Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1154 Kneeling to earn money

Chen Yicai, next to her was An Xiaoli, an old friend from the past, and her daughter Liu Lingyue, a very famous star now. She didn't know how to act. In Nan Yi's eyes, Liu Lingyue did not meet his perception of actors. Without the face of an actor, I preconceived that she can't act, so I never watched the dramas she participated in.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether he likes to watch it or not, he is popular anyway.

Originally, I was going for a walk to digest my food, so I wanted to be quiet and quiet, but it was a bit late to run into an acquaintance face to face, and I wanted to pretend that I hadn't seen them.

Okay, let's say hello.


Before Nanyi opened his mouth, Chen Yicai greeted him first, so he had to be more enthusiastic.

"Hey, Lao Chen, I haven't seen you for many years. I heard from an old man named Forbes in New York that you posted it. It's worth hundreds of millions, and it's still beautiful." Nan Yi held Chen Yicai's right hand, and patted Chen Yicai's shoulder twice with his left hand , Mo Zhe, the height difference is just right, and it is comfortable to shoot.

Chen Yicai frowned, a little unaccustomed to being patted on the shoulder, having been a capital and benefactor for a long time, how could she bear such condescending treatment.

"Why are you alone on the street?"

"I can't help it. My wife is working in another place, and my son is a soldier in another place. None of them can come back, so we can only form three of them." The two girls next to Nan Yi rushed to Nunuzui, "Unlike you, you are accompanied by a beautiful woman. Is something good coming soon?"

"I will let you know if something good happens." Chen Yicai said politely, "Are you free on the eighth day of the lunar new year?"

"I have New Year's greetings at noon, and I'm free in the evening."

"I'll call you on the eighth day of the lunar new year, let's sit down together."

"Okay, you guys go on shopping, I'll walk up front."

One person and three people said goodbye, Nanyi continued to walk slowly, and the three people talked while walking.

Afterwards, An Xiaoli took two quick steps and came to the other side of Chen Yicai. The three of them walked together, "Yicai, who is this person?"

"You probably forgot that you met him more than 20 years ago, in Xidan."

An Xiaoli thought for a while and said, "I can't remember."

"Nanyi, my primary school classmate."

"Godfather, what does your classmate do?" Liu Lingyue who was beside him asked.

Hearing Liu Lingyue's question, Chen Yicai immediately said with a pleasant face, "Teaching in a university."

For some unknown reason, Chen Yicai didn't want to introduce Nanyi to be too great, but only talked about his status as the most inferior, and never mentioned a word in the past, although he knew very well that Nanyi would never be poorer than him.


"Lingyue, you see there are hydrogen balloons for sale there, let's go over and have a look." Chen Yicai didn't want to talk about Nanyi, so he took the opportunity to change the topic.


From the third day to the seventh day, Nanyi maintained the same state as the second day. Finally, on the eighth day, he could breathe a sigh of relief. For breakfast, he made himself a pot of sweet potato porridge with very thin rice and water, squeezed some gnocchi into it, and drank it with pickles two bowls.

I stay at home during the day, use the authentic cans brought back from Jingxi City to make some cans of tea, listen to ditties, and drink tea leisurely. I don’t need to go out to pay New Year’s greetings at noon. into two pieces.

Sitting at night was really sitting. Chen Yicai revealed to Nanyi that the business he was doing was real estate as his main business, with scattered sidelines. He also invested in a capital company on Wall Street, which was actually Wall Street. Turn left and walk straight for five minutes, then turn right and walk for fifteen minutes. You can see a back alley and walk in. You can see a two-story building with a garage on the first floor and a company office on the second floor.

It is basically similar to having a three-square-meter house in the second ring road. It is quite bluffing not to mention the area.

Anyway, after listening to it, Chen Yicai is not bad, but he also has the problem that many businessmen in China have-pretend to be rich, that is, to pretend to be richer than the real situation, not to fool the people who eat melons, but to fool the bank credit system.

People can't be fooled. Nan Yi heard from Liu Zhen that the people at the loan openings are all human beings. There are only two ways to make them stupid. One is to make them closer to Grandpa Mao, and the other is to Send Grandpa Mao to live with them.

At the end, Chen Yicai released another meaning, to move around more in the future.

Nan Yi didn't understand for a while why Chen Yicai thought of walking more with him, whether it happened to meet him for a shot, or it smelled something.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I stopped thinking about it when I had no idea. Anyway, the other party would poke his ass before he had any ideas.

On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, Fan Hongdou came over to chat about some serious business while paying New Year's greetings.

At that time, Pan American Holdings had four sub-sectors: the richest man Albert, Entrepreneurial Hero Project, the Third World, and Qiongqi. Needless to say, the richest man Weiye was the main sector of Pan American Holdings, and invested in many companies in Europe and the United States.

Qiongqi distributes money to various investment banks and capital, acting as a hen to lend others to lay golden eggs, and at the same time let others share a few silver eggs.

The Third World is responsible for investing in the Third World, mainly investing in economic projects led by the governments of various countries. The person in charge of the domestic sector is Li Jin, who has invested in several large-scale projects and is currently paying back this issue.

The original intention of the Entrepreneurial Hero Project is that people bring funds to invest in promising entrepreneurial projects. In the later stage, several fine-tuning and expansion were carried out to support promising investors, give them a start-up capital, and let them find projects for investment by themselves. If it succeeds, everyone will share it happily, and then wait for the future to be full-fledged and play a game called turning face. If it fails, one side will lose money, and the other side will always have to pay a price, otherwise it will be taken advantage of.

There are six people responsible for implementing the Entrepreneurial Hero Plan in China. Most of them are people who have studied in the United States and Britain and worked in investment banks. They have basically become capital tycoons in the domestic industry.

In addition, there is the fission plan of the Scarlett Foundation. After Luo Shenshen was an experimental product, more than 30 people were successfully trained one after another, and all of them have been sent back to their homeland. Including Luo Shenshen, a total of four people in China have also become Capital boss.

These ten people plus Li Jin belong to Fan Hongdou's jurisdiction in principle, and all the reports they submit will be copied to Fan Hongdou. cast.

Fan Hongdou took two reports to Nanyi, one was about investing in Goudong run by his old employee Liu Daqiang, and the other was about investing in YesPPG.

When Nanyi began to read the YesPPG report, Fan Hongdou said, "Godfather, PPG will have problems soon."

"Why do you say that?"

"Look at the survey on the third page of the report about CEO Li Liang. When he first jumped out of the domestic Internet industry, he bragged that he received a $1 million investment from Softbank in 1999 and founded a wedding ceremony in the United States. On the eve of the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2000, he found a buyer for the wedding supplies website, and made a net profit of 60 million US dollars, which was the first pot of gold in his life."

Nan Yi chuckled, "It's not surprising that entrepreneurs are bragging. If a business succeeds, it's a legend. If it doesn't succeed, it's a liar. It's just that Li Liang's story is not good enough. You continue to talk, and I will listen and watch."

"I analyzed PPG's operating model last year and found that it has many problems. First of all, its sales are all based on smashing advertisements. Investing 10,000 yuan in advertising can only bring back 15,000 yuan in sales.

Moreover, there is a big problem with PPG's asset-light model. It only has the Internet, call centers and warehouses. Its source of goods is supplied by upstream factories. However, PPG has no product department, no merchandisers, and no quality control department.

Although the advertisement has attracted users to make their first purchase, due to PPG's single product and very poor quality control and after-sales management, users will basically not repurchase.

In this way, PPG has to constantly use advertisements to attract new users. With the increase in the number of users and sales, and the increase in advertising investment, the conversion rate will definitely deteriorate. Maybe in the near future, it will invest 10,000 yuan in advertising Fees can only generate sales of 10,000 yuan, or even less. "

Nanyi raised his head and said, "Have you ever bought a shirt from PPG?"

Fan Hongdou took out a shirt from the bag beside her and handed it to Nan Yi, "I asked my secretary to register ten accounts on PPG and bought ten shirts respectively, and the quality of six of them was not as good as that of the ten yuan and ten yuan at the night market booth. The kind where the director of Eryuan ran away with his sister-in-law, and the other four are not as good as the last three days when the store lost money."

Speaking of this, Fan Hongdou gave Nan Yi a bad look, and muttered about his godfather's bad taste in his heart.

Nanyi turned the shirt over, exposed the inside, observed the cut, seam and thread ends of the shirt, looked at it for a while, and showed Fan Hongdou the joint of the shirt sleeve, "Look at the seam here It can be seen that the person in charge of sewing is a novice, and the buttons are nailed a little crookedly, and most of the buttons are also novice, or have a problem with their work attitude.”

Nan Yi pointed to several positions of the shirt, "There are too many thread ends, and the factory that produces shirts is likely to hand over the process of cutting thread ends to the packaging people."

Nanyi folded the shirt and put it aside, "Generally, shirt factories have quality control. Before packaging, the quality control personnel have to go through the shirt once, and pack it without any problem. People in each process in front add a piece count. If there is a problem Call back and go back to work.

Most of the rework is not a big problem, only the cutting and sewing are more troublesome. If the cutting is wrong, the large size can only be changed to a small size, and the sewing is reworked. Once the thread is removed, the fabric is easy to fall apart, so ah, these two links Basically, they are veterans, and few bosses dare to hand over to novices.

After looking at this shirt, I have two guesses: one is that PPG may have pressed the money too hard, and probably the reputation is not good, and the promised payment date has been delayed several times, so the shirt factory can be fooled as long as it can. PPG has internal problems, some people get kickbacks, or some upstream factories are invested and opened by insiders. "

Fan Hongdou asked in surprise, "Godfather, do you know so much about shirts?"

"What's so strange, when I was working in Shenzhen Guofa Trading Co., Ltd., I went to a shirt factory to follow orders, and later I went to Suxi and Dachen in Yiwu to inspect the shirt factory. I have a good understanding of the processes of state-owned enterprises and small private workshops. .”

"Oh. I haven't investigated the situation of the factory. I don't know too much, but it is certain that PPG's products are of poor quality, and I also asked people to ask the print media. Many of PPG's advertisements only pay a deposit. It will take several months for the final payment to be made.”


Nanyi turned back two pages of the report, pointed to a line of data and said, "PPG has raised twice a total of 12 million U.S. dollars, so unreasonable? It's another one who doesn't know the outside world, and spends the company's money as if it's his own. of?"

"Basically, Li Liang is a person who knows how to enjoy himself. In the luxury nightclubs in Shanghai, Boss Li is very famous."

Nan Yi nodded, read the rest of the report, and then pondered for a while.

a long time.

"My suggestion is to cash out most of our shares when PPG's data is bright, and only keep a small part in our hands to confirm our identity as the sufferer; then wait until the PPG problem breaks out and contact other Investors, follow suit or force Li Liang to go abroad, and create a character for him to abscond with money.

This is the first step. Let the media make a conclusion on Li Liang's identity. The momentum should be a little bigger, and the investment and Internet circles should know.

The second step is to connect with other VCs and PEs, and everyone will work together to extend Li Liang's personal problems to the collective integrity of Internet entrepreneurs, question their integrity, artificially raise the financing threshold, and force them to lower the project valuation. Lower investment costs. "

Nan Yi narrowed his eyes, "It's best to promote the unlimited liability system in the industry, and not let them take the investment. If a project fails, they can easily get the investment by starting a new one. In this way, the cost of trial and error is too low for them. .

Investors are wrong, and of course they have to admit that they lost money. Entrepreneurs can’t let them pass the test easily. The two sides have to go back to back. On restaurant days, eating fast food for seven yuan, one meat and two vegetables, and a bowl of free soup are the correct consumption they should have. "

Fan Hongdou took a deep breath, "Godfather, you are so cruel."

"Little girl, where does your little ass sit?" Nan Yi spat, waved again, and brought Fan Hongdou to the yard, pointing to the bamboo bushes and said: "The first batch of bamboo seedlings back then were Brought from the south, it is heat-resistant and not cold-resistant. It did not grow well at first, and the good Xiangfei bamboo grew wilted.

I keep the good ones and pull out the ones that don’t. After several springs and autumns, these bamboos grow in style. This is called survival of the fittest.

The domestic Internet market seems to be huge, but in fact, the same track can only accommodate two or three leading companies to check and balance each other, whether it is a tripartite confrontation, under the red line of monopoly, this is the best state.

After a track has been shuffled several times, there are two or three companies that can finally survive.

What is shuffled is money, whose money?

Most of it is the money of our investors. The survival of the fittest is the entrepreneurs, and our money is also lost with their elimination. Why don't we make changes to reduce the flow of funds?

Break the myth of entrepreneurs, lower their status, let entrepreneurs beg for funds on their knees, instead of taking investors as fools, angel investors should have the status of angels, should eat the incense offered by entrepreneurs, and listen to them Knock your head and earn money. "

"Godfather, your idea is very difficult. The thinking of our people likes to let others obey the rules, but we don't obey the rules. We are lenient and strict with others. Most investors form offensive and defensive alliances. There will always be smart people who secretly lower the conditions. Eat the fattest ones in your stomach."

Nan Yi smiled lightly, "You're right. There are many smart people in our country who are opportunistic and clever. They make full use of a special word. Most things can only be vague, and they can be discussed in private. They can only be mixed with mud on the table. If you really want to investigate it, everyone has a stinky urine smell.

You talk about the thinking of Chinese people, and I will also talk about the thinking of Chinese people. If a project is good, everyone will rush to the ground. Except for the business that the country does not allow, which industry is not noisy?

People who like to play tricks often don't have a lot of big money in their pockets. Domestic Internet projects are not technically content, and most of them are shallow applications. To be honest, there are no more ways to sell vegetables than stalls at the entrance of the vegetable market. .

To be able to break out of the encirclement, firstly, good luck, secondly, strong entrepreneurial ability, and thirdly, sufficient funds to burn without getting investment.

"Journey to the West" is lively and noisy, but monks, monkeys, and pigs are not the protagonists. To put it bluntly, they are poker cards. Only through them can winners and losers be determined. To put it bluntly, It's just a clown to add to the fun, and the master behind it has already decided what the ending will be.

The same is true for entrepreneurs of Internet projects. Even if we cannot remove the firewood from their pot, we can add firewood to another entrepreneur's pot.

Beating disobedient smart people, you don’t have to worry about returns like investing. Add firewood, keep adding, until the entrepreneurs supported by smart people are burned to death, and the investment of smart people is in vain.

It's really not difficult to hurt someone with your own self. "

"Godfather, you are trying to kill entrepreneurs." Fan Hongdou, who has multiple identities, put her entrepreneurial title on her head and imagined it, which made her shudder.

"It's not about cheating, it's just to protect my own interests, and to fight for more interests. It seems that you are still in Seoul, you can contact him, and when he leaves Seoul, he turns around and touches you again, you guys The two discuss it on their own, what I just said is just a suggestion, take it or not, it's up to you."

Nan Yi patted Fan Hongdou's catkin, "The weather is good today, accompany me to go fishing in Cuan Village, and I'll tell you about the results of my recent thinking about information cocoons."

"Godfather, do you still care about new things so much?"

"It's not new. The concept of the information cocoon room has been proposed long ago, but no one gave it a name before."

Nan Yi and the two got into the car and chatted about the information cocoon room along the way.

When I arrived at Cuan Village, I put down my fishing rod, and the topic continued. After talking about the information cocoon room, I jumped into the Tacitus trap. Then, the topic changed wildly. Fan Hongdou brought up the stock market and talked about the Xianlin Gang on Longjing Road in Hangzhou. The Death Squad of Yongcheng, etc., introduced the gods in the domestic stock market.

At the end of the day, I told Nanyi that most of the stocks I held before have been sold, and the funds have been secured. Not only will the two stocks of 600030 and 600109 not be sold for the time being, but they will wait for the opportunity to buy them again, saying that they are optimistic that they will rise by two Thirty times.

Nanyi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and could only count with his fingers how much money he could turn out of the more than 40 million yuan in the stock market. Forty two gets eight, four thirty two, four forty six, four five...

Forget it, you can't be too greedy, if you turn twenty times, you should run away with a bucket.

"Wonder Girls, Wonder Girls..."

At the gate of the JYP club, Nan Youqiong was hanging out in a group of little girls' dens, screaming at a nanny car.

Originally, he wanted to learn more about the fan culture in South Korea. Who knew that he accidentally got mixed up in a TTM chat group, and saw such a job in the group, as long as he came to the door of JYP and yelled a few times, it took less than half an hour, 50,000 won will be available.

This is not a good thing, it can not only understand the situation, but also earn some pocket money by the way.

After a period of pretending fan interaction, the nanny car left to run to make an announcement. After the paid fans chased the nanny car for a few meters, they pretended not to be able to catch up and retreated in discouragement. Then a group of people came to the corner, and the little head who took over the job gave them Everyone pays labor fees, everyone gets the money, and the birds and beasts disperse instantly.

Nan Youqiong received his 50,000 Korean won, and kept the money carefully.

Busy with business during the day, Nan Youqiong went to Hexagon again at night.

Not long after, Shen Shengxian, the president of Hexagon, sent him a small book that he could not tell whether it was a picture album or a photo album. After opening it, Nan Youqiong decided to call it a product catalogue.

There are four photos on each page of the catalog, and there are three lines of text below each photo. The first line is the name, the second line is the data such as height, weight, and measurements, and the third line is the age.

Of the four people on the first page, Nan Youqiong and two of them are familiar. The drama they participated in has recently been broadcast on TV. After turning a few pages later, he saw several familiar faces. By analogy, the unfamiliar ones should also be artists.

Hastily turning to the last page, Nan Youqiong raised the small notebook in his hand, "President Shen, what does this mean?"

Shen Shengxian said with a straight face: "President Nan, if you are interested in any artist, you can tell me the name, and someone will contact you on your behalf."

Nan Youqiong shrugged, "So, they are more noble than Miss Enxi in President Cui's store?"

"President Nan, you don't know. The artists above are probably different from what you think. They have been keeping clean and clean, waiting for the favor of a big man."

Nan Youqiong understands that this is a more advanced existence. Someone imprisoned or raised it, and it is only for a certain powerful person to enjoy. Maybe it can be said another way, they are all waiting for a benefactor. Appeared, attached to the benefactor, and was only hidden by one person.

Nan Youqiong opened the small book again, and read it carefully from beginning to end.

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