"Although I cannot represent everyone's opinion, it is almost the same. If you have any conditions you want, you can put them forward."The major general said, he was not shy about saying this, after all, they had discussed this issue before.

Now they thought that this group of pirates came to ask for benefits.

"You can represent nothing, aren't you afraid that the other guys will cut you down?"

The boss said according to Wang Fan's words.


This sentence made the major general a little angry.

"What's wrong? Did you hit a sore spot?"

The boss looked at the major general, his face looked a little childish.

Wang Fan's guess was correct. The first person to come out was indeed the one with the lowest status.

Although they were all representatives of a country, you have to know that countries are also divided into strong and weak.

And the representatives of a country also depend on personal ability and so on.

The boss's words really hit the major general's sore spot.

After all, his status was really the last. Although he seemed to be the first one present in everything, it didn't mean anything.

"What do you mean?"

The major general frowned and said

"I don't mean anything else. The rest of you can come out now."

The boss smiled and acted as if nothing had happened.

Although he has no status on the pirate ship now, for him, all his thoughts are in Wang Fan's hands, so he can live a good life.

He doesn't care about status anymore. Isn't it good to be alive?

"Okay, don't be angry."

Just when the major general exploded, an old man came out. He was one of the leaders.

"I wonder what this brother has come for this time. If you want money, etc., we can try our best to satisfy you."

The old man spoke with more confidence.

"Money? Do you think we are short of money? And you are an old man, who are you to be called brother?"

The eldest brother said disdainfully, with a look of disdain on his face.

"I mean all of your leaders. I don't believe that there are only two leaders in your rapidly developing force."

The boss continued to speak, his tone full of provocation.

"You are right, it is not just the two of us, but there is another person who has something to do. Don't worry, the two of us can represent the entire meaning of our power. I said this, if you have anything to say, are you willing to listen to it?"

The old man smiled, and he was not angry at all, and seemed calm.

"No, I want to see all three of them!"

The boss conveyed Wang Fan's intention again.

Although he didn't know why Wang Fan had to see all the leaders, he didn't dare to have any doubts about Wang Fan's words.

"What do you mean?"

The old man looked at the boss, and his tone finally revealed his ill intentions.

"There is no other meaning. If you don't agree to this, we can only go to war."

The boss spread his hands. What does it mean? He doesn't even know what it means.

"Do you want to launch a sneak attack on the three of us after we all come out?"

The old man looked at the boss, frowned, and asked

"We will not do such a thing. We can develop into the most powerful pirate group in this sea area. In the final analysis, it is because we abide by the rules here."

The boss shook his head. Anyway, he would not launch a sneak attack.

As for whether Wang Fan would take action, he dared not say.

After all, Wang Fan was not something he could figure out.

"Jamie, since this friend wants to meet you, then come out."

After thinking for a while, the old man spoke inside.

"I wonder which friend is so proud that he wants the three of us to welcome him together.

As the old man spoke, a middle-aged man appeared. He was Jamie, as the old man called him.

"Now, can you tell us the purpose of your trip?"

The middle-aged man spoke to the boss in an unfriendly tone.

"Wushen, they said, there are only three of them, and now they are all three."

The boss reported to Wang Fan

"I heard it. How many countries do you think are needed to build such a force in one month?"

Wang Fan nodded and asked the boss

"If there were three powerful countries, they could form such a force, but if all three were so powerful, they would have no way to check and balance each other."

The boss lowered his head, thought for a while, and then spoke.

"Why are you silent?"

The middle-aged man said in the other party's force

"Continue to let the remaining leaders come out."

Wang Fan ordered


The boss came on deck.

"You need at least five leaders, right? I don't believe you need three."

The boss said after he boarded the deck.

This sentence made the three people on the other side change their faces.

Especially the major general, could it be that his idea just now was right?

Their conspiracy was discovered?

Otherwise, how did the other side know that they had at least five leaders?

Of course they didn't know, this was just a guess by the boss.

""My friend, who are you?"

The old man frowned and asked

"I am a pirate. If the remaining leaders do not show up, I can only start a fight. After all, I have a bad temper."

The boss flapped his palms a few times, a little nervous

"This is too much bullying. If you want to fight, then fight!"

The major general finally couldn't help it and spoke angrily.

The old man and Jamie also frowned. They must have kept their cards.

So there were two people who did not appear on the deck.

On the one hand, for their own safety.

If the other party's sneak attack succeeded, there were still two commanders to command, so it would not be a complete annihilation.

In addition, they had to do some confidentiality work.

Now that the boss had named them, it ruined their idea.

"Don't be impulsive."

The old man stopped the major general from saying the next word and said

"This is our critical moment, it is extremely special."

Jamie also nodded. What they both meant was compromise.

"The five of us are all here. If you have anything to say, you can say it.

The remaining two people arrived on the deck, but their positions were very far back.

At this time, in the room of the pirate ship

"Have you four investigated clearly? There are no Xia people among the other forces."

Wang Fan looked at the remaining four captains and asked.

He had just sent out these four captains to conduct reconnaissance.

"Yes, God of War, no."

The captain of the Xia country spoke, because the other party was not a pirate, the five countries were people from five countries.

Unlike pirates, there was not a single Xia countryman in the other party's forces!

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