Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 100 Clivia, the Executioner

"Master Nan, you let the person I was looking for find it."

The door of Nanyi's office was pushed in from the outside, with a lot of force, the door slammed into the wall with a bang.

Nan Yi, who was disturbed, took a look at Men San'er, and said displeasedly: "Your uncle, have you never learned the rules since you were a child?"

"I didn't know this door was so weak. I found the person you wanted me to find. Would you like to meet him?"

"Is it the last one, or the one two days ago?"

Nanyi asked Men San'er to find a master palm eye very early on. It has been more than a year, and Men San'er has not heard from him; two days ago, he asked Men San'er to find an expert in orchid cultivation. Hearing what Men San'er said, He couldn't figure out which one he was looking for.

"It doesn't matter if it's the last one, or I found this one two days ago." Men San'er had an expression of "praise me" written on his face, and his face was full of color.

"Tell me about the situation."

Nanyi stood up, went to the side and picked up a thermos bottle to pour Men San'er a cup of warm water.

"The one I found was called Li Xiangrong. He is not very old, but he has a family inheritance. His father's name is Li Fukang."

"Li Fukang?" Nan Yi asked with wide eyes, "Don't tell me, Li Xiangrong's grandfather is Li Lianying."

"Hey, Master Nan, have you heard of this man?"

Nan Yi shook his head, "I've never heard of it, but when I heard the name Li Fukang, I immediately thought of Li Lianying. Isn't he Li Lianying's son?"

"Yes, Li Xiangrong is Li Lianying's grandson. Of course, he is not his own grandson. Li Lianying adopted him from his brother. It is said that after Li Lianying died, his family property was divided into four shares, which were given to his four stepchildren.

Among the four stepsons, only Li Fuyin was pure and good-natured, and kept the family property. The other three either went whoring or gambling, or sang operas and recited Buddha. After a few years, they gave the family property to Huo Huoguang.

This Li Xiangrong's father was only in his teens and his family was in ruins, and the one who made it was in ruins..."

"Your uncle, I asked you to tell me a legendary story, mother, just give it to me." Seeing that Men San'er was going to make a long speech again, Nanyi couldn't help cursing.

"Master Nan, don't worry, we'll get to the point soon."

"Then you can be concise and to the point, don't want the old lady's foot wrap - it's smelly and long." Nanyi waved his hand and said.

"All right, all right, let me simply say that Li Xiangrong's father had a hard time, so he learned a lot from Jia Yizhen, a well-known palm eye master in the Republic of China period, and later passed these skills on to Li Xiangrong, that's all."

"The situation at home."

"Father is dead, and mother is still alive, but she is sick and has no unit, so there is no way to reimburse the medical expenses."

"Is there no treasure hidden at home?"

"Why are you hiding? A family like Li Xiangrong has been the focus of attention in the past few years. Their house has been copied more than 800 times, and their land has been scraped three feet. If they have good things, they will be red sooner... bastard copy it gone."

"Success, this sounds like a reliable person. Let's talk about the one who grows orchids."

"The one who grows orchids is a half-grown old man from his hometown in Chuncheng. He has been raising orchids since he was a child. He has been raising orchids for forty years. Especially for Clivia, he is definitely a master of masters."

"Well name?"

"Zhang Yunshui."


"Zhang Yunshui!"

Men San'er repeated it again.

"Didn't you fool me?"

"Master Nan, how dare I fool you, it's really Zhang Yunshui."

"Oh, that's because I was thinking too much." Nanyi waved his hand and said, "What does Zhang Yunshui do you're talking about?"

"An ordinary worker in the No. 2 Steel Rolling Plant. He also has a son named Zhang Run, who is also an educated youth. He just returned to the city not long ago. He has no job at present, and his family is a bit tight."

Nan Yi chuckled, "It's fine, life is tight, let my son take up the job early, retire and do something outside, work for three to five years, and save tens of thousands of dollars."

"Master Nan, can this orchid be used for frying?"

"That's right, my brain is becoming more and more active. When I start, you can think that I want to fry orchids." Nan Yi praised, and then said: "This orchid, like monkey tickets, has the basics for hype. condition.

Moreover, compared with monkey tickets, the value of orchids has more room to rise, and the profits that can be obtained from them are naturally higher. "

"Master Nan, this business will end in three to five years?" Man San'er grasped the key words in Nan Yi's words just now.

"Well, it's a one-off deal."

"Then I'll talk to Zhang Yunshui again. If he's reliable, I'll take him in?"

"Well, you take a few photos of the orchids he raised and bring them back. If I nod, you will give him two thousand yuan as a settling fee first, and then let him go back to Spring City to raise orchids."

"Just grow orchids, nothing else?"

"Go to the countryside in the suburbs of Spring City to set up a small hill, and find a few people to help grow orchids together. They only grow and don't sell them. When they are free, they often go to the urban area to check the market of orchids, and send a price list of orchids regularly. Attached photo."

"Don't we need our own people to stir up the market?"

"No need for now, just wait and see."

"Sure, then I'll finalize Zhang Yunshui first." Man San'er replied, and then asked: "Master Nan, why were you surprised when you heard the name Zhang Yunshui just now?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Zhang Yunshui is Runtu's real name, that's why I was surprised. I thought you saw it from somewhere and came to amuse me on purpose."

"Runtu? The one about "Youth Runtu" written by Lu Xun?"

"Yes, it's the one from Zha Yun."

"Is there really such a person?"

"Nonsense, it's still fake. Go ahead and find out the background of Li Xiangrong and Zhang Yunshui, and be more detailed."

"Yes, wait for my letter."

After Men San'er left, Nan Yi stopped reading, but took a copy of "Story Club" from the side, turned it to the middle, stapled it up, and unloaded the papers one by one.

Folded left and right, cut half a piece of paper and rolled it into a straw-shaped cylinder, combined the folded parts together, and soon a paper shell gun appeared in Nanyi's hand.

Still painting gourds, Nanyi did it again.

Looking at the two pistols on the table for a while, Nanyi held one in each of his left and right hands, with his left hand upright, and his right hand held the pistol horizontally, muttering, "The blockade is getting tighter and tighter, which means the end of the devil is coming! Xiao Devils, Li Xiangyang with Two Guns is here!"

Childish aiming left and right, after playing for a long time, Nan Yi shook his head with a smile, put the two "guns" into the drawer, and solemnly sandwiched them between two books.

Then, he took out a workbook from the drawer, opened the cover, opened the inside pages, picked up the hero pen on the table, took off the cap, shook his hand, and wrote a big title on the book— — "The Eighties Group Plan".

Fu wrote a new line and wrote a subtitle-"From the beginning of controlling the childhood of the post-80s, and the subsequent 50-year repeated harvest plan".


Guess what Nanyi wants to do, um, the basic three views of Nanyi in my writing are still positive, don't think too far!

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