If it were any other pirate group, they wouldn't care so much.

But Wang Fan's pirate group was the most powerful pirate group in this sea area.

He was very concerned about their actions, or this pirate group.


The subordinate began to check the direction of the pirate group's advance.

"Major General, the location they are heading to is where we are now!"

The subordinate looked at the location where the pirate group was heading and spoke in a panic.


The major general frowned. He had just denied his idea, but he didn't expect that they would really come for him.

"Could it be that the truth has been exposed?"

The major general frowned and thought of this idea again.

"Major General, maybe not. You know, these pirates are very greedy. They just want to get some benefits from us."

Most of them are regular navy. Of course, there are also some experienced pirates.

"That's true."

The major general nodded. Because they were so purposeful, they always thought in this direction at this time.

"At this critical moment, no matter what their demands are, they will be satisfied."

The major general said, now their demands are all satisfied.

Anyway, they are developing very fast now, and when they grow stronger, they will take these things back.

And by then, the interest they get will not only be these


The subordinate nodded.

"What happened?"

At this time, another leader appeared and asked.

After all, the forces formed by several countries are not just one commander.

Now they are all competing with each other. There are several leaders in several countries.

"This is it…"

The major general explained to the leader what he had just seen.

"You are right, you are not sure what to do. Let's satisfy them first, and then we can take back the money we put in with interest."

The leader also agreed with the major general's statement.

"Wushen, this distance is not short, it will probably take another four or five hours."

Looking at the distance, the pirate ship boss said

"It's okay, don't worry."

Wang Fan nodded. It's not just a few days or a few hours. Wang Fan can still wait.

"At their speed, how long will it take for them to reach us?"

The major general looked at the screen and asked his subordinates who were watching the screen.

"Major General, it will take at most five hours."

The subordinate analyzed the wind direction and other factors and answered the major general.

"Gather everyone, and put everyone on alert!"

The major general spoke loudly, giving orders to those around him.

"What's going on? Why are you so flustered?"

At this time, three more leaders appeared.

This force was actually cultivated by five countries.

However, there are so many countries in the world, and there are many ambitious ones.

Now that five countries have jointly formed a force, it seems acceptable to think about it.

"The largest pirate group in this sea area is rapidly advancing towards our location."

Five people gathered together and jointly commanded

""Things that are not afraid of death."

It can be seen that these five people have always been used to being in high positions and having great power.

So at this time, even their tone and words are the same.

In their opinion, the behavior of this pirate group is simply seeking death.

But they never thought that even if this pirate group did not attack them, or even treated them with respect, when they were fully developed, they would not let Wang Fan's pirate group go.

This is the reality. Even if you respect you, you will get the same result in return.

"This time, we must not fight. After all, this is a sensitive and special period for us."

A leader spoke up. Of course, this idea was shared by the five of them.

Although they all looked extremely arrogant, their minds were still very flexible.

"Wushen, we are almost there."

Beside Wang Fan, the boss stepped forward to report

"Slowly approach, since it is supported by several countries, there should be new weapons deployed around it."

Wang Fan said.

Even Wang Fan had to guard against the current weapons.

On the one hand, the power was too great, and on the other hand, the range was large enough.


"They are getting closer.

The major general stood up and walked out.

"Don't worry! If the other party attacks directly, you will be in danger!"

A leader behind him called him. Of course, this was not out of concern.

They all wished that the remaining four people would die and they would become the only leader of this force.

But this was not realistic at all.

And the five of them had finally gotten along, and now one of them died. The country of the dead person would send another leader, and they would need to get along again.

"First, use the transmitter to ask the other party what they mean."

Another leader said

""Brothers ahead, please stay!"

Just as Wang Fan's pirate group approached, a voice appeared.

The language of this voice was naturally Mi language.

After all, Mi language is the most widely used language in this world.

"I wonder what the purpose of your visit is?"

The voice continued to appear, and this time, it was to ask Wang Fan about the purpose of their visit.

"Tell them I want to meet the leader of their faction, or the pirate captain."

Wang Fan opened his mouth and told the boss


The boss nodded quickly and conveyed Wang Fan's words.

"On both decks."

Wang Fan said the meeting place.

He wanted to see which countries had such ambitions.

Did they want to take the high seas for themselves?

"He said he wanted to see us?"

The major general frowned. They were a little confused about the other party's intention. Did he come here in such a threatening manner just to see them?

"He probably wants to negotiate with us."

Another leader said

"We only need one person to go, who will go?"

The five of them looked at each other.

"I'll go."

The major general was the youngest and most energetic.


This kind of thing is full of dangers. It would be best if someone is willing to go.

"Do you have anything to do?"

The major general stood on the deck and looked at the boss who was already on the deck of the pirate ship and asked

"Tell him that I want to meet not one leader, but all of their leaders."

Wang Fan looked at the major general, who should be considered a leader and could represent a country.

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