Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1100 I love you, another year

"There are no new jobs following."

"Would you like to hear me tell a story?"


With pearls ahead, Winslet expressed his expectation.

Nanyi took a sip of the wine, moistened his throat, and talked about the story he had conceived on the road.

"In Rosarito Beach in 1997, because the director of the "Titanic" crew had to fight with investors for a budget, the crew stopped working for a day, and the actress Kate happened to have time to take a walk on the beach..."

Winslet smiled knowingly.

"As she walked, she suddenly saw a drift bottle lying on the beach. Out of curiosity, she picked up the bottle and poured out two pieces of letter paper with words written on it. When she unfolded the letter paper, she found that there were four or four on the letter paper. She recognized Fang Fang's writing in Chinese, but she didn't know the meaning of any of the words above.

Coincidentally, a man and a woman appeared on the beach..." Nan Yi pointed to Bellucci, "It's her and me. So Kate asked me if I could understand Chinese, and I replied yes... I will omit the details later, can you follow? "

Winslet nodded.

"OK, the content on the letter paper is divided into two parts. The first part contains an introductory text. We are the Feilong Internet Cafe Pen Pal Club. You can send the letter to us. As long as you indicate your gender, we will randomly send your letter to you. Forward it to other pen pals of the opposite sex.

Dear pen pal, the letter you saw was left by a sad male pen pal. He entrusted us not to send it, so we put the letter in a drift bottle and let it drift to the depths of the sea with the ocean current. Looking forward to a pen pal who is destined to pick it up.

Dear pen pal, if you are interested in corresponding with this sad male pen pal, please mail the letter to the 1977 mailbox of Feilong Internet Café Pen Pal Club in Beijing. "

Nan Yi pursed his lips, and continued: "The second part reads: Jie, I came to your city, walked on the road you used to walk, took the photo you sent me, on the familiar street, I found the Feilong Internet Cafe you frequented, sat in the seat you used to sit in, and spent three days getting your account back to diamond in the qualifying match.

Jie, I have been ordering your favorite Zhang Sheng Malatang takeaway from Soybean these days. I order all your favorite dishes, such as wax gourd, shiitake mushrooms, egg rolls, deep-fried dough sticks, and snowflake pork steak. What do you think? The taste of this store is different from other stores. In fact, I think it is the same, but it is different. It has your smell in it.


Nanyi has twelve "clean" in a row, and fifteen advertisements are stuffed inside.

Bellucci gave Nan Yi such an expression, Winslet frowned, and did not refute Nan Yi Sai's advertisement, but asked: "Adam, can a piece of letter paper contain so much content?"

"The content of the letter can be changed later."

Changes must be made. The more advertisements, the better. The key is to make it easy for movie audiences to remember.

"Hmm, what is soybean? A food delivery company?"

"That's right. The name of the movie is "Untouchable Lovers". Kate and the hero Dong Chu are not in the same time and space. The time and space where Kate is in is 1997, and the time and space where Dong Chu is in is 2012. In his time and space, the technology is relatively advanced. , the mobile phone has been combined with a PDA, and many software can be installed, and Huangdou is a software for ordering food..."

Nanyi explained the functions of the delivery software to Winslet in detail, and introduced the time and space of 2012 he "constructed".

Making a movie that imagines the future is Nan Yi's long-standing idea, but he has never realized this idea. Just when he was thinking about the popularity, Nan Yi thought of the movie "Untouchable Lover", imitating Its creativity connects the present with the future.

Nanyi's appeal for this film is to create a series of coincidences, takeaway platforms, games, computer hardware equipment, chat software, mobile phone brands \u0026amp;amp; operating systems, real online, etc., Nanyi's products about technology and the Internet I will try my best to put it in the video.

If possible, real estate, agricultural products, snacks, etc. will also be considered. Of course, ensuring that the film is exciting is a major prerequisite. If the film is not exciting and cannot attract audiences, everything will be meaningless.

"Kate wrote a letter to Feilong Internet Café Pen Pal Club, and the letter arrived in Dongchu's hands smoothly. The two of them began to communicate. With the exchange of letters, they also knew that the other party was in another time and space. Kate did not ask Dongchu for the winning number of the lottery. She didn't ask about the stock and futures prices either. She was very satisfied with her life and didn't want to cheat.

But one day, Kate's pet dog Monica fell ill, a disease that could not be cured in her time and space. You just need to take a few pills.

Dongchu tried to mail medicine to Kate, but his medicine was not delivered. The space-time channel for his communication with Kate can only pass through letters, and other items cannot pass through.

Dong Chu is just an ordinary office worker with a decent income, but not enough for him to buy a pharmaceutical company or a drug formula..."

"Adam, patents can be searched." Winslet reminded.

"Pharmaceutical companies have not registered patents." Nan Yi smiled mysteriously, "Besides, this pharmaceutical company is in London, and the drug that Kate needs was developed in 1997. What's more, the person who developed this drug and Kate are often in Same coffee shop for breakfast.

Ah, I forgot to explain, the heroine's name is Kate is just a joke, not referring to you, her character is a not very successful young actress with little savings and no ability to make a lot of money. "

Winslet spread his hands, expressing his indifference, and then said, "Adam, what you want to tell is not just a simple love story, but also discuss human nature?"

"Maybe, in fact, the story only has a general framework, and the details have not been conceived. If you are willing to act as the heroine, I hope you can participate in the creation. Some dialogues and plots are tailored for you."

Winslet hesitated and said, "I need to think about it."

"Of course, you can think about it slowly." Nanyi said, raising the wine glass in his hand again, "I hope we can cooperate."


After finishing their official business, the three of them had some unnutritious chats, drank two or three cups, and then chatted about love issues.

Bellucci asked Nanyi directly, "Adam, will you marry Sophie?"

"No, I'm married and have no intention of divorce."

Winslet asked curiously, "Are you in love with two people at the same time?"

"Yes, I have the romance of the French, and the strong curiosity of the Italians. I am always attracted by attractive things. I see beautiful opposite sexes. Even if I am married, I will not stop. Pacifist and don't hide anything from your partner."

Winslet shook his head, "Adam, I don't agree with your view of love."

"Hmm, I respect your right not to agree with me." Nan Yi shook the glass in his hand, "Actually, I don't agree with my view of love, because I don't think what I did is right, just Like I don't identify with Jack and Rose's love."

"Why, don't you think their love is beautiful?"

"The beauty is only because they are on the journey, in the closed space of the cruise ship. Their love is pure, because there is no need to think about life. If there is no shipwreck accident and they arrive in the United States smoothly, what will happen after that?"

Winslet looked at Nan Yi fixedly, his eyes sparkling, waiting for him to speak.

So did Bellucci.

Nan Yi continued: "In the script, Ruth was born in a noble family and had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, but she seems to have fallen into poverty and needs to marry another nobleman to maintain her previous standard of living. Jack is just a craftsman who can sketch, even a third-class ship Tickets need to rely on playing cards to win money to afford.

If the two of them arrive in the United States, break through the obstacles and live together smoothly, then what?

Can Jack meet Ruth's daily needs? Can Ruth endure a life of poverty all the time? No high-end cosmetics, no afternoon tea, or even a life of starvation?

Not only that, they can only live in slums without money, no toilets, no washrooms, dark and damp, quilts and clothes are always damp, cockroaches and mice crawl around on the table and bed, and even get into the bed, these dew Can Silk stand it? "

The dirty picture created by Nanyi made the two women couldn't help frowning.

"Will the handsome Jack always be dedicated to Ruth, and when he can't make any money, will he sell Ruth's jewelry for food? Rent? Alcohol? Even, lose at the gambling table?

There are always winners and losers in gambling, and no gambler can be lucky for a lifetime. Perhaps winning that third-class ticket has already used up Jack's lifetime gambling luck.

Losing money, drinking too much, insecure food and clothing, and maybe being revenged by Ruth's fiancé and disfigured? Lose a hand or a leg?

Will all these things make Jack's mood violent? Will he turn his anger on Ruth? Will it add punches to Ruth?

When Ruth's jewels are sold out, will Jack do more shameless things?

A young lady of noble origin will definitely be very popular with men. Ruth selling her body for money will also allow her and Jack to have enough food and drink. Although they live a humble life, they can still survive.

But the premise of all this is that Jack will no longer be at the gambling table, will not owe gambling debts, and will not be designed by others. A young lady from aristocratic background can earn a lot of money if she sells it, and there will always be evil forces tempted to control her in their own hands.

What I said is just speculation, but the probability of it happening is very high, so Jack can only die at sea, so that their love can come to a perfect end forever, and it will always be pure and flawless.

All love stories are the same, get rid of the bad ones and leave only the beautiful ones. "

Winslet was thoughtful, seemed to think of himself and Stephen, sighed and said: "Yes, time and disease are actually the greatest enemies of love, and people are always fickle."

Nan Yi said again: "Actually, in the world of love, most people are very ordinary. There is nothing too thrilling, and there is nothing to look back on. There is only plainness. Or there are a few confidante, or a few lovers, Several marriages, walked together, left some warm and cold memories; maybe also left a him or her in the bottom of my heart, even if it is unswerving until death, as time goes by and sinks with age, everything will be bearish .”

As he spoke, he also sighed, "Perhaps because he is ordinary, we envy and yearn for the vigorous, selfless and flawless love in love stories and love movies, because this is something that many people yearn for but cannot grasp in their lifetime. .”

Winslet and Bellucci's beautiful eyes sparkled, and Nan Yi's words reached their hearts.

There is nothing wrong with Winslet, she has a first love boyfriend who loves her very much, and it is the first contact with Nanyi, how can she fall in love so easily.

However, Bellucci has a little bit of regret for missing it. Since meeting Nanyi in Cannes, he has a very good impression of Nanyi. He is strong, rich, talented, and mature beyond his age. He is a perfect man. It's just that Nanyi never released even a hint of pursuit to her, and the two of them naturally had no chance to have the story of Jack and Ruth.

Yes, Bellucci felt that even if a story happened between her and Nanyi, it could only be a short love story, and it could never be a long story. Love only needs to be driven by sex, and living together requires similar values ​​and mutual compromise. I feel that there is such a tacit understanding between her and Nanyi. After all, she also has the typical Italian romanticism.

Regardless of whether she has a crush on Nanyi or not, she has no idea of ​​having a story with Nanyi for the time being. She has just made a French boyfriend and is in love. Her body is already filled with romance, so she doesn't need to seek romance from outside for the time being.

Therefore, although the three of them went into the water together with only a fig leaf, there was no charming scene.

Nan Yi had thought about Bellucci before, but it was not a coincidence every time, either Sophie Marceau was by her side, or she had something to do. Now that she and Sophie Marceau are so close, he also I don't have much thought about it. I don't have much romantic factor in the first place, so let's save it for Sophie Marceau.


The restaurant of the hotel was booked by Nanyi, the best seat in the center, where Sophie Marceau sat with her chin in her hands, her eyes were drawn, one end was on the eyelashes, and the other end was on Nanyi's face.

Nan Yi stood opposite Sophie Marceau, with a guitar hanging around his neck, his fingers floating on the strings, pretending to be playing, his mouth close to the microphone, humming from "My Name Is Elaine" "My Name Is Sophie" rewritten.

"Sophie, my name is Sophie, I'm a girl, like other girls; Sophie, I have my joys and pains, and this is my life, just like yours; I want to find love, Just trying to find love; Sophie..."

That year, Nan Yi was 21 years old and Sophie Marceau was 17 years old. They met on Hollywood Boulevard. This year, Nan Yi was 34 years old and Sophie Marceau was 30 years old. They were already together Thirteen years.

Sophie Marceau is a person who likes freedom in her bones and doesn't want to wear shackles. Therefore, Nanyi has never asked her too much, don't cause trouble, just don't give him a cuckold.

However, he didn't give much, only abundance was given in place, love, companionship, support, a lot, a lot, he didn't give, he owed her something.

Alas, this is not the only one I owe!

After one song, Nanyi sang "Everything I Do" again.

"Look into my eyes and you'll know what you mean to me, look in your heart, look in your soul, and when you find me, you don't have to look anymore, don't tell me, it's not worth it Try it, you can't tell me it's not worth your life, you know it's true, everything I do, it's for you..."

After singing another song, Nan Yi looked at Sophie Marceau's face with burning eyes, and said affectionately: "Sophie, I love you!"

Sophie Marceau's eyes were blurred. She stood up, swooped down, and flew towards Nanyi. When she got close, she jumped up on the spot, clamped Nanyi's waist with her legs, and before she blocked Nanyi's mouth, said: " Adam, I love you!"

That night, the two were almost crazy.

That night, they destroyed the bathroom mirror, toilet seat, shower head, bed sheet, quilt cover, pillow case, sofa, carpet, and a chair.

That night, explode, burn, destroy!

regardless of costs!

Rosarito, three days, everything revolved around "love", subject and object, adjectives, verbs, as if just fell in love, everything was watered with love.

After leaving Rosarito, Nan Yi and Sophie Marceau stayed in Los Angeles for two more days, focusing on playing, and by the way, assigned the task of the script of "Untouchable Lovers". Yi makes his own structure, what should be true and what should be false, he can grasp the scale.

In New York, Nanyi stayed until the eve of the Spring Festival in 1997, and met Nan Ruoqiong in Xiangtang. After that, she was arranged by Nanyi to be an assistant to her grandmother Fang Mengyin.

Grandma Fang Mengyin will retire within a year or two. She will be replaced by members of the strategy team. Nan Ruoqiong will go through a long internship period. When her age, qualifications and prestige are sufficient, she will take over the Fang Group. , if it is never enough, she will not have the opportunity to be alone.

Xianghe will go to Shanghai to be responsible for the renovation of the Fang mansion after the next year. The fallen leaves return to their roots. Grandma Fang Mengyin still hopes that the last stop of her life will be in the place where the most youthful and beautiful years took place.

After discussing with Nanyi, grandma Fang Mengyin went to Zhao's house in person, not only to send off the New Year's Day, but also to handle the transfer of shares. Before he was a minor, it was held by Zhao Shixian on his behalf, and the dividends also belonged to Zhao Shixian.

In addition, grandma Fang Mengyin also gave Zhao Shixian a dozen sets of properties that belonged to her personally. Nanyi divided the diamonds and gemstones in the treasury of Fang's manor into two. Zhao Shixian, 70% to "Zhao Jiatong".

This can be regarded as grandma Fang Mengyin and Nanyi expressing their approval of Zhao Shixian, except for the name, they will give everything they can, including the surname of the Nan family's flesh and blood.

The approval was given to Zhao Shixian, and the time was naturally given to Ruan Mei. Nan Yi stayed with Ruan Mei for a few days in Xiangtang. One of them was playing mahjong with his mother-in-law. It was a very enjoyable business mahjong. Not only did the mother-in-law win, but Winning thrills makes the mother-in-law feel like a god of gamblers.

While accompanying Ruan Mei, Nan Yi quietly met with Jinqueer. In order to welcome the return, Peacock Satellite TV will shoot a documentary "Reunion". It claims to shoot seven seasons, seven episodes per season. In the first season of "Shen Nong" food chapter, if the ratings and income from copyright transactions are not bad, then consider shooting the second season.

On the day of Xiaonian in the North, Nan Yi and Ruan Mei went to Central.

Huang San'er made a lot of money opening a bowling alley. One day, she suddenly contacted Nanyi and talked about changing Feilong Internet Cafe into a chain model. Not only would she want to open branches in other places in the capital, but she would also open them in other cities.

Nanyi adopts a laissez-faire attitude towards Feilong Internet Cafe, just wanting to create a place for himself to play. Although Huang San'er is not used to being so motivated, he is also happy to see the results, and now he is opening an Internet cafe. In a good time, it is difficult to lose money, so let’s expand, and each person will sell 500 more, and branch stores will open.

The capital increase last April, once the money was in place, Huang San'er put aside other things and focused on the expansion of Feilong Internet Cafe. No, the capital is going all the way south, along the Beijing-Guangzhou line, and the big cities along the way will not be spared. However, when Bingfeng arrived at Shenzheng, he still had enough energy to cross the checkpoint and opened a restaurant in Central.

In the process of the expansion of Feilong Internet Cafe, many historical precedents have been set.

10 million is enough to buy more than 1,000 computers. It is reasonable to stop when the branch opens in Shanghai, but in fact it does not. This is because most of the computers in Feilong Internet Cafe are paid back by installments. The term is one and a half years, with a 15% increase on the negotiated price, and the monthly repayment cannot be lower than 5%.

Huayi and the dealer each bear half of the down payment for the computer, and the price increase is also 50-50 cents.

This operation inspired Huayi. Wen Wan went to the bank to talk about the cooperation that credit card users can "overdraft" to purchase Huayi computers in installments.

The Feilong Internet Cafe in Central, after several months of operation, the Internet cafe business has gradually improved, and the citizens of Hong Kong have gradually accepted this new high-tech thing. Just like when karaoke first appeared in Xiangtang, many people were willing to come in and experience it.

Because of Nanyi's butterfly effect, "Weigate", which should have been the first Internet cafe in China, can only be ranked second, and it is a very wronged second. Feilong is already in the sky, and Weigate is in the country. Shanghai opened the first one, and all the customer enthusiasm and media reports that it should have enjoyed were all contracted by Feilong.

Moreover, the word "Internet cafe" may not appear again. It started as an Internet cafe, and the operating threshold has also been raised.

In the eyes of today's people, Internet cafes are not places for playing games, but high-tech holy places for learning computers and looking up information.

At present, when the per capita salary is several hundred yuan, Feilong Internet Cafe charges 15 yuan per hour, and it is often full during the day, and parents often send them home or go online.

It is true that there are not many things that can be viewed on the Internet today, but most of them are the essence. You can really learn a lot on the Internet, especially if your English is not bad. If you look at foreign websites, you may find a Can be copied to the domestic business model.

Feilong Internet Café here in Central does not have a strong learning atmosphere. Most of the netizens just go to forums and play games. It is a new type of entertainment venue.

Under the repeated suggestions of netizens, Feilong Internet Cafe has undergone an upgrade and decoration, adding many partitions, and transforming the unobstructed hall into separate compartments. The couple's room is the most expensive, and if you want to open it, you will be charged for two computers, followed by a single room, followed by three or five computers, and the cheapest for seven or eight computers, and the tiered charging standard will be implemented.

Nan Yi and the two sat next to the cash register, and they could see any new customers coming.

"Network administrator, open a private room, and have a cup of SoulCoffee." A female white-collar worker walked into the Internet cafe with her bag in her hand and shouted.

"Okay, follow me." The waiter smiled.

The female white-collar worker followed the waiter to the private room, and soon the coffee was served. She just sat in front of the computer, drinking coffee, posting top posts in the forum, and then opened the web page to browse various information.

This is the petty bourgeois life that has become popular in Hong Kong nowadays. The young middle-class people who pursue trendy, often spend the whole weekend afternoon in Internet cafes.

In order to cater to the mood of these white-collar workers, it is strictly forbidden to make loud noises in the Internet cafe, and there are smoking areas and non-smoking areas. The two areas are separated by a wall and will never disturb each other.

Feilong Internet Cafe has put a lot of thought into fire prevention and circuit design. Once a fire occurs, it can be extinguished quickly, and the special circuit design will not burn a piece of it.

On the left side of Nanyi's computer screen is a SouthPlayer playback window, which is playing a random movie. On the right side of the screen, there is a TTM chat window, and Nanyi is adding online people.

Ruan Mei is sitting next to Nanyi, listening to the music played by EasyBoyMusic, a software wholly-owned by Yizai Fund under Nantianmen. Similarly, a TTM window is displayed on the screen. She is chatting with an unknown male and female, or even a netizen who may not be human. .

At the moment when copyright is not taken seriously, Feilong Internet Café has its own copyright department. It purchases music copyrights from music companies and film and television copyrights from Easy Movies. Each store has a multimedia server, and customers can listen to songs and watch movies on their computers. .

Nanyi added six or seven friends who showed that they were female friends, and began to send "Are you there" one by one. When he first started surfing the Internet in his previous life, he chatted lively all night, and the number of words he sent was less than 300 A one-finger Zen possession.

While waiting for his girlfriend's reply, Nanyi also clicked on the cache area of ​​the computer to check if there was any abnormality in the cache file in the pop-up window. Nantianmen releases free/open source software one after another, and now the main source of income is pop-up advertisements, which are very meager. If pop-ups are restricted, it will directly affect Nantianmen's revenue.

As for why the files of the pop-up advertisements are in the cache area of ​​the computer, it is mainly limited by the bandwidth, and the traffic required by several pop-up advertisements may block the network.

It's really the ass that determines the thinking. Nan Yi was annoyed when he saw pop-up advertisements in his previous life, but now he sees them very kindly.

He checked the buffer area and found nothing wrong. He called out the chat window again and sent another message to the friends who had replied. It was still not nutritious or aggressive. He didn't want to engage in online dating, and he didn't want to pollute the present, which is still very pure. network environment.

In Nanyi’s memory, the Internet was quite sincere at the beginning. Netizens would confide and empathize with each other when chatting, and the forum was also very pure. Some people sincerely asked for advice, and some answered seriously, so you can learn a lot.

Later, there were more cynics with only enthusiasm but no brains, or savages who only knew dirty words and had no ink in their chests, and wise men with hills and valleys in their chests and their stomachs either disappeared or created small circles. Strangers are not allowed to squeeze in easily, masters from all walks of life come on stage, routines one after another, swindlers fight and despise each other, vying for the few leeks left with food in their pockets.

After watching the movie halfway, Nan Yi forked out the player, opened "Diablo", chose a warrior character, entered the game level and started playing.

During this play, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, Ruan Mei didn't care about eating, Ruan Mei had no choice but to go outside to pack, and then fed it to Nanyi mouthful.

Entering the internet cafe at ten o'clock in the morning and leaving at ten o'clock in the evening, if it wasn't for the habit of going to bed early and getting up early for more than ten years, Nanyi would have to clear the customs before giving up.

After spending a small year in the south in Xiangtang, Nanyi embarked on a journey back to Beijing, but instead of taking a straight line, he went to Nanchen Village to detour, mainly to discuss matters related to Nanchen Wine.

Since 1994, the domestic liquor industry has blossomed everywhere. By 1995, the production of liquor reached a record 7.9 million tons, and the consumption of grain was 21 million tons, showing a trend of abnormal expansion. It was also in this year that the relevant departments issued an order to limit the growth of liquor production, and restrict the intensive advertising of liquor companies on important media.

With the winning of Yanjiu and Qinchi, domestic liquor companies, large and small, have launched into the market one after another, and all kinds of liquor advertisements are flooding the media. , became the target of public criticism.

At the end of last year, Qin Chi won the bid with an amount of 321.2118 billion yuan. It is said that this number is the phone number of Qin Chi's boss.

Sitting in the ancestral hall, I muttered and came up with three strategies:

1. Consolidate grain import channels. This year’s grain should be imported from abroad as much as possible. It is best to import by barter, and exchange wine from abroad for grain.

Second, increase the scale of exports, preferably real sales. If the sales volume does not increase too much, then internally stockpile a batch overseas to create a little sales.

Baijiu is a thing that only Chinese people like to drink, and foreigners like baijiu are rare. If you see news that foreigners drink baijiu every day, and you will not be happy without baijiu, it can only be said that the people who made the news have put their heart into it.

Even the Chinese community does not consume too much baijiu. The main purpose of Nanchen Liquor's export business is to concoct news, and at the same time, it is also to become a unique export-oriented baijiu company.

Third, it is announced that the production will be reduced this year and next, and most of the wine produced will be put into the wine storage cave in the back mountain where Nanchen Wine Industry is located, to be used for cellaring for ten or twenty years of aging, further reducing the supply to the market.

In fact, Nanchen Liquor Industry has made breakthroughs in technology. It can already simulate the taste of aging wine by technology, and it will be launched on the market in a few years.

At the same time, Nanchen Liquor Industry began to formulate a listing plan, planning to go public in 2001, and to further clarify the equity this year.

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