Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 99 You can vote if you want?

For Nanyi, the food here at Yuebin can only be said to be mediocre.

I heard the proprietress here say that there are too few tables, and you can't buy too many dishes. She plans to serve a limited number of meals. In the future, guests will have to make an appointment for dinner, and then arrange a number.

It has to be said that the people in the capital city may not be very skilled in craftsmanship, but they are self-taught in arranging scenes, and they are also good at injecting culture and sophistication into ordinary things.

On the day Nanyi finished the final exam, he received a letter from the country.

Bill Gates gave face to Liu Zhen, a school girl, and met with the agent sent by Fang Mengyin.

But Bill Gates did not agree to Nanyi's investment request. Although Microsoft is short of money, what it lacks is not pure funds. What it needs is funds with other attributes, funds that can grow the plate together.

For example, it can provide help for listing, or can bring good government relations and so on.

For this result, Nanyi has long been psychologically prepared.

To be honest, if Bill Gates directly agrees to his shareholding, Nanyi will panic, either Microsoft is not the Microsoft it should be; or Bill Gates will hold back his big move and prepare to strike out Nanyi in the future.

Nanyi once had a correct understanding of investing in unicorns.

Even if you can travel back to the past, before the unicorns made their fortunes, if you can't provide additional help for the development of unicorns except money, even if you become a shareholder, you will inevitably be kicked out in the future.

What about going back to the past, finding the founder of a unicorn with a valuation of only one million, and investing five million in others, as long as they own 20% of the shares, they will kowtow to you and promise that your shares will never be diluted.

For this kind of thing, just have a dream at night to enjoy yourself. If you really have a chance, you can't just do it in a hurry, you have to weigh yourself first.

Nanyi was not disappointed when he failed to invest in Microsoft. He had no hope for this.

If you want to invest, there will be opportunities in the future, so don't be in a hurry.

It's summer vacation, and Nanyi is not in a hurry to go back to Wenchangwei, but goes to work at the Shan の Taste Club in the name of a free translator.


"Whether there is someone or not, don't call me the president, call me Nansang. I call you the assistant officer or the deputy head of the household, and you just treat me as a subordinate and a real part-time translator."

"Then...Nan-san, I'll take the liberty." Uedo Masami bowed and said.

"Sit down and talk about the situation."

"Nan Sang, I have already contacted the supply and marketing cooperatives in Northeast China and Yunnan Province, and they are very interested in purchasing their mountain products from our company;

As long as we pay in Japanese yen or US dollars, they can provide us with the highest quality mountain products, and they will also give us the lowest supply price.

The Foreign Affairs Office also said that they will help our club solve the problem of road transportation. I invited people from the supply and marketing agency and the Foreign Affairs Office to negotiate;

We directly invested in the establishment of vacuum packaging factories in Yunnan Province and Heilongjiang Province. After the purchase of mountain products, they are directly vacuum-packed locally, and then the mountain products in Yunnan Province are transported to Yangcheng Port, and the mountain products in Northeast China are shipped to Tianlong Port. "

"Well, after the factory is established, find an influential newspaper in Japan, and publish the Ikeda Club's investment in Heihe Province and Dian Province in the newspaper. Where the factory is built, the place name will appear in the report.

For example, write like this: The establishment of our factory has received strong support from a certain place, and the place name, title, and person's name must be clearly written.

After it is published, bring a few copies of the newspaper over to the person concerned, and find an influential newspaper here to reprint it. "

"Nan Sang, what is the purpose of doing this?"

"Iron battalion camps and running sailors, poor mountains and bad waters are full of troublesome people. You don't know enough about the situation here now, just do as you want. When you understand better in the future, you will naturally understand my intentions."


"Due to the existence of unified purchase and marketing, the mountain products in the hands of farmers can only be sold to the purchasing stations of supply and marketing cooperatives, and we can only purchase mountain products from supply and marketing cooperatives for the time being.

However, this situation will not remain unchanged. In the future, we will definitely have direct contact with farmers, and there will inevitably be competitors, whether they are Japanese or local.

We must pay attention to establishing a reputation in the origin of mountain products and properly handle the relationship with local farmers; we also need to establish a reputable and influential brand.

If you want to build a brand, quality management is very important. Whether it is the quality control link or the sales link, you need to pay attention to it. The quality control personnel should choose relatively old-fashioned people, preferably Japanese. "

Nanyi has seen the rigidity and meticulousness of Japanese inspection and acceptance personnel. When inspecting and accepting products, every very small detail will not be missed.

It can be said that the products are mainly sold to domestic manufacturers in Japan, and the quality is not too bad. This is because they were forced out by the inspectors in Japan.

Of course, you can't use domestic low prices to set Japanese quality, and you get what you pay for, which makes sense.

"Hayi, Nansang, I will follow the standards of a century-old shop."

"This is the best way. I actually really appreciate the centuries-old clubs and trading companies you have established for hundreds of years. They focus on one field and achieve the ultimate. They are very craftsman. Well, you go to work first, and the production line will be done as soon as possible. Go finalize."


After Masami Uedo left, Nan Yi held a book about orchids in his hand and looked at it.

If Shan の Taste Club wants a stable supply of mountain goods, it can only temporarily cooperate with supply and marketing cooperatives to directly connect farmers who pick mountain goods. It is not realistic yet.

For the time being, Shan の Taste doesn't have much to do in China. Apart from establishing two vacuum packaging plants, there is nothing else that can be done.

The current work focus of Shan の Taste is still to establish the Tokyo shipping channel.

Ring ring ring!

Nan Yi looked up at the desk, there were three phones on his desk, one was used to contact Xiang Xing, one was used to contact Wen Changwei, and the other was a business phone of Shan の Wei.

Nanyi is also suffering from the phobia of lack of telephones, and he calls five thousand yuan a phone, but he still asks Ueto Masami to pull eight phones.

Fortunately, the wiring here has already been laid, otherwise a phone of 7,000 yuan would not be able to stop it.


"Successful shot."

"Well, I see. Thirty million deposits are deposited into the stock account of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange." After Nan Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The phone call was from Fang Mengyin, who was talking about Carrian shares.

"Smooth shot" means that Chen Songqi admitted that he was defeated, and Nanyi received another 131.48 million Hong Kong dollars.

The Hong Kong stock market will soon usher in a big bear market, which gives Nanyi an opportunity to short. When the time is right, Nanyi will ask Nian Lufu to find a broker to borrow money.

Nian Lufu is not bad, he can use it first.

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