"I live very close, in the hotel next door."

"I said why did the leader come so early, the traffic in the rush hour of Xiangxi is very heavy." Nanyi pretended to suddenly realize.

"Nan Yi, I heard from Lao Xiang that you don't live in the dormitory either?"

"Yes, I live with my grandma."

"The dormitory is empty. Post a rental notice another day and rent out the house."

Nanyi didn't answer, and walked into the office in the wrong body.

Before the other two came, Nan Yi asked Cen Balcony, "Uncle Cen, where should I sit?"

"If you don't have anything on the table, you just sit there. Xiangxi pays attention to the appearance, so I asked someone to buy a few more desks. Xiao Nan, you can arrange it later so that our office looks more staffed."


This routine is easy to familiarize with. Before makerspaces became popular, he shared an office with eight other "company bosses", and they all helped each other.

When one person has a client, the others will help to act together and hold up the scene.

Nanyi also has a lot of acting experience. He can perform very well as long as there is a need for clerks, salesmen, merchandisers, technicians, deputy managers, designers, programmers, customers, etc.

After choosing a seat for himself, Nanyi wiped his workstation clean with a rag, then inspected the entire office to see what was in the office and what was missing.

After a while, he sorted out a list and came out.

"Uncle Cen, take a look, this is my list, we have to add these things."

Cen Yang waved his hand and didn't take the order, "I won't read the order. Xiao Nan, you have stayed in a Japanese club. You should know what the office needs. When Mai comes, you can just ask her to pay for it. .Let’s talk about work first.”

"You say."

Nan Yi nodded respectfully.

"Two days ago, the chairman and I met again, and he gave instructions that in addition to doing business in Shenzhen Guofa, we also have the obligation to attract investment.

A few years ago, many people came from Bao'an, and many of them were considered successful in Xiangtang.

These people are the ones we invite. We want to introduce our preferential policies to them and invite them to return to Shenzhen to set up factories.

Of course, those big guys will be in contact with themselves, and the one we want to visit is the little carrot head. I have a list in my hand, and I will give you one another day. When you are free, go for a run. "


Give three words another day, and there is a lot of mystery in it.

Most likely, Cen Yang would sift through the list, keeping the ones with big water pipes and easy results for himself, and throwing the ones that were tasteless to Nanyi.

After getting in touch with him during this period of time, Nanyi already knew that Cen Yangyang was not a person who ate a vegetarian meal, but a leader who had a strong sense of professionalism and wanted to make achievements.

It's okay to throw him a chicken rib, even if he can't escape, he doesn't have to take the blame.

After sifting through the two channels, the remaining people will have no idea how much money they have on hand. Maybe they only have tens of thousands of dollars saved from frugality in the past few years.

This kind of person, recruit a hair merchant.

Relax the policy, let them go home to visit relatives, and send some money to the family members.

After a while, Mai Wen arrived.

"Mai Wen, pay me 300 Hong Kong dollars, I'm going to do some shopping."

"Ah, you want so much, what should you buy?"

"Look, the office still lacks a lot of office supplies, such as pens, folders, paper clips, staplers, a lot of miscellaneous things have to be bought."

"Yes, I need to buy these, and I'm short of a lot of things here, so you can buy them for me by the way."

"you say."

"Print pads, ink pads, work clips, file boxes, file cases, and bookends. When I see a receipt book, I will buy two of them."

"Okay, do you want to come with me?"

"No, the sun is shining outside today." Mai Wen said, writing on a piece of paper, "Here, sign."

Nan Yi took it and saw that it was a withdrawal slip.

Sign her name on the corresponding position, Mai Wen took a look at it, then put it away, opened her drawer, and gave 300 Hong Kong dollars to Nanyi from inside.

"Don't forget to bring back the receipt, I want to credit it."

"There are a lot of things to buy, can the taxi fare be reimbursed?"

"I don't know, you can ask Manager Cen yourself."

"Okay, I'll go ask."

As Nanyi said, he knocked on the door and entered Cen's balcony office.

"Manager Cen, let me ask, if I take a taxi on business, will I be reimbursed?"

Cen Yangyang thought for a while and said, "Yes, but you must pay attention to the scale. If you can take the bus, take the bus as much as possible. Our funds are relatively tight. I will give you a monthly reimbursement of 300 Hong Kong dollars for transportation expenses."

"Okay, I understand."

"Mai Wen, Manager Cen said yes." Nan Yi returned to Mai Wen's station and said.

"How many?"

"The upper limit is 300 a month."

"Then you are miserable, the transportation fee in Xiangxi is not cheap." Mai Wen said with a smile.

It's really miserable. If Nanyi works hard, I don't know how many times I have to reverse the car and take a few taxis a day. Three hundred yuan sounds like a lot, so don't be too tight to use it.

"I don't know the roads well now, and I don't know how many wrong roads I have to go. Just wait for me to post the money this month." Nanyi deliberately complained, "By the way, should our wages still be paid in RMB?"

"Director Xiang and I receive Hong Kong dollars, but you are still in RMB. Your current personnel relationship is still an internship, and your wages go to the Labor Department of the Second Light Bureau. Your salary relationship will not be transferred to Shenzhen Guofa until you become a full-time employee."

"Whatever, my little salary is not enough to do anything. Oh, shame on me, I said I came to work, but I actually came to my grandma to eat."

Mai Wen covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Giggle, stop complaining, don't pretend that I didn't know you got a bonus, it's quite a lot."

"Hehe, I won't tell you anymore, I have to go and come back quickly."

Nanyi said, walked out of the office, and closed the door of the office.

To buy stationery, if you want to save a few trips, you have to go to Fuk Wah Street in Sham Shui Po, where there are many wholesale and retail stationery stores with a full range of items and cheap prices.

It's just that from Lyndhurst Street to Fuk Wah Street you have to cross the sea first, passing Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, Prince Edward, this road is not too short.

Take bus?


I read the newspaper yesterday, Kowloon is fighting for the bus route, and a lot of minibuses were burned and smashed just two days ago, safety is a problem when taking the bus at this time.

Nanyi sneaked into the tea restaurant, ordered a cup of frozen mandarin duck, borrowed a phone, and sat there leisurely waiting.

In less than twenty minutes, his Mercedes had parked outside the tea restaurant.

Coming so fast, Dewen must be flying.

"Go to Fuhua Street."


For a week, Nanyi went to and from get off work, and basically ran outside during working hours, mainly because he was familiar with the route of Xiangtang.

Nanyi has a certain talent for remembering roads. Generally, if you walk a road once, you will not go wrong next time.

December 5th.

Nan Yi came to a factory building in Chai Wan.

Take the elevator directly to the third floor.

There is only one Maofeng garment company on the third floor, which is the company Nanyi wants to visit.


The elevator door opened, Nanyi took advantage of the opening of the elevator, looked at the layout of the third floor, and quickly found the location of the front desk.

Stepping forward quickly, he said to the front desk: "Hi, Miss, I'm Nanyi from Shenguofa Trading, and I'm looking for your general manager Lin Maofeng."

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Call Mr. Lin, and I can provide your company with cheap cotton cloth, which is two-thirds cheaper than your current supplier."

Nanyi couldn't answer that he didn't have an appointment. If he answered that way, he would be rejected and driven away later.

"Sorry, we don't need to change suppliers." The front desk lady said coldly.

Nanyi pressed his hands on the front desk, and stared down at the front desk lady, "Are you sure you don't want to ask for instructions first? If you miss me, you Maofeng will miss a chance to take off. Are you sure you are responsible?"

"I...I, wait a moment, I ask for instructions." The receptionist picked up the phone and pressed the call button.


These days the front desk is relatively easy to fool. After decades of changing, it takes a lot of effort to get in.

"Mr. Lin, there is a person from Shenguofa Trading looking for you outside, and he said that he can offer us a third of the price..."

"one third."

Nan Yi interrupted the front desk lady.

The lady at the front desk gave Nanyi a vicious look, and said into the microphone: "He said he could provide us with cotton cloth that is one-third cheaper... yes."

Pata, the front desk lady put down the phone, "Nanyi, right? I remember you, come with me."

"Little girl, don't be angry, you will grow old when you are angry. Next time... Next time I will come over and treat you to dinner."

The lady at the front desk is relatively easy to handle, that is, one meal. If you can't handle it, then you can have two meals. If you are still close, then add a set of high-end cosmetics.

When Nanyi used to run business, similar routines were often used. As long as it is fine-tuned for different people, it can be said to be tried and tested.

In his "dewy marriage", there are also a few front desk ladies.

Nan Yi was taken to Lin Maofeng's office, and before the lady at the front desk introduced him, he walked up to the edge of the executive desk, "Boss Lin, hello, hello, I'm Nan Yi from Shenzhen Guofa Trading."

"Shen Guofa, I haven't heard of it." Lin Maofeng frowned.

"It's not surprising, our company has just opened for a short time, but our Shenzhen Guofa Trade is a company under the Shenzhen Second Light Industry Bureau, and the resources of the entire Shenzhen, and even the resources of the entire Guangdong Province can be called upon.

There are two state-owned textile factories in Shenzeng, both of which have thousands of employees, mainly producing cotton cloth.

It just so happens that we can provide Boss Lin with cotton cloth. As for the supply price, I think Boss Lin must know something about it. The price will be much cheaper than the two cotton mills in Xianglu. "

"Hehehe, do you know how long I have been cooperating with those two factories? You came here suddenly to steal their business?" Lin Maofeng sneered.

"Boss Lin, I know why there are only two cotton yarn factories in Xiangfang; I also understand why Xiangfang's garment company only uses their two cotton fabrics.

All I can say is that times have changed.

In Hong Kong, except for the vigorous development of real estate, other industries will not have a bright future, and no one can cover the sky with one hand in any industry.

For real estate, many families have to sit together to discuss, let alone the textile industry.

In the textile industry, although compared with Europe, Xiangfang still has a certain cost advantage. But, Boss Lin, how long do you think this advantage can last?

Southeast Asia is developing, and many countries in South America have begun to support the textile industry;

The same is true for India. They are also supporting their own textile industry. If one day India's textile industry flourishes, they will begin to restrict cotton exports.

What do you think is the future of Hong Kong's garment company? "

Nanyi deliberately paused, and then continued: "Boss Lin, Shenzheng needs foreign exchange now, and our country lacks foreign exchange. Now I take the initiative to come to the door to ask for cooperation, but the shortest period is one year, and the longest period is three to five years. This situation is bound to undergo earth-shaking changes.

You are the guest of honor if you give charcoal in the snow, but if you add flowers to the cake, it's really hard to say.

Boss Lin, I suggest you think carefully about it. "

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