Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1153 No family affection at all

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Nan Yi slapped his horse with his left hand and his right hand, and came to Liu Zhen's side, and said with a low eyebrow, "Leader (guide), are you back?"

Liu Zhen took off her coat and handed it to Nanyi, "What time did you arrive?"

Nan Yi took the coat and hung it on the hanger, then stomped his feet, stood at attention and saluted, "Received the report, 4:22:47:39 p.m."

"Why don't you call me?" Liu Zhen put her left hand on her right shoulder and twisted her neck.

"Report, I have received your daily affairs, and my humble job dare not disturb you."

"Speak normally." Liu Zhen said, walking towards the bathroom.

"Yes." Nan Yi Pi Dian Pi Dian followed, "Got it, you want to make dried shrimps, and let Xiao Yi Zi do it for you."

"Pee." Liu Zhen said angrily.

"I'll take off your pants for you."


"Hey, thank you for getting the reward."

Nan Yi clasped his fists, rolled to the dining table, picked up the decanter and poured the wine, sat on the side and waited.

After a while, Liu Zhen came out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of Nanyi, "Yellow wine steamed buns, snow mountain camel palms, Taohe river pearls, Minzhou pan dishes, Weiyuan stewed dishes, several local dishes, you are really good!" Have a heart."

Nan Yi laughed and said, "It should, it should."

Liu Zhenxuan glanced at Nanyi, "Don't think that you can make up for the fact that you haven't come here for four months by being opportunistic."

"Opportunity is a good use of these four words. The word cast reminds me of the records in "East View of Han Ji". Zhi Yun once followed Zheng Cidu to live in seclusion for fishing. After a period of time in seclusion, he cast a pole to report..."

"Stop showing off to me, let's have dinner."

"Okay, let's serve, let's serve." Nanyi agreed, picked up the chopsticks and reached into the dish, carefully picked out the clean fish from the Yangtze River saury, and put it in Liu Zhen's dish, "Twenty years of tossing , finally feed it, try it.”

"It's hard to raise?" Liu Zhen picked up the fish and tasted it.

"It's not easy. Back then, the reclamation group thought it was too much investment and couldn't see the benefits, so they cut the project. I didn't give up. I brought the project over and continued to study. Fortunately, it succeeded, otherwise tens of millions would be wasted. "

"It's true, you have invested tens of millions just to eat a piece of fish."

Nanyi picked up a saury and said: "Thirty years ago, thousands of tons could be fished from the Yangtze River every year; twenty years ago, only four hundred tons a year could be fished; Come t.

Now it is very difficult to catch more than 20 tons. If there are fewer items, the price will rise sharply, and the fishermen will fish harder. In a few years, it will either be extinct or banned.

At that time, I will be able to do exclusive sales, the price can be set by me, and I will strive to recover the cost in one quarter and earn wildly for thirty years. "

Liu Zhen snorted, "Can you monopolize technology?"

Nanyi shook his head, "No, it's difficult to explore technology, but it's much easier to copy. It's impossible for me to pay millions of dollars a year to the workers in the farm. If someone touches the door, as long as I'm willing to spend a lot of money, Workers buy at will."

"Then you still blow."

"First, the threshold for breeding is high, don't even think about touching it if you don't have 200 to 300 million yuan; second, breeding technology alone is not enough, and fish species must be matched. My fish species have been improved, and natural fertilization and reproduction will not be able to raise them alive. It needs scientific finishing touches."

"I understand. It's still the same old routine. The business you really want to do is to sell fish seeds."

"Common prosperity."

Liu Zhen grasped Nanyi's words and said, "Since it is common prosperity, it is better to go to Jingxi City to share a little more."

Nan Yi put down his chopsticks and complained: "Other people are officials who want to benefit from their own homes. Why do you want me to subsidize it outside? I have already voted for you a planting and processing base for Chinese herbal medicines. Don't push yourself."

"Okay, I want you to invest, not to donate money. I plan to promote the potato industry in Jingxi City into a scientific layout, intensive planting, standardized production, and intensive processing, so as to increase the potato planting area from 1 million mu. To 3 million mu, increase the total output to about 5 million tons."

Liu Zhen looked at Nanyi's face and said word by word: "Jingxi City needs money, but also technology. Please help me to improve the potato and egg industry in Jingxi City."

"Since you have spoken, there is nothing you can do, but investment must look like investment. After the new year, I will send a delegation to investigate. Whatever you want is up to you. For the sake of saving face, don't dig a hole for me."

Liu Zhen said angrily, "Who do you think I am?"

"Get it."

"Are you annoying or not? It's not over."

"All right, let's eat. After dinner, you watch TV at home, and I'll go out for a stroll."

"come back earlier."


Nan Yi picked up the remote control on the table to turn on the TV, and pressed a few times to tune to Jingxi TV. "Jingxi News" was being broadcast on the TV. It seemed to be some kind of business meeting. Liu Zhen was sitting on the sofa, holding a File, leaning sideways on the sofa, speaking with style to a man who was presumably the business owner.

"What kind of business does this boss do?" Nan Yi said, pointing to the TV screen.

"Wide powder."

"Have you made things difficult for me?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Liu Zhen spat, and then said: "There is a problem in sales, and Jingxi Kuan Fan has not been recognized by many people who have come out of Longyou, so it is difficult to market."

"Oh, it's hard to do business. There is no easy business in the world."

Nanyi didn't dare to be careless, for fear that his big boss would ask him for advice. He was here to celebrate the New Year, not to be an aide.

Fortunately, Liu Zhen didn't catch him pulling the wool hard, but asked, "How long do you plan to stay?"

"Leave early in the morning on the first day of junior high school, and go to your house on the second day of junior high school."

"Oh, I don't know when my son will come back."

Nan Yi turned to look at Liu Zhen, "I didn't have family leave in the first year of my graduation, just wait for the call, I should call on New Year's Eve, tell him, let him take the time to take this year's family leave early , and try to come back for the family leave next year to celebrate the New Year.”

Liu Zhen said dejectedly: "At the beginning of the month, he wrote me a letter, saying that this year he will probably go to school for advanced studies and he will be very busy."

"Little bastard, why didn't you write to me." Nanyi said sourly: "If you study, you will make progress. If he doesn't come back, we can go to see him. We are all captains. It's okay to go out to the military camp occasionally on weekends."

"Where can I go?"

"You are amazing. A few years ago, when my son wrote an essay, he would probably write like this: When I was young, I was full of resentment towards my mother. Why did my classmates have their mothers to pick them up after school every day, but I didn't. I hate that she never accompanied me out during the winter and summer vacations." Playing, always saying that I am busy with work. It was not until I joined the army that I realized that she not only belongs to me, but also belongs to the people of Beijing West City."

Liu Zhen heard the words, and said angrily: "You don't like it."


Nanyi stayed in Jingxi City for three days, and his main energy was centered around a New Year's Eve dinner.

Jingxi City is just an ordinary city in the northwest region, nothing special, most of the beautiful scenery is in the counties below, the urban area is not special, only the first night when he came here, he went out for a walk, and for the next three days, he was Stay at home until the first day of the first lunar month to leave early in the morning.

On the other hand, Nan Youqiong still stays in Seoul. He concluded that young people in Seoul like to speculate in the early stage. It is only a superficial conclusion, and the subjective factors are relatively strong. Therefore, it is not enough to mobilize large sums of money for investment.

As long as real money is involved, every cent spent needs theoretical, intelligence and data support. Therefore, Nan Youqiong stayed in Seoul, mobilized personnel to increase the dimension and thickness of intelligence and data, and suppressed the gambling nature of investment as much as possible.

In addition to busy work, the little pervert who is not upright will naturally not let the leisure time really be idle.

Compared to Nan Yi, an old woman, Nan Youqiong is not so resistant to nightclubs, but rather enjoys them. He was taken by Nan Jiajun twice, and he often went to the Hexagon Club.

Hexagon is just an ordinary high-end club, but under the cover of the ordinary appearance, it has an extraordinary connotation. Its owner is Cui Youzhen, the wife of Park Myung-hoon.

Park Mingxun is Nan Jiajun's senior, and the two had a good relationship during school. After graduation, each has what the other needs, and the relationship is naturally closer.

Park Myung-hoon is not a rootless duckweed. He has a family shadow. As the saying goes, there are people in the court who are easy to be officials. After joining the prosecutor's office, he can always be brought in for major cases first, and then the "leader" cracks major cases. He has made outstanding achievements. Naturally, the official fortune is prosperous, and now he has been seated as the chief prosecutor of the Economic Crime and Criminal Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, in charge of economic crime activities in Korea.

As long as you are caught by the Economic Crime and Criminal Department, even if it is a consortium, you will be arrested if you say so. Of course, no matter before or after the arrest, various struggles and trade-offs will inevitably be inevitable.

In places like clubs, the main theme is always women and alcohol, and Hexagon is no exception. There are three floors of Hexagon. The first floor is for ordinary guests, the second floor is for VIP guests with relatively high consumption, and the third floor is closed to the public. Only Park Myung-hoon's relationship is entertained.

Nan Youqiong is naturally a very good person to establish a "relationship". When he first came, Cui Youzhen would always introduce him to various women. At first they were in the store, and later they were female stars and female employees of the club. You are not moved by being poor, you can drink and get rich, but it is impossible to go further.

Nan Youqiong inherited the glorious tradition of Nanyi. No matter what the original zodiac sign is, it will be changed to the rat. Speaking of which, the idiom "cowardly as a mouse" was created for their father and son. In public, occasions where it is easy to be caught are always cautious. It is absolutely impossible for Nan Youqiong to let his life go wild in Hexagon.

Nan Youqiong came to Hexagon again today. As usual, he was always accompanied by a beautiful woman, code-named Mary, an ordinary but well-known code-name.

In the history of the West, there used to be Queen Mary I, one of the origins of the saying "Bloody Mary", and then there were several tough Marys. Some of them were cannibals, murderers, and torturers, and some of them preferred to eat people's whips. , five or six when you have no appetite, and more than a dozen when you have a good appetite, making an outstanding contribution to the inheritance of eunuchs.

It's not easy for someone who can firmly hold the fierce code name of Mary, otherwise she would not be able to become Nan Youqiong's closest person, just like Nan Yi's school belle.

"You are poor, look down, at three o'clock."

Nan Jiajun was also there. He and Nan Youqiong stood in front of the one-way glass and looked at the dance floor on the second floor.

Nan Youqiong followed the prestige and saw a woman swaying indulgently to the music. She was an acquaintance, Lin Shiling, the wife of Li Zairong from the Li family.

"Why is she here?"

"The Li family has very strict rules. I heard from Xu Xian that her life in the Li family is not easy. She is almost a full-time nanny and a reproductive machine."

"The family is not big, and the rules are not small." Nan Youqiong complained, and then said: "The Taixiang Group of the Lin family is the main competitor of New Miracle, right?"

"Yes, Tai Xiang is the next target that New Miracle will eradicate or annex. The two sides have met several times."

"What's the reaction from the Li family?"

"Dian Xing has an idea to enter the food industry. If there is a problem with Tai Xiang, Bi Xing is likely to jump out."

"Huh?" Nan Youqiong turned his face and said, "Don't care about the affection of your in-laws at all?"

Nan Jiajun sneered: "The Li family doesn't care about favors. As long as they have the opportunity, they will annex any group, with the exception of New Miracle. The Li family doesn't have the guts."

"Brother is so confident?" Nan Youqiong smiled lightly.

"My confidence is given by my father. My father has been in the Republic of Korea for more than 20 years. The strength of Seoul alone exceeds that of the Li family. What's more, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Li Jianxi knows this, and Li Zairong also knows it. They dare not dream of new miracles."

Looking at Lin Shiling who was releasing her depression below, Nan Youqiong said pointedly: "Did Li Zairong and Li Xie really stage a rich family grievance?"

"Li Jianxi's physical condition is relatively stable, and the two of them have not made any major moves for the time being."

"Brother, what do you think about the Taixiang Group?"

"Wait, wait for a good opportunity. Taixiang Group looks huge, but in fact it does not have abundant cash flow, and there is no rich reserve fund at all. As long as there is a problem in a subsidiary company, the dilemma of insufficient cash flow will be exposed. There is no external capital inflow. It's going to be very difficult for them to get through it."

Nan Jiajun shot a sharp look in his eyes, "Besides, there are wolves looking around outside. When the time is right, I will reveal my ambitions for the Taixiang Group to Li Yuzhen."

"Aha, brother, you are too insidious. This is to pass a knife to Li Xizhen." Nan Youqiong laughed and said, "Sister-in-law's sister, should I call her sister? I'll go see this sister another day, see Let's see who is more powerful, her or sister Ruoying."

Hearing Nan Ruoying's name, Nan Jiajun felt jealous, "I don't need Ruoying, and I don't need Ruoqiong. Sister Jiayao can crush Li Yuzhen when she comes here."

"Speaking of Sister Jiayao, she is really amazing. The Jade brand has rushed into the world's first-line brands in ten years, and she is indeed a fashion devil."

Nan Jiajun nodded, "It should be, how could Dad's teaching be poor."

"Brother, why do I sound like you are boasting?"

"You heard me right, it is."

The two brothers smiled at each other, clinked glasses, and stood by the glass for a while, Nan Jiajun raised his hand to glance at the time.

"I should go back, your sister-in-law is still waiting for me."

"Is it big or small?"

"Don't ask." Nan Jiajun waved.


Nan Youqiong understood in seconds, since he didn't say anything, he must go to Bian Shangmei.

After gossiping, Nan Youqiong turned his attention back to Lin Shiling on the second floor. He could see that Lin Shiling was very depressed. Just as his elder brother said, Lin Shiling's life in Li's house was definitely not easy.

"It's a pity. The Li family's shares can no longer be missed, otherwise it will break the balance of Wall Street here, and it will also break through the bottom line of the Blue House. It's a pity, it's a pity, Lin Shiling can be used as an introduction to kill two birds with one stone."

"President Nan."

When Nan Youqiong was muttering, Cui Youzhen came to him, he turned to look, and smiled, "Chairman Cui, please speak as loudly as the aunt in the vegetable market next time, your voice is so pleasant, it makes me feel happy." Pursue your urges."

Cui Youzhen covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Hey Yigu, President Nan, you are too good at talking, there is a game of flower cards in the private room, do you want President Nan to participate?"

"How big are you playing?"

"Capped at 100 million."

"This number is not bad, I can barely afford it."

"President Nan really likes to joke, I'll take you there." Cui Youzhen led Nan Youqiong to the private room.

Here at Hexagon, it actually exists like a quiet teahouse. It doesn’t matter what you play, the key is who you play with. Since Cui Youzhen invited Nan Youqiong to participate in the game, there will naturally be Nan Youqiong worth knowing in the game. If it is unilateral Cui Youzhen will directly explain that this is the awareness of doing patchwork, otherwise the road will become narrower and narrower, and even Park Myung-hoon will be implicated.

In the private room, after introducing each other, Nan Youqiong learned that Kim Geun-tae, the head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Sun Yuanji, a member in charge of the construction project of Sejong City, participated in the game.

The location of Seoul is too embarrassing. On the other side, a cannon can cover more than half of the city. In view of this, in 2003, the South Korean Congress passed the "New Administrative Capital Special Act" and decided to establish Sejong City in the central region. When the city is completed, Most of the administrative units will be relocated there.

Nam Youqiong is not interested in Sun Yuanji, he is interested in Kim Geun-tae, because the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for a series of issues such as health, welfare, labor, housing and women's issues in South Korea. Among them, the health section is equivalent to the Ministry of Health of other countries.

South Korea has a department called the Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Its main responsibility is to ensure the safety of food, medicines and other consumer products, so as to ensure the health of citizens and support the development of the food and drug industry.

To put it simply, KFDA is in charge of food and pharmaceuticals. Whether it is local or foreign, if you want to market products in South Korea, you can't get around this department. And KFDA happens to be a subordinate department of "Health", and Kim Geun-tae happens to be the new chief executive in charge of "Health".

Nan Youqiong can just help the bad masses to make contact first and make an assessment to facilitate their work.

The Nan family must be well-groomed, and they cannot do things that are not on the stage by themselves. The villain role is left to others to play. Therefore, Nan Youqiong only needs to play cards, without mentioning any words related to transactions.

There is no need to go into detail about the process of playing cards. Nan Youqiong is a rookie at flower cards, and his luck has been good from the beginning to the end. Although several good cards that can win a lot of money are deliberately played, in the end, he still won nearly 200 million.

Jin and Sun, who had lost money, were naturally unwilling, and they agreed to fight again at another day, and Nan Youqiong readily agreed. As the winner, he took the flow and invited the two losers out for supper. A very high-end Han Dingshi restaurant was the highest standard that can be achieved, but it only cost 10 million.

In the first contact, we were wary of each other. Nan Youqiong couldn't make a good evaluation at all, so he could only look forward to the next time.

After the three separated, Nan Youqiong was not in a hurry to rest, but went to Hongdae to integrate into the nightlife of young people in Seoul.

It's just eleven o'clock, which is the third transition time of the nightlife. The first time is to have a drink in a restaurant, the second time to have a carnival in a bar, and the third time is either to go to the karaoke room or go to a small shop on the street for another round of drinks. If you can't bear it, you can go back to sleep, or you can go to the sauna for a steam.

Young, I can’t say that I can’t handle it. Usually, the nightlife is all night long, and I go to my work place early the next day, relying on cup after cup of iced Americano to survive the busy working hours. reincarnation.

On the food street full of tents and snacks, Nan Youqiong used his eyes as a radar, scanning the faces and bodies of the "beauties" who had been screened one by one, trying to find a natural beauty among them. It was a bit cold, He wanted to ask someone to go back and warm the bed.

Unlucky, after scanning for a long time, he didn't find a single target worth flirting with. Disappointed, Nan Youqiong picked a tent with grilled sausages and sat in it.

Nan Youqiong's side has nothing to gain, but Nanyi's side is full of spring scenery.

At noon, I had a delicious meal at my mother-in-law's house, and at afternoon tea time, I had dim sum. After dinner, I went to the Chen's mansion for a walk. After eating, Chen Feng wanted to take him to his small house to cook some meat. He couldn't take it anymore, so he scolded Chen Feng so much that he escaped.

I ate too much and couldn't sit still in the car, so I could only get out of the car and take a walk to digest food. After walking not far, I met an acquaintance whom I hadn't seen for a long time...

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