Nan Wuwei is better at coaxing Liu Zhen, so he can coax Liu Zhen well in just two or three sentences.

The family huddled in the old bungalow and whispered for a while, and then went to the courtyard house of grandma Fang Mengyin.

If there are good things, big good things, it is inevitable to set up a few tables. Those who should come from the Nan family and the Liu family, those who can come, those who can come, Fang Mengyin, Fan Hongdou, Nan Ruobing, Nan Ruochan, Ke Jianzhen, Sun Muxi, All five members of Liu Feibao's family came, not to mention the others in the capital.

A big happy event came, followed by several other big events.

Fan Hongdou returned to China after handling the affairs in the United States. He went to Shanghai to establish Nanguo Hongdou Group, which consists of Fan Shifu Group, Hongdou Network, and Aihua Communications. Based on the food industry, he entered the Internet and communication industries. Taking over all the Nan's domestic business, within three to five years at most, Nan Yi will hand over all the domestic business to her, and he will completely hide himself.

After Fan Hongdou finished setting up Nanguo Hongdou's shelf, Nanyi took her to visit the domestic relations one by one, and checked every industry in the country.

In mid-October, Fan Hongdou began to take on multiple roles and had multiple identities. He was the person in charge of Nanshi’s Greater China business, the head of the Greater China region of the Gloves Group of the Emotional Policy Committee, the vice president of Green Nuclear Development, and the chief accountant of the Nanchen Village Committee. Assistant, chairman of Nanguo Hongdou Group, president of Akaisa Vegetable Company, boss of Quanjun Investment, and a master's student at Hudan University.

Nan Ruofing also graduated from Harvard, and went to Massachusetts next door to study for a master's degree. At the same time, she also began to take on multiple jobs. Nan's Asia-Pacific financial business director (internship), a member of the financial team of the Intelligence Policy Committee, and the No. Secretary, President of Wanhu Space Exploration Company, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lincoln University in New York, President of Celebrity Capital, owner of GA Services, shareholder of Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad (BNFS) formed through the merger of two railroad companies.

Nan Ruofing is already a rising financial and business elite among the ethnic minorities in the United States. Financial and economic magazines will often report on her, and she will be on the cover of heavyweight weekly magazines just around the corner.

Nan Ruochan is also very difficult. Elias J. Corey will take her with him when he attends important academic conferences, as if he treats her as a personal disciple. Becoming a young chemist is already a certainty. As long as she has achieved academically in chemistry, wearing the title of chemist is not a problem.

After October, Nan Yi shifted his focus to his children, took Nan Ruoqi to London on a cruise, lived in London for a while, then went to New York, and settled down in Scarlet Manor with peace of mind.

Nanyi ran around like this, but Ding Mian was in a hurry. The Yan Nanfei plan had been in progress for a long time, and he couldn't find a chance to get close to Nanyi. He could only take a gamble, rented a few houses opposite the Jiuzhangji, and opened a trading company.

Nanyi didn’t know that there was Comrade Ding who suffered because of him. He is living a happy life now. He handles official business in the morning, spends time in the Qidian Orphanage in the afternoon, and in the evening, he opens up a sister vegetable garden next to the brothers’ vegetable garden. He has free time I also do a little carpentry to practice my craft of building a wooden house.

One day, he also set up a "Nanyi Retirement" preparatory committee under the South Office to prepare for his retirement life in advance.

That's it, Nanyi's little life is living happily. Occasionally, he will go to a few financial lectures, learn about the subprime mortgage in the United States, and study how to make profits from the subprime mortgage crisis.

Lewis Ranieri, the first person who thought of packaging mortgages into bonds for sale, can also be said to be the founder of American subprime mortgages. Nanyi talked to him, and he was clear about the possible crisis of subprime mortgages. .

Nanyi also talked to several other vested interests in subprime mortgages. They also know that this thing will explode sooner or later, but the benefits are too attractive, and they are deeply trapped in the situation. It is difficult, very difficult to get out. Just to find a ladder to escape from the deep pit, Wall Street capital has been fooling European capital into the game.

After understanding these situations, Nanyi understands that it is delusional to want to make big profits from the subprime mortgage crisis. It is possible to find other banks to play a game of gambling agreement and make a small profit of hundreds of millions or billions. Sap, this sap is not easy to hit. The subprime mortgage is related to the interests of most of the capital on Wall Street. If you knock it down, you will poke a hornet's nest.

Therefore, Nanyi put this relatively distant matter first, don’t worry, the subprime mortgage is still in a very stable period, Americans still have great potential to buy houses, you can think about real estate speculation first, continue to wait and see, waiting is more greedy, eat When deep capital appears, they will stare at this kind of target and slaughter.

During the period at the end of 1996, Scarlett was relatively active, and often attended receptions in the financial industry, especially the investment bank that had made large investments and loans in South Korea, James David Wolfen, President of the World Bank Sen, Deputy Governor Fenence Sams, and several chief economic advisers have been approached.

The opportunity to harvest South Korea is coming. Before harvesting, you must communicate with other investment banks with the same purpose, and unify the general direction of eating this cake. When competing with each other for the cake share, you must not affect the overall cake. The size, in simple terms, is to compete on the basis of cooperation.

Nan Youqiong is also very active. When Nanyi held a meeting of the New York Intelligence Policy Committee, he proposed to the public that he would give Nan Youqiong US$500 million to invest in American real estate. In three years, we will see how much profit he can make. .

Naturally, no one objected to this proposal. 500 million US dollars is not much, and it is very affordable to test the talent of the prince. If you can’t afford it, you can persuade Nanyi to practice a new account as soon as possible, or persuade Nanyi not to think about retiring too early. It's not impossible to be eighty or ninety, or... change to a successor with a different surname.

Since the proposal was passed, Nan Yi transferred a person from the strategy team to follow Nan Youqiong, who was responsible for teaching Nan Youqiong's knowledge and supervising at the same time. Nan Youqiong's investment behavior should not only be seen by Nan's people, but also to put a little pressure on himself. If Nan Youqiong himself is useless, it will not have any good results to force him to be promoted.

When the time approached the end of 1996, Nan Yi, who was sitting in the glass room in the garden and drinking tea leisurely, opened the stock software on the computer and watched the US stock market.

In March and May of this year, Real Online and Adam Search Engine went public respectively. Real Online's market value exceeded 700 million US dollars when it was first listed, and now it has more than tripled, and its market value has reached 1.927 billion US dollars, which is simply unbelievable.

Underneath the appearance of a high market value, the real online revenue is simply a mess. From its listing in March to the present, the real online revenue is less than 26.7 million U.S. dollars, of which the real revenue is less than 8 million U.S. dollars, and the rest is both The face given by the related households also has advertisements and orders from brother units.

If the revenue is still impressive, the profit is really terrible. Not only did it not make a dime, but it also lost more than 700,000 US dollars. Servers, bandwidth, and personnel salaries are all rising, and the expenses are not small.

But such achievements have been favored by some institutions, not to mention the real online, even Yahoo, which was under pressure, also went public in April this year, and its market value soared to 310 million US dollars on the first day, which shows the power of the Internet concept.

However, Yahoo's stock price has been relatively weak since its listing, and its current market value is only 540 million US dollars, which is far behind by Real Online.

It is normal to have such a situation, even if you leave aside Nanyi, who has in-depth research on the Internet, there is Nantianmen behind Real Online, the support of Nan's entire semiconductor system, and a series of capital led by Pan American Investment Holdings Support, never worry about funds, all the advantages are in the real online, defeating Yahoo can only be said to be invincible.

Compared with Real Online, the market value of Adam's search engine is very mediocre. It was $170 million when it first went public, and now it has just risen to $260 million. This market value is due to the fact that Adam's search box is prominently placed on the real online page. Otherwise, The market value will be even uglier.

This is also very good. When the search engine has not yet reached its real strength, let it practice its internal skills. The advertising network, adam adwords, adam adsense, adam map, adam earth, each application will definitely shock the world.

TTM has not been listed yet, and is currently being promoted in countries around the world that have already connected to the Internet except Huaguo. It is planned to wait for the number of users to increase to more than 500,000 before considering listing.

When the domestic Internet becomes more mature, Hongdou Network will launch its own chat software "Doudou", and the domestic market will be captured by Hongdou Network. TTM does not intend to stir up troubles in China.

When Nanyi was paying attention to the stock market of Internet companies, two mergers were taking place in China.

The first one is that Lemon Tree actively invited Hongrun Holdings under Zhao Yu's lead, and transferred 51% of the shares at a low price, realizing the transformation of the nature of the company, from a joint venture to a joint-stock state-owned enterprise, and also plugging in the opportunity for Lemon Tree to take off. wing.

After the nature of the enterprise changed, Meerkat Technology took out 29% of the remaining 49% shares and traded it to Chaifeng Technology, leaving only 20% for itself, and these share holders became Meerkat Technology Fragrance Company, Lemon Tree Completely go to foreign capital.

Then there was a personnel change. All the R\u0026D personnel who were not suitable to work in Lemon Tree were evacuated from the country, and their personnel relations were linked to the meerkat technology company. They became its backbone and rushed to Lijiapo to set up a new laboratory to carry out one of the Skynet projects. Recognition" re-development.

The second case is the Reclamation Group. The plan that has been brewing for many years has finally begun to be implemented. Ge Cuizhu took the initiative to contact Hualiang and invited the other party to become a shareholder. He is still in communication. However, like Lemon Tree, the goal is to hand over the controlling stake and realize the transformation of the nature of the enterprise. , Similarly, when the nature of the enterprise changes, the internal equity transaction will be carried out again to reduce the equity of foreign capital.

Wencui Group, which Nanyi and Ge Cuizhu established outside the Reclamation Group, was listed. The Cowherd and Weaver Girl Flower and Special Vegetable Company (Cucumber Youth No. 1), which was previously managed by the Reclamation Group, was separated and incorporated into Wencui Group.

A new Zhuxian company was registered under the Wencui Group to enter the field of landscaping engineering.

At the same time, the reclamation group carried out personnel transfers. The elderly Wenchangwei who first followed Ge Cuizhu to establish the reclamation group gave them the freedom to choose. First, they continued to stay in the reclamation group; second, the group bought their shares and their personnel relations were transferred to Wencui Group. .


On the first day of 1997, Sophie Marceau called Nanyi, saying that she was going to Rosarito to participate in the criticism meeting against Cameron, a truck driver, and asked Nanyi to rush over to meet her.

Although all investors were aware of Cameron's work style when the "Titanic" project was established, and they had already reserved additional space when making the budget, but no one thought that Cameron, a bastard, would dare to Plus plus, it drives investors crazy.

For Sophie Marceau's invitation, Nan Yi had to go, and the two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Rosarito is a well-known tourist seaside city in Baja California. It is not too far from Mexicali and closer to Tijuana.

Nanyi flew from New York to Tijuana, got off the plane, not only the convoy arranged by Masami Ueto was waiting, but also Monica Bellucci, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Fate is wonderful. Before, Monica Bellucci's road to Hollywood was not very smooth. She could only develop in many places. The contact with her hometown Italy was not broken. She made two Italian movies and ran away again. When she was filming in France, somehow, she actually signed the contract with Liberty Film and Television Capital.

So, speaking of it, the current Monica Bellucci is regarded as an indirect employee of Nanyi.

"Hi, Monica, you have become more beautiful." Nan Yi came to Monica Bellucci, greeted her, then hugged her, and kissed her cheek again Take a bite.

"Adam, you are too good at talking."

Being kissed suddenly, Monica Bellucci was not annoyed. To her, Nanyi's actions were not enough to take advantage of her, let alone obscene.

"So, why are you here, to meet DiCaprio?"

Xiao Lizi, who is just in his early twenties, is very popular with women, and there are many models and actresses who throw their arms around him. Sophie Marceau once told him a gossip, saying that it was "Titanic" before the role was decided. At that time, Cameron was extremely optimistic about Johnny Depp playing the role of Jack, but the other party didn't catch a cold and didn't come to the audition at all.

Later, during the audition, when it was Xiao Lizi's turn to be blocked, the female staff crowded into the audition room just to see Xiao Lizi's demeanor. Fuck him, and finally decided on Xiao Li to play Jack.

The reason why it is Little Plum is another important reason. It is cheap, only needs 1 million US dollars, and promises a small percentage of box office dividends. The heroine Kate Winslet has a bigger reputation than Little Plum, and has been shortlisted for Oscars and Golden Globes Best Supporting Actress, the pay is comparable to him.

Generally speaking, unless it's a chick movie, the heroine's salary is often much less than that of the hero, and the male and female protagonists are paid the same amount, only the heroine's cards are higher than the hero's.

"No, I'm here to study." Monica Bellucci replied slightly annoyed.

Two years ago, she and Xiao Lizi met at a fashion conference. At that time, she half-jokingly asked Xiao Lizi if he would mind a girlfriend who was older than him. Xiao Lizi replied, "My girlfriend is 17 years old this year. ".

Xiao Lizi's answer can be regarded as offending the old woman, Monica Bellucci.

"Oh, Winslet's acting skills are not bad."

British actresses are indeed very good at playing. From generation to generation, there will always be many actresses with top acting skills. Although Winslet is still very immature, in terms of acting skills, he is definitely qualified to be Monica Bellucci. tutor.

Regardless of Monica Bellucci's acting skills, the facial paralyzed acting method, the director who worked with her in "Tomatoes, Potatoes and Love" once said in private that she is a vase and does not want to cooperate with her again.

In fact, the film "Tomatoes, Potatoes and Love" did not perfectly meet Nanyi's original appeal, and did not attract enough female audiences. On the contrary, male audiences who were not the main potential customers were attracted by Monica Bellucci's figure Quite a lot.

"I don't have acting skills?" Monica Bellucci was dissatisfied.

Nan Yi replied truthfully, "Yes, but you didn't."


Monica Bellucci's resentful voice sounded.

Nan Yi gave Monica Bellucci a hug again, comforting: "It's okay, you have beauty and figure."


Monica Bellucci's voice became more and more bitter.

Nan Yi let go of Monica Bellucci, and said with a smile: "Haha, it's just a joke, but your acting skills are actually not bad."

The two chatted for a while. Monica Bellucci was not very happy on one side. Immediately, Monica Bellucci's car was driven by her bodyguard, and she got into Nanyi's car by herself.

The two chatted lightly along the way, and arrived at the hotel on Rosarito Beach in about fifty minutes.

The two separated in the lobby and agreed to meet at the beach an hour later.

After entering the room and putting away the luggage, Nanyi called the manager of the hotel and entrusted the hotel to make some romantic decorations—flowers, fine wine, music, candlelight dinners, etc. are relatively clichéd, but the decorations are delicious for women.

Before coming here, Nanyi also prepared a necklace, which he made by himself. The gemstones of the pendant are carved into rose shapes. The workmanship is very rough, and the gemstones are not top-notch. The total cost is about 10,000 US dollars. Although the price is not expensive, But full of sincerity, Nan Yi deliberately named the necklace French Rose.

After discussing the details with the hotel manager, Nanyi changed into a casual outfit suitable for appearing on the beach, went to the beach outside, searched for a while, and saw Bellucci who was drinking a cocktail with another woman.

Except for a woman who is 175 centimeters tall, has no breasts, an uneven lower abdomen, and faintly visible swimming rings; buttocks that are round and round, and thighs that are straight and slender, these two points do not exist.

The face is familiar, that's right, it's Ruth, the height crushes Liu Zhen, and the others are almost the same as Liu Zhen.

Nan Yi was annoyed that he was eligible for the title of national first-class breeder, so he raised a malnourished chaihuo girl until she was beautiful, and within a few days, she marched in the direction of the fat woman.

After the thoughts about obesity drifted away, Nan Yi thought it was just right.

Walk two steps quickly, came to the beach chairs of the two women, and said hello: "Hi, ladies, allow me to join?"

Bellucci smiled coquettishly: "Adam, you are late, it is not a gentleman to ask a lady to wait for you."

"You know, I attach great importance to our date." Nanyi said, pointing to the clothes on his body, "Look, I'm well-dressed."

"Aha." Bellucci smiled teasingly, and pointed to Winslet beside him, "Kate, the leading actress of "Titanic"; Adam, Sophie's boyfriend."



Nan Yi and Winslet greeted each other, looked around again, found the waiter, and signaled to the other party to bring a beach chair over.

After being seated, Nanyi said to Winslet again: "Kate, the crew doesn't need to shoot today?"

"No, Director Cameron is meeting investors."

"Oh." Nan Yi reached out to pick up a cocktail from the waiter's tray, and raised his glass to Winslet, "Cheers to your holiday."

After that, he brought the cup to his mouth and took a sip.

"Monica, when I was in the room just now, I thought of a movie, "Hibiscus Town", which won the People's Award at the 32nd Valladolid International Film Festival in Spain in 1988, and adapted it into a movie that happened in Italy. story, I believe it will be very suitable for you."

Bellucci was immediately aroused, "What kind of movie is it?"

"It's a film that explores complex human nature..." Nanyi told the two women the general content of "Furong Town", "Sicily is a mysterious, beautiful, and isolated island. On the eve of the Allied landings in 1943, Siracusa, Sicily, and you are the wife of an Italian soldier, a beautiful and sexy lady named Monica, or Malena.

There is a thirteen-year-old boy Adam. When he owns the first bicycle in his life, just when he wants to show off to his friends, he finds that his friends are obsessed with showing off another kind of capital—Money, the most beautiful young woman on the island. The beauty of the card.

There is no doubt that Monica is glamorous. Adam, who is in the period of massive hormone secretion, is also tempted by Monica's unparalleled beauty, and he can't help joining the ranks of discussing Monica. The beautiful figure of the mature Monica makes Adam deeply trapped and unable to extricate himself.

The men in the town are obsessed with Monica's beauty, and they all imagine that one day they can take it for themselves. But the women in the town are jealous of Monica's charm, and they slander her character one after another, imagining that they can trample her under their feet one day.

One day, Monica received the news that her husband was killed in the front line. The women in the town gloated over his misfortune, but the men in the town immediately realized that this was a good time to get Monica...

Adam really wanted to help Monica, but he was just a teenager, and he could only punish those who slandered Monica in the way a thirteen-year-old boy could think of and do.

Under the pressure of survival, Monica had no choice but to choose to be a prostitute, which made the men in the town rejoice, and finally they could take possession of Monica's beauty in a fair manner. At the beginning, Monica dealt with the residents of the town, the postman, the police, and later the German army deployed defenses in Sicily, and she began to deal with the German army again.

Because Monica has the protection of the German army, the men in the town dare not approach her, and the women in the town can only slander her secretly.

Later, when the Allied forces landed, the women in the town humiliated and beat Monica because she had served the German army, and even drove her out of the town.

Adam knew that the depravity of Monica was caused by the men and women in the town. Adam hated himself for not being able to protect Monica. With Monica's departure, Adam's first love ended like this.

At the end of the story, Monica's husband, who did not die in battle, returned to the town to look for Monica, and Adam told him what happened to Monica.

Another year later, Monica returned to the town with her husband, her clothes were no longer sexy, and she was no longer as glamorous as before. Just like other women in the town, the women in the town began to accept her, and Sicily recovered. It was the calm before the war, as if nothing had happened. "

After listening to the story told by Nan Yi, Bellucci immediately felt that this story was very suitable for him to interpret. It can be said that it was tailor-made, and he cleverly avoided the shortcoming of not having enough micro-expressions on his face.

Nanyi wiped off his sweat, it was not easy, it was not easy, he never watched "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" in its entirety, every time he fast-forwarded to watch a few wonderful scenes, he just roughly understood that it was a movie. The film that explores human nature is just talking about it while sorting out ideas, and telling it according to my own understanding.

Nanyi's narration was not clear enough, but Winslet still understood roughly what kind of story it was. She thought it was a good story, but it wasn't suitable for her.

From being chubby to growing up, she knows very well that the evaluation of beauty has nothing to do with herself. She doesn't care about her appearance, and she doesn't feel inferior because of her plumpness. She just heard a good story, but she is not qualified to act. Small disappointment.

"Adam, do you want to invest in this story?" Bellucci asked suspiciously when he calmed down after the excitement.

I have already cooperated with "Tomatoes, Potatoes and Love", and I have also heard the crew discuss where to add an advertisement when discussing work. After asking, I know that it is Nanyi's idea, and she has the motivation to invest in Nanyi's film. Suspected, after getting acquainted with him later, she asked Nanyi very directly and got a truthful answer.

That's why she wondered why Nanyi wanted to invest in making a film that was inconvenient to place ads.

"It's not me investing. I'll tell Sophie the idea and ask her to invest in this project. In return, you can shoot two commercials for me, and the cost can be higher." Nan Yi said with a light smile.

There is treachery and playfulness hidden in his smile, because he wants to invite Bellucci to shoot the advertisement of Pillow's "Wild and Good Tear Series". He believes that the marketing effect will be very good, and it may bring hundreds of millions of dollars in sales .

"What ad?" Bellucci asked warily.

"A good advertisement, an advertisement with a high salary, and a sales share. We will talk about the details later."

Bellucci's film was just a sideshow, a gift for Sophie Marceau, and Winslet was his goal. On the way here, he already had an idea while Xiao Lizi and Wens Wright was still a small role, and one of them was asked to make a movie, and it was going to be released when "Titanic" was hot.

The story he already had, Winslet was perfect for the heroine role.

Leaving Bellucci behind, Nan Yi looked at Winslet, "Kate, do you have any other work after this film is finished?"

There's not much left in the end, and those who want to see the ending don't need to skip chapters, some plots will be mentioned in one stroke (I try to compress as much as possible), there will be a little water, not much.

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