Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1098 Two first-class merits, alive

For outsiders, there is no difference between Adler Clinic and other private hospitals. The services that can be enjoyed in other hospitals can also be enjoyed in Adler, and the model is very similar.

The difference is that Adler provides installment payment services for medical bills. The clinic will evaluate the repayment ability of patients and their family members who propose installment payment based on the amount of medical expenses of the patient, and will allow repayment ability and good reputation. The patients who pay in installments only need to pay an additional interest, which is not much, and the annual interest is only a mere 4%.

The purpose of formulating this service is purely from the perspective of "specific" patients, so that they will not reduce their quality of life due to a serious illness. The interest charged is not for profit, but to make up for part of the loss of the clinic.

If the medical expenses are recovered as soon as possible, no matter where they are placed, the annual income cannot be less than 4%.

As for the behavior of reducing or exempting medical expenses, each doctor in the clinic has a certain amount of reduction for the patients they choose every year. This is mainly for cases of special interest to them and to make up for their conscience.

Seeing that there are too many patients, there will always be patients who make them soft-hearted and want to help. They will directly give them a quota, and they can help whoever they want.

Nanyi has almost no profit requirements for the Adler Clinic. It is a non-profit hospital anyway, and the most it can do is to spend some research and development expenses. Even if it earns hundreds of billions a year, it cannot be put into its own pocket. Therefore, his business will not be hit. For the clinic, the rules are only for the healthy development of the clinic, and more money can be transferred to the poor areas of the country for medical assistance every year, which is enough.

Nanyi was thinking about these things when he was being examined in the clinic.

Ruan Mei has already been diagnosed with avian flu. He found out in time and it was nothing serious. He himself was even more troubled. Avian flu has an incubation period, and there is no way to detect it during the incubation period. In the next few days, he has to pay more attention to his body situation.

After the examination was done, Nan Yi went to Ruan Mei's ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, he immediately took off his coat and lay down on the large hospital bed, hugged Ruan Mei who was moaning in a low voice, leaned into her ear and said ambiguously: "Sister, next time we play a hospital story, you It's a patient, I'm a gynecologist."

"Well, ah..." Ruan Mei moaned twice, then said weakly, "No, you are a patient, and I am a urologist."

"What disease should I see in the urology department?"


"If there is a problem with my kidney, you can cry."

"Giggle...ah, it's so uncomfortable, I hate it, don't make me laugh."

"Okay, okay, sleep, you won't feel uncomfortable when you fall asleep."


Ruan Mei murmured, arched her head into Nanyi's arms, found a comfortable position, closed her eyes to get sleepy, and after a while, her eyes suddenly opened again, "You son, you sleep with me , aren't you afraid of being infected?"

"Don't be afraid, don't think about it, go to sleep."


Ruan Mei turned over, stretched her hand behind Nanyi, swam around a few times and stopped, then closed her eyes again, and fell asleep again.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already the morning of the second day. Ruan Mei looked around and saw Nan Yi with his feet floating in the air, standing upside down on the floor doing push-ups. Four-fifths of it was soaked, and she knew that Nanyi had reached the stage of relying on willpower to persist, so she didn't make any noise, but just watched quietly.

After a few breaths, her eyes began to stretch, and a shy picture appeared in her mind.

After the remaining one-fifth was also soaked, Nanyi put his feet down, stood up, took a few breaths, picked up the towel beside him to wipe his cheeks, and saw that he was sitting on the hospital bed, Ruan Mei with dreams written on her face.

"What pose?"

"Ah?" Ruan Mei was startled awake.

"Ask what posture you use in your dream."

"Magic Mountain."

"I know how to think. Get up, brush your teeth and wash your face. I'll go see if the porridge is ready."

Nan Yi muttered, walked to the kitchen, came to the stove, smelled the aroma of porridge in the air, and knew that it was almost ready, so he opened the refrigerator, took out fruits, vegetables and eggs from it, and prepared to make side dishes for the porridge.

The original intention of the establishment of the Adler clinic was to make it convenient for her family to see a doctor. The room Ruan Mei lived in was her private ward, with a layout of two rooms and two halls. Except for the passage reserved for the placement and passage of medical equipment, other furnishings It was Ruan Mei who arranged it according to her own preferences, including the cooking utensils in the kitchen, which she personally bought.

The services of the clinic are meticulous, and most of the services that patients need can be provided, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, dry cleaning, styling, makeup, manicure, and business contacts with clothing stores and jewelry stores. Female patients can enjoy services lying on the hospital bed Well, as long as Ruan Mei is not limited, she can live in the clinic for a long time without any inconvenience in life.

According to Nanyi's understanding, the hospital belongs to the medical service industry. Since it has the word service, the work must be meticulous. As long as the patients are willing to spend money, they can be gods in the Adler Clinic.

Like other service positions in Nan's, the salary structure of the nurses in the Adler Clinic also includes a "receiving fee". some.

Nanyi does not want Adler's medical staff to lift themselves up to sacred heights. Adler's medical system adopts the strategy of high-paying gifts. The annual salary of nurses starts at 50,000 US dollars, and the salary standard ensures that they can be provided in better communities. It is the standard to buy a luxury apartment and allow a family of four to live a decent life.

Regardless of whether there is a reason or not, you are not allowed to quarrel with the patient or the patient's family members. If you have a reason, you can directly go to the legal counsel. If you have to sue, you can file a lawsuit, and if you have a claim, you can make a claim. Arguing can't solve any problems, and you can only wait for the dismissal letter from the clinic.

When Nanyi came out of the kitchen with food, the attending doctor and nurse had already examined Ruan Mei in front of her hospital bed, and brought the food to the dining table, Nanyi went to the hospital bed and asked the attending doctor, "Doctor Jiang, is it important? "

"The fever has subsided. There is nothing serious. After another two days of observation, I can be discharged from the hospital if the condition does not recur."


After the medical staff left, Nan Yi and the two had breakfast, Ruan Mei went back to the hospital bed and lay down to watch TV, Nan Yi huddled at the dining table and stared at the computer. A new type of bird flu appeared. Big shock, and those involved below are working hard to turn the bad news into good news.

In the four places of Guangdong Province, Guangxi Province, Qiong Province, and Xiangxi Province, whether it is the reclamation group or Shennong Nanliang, they have been deeply involved in the chicken industry, especially chickens, which started at a million-level level and have developed to the present level. In units of 100 million, the number of chicken farms in the four places exceeds 300 million.

Around ten o'clock, Ge Cuizhu called Nanyi.

"Nanyi, there are a total of 175 million white-feathered chickens. Are they really going to be burned? In fact, we can sell another batch outside, sharing the risk and reducing the loss."

Ge Cuizhu's voice trembled, and Nan Yi could hear her deep reluctance.

Nan Yi said categorically: "Burn, burn all, lips are dead, teeth are cold, the farmers are weak, they can't carry it, the farmers are dead, and we can't live. We are destined to lose money on the spot, and we can only find compensation from the futures. Now that the news has not spread, I will mobilize funds to go to Chicago to short egg futures, Auntie, please give me authorization."

"Okay, Nanyi, when you are free, let's have a meeting to discuss the rectification plan for the chicken farming business."

"After the next year, let's close this one first."

After hanging up the phone, Nanyi continued to read the reports gathered from various places. When the bird flu broke out, not only chickens, but also other winged animals would be affected. Discuss with dealers how to tide over difficulties together.

Just like what he said to Ge Cuizhu, he can pretend he doesn’t know about bird flu and continue to supply dealers, and he can even carry out promotional activities to clear all the unslaughter. Yes, but the soil on which to live has become smaller. This is digging its own grave.

Shennong Nanliang and the Reclamation Group must have the responsibility of large enterprises and upstream enterprises to bear most of the losses, protect the distributors below, and let them suffer less losses, unless they stop doing it after they get all the votes, otherwise , can only do so, and must do so.

As the reports were approved one by one, chickens in many regions of the world were unlucky. They were pushed into big pits by forklifts, doused with gasoline, and burned blazingly.

Every time it burns, Nanyi feels something, the last eight digits of the twelve digits are changing, one is the richest man in the country, two, three... Gone with the wind.

In 1996, as soon as the year started, it gave Nanyi a heavy blow.

It's not easy to be a farmer!

Just when Nan Yi was upset, Ruan Mei came up behind him and poked his temples gently with her index fingers.

Nan Yi smiled comfortably, "You are a patient, there is no need for you to serve me."

"It's not a serious illness. Are you okay? How much did you lose?" Ruan Mei said softly.

"It's hard to calculate. It's just started, and the time it will be affected is unknown. There must be a loss of 100 to 200 million U.S. dollars."

Ruan Mei knew it was not a big deal when she heard that it was only so much, "Oh, don't worry, it's fine to earn back later, in business, of course there are losses and gains."

"I don't care about money. Where there is a low tide, there will be a high tide. After a sharp drop, there will be a skyrocketing rise. I have the confidence to die before dawn. I am just thinking, how to turn the low tide into a high tide next time."

"You are so greedy."

Nan Yi turned his face away, reached out and pulled Ruan Mei into his arms, "Aren't you greedy? I want it, I want it, do it again."

Ruan Mei blushed, "I hate it, you embarrass me and punish you to play the harmonica for me."

"It's been a long time since I played the harmonica. I'm learning suona recently. Do you want to listen?"

"Okay, what tune are you playing?"

""Jiang Wei's Conjuring Song", I learned it from a Taoist priest."

"Taoist?" Ruan Mei asked in surprise.

"Well, they specialize in white affairs." Nanyi smiled badly.

"Baby, I'm not finished with you." Ruan Mei raised her neck, making a gesture to bite Nanyi's neck.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, don't make trouble." Nan Yi hugged Ruan Mei and said, "I'll sing to you a piece of Gangu Zan Shen Wu rampant soldiers and horses, "Fighting Wu Dynasty", saving is summoning, saving God It means gathering gods and spirits, summoning all the gods in the sky to bless our sister-in-law."


"I'm humming." Nanyi chuckled, and hummed: "Master Taishan wears Nine Dragon Balls, Lord Taishan wears Nine Dragon Balls, Lord Taishan wears Nine Dragon Balls..."

Nanyi blends the same sentence into different accents.

"Huh? Only one sentence?"

"When I saw Zunshen, I only understood this sentence." Nanyi said without any shame.

Ruan Mei gave Nan Yi a white look, and said angrily, "You can do it differently."

"Okay." Nan Yi responded, stretched out his hand to caress Ruan Mei's ear, and murmured, "Sister, go home."

Immediately, he grasped the void with his hand, made another motion of grasping something with the palm of his hand, and then put it on the back of Ruan Mei's head, and muttered again: "Sister, go home and have dinner with Dad."

Ruan Mei gave Nan Yi another hard look, "Where is this method of calling the soul?"

"It's like this in many places. Anyway, the routines are similar. Some sprinkle water, and some sprinkle rice. My grandma used to call my soul when I was young."

"Oh, seriously, sing me a song."


This time, Nanyi didn't play around any more, and seriously hummed a song "The Big Song: Pearls Under the Sea Are Easy to Find", "My sister, there are pearls on the bottom of the sea, easy to find, my sister, my sister, sincerely Well, sister is hard in the world, look for it."

The more Ruan Mei listened, the brighter her eyes became. After Nan Yi finished singing, she asked, "How can you do this? When I was young, Mommy often sang to me."

Nan Yi chuckled, "I know you want to hear that I learned it specially for you, but unfortunately it's not. I learned it from Ruoying. She has a classmate in elementary school who is from the Dan family."

"Can't you coax me?"

"Coaxing people is my profession, and I have to charge money."

"Hate~ hate!"

Nanyi stayed with Ruan Mei in the hospital for three days, and there was no delay in her work. After she was discharged from the hospital, she went to Yecheng and stayed with the long-awaited Su Meng for a week. On the way back to the capital, she also visited her son. When he returned to the capital, there were only two days left before New Year's Eve.

The Spring Festival in 1996 was not much different from previous years, except for some small details. Last year, in addition to Nanchen wine, there was also some well-known Confucian family wine. This year, it was replaced by Qinchi, which is even more famous.

The 66.66 million bid king, the advertising effect is still good. It is said that after becoming the bid king, a 400 million sales contract was signed within one month. This news was read from the newspaper. It is quite suspected of self-selling and boasting advertisements. Nanyi just took it for fun child to see.

On the first month after the new year, Nanyi and Liu Zhen should eat clear soup with little water, scrape off the oil in their stomachs, and take time to go to the cinema and watch "Forrest Gump" which is currently being screened.

In late March, Nanyi was summoned by Li Yizheng to join a high-standard inspection team as a small role, and went to Dongwu, Shandong Province to investigate the restructuring of small enterprises, which lasted five and a half days.

This research trip let Nanyi know that the country is about to adopt a strategy of "grasping the big and letting go of the small" for state-owned enterprises. The tight spells on the transfer have been loosened, allowing small state-owned enterprises to move freely.

The specific concept of grasping the big was still vague at the beginning. After a period of time, although the policy of "grasping the big and letting go of the small" has not been published in the newspapers, people who have the means have already inquired about it, and the concept of grasping the big has gradually become clear—— Fully support the high-quality enterprises that have rushed out of the market, and send them to the world's top 500 as soon as possible.

Entering the world's top 500 has become a national economic goal, but when Nan Yi turned his attention away, there was still no clear document issued, and no news about the selection of seed players.

However, the dark wind has blown, and more and more people are stepping on the threshold of green nuclear development, and they will be out of the bag in a few days. Hooked and ran outside.

Early inspection, mid-term negotiation, final funding, the processes of several projects need to be interspersed together, often researching chemical industry today, machinery tomorrow, and steelmaking the day after tomorrow, either during research or on the way to dinner.

Wherever you go, you are warmly entertained. Good wine and delicious food seem harmless. In fact, drinking is accompanied by a first-class factory flower. You don’t have to think about it. The bureau showed "imported" stomach medicine (vitamin C), and reasoned that the doctor would not allow alcohol.

In addition to being busy, Nanyi is also concerned about Fuji Pharmaceutical's going north to pick peaches. Since it is small, it is possible to acquire the depressed state-owned pharmaceutical industry.

The first target of Fuji Pharmaceuticals is Chuanshu Yucheng Pharmaceutical Factory, which is one of the earliest domestic manufacturers of traditional Chinese medicine injections. By the end of last year, this old state-owned enterprise had reached the end of its rope, with an annual output value of only 1,000 yuan. More than ten thousand yuan, the profit is only 20 thousand yuan.

The acquisition team of Fuji Pharmaceuticals talked for half a month in the past, and it was taken down for 17 million yuan. The title of Yucheng Pharmaceutical Factory was not changed, only the suffix was changed, and the name was changed to Yucheng Pharmaceuticals. The business remained the same and continued to produce traditional Chinese medicine injections. , just changed the brand to "Fuer" and entered the sales channel established by Fuji Pharmaceutical.

After winning the first goal and moving towards the second goal, Fuji Pharmaceuticals met a strong opponent, Jiusan Pharmaceuticals, who also went out to pick peaches.

Jiusan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. sits on the ground and has developed quite well in the past few years. The Jiusan brand has resounded throughout the country. Looking around, there are few companies like it that not only have the pedigree of a state-owned enterprise, but also have funds, brands and sales networks. Handing over the enterprise to Jiusan will not only revive the enterprise, but also avoid the suspicion of selling state-owned assets at a low price.

Therefore, every time Jiusan Pharmaceuticals went to a province, the first and second leaders would come forward to receive them. When they arrived in cities and counties, they would even alarm the five major teams to welcome them off collectively.

In contrast, the acquisition of Fuji Pharmaceuticals was not attended by the media, and there was no grand occasion to see it off. Yucheng's leadership team probably still worried about "selling" state-owned assets at a low price, and they wished to do things quietly.

However, after watching for a while, both Nanyi and Huangfuming discovered that Jiusan Pharmaceutical not only targeted pharmaceutical-related companies, but was simply unscrupulous, with companies in food, tourist restaurants, wine making and other industries all pocketing their pockets. Pretending to be the top 500 goal.

Since this is the case, it will be easy to handle. Nanyi asked Huangfuming to fly over, and the two compared the map and the domestic pharmaceutical company directory to screen suitable targets for acquisition. After this step of work was over, Huangfuming flew back to Yecheng to find Duan Wenxuan discussed borrowing a brand, that is, Yecheng borrowed a pharmaceutical company's brand as a springboard for Fuji Pharmaceutical, and used the borrowed brand to acquire other pharmaceutical companies, one company, and one company with clear property rights.

In return, the pharmaceutical company acquired by Fuji Pharmaceutical will separate production and sales, keep most of the sales flow in Yecheng, and register a new company, which holds 5% of Fuji Pharmaceutical's dividend rights , Yecheng City holds 65% of the company's shares.

In this way, Yecheng City can not only collect a lot of land taxes, but also share in the dividends of the growth of Fuji Pharmaceutical.

No matter how you say it, Yecheng is also a special zone. It has the courage to dare to be the first in the world. At the same time, its policies are one step ahead of that of the mainland. Moreover, borrowing a brand is not a big deal, and there are not many responsibilities. Nanyi believes that Duan Wenxuan will agree.

This kind of operation is a little menglang, but Nanyi doesn't want to wait for a better time to come. He wants to hide his ears and steal the bell, so as not to join forces with those who really embezzle state-owned assets.

The second is that pharmaceutical companies have high profits and strong shoulders, which can bear a series of burdens of the acquired companies. Even if they cannot stay in the local area because of some trivial matters, it is easy to escape. After all, pharmaceutical companies have relatively light fixed assets.

Even if you don't have to run away, factory relocation is also a part of the problem. Most pharmaceutical companies are located in good locations in the future of the city. Even if all the assets on the ground are lost, as long as the land is there, the acquisition will not lose money.

The third is to compete for time and speed, and complete the acquisition first before others have thought about it, so as to save costs and unnecessary competition.

Huangfuming's loan operation was very successful. After negotiating with Yecheng City, he went to Guoming Bank. Without much effort, he obtained a loan of 100 million yuan from the bank with a period of two years.

The development of Fuji Pharmaceutical has entered the track. After the stage of needing support, if the building is not saved, the financial team will not inject funds into it. It needs funds from external banks first, and then finds its own bank if it is not good. .

If new funds are injected as soon as there is a need for funds, managers will have a dependent mentality, and thus lose an important skill for practicing the survival art of domestic enterprises-dealing with banks.

Nan's strong capital reserve is not only to support the start-up of its industries, but also to provide a guarantee for the industries that have salvage value in times of crisis, so that the industry leaders will not be trapped by a penny and the hero will be stumped. Tragically, if you need funds in normal operations, you should regard yourself as an independent individual, and you should find a bank when you need to find a bank.

In fact, unless there is an order from the Emotional Policy Committee, the Nanguo banking system does not give any preferential treatment to the brother units. The brother units will enjoy whatever conditions are given to outside customers. At most, they can enjoy certain convenience in the risk control link.

As a brother company, the mother-in-law is the same, so you don’t have to worry about the “client” repudiating the loan, and the high-risk evaluation is not impossible to approve. As long as the mother-in-law on the head is willing to save, Nanguo Bank is not afraid of not being able to recover the loan.

The purpose of the Nan family is that business is business, and if it is business, it is about profit, and there is nothing to talk about.

Nanyi has seen too many companies that rely on friendship as a bond. After growing, the partners cut off their robes for petty profits, and even faced each other with swords. After failure, they even complained to each other, wishing to hack each other's family to death.

People who can think rationally will not bring friendship into business operations at all. This world will never give room for friendship-based companies to grow. Even friendship between brotherly units can only exist outside of business activities.

Just like before Nan Ruobing was looking for a loan from Nanguo Bank, so she called Nanyi. Nanyi's call to Nanguo Bank was not to give an order, but to provide a guarantee in disguise - if the loan cannot be recovered, the He carries.

In June, when he was on the run, Nanyi saw economic experts in the newspapers posting articles advocating the Daewoo model, saying that it is an oriental model and can be transplanted to China. Articles are published in mouthpiece newspapers and periodicals. From this, it can be seen that the upper echelons already have a policy for the concept of "Top 500", establish seed players, select high-quality companies to inject, and build aircraft carriers.

Nanyi bought a copy of Jin Yuzhong's "Great Achievements", after reading it, he wrote an article "Whose Money in the Bank?" ", the writing is pungent and expresses the essence of the bank. After finishing writing, Nanyi read it by himself, then crumpled it up and threw it into the trash can.

The reason, tell the truth.

Pick up a pen, and write another article "Squirrel Flowers Bloom, China's Aircraft Carrier Conquers the World——On the Ninety-nine Advantages of the Consortium-style Economic Model".

Five thousand words are eloquent, but the ending is still a trash can.

The reason is to show some face.

Forget it, let's wait for the next opportunity to create the character design of Expert Nan.

Nanyi gave up on this, and returned to his work, and continued to work hard, crushing Dayu, passing through the house without entering.

In the golden autumn of September, the temperature in Beijing reached 31.8 degrees Celsius, with windy weather and not too hot, but to eat yellow sand, Nanyi withdrew from the affairs of green nuclear development and became leisurely.

September 7th, Bailu.

It's Saturday.

In the bedroom of the old house.

There was a pile of clothes thrown on the bed, and Nan Yi stood in front of the makeup mirror, gesturing on his body one by one.

He was very excited.

Yesterday, the Ministry of People's Armed Forces came to inform us, get ready for the good news!

Two servings, together.

After trying on one, Nanyi picked up another one and gestured in front of his chest, "Do you think it's okay for me to wear this?"

Liu Zhen, who was buried in the pile of clothes and played the mobile phone, did not lift her head, "It looks good, it looks good."

"But I still think the style is more commercial, should we be more simple?" Nan Yi looked at himself in the makeup mirror, taking pains.

"Okay, okay."

"Liu, it's too perfunctory, look up."

Liu Zhen looked away from the LCD screen of the handheld, raised her head, glanced at Nanyi, and then looked disgusted, "It's my son who has made meritorious service, not you. Does it matter what you wear? Besides, you won't be here until ten days later, so what's the rush. "

"Nonsense, my son has made first-class merits before my hair is gray, there are still two, scorpion shit, the only one in the whole country, I can't be excited, hehe, little bastard, it's not for nothing."

Nan Yi speaks incoherently, and his whole body is filled with joy, which exceeds the moment when he saw Nan Youqiong come into the world and had his own blood for the first time.

"I gave birth, it's none of your business."

"Without me, can you give birth alone?" Nan Yi glanced at the makeup mirror, looked at the reflection of Liu Zhen who weighed more than 140 pounds in the mirror, and sighed helplessly, "I didn't say you, you really should lose weight Like a pig, if I bump into outsiders on the street, I am too embarrassed to admit that you are my daughter-in-law."

"You are the pig, and my name is Zhuyuan Yurun." Liu Zhen said unconvinced.

"Tch, you're thirty-four years old, you need to save face."

Nan Yi said a word, tried a few more clothes, and finally chose a suit that fit the image of a township entrepreneur, paired with a shirt with a collar that looked pretty good.

Liu Zhen didn't seem to care about Nan Wuwei's meritorious deeds, but in the next few days, Nanyi would always laugh out loud when she saw her inexplicably. "Glorious" honor, when welcoming back Nan Wuwei who was wearing a military uniform, a big red flower on his chest, and two medals on his chest, Liu Zhen still cried, with joy and pity.

When the outsiders were still there, they were not too excited. When the troops, local leaders, and relatives who came to watch the ceremony left, Liu Zhen squatted on the ground and cried loudly. While crying, she blamed Nanyi for being cruel. When he was ten years old, he was sent to the army, and there was one wave after another of complaints, which made Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei look at each other in dismay.

Nan Yi couldn't persuade him, and he was embarrassed to persuade him. He was indeed a little cruel. He had no excuse for this. He could only ask Nan Wuwei for help, "Son, please persuade your mother."

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