Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1101 Namo Guanshiyin Bodhisattva

The Spring Festival in 1997 was the same as before, and there was still nothing new.

If there is, there is one thing, when karaoke is almost out of date, Yi Jinru is obsessed with it, it is said that she hums a few songs every night, and in the first month, if someone comes to visit for New Year's greetings, she will not fail, she will just pull others to sing and dance.

New Year's greetings are also the same as before. Nan Yi and Liu Zhen are in a hurry. They go to the two families a day and send out a trip every other day. Carrying portraits into the flow of mourning people on Chang'an Street.

When it calms down, the Lantern Festival has passed.

Nanyi lives in seclusion, surfs the Internet, reads newspapers, and carefully cooks weight-loss meals for Liu Zhen.

The newspapers were very lively. Qin Chi, who had just been in the limelight a few years ago, had a scandal of "blending liquor". He must have been targeted by others, otherwise it would be nothing serious. , the difference is the blending. Most of the original wines in the world come from Sichuan and Sichuan.

Shi Baijin's life was not easy either. There were many reports in the newspapers that creditors blocked his door to ask him for money. The "idol of the times" created by the media showed signs of collapse.

In the field of health care products, one bully and three plants used to implement the strategy of "blossoming in the city center and surrounding the city in the countryside". Wherever there is a wall, there are advertisements for three plants, which has rushed the annual sales to billions in one fell swoop. Now it is also showing In the downturn, people suing its false advertisements emerged in an endless stream, and it is said that the sales volume fell slightly by a few hundred million.

It is not surprising that the three plants will be sued. It is obviously a health product, but it claims to be curative for all diseases. After all, not all consumers are women, and "package" can't cure everyone.

In 1993, Helios began to change the corporate strategy of "focusing on vertical development, supplemented by horizontal development" that had been persisted for many years, and changed it to "vertical development and horizontal development go hand in hand". 20 projects including , computer, border trade, and hotel industry have set up "economic development corporations" in many places in China to carry out large-scale acquisitions and investment activities.

The Sun God has high hopes for these projects, and even put forward a rhetoric that is almost "how bold people are, how productive the land is". In the following two years, Helios invested 340 million yuan in these projects. Unfortunately, none of these projects succeeded, but the Helios' funds and energy were exhausted.

Last year, Helios suffered a loss of tens of millions, and the stocks listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange were about to fall like penny stocks.

Another relatively well-known health care product company, Fengtian Feilong, is not having a good time. Last year, its president published a ten-thousand-word review titled "My Mistakes", listing the "Top 20 Big Mistakes of the President". After publication, domestic media widely reprinted. All of a sudden, various rumors about Feilong spread.

In the article, President Feilong reprimanded himself in a romantic tone: "The president is often in a state of impatience, panic and imbalance, which causes all cadres to be in a state of fright. In this In a top-down mentality, there are one-sided decisions, wrong decisions, and dangerous decisions.”

This man is quite straightforward, and he is not afraid to confess his mistakes to the public, but he probably hasn't woken up from the big pot and the planned economy, and he still thinks that the iron rice bowl is still in his hands. As everyone knows, the thought in the heart of the melon eater is this-since the manager can't bear it, then such an enterprise is not worthy of trust, and its products are even less trustworthy, and it will go bankrupt sooner.

In general, 1996 was still a good year. Except for the decline of the health care products industry, other industries showed a picture of prosperity, especially in the field of science and technology. Development, and the development strategies of the two companies are relatively similar, and they also focus on R\u0026D and public relations of institutions.

The current disadvantages of the two companies are similar. The sales channels are relatively simple. If they can’t get the orders from the public institutions, they can’t eat the rice bran. Heavy.

In the Lingnan area, the VCD industry is booming. Aiduo VCD, a rising star who gained popularity with word puzzle advertisements and consolidated its reputation with "Sincerely, Aiduo VCD", showed a strong aggressiveness. Last summer, he shot a new video. For the advertisement, a kung fu superstar was hired as the spokesperson, and the slogan was changed to "Love many VCDs, good kung fu".

Before Aiduo came out, the competition in the VCD industry was already very fierce, but everyone kept restraint, and the methods of competition were relatively regular. If you punch, I hide, and I kick, you hide. Once Aiduo comes out, he will die. What he is playing is not an iron horse and a hard bridge. Every time he makes a move, he is a drunken fist.

When Aiduo played a price-cutting move like Langtao, everyone finally understood, bastard, here comes a bastard, if you can cut prices like this, why don't you make color TVs!

Aiduo provoked a price war, but it is good news for Erdong Electronics. Taking advantage of the good market, the VCD business has been split and sold, focusing on the agency business of decoding chips. Last year, the national VCD sales were nearly 7 million units, of which 75% The chip is supplied by Erdong Electronics, and each chip can get a sales share of 35 yuan, totaling about 180 million.

Whether it is Aiduo, Wanshengda, or Xianke, as long as consumers still buy VCDs, Erdong Electronics will not worry about making money.

However, the days of making money while sitting still will not last long. In the second half of this year, they should also consider selling the chip agency rights and say goodbye to VCD completely. In this way, the person who takes over the agency rights can still live a good life for a year or two. Of course, there may be situations where foreign suppliers may increase prices.

Nan Yi made a calculation, and it was okay, but not too much, and it would only increase by one dollar.

Nanyi's title of magic operator is not in vain. He said that a dollar must be a dollar, because he just replied to the e-mail from the elk, and the one-dollar price increase was set by himself.

You need to be affectionate to your own people, the price should not be too high, and it is not necessary for outsiders. Business is business. If you feel that the profit is getting less, you can follow the market as you go. Besides, in order to prolong the life of VCD products, Elk will launch an upgraded version of the chip soon, and propose the concept of SuperVCD, referred to as SVCD, which has a super error correction function and can make the picture clearer.


When the first lunar month was about to leave, Zhao Yu came to visit and brought Nanyi an invitation letter in the form of a letter of appointment, inviting him to work in the Hongrun Group. It means that as long as the results are achieved, the red line can be stuck and you can go up.

Nanyi tactfully refused, evading too many things, and had no time to take care of other things.

Zhao Yu left after leaving an invitation valid for a long time.

Nanyi is not interested in working for others now, not to mention that he can guess that once he joins the job, he will either be assigned to the happiness water or the lemon tree, and he is suspected of taking off his pants and farting.

He has an idea to go to a post-doctoral mobile station after getting a doctoral degree, and then find a job in a foreign university, take public elective courses, get two years of qualifications, and then jump back to a domestic university as a professor/associate professor and become an expert ranks.

During this period, he also plans to "study" the doctoral program in public economics at Durnan University, the doctoral program in international trade at the National University of Laos, and realize wearing three doctoral hats. top.

If you don't wear three or four doctor's hats, you don't have the nerve to call yourself an expert.

"What are you smirking at?"

Just when Nanyi was intoxicated with himself, Liu Zhen came back.

"It's nothing, Dr. Liu, why are you back so early today?"

Liu Zhen came to Nanyi and sat down, and said angrily, "I'm hungry and I don't have the strength to work."

"Don't complain, have you heard the old saying? There is a certain amount of food a person can eat in this life. The faster you eat, the sooner you go. If you eat a lot, you don't have many years to live."

"Hey, stop cursing me and cook quickly."

"It's not ready yet, the steak will be ready in two to three minutes, don't worry."

"I don't want to eat steak, I want to eat boiled mutton." Liu Zhen said with disgust.

"Don't even think about boiled mutton. You have to eat steak for a day when I am here. Chicken breast is also fine, boiled."

"When are you leaving?"

"Next May."

"Tch." Liu Zhen spat, "If you can stay until May next year, I will eat grass every day."

"Don't provoke me."

"So what can you do if you are excited." Liu Zhen hugged Nan Yi's arm and said coquettishly, "Husband, let's go, go out and eat hot-boiled mutton."

Nanyi trembled when he heard the words, "Don't, don't call me husband, I have goose bumps all over my body."

"Nan, can you go or not?"

"Hehe, I'm relieved, manly man, if you don't want to leave, you won't leave."


The two argued for a few words, but Nanyi still didn't agree to Liu Zhen's going out to eat, and prepared her the third dish, steak, blanched broccoli, and salad, and he ate the same thing himself, without any distinction.

After eating and resting for a while, Nanyi sent Liu Zhen to the second house allocated by her work unit.

The living room of the house has added a few things and transformed it into a place where you can exercise, where Liu Zhen can do aerobics with the teacher Nanyi invited her at night.

Nanyi and the two went downstairs to the house, and saw a tall girl stomping and rubbing her hands by the gate of the unit building, she looked terribly cold.

The girl's name is Rui Xiaodan, a sophomore in Beijing Film Academy. She has already signed an actor contract with Star Company. When Nanyi was selecting a fitness coach for Liu Zhen, she chose her who had been a gymnast for eight years.

The reason for choosing Rui Xiaodan is very simple. Star companies are more cautious in signing people. They do not adopt the strategy of casting a wide net, but carefully select and select the best from the best. The contract period will be relatively long, starting from ten years, up to twenty years, Once signed, the resources will be focused on. If too many people sign, the resources will not be enough.

If you pay more, you will naturally have more constraints on the artist. The star company's artist contract has been carefully designed, and the terms are not excessive, but they are very detailed. Under the premise that the star company is reasonable, if there is trouble, the artist will only suffer.

Rui Xiaodan signed a 20-year contract. Although there are clauses in the contract such as how many movies to invest in and how many women to play within a few years, there are ways to avoid it.

For example, an antique-themed TV series with an investment of 10 million can be set and props. It costs 8.88 million to buy real antiques for filming. , The salary is 1 million, the top people in the industry, this is called being responsible for the TV series.

There are still 120,000 left, let’s shoot, we must shoot a high-quality product.

In short, Nan Yi can control Rui Xiaodan, so don't worry about her saying what she shouldn't say.

Although Rui Xiaodan's whole body was wrapped very tightly at this time, the cold wind still poured on her face and hands. Fortunately, she thought that good luck would come and she received a good job, so she resisted the cold.

She recalled what Manager Wang said to her yesterday, "Xiao Dan, there is a man who wants to ask you to be his wife's fitness trainer. The salary will be very high, but the money is not the point. If the person who asks you is willing to help you If you do, you'll be lucky."

Rui Xiaodan thought again that when she asked who it was, Manager Wang didn't answer, but just asked her to keep her mouth shut, acting very mysterious. She was very curious about what kind of person he was.

Taking a few breaths of warm air into her palms again, and rubbing her hands together, Rui Xiaodan saw a tall man with a fat, oh no, rich woman walking over, she guessed in her heart that maybe this is what she was waiting for two.

She watched with burning eyes, and saw the man walking straight towards her.

"Rui Xiaodan?"

"Ah... I am."

"It's freezing, you came fifteen minutes early, you should come on time, so as not to be frozen, go up."

Rui Xiaodan was attracted by Nan Yi's magnetic voice, and he was startled for a moment before he realized, "Ah... oh!"

She followed Nanyi and the other two upstairs, turned seven turns, walked six stairs, and came to the door of a unit. She didn't see a key, so the door was opened directly, and a gust of heat came out of the room, like cold Drilling into the clothes like the wind, it is very warm.

"It's so comfortable!" She couldn't help feeling in her heart.

Followed the footsteps into the house again, glanced at the slightly empty furnishings, and saw another woman as far as the eye could see, at a glance, she found the beauty of a woman from the slovenly appearance.

"Heavenly Immortal, look at her, let her dance for an hour and a half, if you don't have enough time, throw her out of the window."

"Nan, how dare you!"

"The original surname is Nan." Rui Xiaodan murmured to himself.

Nanyi ignored Liu Zhen, and came to Rui Xiaodan who had already untied her face, "Ms. Rui, she will ask you to be more strict. If you don't obey, you will be beaten to death. As long as you don't slap your face, put your legs It's okay to interrupt."

Rui Xiaodan didn't know how to answer Nanyi's words, so he could only stammer.

"It's okay, you are a teacher, and she is a student, so you should be stricter. Only strict teachers can produce high-quality apprentices, and she will ask you." Nanyi said a word of relief, and added: "In the future, when I come here, I will take a taxi back and forth. Don't make a face, I will reimburse you the money, a girl is not safe at night."

"Ah... oh, thank you!"

Rui Xiaodan was very shy and annoyed by his incoherent speech.

Nanyi was a little surprised by Rui Xiaodan's reaction, Jingying's second grader, who will be an actor in the future, why is he so shy?

However, he didn't do anything else, he just nodded to Rui Xiaodan, greeted Liu Zhen and left. The dinner was tasteless, he didn't eat much, he had to find some place to eat more.

Ling, the bar opened by Leng Yan asked Nanyi for 1.7 million, he was considered half the boss.

Nan Yi came to the door of the bar, saw the word Ling on the signboard, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "There is only one word Ling, it's not called Ling Nan, nor Leng Nan, nor Nan Leng, there is no imprint of Lao Tzu at all, Qian Bai blind."

Walking into the bar, Nan Yi negotiated with the bartender, and was directed to enter a private room, where Leng Yan sat alone, and there were many skewers on the table facing her.

Nanyi walked over, sat down next to her, picked up a few skewers and put them in his mouth. After eating a little food, his stomach became full, and then he said, "Why are you alone, where is your man?"

"Going bowling."

"Oh, take the account book. I'll check the account. Last year, you only paid me 250,000 in dividends."

Leng Yan said disdainfully: "I will still be greedy for your money. The bar is full of real wine. It is not bad to earn 500,000 a year."

Nan Yi twitched, "Yeah, it takes seven years to get back the money in a relationship. It's a business. It's really not good. If you buy a batch of Remy Martins worth ten yuan, anyway, nine and a half out of ten people who drink this stuff won't be able to drink it. , if you are unlucky and really meet someone who knows how to do it, just admit it, give real wine for free, and call me again."

Leng Yan knew that Nan Yi was joking, so she just rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Seeing that Huatou never came back, Nanyi simply ate the skewers, only eating vegetarian ones, not meat ones at all. This is the trouble of being too knowledgeable. Since last year, he has not dared to eat skewers outside, and only eats vegetarian food occasionally.

The Reclamation Group has both a meat supply business and a cold chain. Last year, the sales of meat supply did not increase much. When reviewing the reasons, there was a reason for increased competition. Suppliers whose group cost price is still 30% lower than the competition cannot afford to be defeated.

After a while, Leng Yan saw that Nan Yi had finished eating the vegetarian food and the meat food hadn't moved at all, so she asked, "Do you want to eat meat?"

Nanyi shook his head, "Don't eat. Last year, the water injection technology on the market had a breakthrough and began to be subdivided. There are water injections before slaughter, and water injections after slaughter. There is particular attention to which artery the water is injected through. Some veterans have already cultivated the technology to It’s amazing, you can’t see it if you don’t get started.”

Some things are boring to say, Nan Yi picked the lightest one to say.

"Injecting water is short of catties, what does it have to do with eating?"

"It's a big deal, it's all filled with water, do you still expect to be able to pour boiling water for you? It's better to have tap water, almost who knows what kind of water. In the future, eat less meat skewers at the stall. Squeeze it with your hands before eating grilled meat. Do not eat greasy ones. It is used in summer, but it is not easy to use in winter. It is frozen and then thawed. The water has already penetrated into the meat, and it is hard to tell."

"Damn it, why didn't you tell me earlier." Leng Yan frowned and threw the skewer back on the table.

Nan Yi took a look at Leng Yan, "Don't panic, you've been luckier than others since you were young, don't worry, it won't be your turn to be the one who wins the lottery."

"Did I know you as a child?"

"You don't need to get acquainted. We can become classmates, which already shows that you are a person of great luck. Otherwise, how could you meet such a noble person as me."

"Cut!" Leng Yan spat and changed the subject, "There are more than 20 million idle funds in the account, and I plan to buy several pharmaceutical factories."

Nanyi took a few pieces of paper from the table and wiped his lips, "Wait a minute, the global economic environment is not right, it's better to keep more cash in hand at this time, and try to see if we can allocate shares."

Leng Yan retorted: "This year's allotment of shares is impossible, the procedure is too late."

"Don't be so sure, it depends on human effort, talk to a few major shareholders, first (allocate) the old and then the new, if there is a chance, you must act quickly. As long as the money is raised, the stock price will go with it."

Hearing what Nanyi said, Leng Yan suddenly thought of a possibility, "Is the economic crisis coming?"

Nan Yi nodded and said: "Almost, you give me an authorization, and I will ask someone to withdraw 5 million Hong Kong dollars from your account."

"Buy stocks?"

"I'm going, don't say it out. If you say that, you are suspected of insider trading. Be careful that ICAC asks you for coffee."

"That counts?"

"Be careful, there is no big mistake, don't waste time with you old woman, I will go out and talk to a little sister."

As Nanyi said, he walked out of the private room and found a good-looking female white-collar worker to chat about civilization, just nonsense, not for the purpose of taking it away or taking it into the toilet.

At this time, the term white-collar was not yet ridiculed. Although no one had strictly defined it, only the employees of foreign companies who were in the office were recognized as white-collar, which basically meant that the income was not low.

The white-collar woman Susan in front of Nanyi couldn't have a low income, because she said that she would go to Lingzuo every day after get off work.

Ling's consumption is not low, the cheapest bottle of beer is 30 yuan, depending on Susan's appearance, she can always encounter other people's treats a few times a month, even if this possibility is counted, she must be at least a few times a month. Hundreds of dollars for wine, not everyone can afford it, not to mention she drinks red wine, sold by the bottle, starting at 198 a bottle, the last two numbers remain unchanged, and the first number jumps up.

Nanyi opened a bottle of 998 and shared it with Susan. From the other party's mouth, I heard a little bit about the current female white-collar workers' views on consumption, mate selection, where they live, what they usually eat, whether they often take taxis to and from get off work, and so on. Not a single drop of consulting fees was wasted.

On the way home, Nanyi wrote down a preliminary idea of ​​a "white-collar apartment" project on paper. The apartment will be built with hotel-style services. The room will be decorated in a Western style. It is basically impossible to start a fire. The kitchen is equipped with German tableware, equipped with a refrigerator and wine cooler, which is convenient for parties at any time.

It is equipped with dry cleaning, a supermarket specializing in wine and side dishes that can be delivered to your door, housekeeping service, and one-stop party service. Residents don’t have to worry about anything. They just need to inform the number of people, budget and holding time. There are shepherds downstairs Coffee, not only provides coffee, but also provides digital cameras and the service of transferring them to computers and sending them to mailboxes. It is also possible to type out a few photos and post them back.

Usually, residents are often organized to carry out social gatherings, and a pair counts as a pair. Two white-collar workers with high income and high consumption get together. International housing.

It doesn't matter if the down payment is not enough, Caishen Company will solemnly recommend a set of wealth restructuring plan, which in human terms is usury within the scope of legal recognition.

White-collar apartments are designed to lock in high-income white-collar workers and create a high-consumption white-collar style. No matter whether the salary is 3,000 or 5,000, there is always a way to turn them into monthly income earners, and then tempt them to start housing.

Thanks to the housing prices that will definitely rise, let the business model that eats very ugly become Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saves all living beings, listen to me, settle down in the capital, and have a net worth of tens of millions. Ten years later, I will look back and look at the food I have eaten for housing offerings in the past few years Bitter, I said the last sentence with deep emotion: "There is justice in the world, and there will be rewards for what you give. We want to thank the white-collar apartment."

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