Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 9: A Mansion Worth Billions

After drinking for three rounds, Xian Yaodong took Nanyi to the house near Shenfeng Bay.

Before that, the two had already put on long sleeves, tied their necklines tightly, and put on rain boots on their feet.

A house that is left unoccupied for a long time will lack vitality and become overcast.

The five poisons like to take root in places like this.

Of course, this is an evil statement, and it needs to be explained scientifically, that is, if no one takes care of it, and if the rain leaks, no one will take care of it, the house will become damp and cold. Centipedes, spiders, and poisonous snakes all like to burrow into such places .

Not far away, Nanyi saw a lonely house not far away.

After taking a closer look, you can basically judge that the area of ​​this house will not be less than 3,000 square meters. At this time, Nanyi is in the front of the house, and you can see a circle of blue brick walls around the outside, which has a strong sense of age. But I can't see where it is worn out.

As long as you scrape the moss on the wall, it will become brand new.

"Uncle Xian, according to what you said, no one has lived in this house for decades, but the fence is still in such good condition?"

"I heard that this wall was built according to the craftsmanship of the ancient city wall. You can see that the city wall can not collapse for hundreds of years. This wall is only so high, and it hasn't been many years. It must be well preserved.

Let me tell you, you've picked it up, if it wasn't for that little shit back then, this house would have been taken over long ago. Come on, let's go into the yard and have a look. "

Pushing open the heavy courtyard door, what comes into view is a huge screen wall.

There is a big "Fu" character engraved in the middle of the screen wall, and a picture of a hundred cranes showing auspiciousness is engraved on the side. It is so lifelike that it should be written by a famous craftsman.

Passing through the left side of the screen wall, you can see a large yard, which should have been planted with flowers and plants, but now it is deserted and overgrown with weeds.

When Nanyi's flashlight shined on it, one could hear rustling and the swaying of the grass.

Judging from the swing of the grass, it should be a snake.

There are many venomous snakes here in Baoan, the most common one is Zhuyeqing, and other golden kraits, coral snakes, five-paced snakes, and cobras can also often be seen.

"Uncle Xian, I'll come here to catch snakes when it's light tomorrow. Listening to this news, it's not a problem at all to make a few dozen dollars."

"You'd better take it easy. I used to know a snake catcher. He was an expert in catching snakes from all over the world. In the end, he died under the snake's mouth. As the saying goes, so can any good swimmer. "

"A good swimmer drowns."

"That's right, that's the sentence. Most of the drowned are able to swim."

"Ha, Uncle Xian, you can rest assured that if I really come to catch them, I will be fully prepared. I will first get a thick protective suit like that of a chemical factory, and wrap my whole body before dealing with them."

The two of them pushed through the weeds and walked through the yard. There was an arch in front of them. Through the arch, they could see a patio. Looking in through the patio, it is a hall, bare and empty.

It turned out that there should be a table for the Eight Immortals in the center, two chairs for grand masters on the side of the table, and two rows of seats should be symmetrically placed on both sides of the hall.

It's just that at this time, the tables and chairs are gone, and they should have been moved to their own homes by the members.

After seeing the hall, Nan Yi looked around again. This house is divided into a front yard and a back yard. It can be regarded as two entrances and two exits. There are eight bedrooms in the back yard and twelve rooms in the front yard.

Kitchen and warehouse are all available!

The doors and windows are all carved pillars, and the roof is also carved with cumbersome carvings.

If it was 30 years later, just this house, in the territory of Bao'an, could not pay tens of millions of inspection fees, so I was not qualified to take a look.

If it is 40 years late, if you want to win it, it will cost billions.

This house used at least hundreds of square meters of wood, window ribs, carvings, corbels (corbels), even the purlins and rafters of the roof, if Nan Yi read it correctly, they were all made of golden nanmu.

Take it down, this house must be taken down.

And I have to clean it up as soon as possible, and replace all the golden nanmu. What kind of family conditions dare to live in such a luxurious house, when my surname is Zhu, or Aixinjueluo?

Making up his mind, Nan Yi walked out of the house and walked to Xian Yaodong who was smoking outside.

"Uncle Xian, I want this house. However, I can only take out 200 yuan for the time being. The rest will be deducted from my share after our business earns money. Can I get it?"

"It's done. You can write a note with the brigade when the time comes. After all, it belongs to the brigade's public property."

These days, it is not uncommon for commune members to be in "famine" at home and owe food or money to the brigade for several years or more than ten years.

Like Nanyi, it is more reliable to give a small head first and owe others first.

It's nothing more than that his famine is a little too big.

"Nan Yi, but let's start with the ugly words. The brigade will let you owe it for three years at most. If you don't pay it back by then, the brigade will take back this house."

"Uncle Xian, don't worry, even if our business fails, I still have other ways to get the money. In three years, I will definitely be able to pay it off."

"Uncle Xian, of course I trust you. Tomorrow, when you go to the brigade, let's write a note together in front of other team members."



The next day, Nan Yi went to the brigade headquarters, wrote a note with the brigade in front of all the team members of the brigade, and handed over 200 yuan to the accountant Xian Jimin.

In this way, the original Liu residence became the current Nan residence.

In the next two days, Nanyi was busy with settlement matters, went to the Educated Youth Office to end the grain and oil relationship, and went to the commune to apply for a household registration book. Thinking about the future, Nanyi did not put his and Liu Zhen's household registrations together, and they have one household registration book for each person.

The grain and oil relationship fell to Wenchangwei, and then went to measure the private plot.

The good relationship with Xian Yaodong played a role, Nanyi and Liu Zhen's private plots are on the opposite side of the barbed wire fence.

From Luohu Port to Shenfeng Bay, there is a barbed wire fence separating the opposite bank from this side, and the opposite side of the barbed wire fence is under the jurisdiction of Xiangyu. However, on the opposite side of the barbed wire fence, there is a piece of land belonging to Wenchangwei. It cannot be said that the piece of land where the barbed wire fence was pulled belongs to Xiangtang.

In order to solve this problem, some members of Wenchangwei have a "Transit Farming Permit" in their hands. With this certificate, they can cross the barbed wire and farm on the opposite side.

"Nanyi, I won't hide it from you. On the opposite side, we are already engaged in the distribution of land to households."

"Uncle Xian, I'm not blind. Those few commune members, working here are just doing foreign labor, and going there are working hard to death. It's no wonder if they don't get tricky."

"You kid, you're smart. Come on, you don't have a permit yet, so you can't go to the opposite side. The private land allocated to you is not far from the barbed wire fence. I'll tell the border guards later, and you stand by the barbed wire fence and watch."

"Okay, Uncle Xian, can I get a transit farming certificate?"

"Are you stupid? All the private plots have been allocated there for you, so of course I have to get one for you."

"Hehehe, that's right!"

Nan Yi nodded foolishly.

People, even if they are smart, don't have to show it all the time.

Knowing how to hide clumsiness is the real smart person.

Xian Yaodong greeted the patrolling border guards, and Nan Yi was allowed to approach the barbed wire fence.

Nan Yi stood there watching while measuring the land. Xian Yaodong planted branches at the four corners of the land allocated to Nan Yi and the two of them, and pointed out the dividing line for him.

Private plots are generally dry land, where irrigation is inconvenient, and most people keep them as vegetable plots.

Of course, this is the practice after a few years.

At this time, it is generally not up to the individual to decide what to plant on the private plot. It says which crops can be grown, you just choose one or a few of them.

"This piece belongs to you and Liu Zhen. You can plant whatever you want. Now the commune doesn't make too many demands. They just turn a blind eye."

"I plan to do half of the vegetable garden, and plant Qilixiang and Shemimen on the other half."

"What is Snake Miemen, I have never heard of it."

"Snake Miemen is also called Wangjiangnan Heyecaesia, which is found in Gui Province next door. This thing is very evil. As long as it is planted, snakes will not dare to come. I brought a few seeds, not many, and I will plant them here. Just transplant it into the yard."

"Good things, we have to plant the entire periphery of Wenchangwei." Xian Yaodong said excitedly.

"Take your time, wait until I have planted the seeds and choose the seeds, let's wait until next year."


Cleaning up the house, Nanyi first spent two days alone.

Hoe up the weeds in the yard, and pull out the poisonous snakes, centipedes, and toads.

At the end of the count, there were fifteen snakes, more than thirty centipedes, more than forty toads, and countless other insects like grasshoppers.

This result made Nanyi a little surprised. There was no complete biological chain formed in the house, and centipedes and toads were not worrying about eating, but this snake was a bit overhanging. One can only get three toads, which is obviously not enough to eat.

Moreover, poisonous snakes have a sphere of influence, and the yard is not big enough to divide the territory of poisonous snakes.

This had to make Nanyi think of the cellar and the treasure house. There may be a secret passage leading to the outside under the ground, and this secret passage has been discovered by the poisonous snake.

Probably, this yard is not their long-term residence.

With this conjecture, Nanyi didn't rush to look for it. He continued to clean up the yard. After the yard was cleaned up, a well in the corner of the yard showed his real body.

Not in a hurry to investigate the well, Nanyi inspected the whole house again, and after confirming that there was no poison, he called Liu Zhen over, brought a bundle of rope and a bucket, and caught a few frogs along the way.

Nanyi walked to the well, lifted a piece of flat and thick bluestone covering the well, threw two frogs into the well, and then lay down on the well mouth to observe.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"See if the water is poisonous."

Nan Yi watched intently for nearly an hour, and the two frogs were still swimming happily inside.

He tied the bucket to a rope, brought up a bucket of water, and smelled it closely, but there was no pungent smell, only a rusty smell.

"Go and pick up two stones."


Liu Zhen was obedient and obedient, walked out of the courtyard, and came back after picking up two stones.

Nanyi put his ears on the well platform, opened his hands slightly, and the stone fell to the water surface in a free fall, making a "dong" sound, and then a "da" sound after a while.

"The depth of the water is less than six meters, and the bottom is not all mud, there are stones or bluestone slabs."

"Ah? Brother, how do you know?" Liu Zhen asked in shock.

"Listen to the sound, you don't need to learn this thing, the scope of application is very narrow, if the water is too deep, you can't tell how deep it is. However, as long as you can't hear it, it means that the water depth has exceeded the safe depth, so don't go down and take risks. "

Said, Nanyi made one end of the rope into a noose and put it on the wall of the well, and sat on the platform of the well, "I suspect that there is a cellar or a treasure house in this house, although the opening mechanism is unlikely to be in the well, but I Still have to go down and have a look."

"Why is it impossible?"

"Anyone who writes novels can think of it. As long as he is an individual, he should also think that there may be a problem with the well. If I were a craftsman of the mechanism, I would definitely do the opposite. The well is too eye-catching. Besides, it is not clear whether there is a treasure house. You know, it's all my guess."

"Brother, why don't you go down, what if there is danger?"

"It's okay, I regret my life. I wouldn't go down if I didn't confirm that the possibility of danger is not high." Nan Yi smiled and said, "Give me a lookout."

After finishing speaking, he fell headlong, and the person leaned back.

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