of the United States could not resist him.

Now in the sea, this newly emerged force is even more impossible to resist Wang Fan's power.

"Don't worry."

Wang Fan shook his head, not thinking of taking action immediately.

"But if we let them develop, you, the God of War, will not see us next time after you leave."

The boss spoke pitifully, and his meaning was very clear. If Wang Fan did not take action this time, when he came back next time, their pirate group would be wiped out.

"What's so good about you guys?"

Wang Fan frowned and spoke coldly.

This sentence suddenly reminded the boss of Wang Fan's murderous intent. What

Wang Fan said made a lot of sense. What's so good about them?

"You five will come to my room in a while."

Wang Fan's energy has been replenished now, and he walked towards the room.

If Wang Fan did not feel tired during the past few days in the sea, it would be impossible.

Even with Wang Fan's abnormal physique, it was a bit strenuous.

Now he needed to wash the seawater off his body, change his clothes, and then adjust his body.


The five people nodded quickly and sent Wang Fan to the room.

They understood Wang Fan's fatigue, so they all understood that it would take at least tomorrow morning to reach Wang Fan's room for discussion.

Wang Fan returned to the room and quickly adjusted his state.

The heat he had just replenished now quickly reached the meridians of his limbs.


Wang Fan closed his eyes and exhaled.

"Are there new forces in the sea? Several countries, but I don't know which countries they are."

This is what Wang Fan thought in his heart, and it is also the reason why Wang Fan did not take action immediately.

After all, for Wang Fan, if Xiaguo is among this force, he will not take action.

Although the probability of Xiaguo's participation is not high, Wang Fan will not take action before he finds out clearly.

Wang Fan closed his eyes to adjust his state, and a night had passed.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

Wang Fan just woke up when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Wang Fan opened the room and five people came in neatly.

"Martial God."

Five people, carrying a bunch of things, respectfully waited for Wang Fan's instructions.

"Sit down."

Wang Fan stood up and sat in the middle.


The five people sat down and waited for Wang Fan to speak.

"Since you discovered it, why didn't you take action earlier?"

Wang Fan looked at the boss and asked.

The earlier it is discovered, the weaker the force will be.

This is the case with all things. It is impossible for a giant to appear all of a sudden.

Even if it is, it must be supported by a bigger giant.

"The first time we found them, it was still a very small pirate group, and we didn’t take it seriously. That was only a month ago."

The boss spoke carefully, fearing that Wang Fan would be angry.

"But when I looked at it the second time, it had grown into the huge monster it is today."

The boss sighed. It's not that he was unprepared, otherwise he wouldn't have observed it.

"Every time we conduct an observation, it is a large-scale test once a month. No one would have thought that a force could grow to this extent in just one month."

The boss is also innocent.

"Today, you drive these five pirate ships to approach the pirate force you mentioned."

Wang Fan did not continue to ask questions, but directly issued an order.

"Should we take action now?"

The boss asked tentatively.

He thought Wang Fan really would not take action, but he did not expect that he would change his mind in just one night.

"Let's drive the pirate ship to get closer."

Wang Fan said nothing more.

"Yes, I understand."

The boss spoke quickly, his heart was filled with joy.

"Everyone, listen to my orders, be on alert!"

The boss went out and gave orders.

He was also very smart. What he said was not about fighting, but about being on alert.


All the pirates were excited. They had all seen Wang Fan's battle videos, and they were so powerful that they were beyond the scope of mortals.

They also knew in their hearts that Wang Fan would definitely do something when he arrived.

Some of the pirates who followed Wang Fan last time clearly remembered that Wang Fan was the one fighting in all the battles.

They had no chance to make a move, but they had also achieved their current position.

"Head to this location."

The boss entered the cockpit and said


At this time, according to the boss's instructions, five huge pirate ships, plus the small pirate ships that were adapted and expanded, all sailed to the location of the newly emerged forces.

At this time, among the emerging forces

"Hmm? Major General, the largest pirate group in this sea area has moved again!"

This huge ship has all kinds of instruments and even all kinds of images on the sea surface!

It can be said that everything in this sea area is under the monitoring of this pirate ship.

"Last time, they had moved a very long distance, and even reached the border of the high seas. This was not something a pirate ship should do."

"This time, they changed their position again, and their whereabouts suddenly became a little strange."

At this time, the major general spoke

""Could it be that our plan has been discovered? Impossible."

The major general spoke in a somewhat foreign tone.

Could it be that their plan has been discovered, and then at this time, other countries have bribed this pirate group and provided various support to compete with them?

But this is unlikely. Even if it is discovered, the pirate group should be reorganized.

After all, the pirate groups in the sea are too complicated and difficult to tame.

"See where they are heading and what direction they are heading to."

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