Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 10 Human heart, a strange thing

Falling into the water, Nan Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw two turtles in the water, alive, which meant that the well water was fine.


"Fuck, alive?"

Nanyi suddenly realized, if the turtles were kept here when they dug the well, what did they survive on for decades?

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

A second later, his premonition came true.

Nanyi had already touched the bottom of the well, endured the pain and opened his eyes wide, and saw a dead body lying at the bottom of the well.

The corpse was wearing a military uniform. If Nanyi read it correctly, the uniform should be the standard uniform of the Cantonese Army, with the rank of major.

The water depth is 5.83 meters, and the water temperature is about 2 degrees Celsius. There are no impurities in the water, and there should be not many microorganisms. It is not surprising that it has not rotted for decades.

Nanyi quickly came to a conclusion, and ignored the corpse for now, but groped on the well wall. After quickly groping around, as he expected, there is no such thing as an opening mechanism.

In line with the principle that handsome men don't leave empty space, Nan Yi started to attack the corpse, first he searched all over his pockets, except for the two Yuan Datou, he found nothing of value.

Unwilling to give up, he even lifted the corpse up a little bit and touched it underneath.

Hey Hey!

There are surprises!

Nan Yi found a briefcase and lifted it with his hand, it was heavy.



Taking off his shirt, wrapping up the briefcase and holding it tight, Nanyi hurried upstream.

"Brother, it's okay, worry me to death!"

As soon as the head appeared, Liu Zhen from above shouted pear blossoms with rain.

"Silly girl, it's okay. I'll tie the shirt to the rope, and you lift the rope up first."


Nanyi tied the shirt to the rope, and Liu Zhen pulled it up.

As the rope went up, Nanyi didn't bother to wait for the rope to come down. He sank into the water, then stepped on the water with his legs, and most of his body rushed out of the water. With his left hand, he borrowed strength from the unevenness of the well wall, and his whole body He shot out of the water, stretched his legs, and stuck on the wall of the well in a straight line.

Adjust your posture, use your hands and feet together, and Nanyi will climb up.


There was a sound of metal falling to the ground, and people from Nanyi were already sitting on the well platform.

"Brother, yellow...yellow croaker."

Liu Zhen stammered, pointing to the gold bars scattered on the ground and said.

Nan Yi scanned the ground and said, "This is a large yellow croaker, weighing 312.5 grams, with a gold content of 991."

As he spoke, he bent down and picked up a piece, put it in his hand for a closer look, and added weight, "Oh, it's a pity, it's not standard gold, the weight is not enough, about 280 grams at most. I hope the gold content is not too low."

"1, 2, 3... brother, a total of 18 yuan."


Nan Yi nodded, a little unmoved.

He remembered that the price of gold this year should not exceed US$180 per ounce, that is to say, the value of these large yellow croakers would not exceed US$32,000.

The highest point of gold in 1980 was around 700...

Forget it, if you can't remember it, don't think about it, anyway, it can't exceed 130,000 US dollars.

Compared with the golden nanmu in this house, it is nothing.

Fortunately, these golds are relatively easy to realize and can be used as capital.

"Brother, have we gotten rich?"

"I can't talk about it. Have you seen enough? If you have seen enough, put it away."

"Where should we put it?"

"Don't worry about this, I will be responsible for hiding it. Don't talk about this matter."

Liu Zhen nodded vigorously, "If you beat me to death, I won't say anything."

"Hehe, it's not that serious." Nanyi smiled and said, "The water in this well is not clean. If you need water in the future, don't draw water from the well. It's only more than 300 meters away from the river, and the terrain is relatively low. We A canal can be dug to bring the water from the river."

Nanyi didn't intend to tell Liu Zhen that there was a dead body below, as long as he alone knew about this kind of thing. Telling Liu Zhen will only scare her.

"No way, the river is more than one meter away from the embankment. How deep do we have to dig?"

"Stupid, don't be afraid if there is a drop, just install a waterwheel in the river. I'm worried about where to buy so many water pipes. If the canal is open to the air, the naughty children in the brigade will definitely pee in it, let alone snakes, toads It's also easy to get in."

"Isn't it okay to ask the brigade to open a letter of introduction and go to the factory to buy it? Or, brother, you don't have enough money?"

"No, I have my own considerations. Don't worry about these things. Little girl, I found that you have grown by more than two centimeters. Are your clothes a little tight?"

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I haven't felt it yet. Look at the sleeves. It turns out to be a long way. Now it can hardly cover the wrist."

Clothes are made in this era, and most people’s clothes are loose and loose, so they want to wear them for a few more years.

If you see someone wearing new clothes that fit outside, don't doubt that the conditions at home must be unusual.

The shirt on Liu Zhen's body is even worse. It is obvious that his brother left it, and then changed it and gave it to her again. This is also a common phenomenon in many families nowadays.

"A few days ago, I went to the commune and bought you a dress. The size was a bit too big. It didn't fit you in the original one, but it can hold you up now. When we move here, I'll find it for you."

"Well, brother, you are so kind."

"Don't be bad, let's continue to clean up."

After four days of busy work, the two of them can be regarded as tidying up the house into a habitable appearance.

Then it took another two days, with Nanyi as the master worker and Liu Zhen as the minor worker, removing the original stove in the kitchen and building a new one.

Taking advantage of the nightfall, Nan Yi secretly invited a painting of Zao Jun back. There is no shrine on the stove, and there is no Kitchen God in the shrine, so he always feels that something is missing.


"Zhen'er, in order to save us a little trouble in the future, you have to do one thing now."

"whats the matter."

"Borrow money! Ask everyone in the educated youth shop to borrow money, and tell them that our house will cost 2,000 yuan to buy. I paid 200 yuan, and you didn't pay a penny. I feel very sorry. And , if the money is not paid off in three years, the house will be taken back.

In short, the worse you tell yourself, the better, and it's best to cry.

According to my prediction, Lin Guangwei and Ou Jing should lend you money, and Li Hai will also lend you money, but he has no money himself, so he is powerless. Zhao Hongzhuang might lend you a little to show off, but other people probably won't lend it to you..."

"Brother, why did you let me do this?"

"We got such a big house. The people in the brigade are okay. They dare not take this house. They won't be jealous if we get it. But the educated youth is different. Some of them will definitely be jealous, and it's not just one or two. indivual.

Let's not make ourselves miserable, let them balance their minds, who knows how they will plot behind their backs.

We got it cheap, and we have to let them get a balance in their hearts. Hate the rich and hate others, this is the true psychology of most people.

You remember one sentence - money is not revealed.

On good days, let's just close the door and let others know. "

"Well, shall I go now?"

"Go, I'll wait for you at the place where the revolutionary grass is mowed. If the result of borrowing money is not satisfactory, you can find me there."


After Liu Zhen left, Nanyi also left the house five minutes later and walked towards the river.

After smoking two cigarettes by the river, Nan Yi saw Liu Zhen after waiting for an hour or less.

When he came to Nanyi, Liu Zhen said with a mournful face: "Brother, only sister Ou Jing borrowed 10 yuan from me. Brother Guangwei and Brother Li have no money, and others also told me that they have no money. In fact, I know Ke Hongxing and Jiang Biyun Those who are rich, they... woo woo woo, I'm not very popular."

"Hahaha, silly girl, don't think about it." Nan Yi stroked Liu Zhen's head, "You will pretend to be dizzy after a while, I didn't wake you up, so don't open your eyes."


After Nanyi finished speaking, he hugged Liu Zhen and jumped into the river.

"Ahhh... Brother, I don't know how to water."

"Don't panic, just don't move around, brother won't let you have trouble."

Nan Yi covered Liu Zhen's mouth and nose and sank into the water, only to float up after a few seconds.

"Okay, you can start to faint, I won't tell you, don't open your eyes."

"Well, I see."

Liu Zhen nodded and closed her eyes.

Swimming to the shore with Liu Zhen, Nan Yi hugged her horizontally, and ran to the brigade headquarters crying.

"Zhen'er, Zhen'er, you must not die..."

"You are dead, how can I explain to your family..."

"God, please save my Zhen'er..."

"Uncle Xian, Uncle Xian..."

As he approached the brigade, Nanyi's howls became louder. Along the way, he had already dealt with many people's inquiries.

"What happened?"

Hearing the howling, Xian Yaodong poked his head out from the brigade.

"Uncle Xian, Zhen'er is drowning and hasn't woken up yet. Hurry up... Hurry up and sail the boat and take her to the health center."

"Oh oh, here we come."

Xian Yaodong was in front, Nanyi was holding Liu Zhen in the back, and the two ran towards the pier by the river.

After the boat sailed for a few minutes, Nan Yi said to Liu Zhen who was in her arms: "Okay, you can wake up."

"Brother, I almost couldn't hold back my laughter just now, your yelling is so funny."

Liu Zhen opened her eyes and giggled.

"Fortunately, you didn't smile. If you smile, all previous efforts will be wasted."

"Uncle Xian, has the health center agreed?"

"It's all agreed, just as you said, pneumonia is contagious, it's best not to have contact with others for half a year." Xian Yaodong said depressedly: "I said, you don't want Liu Zhen to work, just say it, why? Make so many halls of fame.”

"Didn't I ask you to explain it to me? For the next six months, Zhen'er will not go to work. I read the "Mouthpiece" recently, and the newspaper said that the resumption of the college entrance examination is already being discussed.

Ten years, Uncle Xian, our country has not had a serious college student in ten years. I bet that the college entrance examination will be resumed this year, and I have to let Zhen'er study hard. "

"If you didn't guess correctly, the college entrance examination will not resume this year?"

"If you didn't guess right, you didn't guess right. It's good to let Zhen'er rest for a while."

"You, the work of cutting pigweed, if she stops, someone will take over. She wants to continue doing it in the future, but there is no need to do it."

"It's okay, if I really guess wrong, then I will find a way to send Zhen'er to take the factory recruitment exam." Nanyi said indifferently.

"Well, whatever you want. Let me tell you, the diving equipment you want will arrive in two days, and our business can start soon."

"Okay, let's start working when the stuff arrives. Uncle Xian, is it okay for us to go into the water?"

"It's okay. My old face is a reliable guarantee. Our Wenchangwei boat can sail into Shenzheng Bay. Besides, there are regulations on both sides. The water in Shenzheng Bay belongs to the three-way zone.

Otherwise, do you think those swimmers are really so easy to swim over?

So what if you go into the water, stand on the shore, machine guns burst out, don't even think about passing.

Isn't it just that the two sides have agreed that on our side, as long as people enter the water, we will let them go; on the other side, as long as they go to the urban area, they will not be arrested. This is called the anti-base policy. "

The three of them arrived at the commune, Xian Yaodong went to get the medical records, Nanyi and Liu Zhen went to the supply and marketing cooperative, bought a stack of sea bowls, another stack of rice bowls, and three vegetable bowls.

Originally, there was no need to buy sea bowls, but it was a pity that there were only three vegetable bowls left, so there was no choice but to use sea bowls instead.

At this time, there are really not many vegetable pots in the countryside, and they all use sea bowls for vegetables, so there is no need for the supply and marketing cooperatives to serve more vegetable pots.

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