Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 147 Burning Ointment and Sundial

Lin Maofeng nodded unconsciously after listening to Nanyi's words, and fell into deep thought.

a long time……

"Did you bring any fabric samples?"

"Yes, Boss Lin, please take a look." Nanyi took out a cloth sample card he made short-term from his bag, flipped it over, and introduced: "This is plain cloth, there are coarse flat, medium flat, and fine flat , this is linen, this is twill, khaki, serge, denim...

These are from Factory 271, and these are from the Third Textile Factory. "

"Mr. Nan, if you tell me all about the factory, aren't you afraid that I will bypass you and contact the factory directly?"

"Hehe, Boss Lin, you may not understand the true meaning of our Shenzhen Guofa trade. Let's put it this way, whether it is the 271 factory or the third textile factory, they are all under the management of the Shenzhen Second Light Industry Bureau.

And our Shenguofa is a trading company under the Second Light Industry Bureau, and of course it is also managed by the Second Light Industry Bureau. One of our functions is to find customers for Shenzheng light industry enterprises.

Shen Guofa is not a trading company in the popular sense, and it does not rely on the price difference to make profits. Strictly speaking, I am not a salesman, but a national employee.

So, no matter whether Boss Lin skips me, skips Shenzhen Guofa and directly talks with the factory, in the end, it is our Shenzhen Guofa Trading that comes forward to negotiate with you. "

In fact, Nanyi is a bit of a nonsense, if Lin Maofeng really skipped him and went directly to the deep pot, this performance may not be recorded on Cen Yangyang, and he himself will not be able to share the profit.

"Understood, I have also seen the fabric samples, and they are not bad. The supply capacity and supply price, Mr. Nan, please introduce them too."

"Boss Lin, with regard to these two points, what you hear is false. I suggest you go to Shenzheng. I will take you on a field trip and visit the production line in person. In this way, you can know more about it."

"Okay, then I will arrange the schedule, and I will call you when I confirm the departure date."

"Okay, we will sweep the couch to welcome you when the time comes."

Winning Lin Maofeng cannot explain how powerful Nanyi is.

The pattern of the international textile industry is changing. If the garment industry in Xiangcheng does not seek changes, it will be fruitless in a few years.

Especially when the mainland's textiles hit the international market with low prices, the textile industries of many countries will be hit in pieces, and then they will never recover.

Nan Yi then went to visit several garment companies, each of which he could see the boss, but some expressed interest, some dismissed it, and some even spoke rudely to each other.

All these things did not dampen Nanyi's enthusiasm. To run a business, you have to have a thick skin, a good attitude, and the ruthlessness to do it yourself.

Of course, a durable body is also very important, and running a business is also a physical activity.

From eight o'clock in the morning on the first day, Nanyi first thoroughly scanned all the garment companies, and then other factories.

Except for the electronics factory, Nanyi will visit every house. If raw materials can be found in Shenzhen or the whole Guangdong Province, he will sell them; if they are not suitable, he will change his face from a salesman to a merchant.

Introduce to the factory owners the policy of “Three Reimbursements and One Compensation”, and make friends with them and talk about patriotism.



"The shovel has already said it all..."

All kinds of ugly words, Nanyi can hear dozens of sentences in a day.

But he continued to run, and when he was hungry, he ate bread with mineral water; when he was tired, he took a rest on the steps of the corridor and smoked a cigarette to relieve his fatigue.

The factory here in Chai Wan was off work, and Nan Yi went to Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Boss Kuang, Jidi porridge and frozen mandarin duck."

"Why are you here again? I've said it all. I won't go back."

The person who spoke was Kwong Ah-Sheng, who opened a Kwong Kee Tea Restaurant here in Tsim Sha Tsui, and he was considered well-off.

"Boss Kuang, you have no intention of going back to set up a factory, then you can consider going back to Shenzheng to open a tea restaurant. You see, there are many Hong Kong-funded factories in Jiaotou and Shekou, and there are many Hong Kong people there.

They have to eat too, don't they?

If you opened one or two branches in the past, the business will definitely not be bad.

The rent in Shenzheng is much less. You can open ten stores in Shenzheng for the money you need to open one store here, er, at least five stores.

At that time, one family will become two companies, two companies will become four companies, four companies will become eight companies... and then it will be listed.

For the rest of his life, even if his legs were lame, he would not have to worry about food at all. "

"It's so hype, why don't you drive it yourself?" Kuang Asheng said angrily.

"Boss Kuang, hehehe, isn't this not allowed by my status?" Nan Yi said with a shy face: "If my status allowed me, I would have done it myself. Now this preferential policy is only for you compatriots in Hong Kong.

Really, you should really think about it.

You see, the housing prices in Xiangtang are getting higher and higher now. If you run a tea restaurant alone, if your two sons grow up, do you want to buy them a house?

Do you want to arrange marriage for them?

When both of your sons have children, do you want to help?

People, if you don't have immediate worries, you must have long-term concerns.

Boss Kuang, we have to take a long-term view. For the sake of your two sons, shouldn't you make your career bigger?

Don't you want your boys to keep running around the stove?

Don't you want them to be sons? "

Nan Yi's words can be said to have reached Kuang Asheng's heart, who doesn't want to make their children's conditions better?

"Is it really as good as you said?" Kuang Asheng asked suspiciously.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, okay, you don't have to just listen to what I say, you go back and take a look around, ask your relatives to find out if the real situation is exactly the same as what I said."

"I will think about it."

"It's okay, Boss Lin, take your time to think about it. I'll come tomorrow. Just let me know after you think it over and make a decision."

"Oh, didn't you leave me your business card? I'll call you when I think about it."

"Boss Kuang, the food you cook is delicious. I want to eat anyway. I don't know where to eat. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to force you. It's up to you to decide whether to go or not."

Nanyi was actually forcing Kuang Asheng, and also showing his importance to him.

According to his judgment, Kuang Asheng is a relatively thin-skinned person, and he is not very good at criticizing other people's face. Nanyi just wants to come every day and hang around under his nose, just to make him embarrassed and refuse to agree.

"It's up to you."

After eating at Kwong Kee, Nan Yi went back to Repulse Bay.


New York, JFK International Airport.

Liu Renjian Fuguihua Zhen came down from the Cadillac and stroked her hair with her left hand along her forehead. Her fluffy and permed curly hair jumped like a naughty child.

Looking at the waiting room, Liu Zhen immediately looked away.

If someone stares into her eyes right now, you can see that her eyes are three points cold, four points careless, and seven points disdainful.

Growing taller, more knowledgeable, and influenced by an open academic atmosphere, Liu Zhen's eyes on the world have become a little bit overlooking.

This is not ignorance, but a kind of tolerance from above.

She is proud, proud of her own knowledge, proud of the two years of hard work, proud of the four hundred and eighty-seven days, the beauty of Cambridge City at four o'clock in the morning.

She was happy, happy with her brother's pampering, happy with the comfort of the past two years, happy with the 805 hours of experiencing the busyness of McDonald's in Cambridge.

Happiness is that the purpose of working as an hourly worker is not to make money, but simply to exercise yourself.

All of this was bestowed by her elder brother, her king, and her man.

"Nanyi, I'm coming back!"

Liu Zhen said silently, and walked towards the terminal with confident steps.

When Nanyi returned to Repulse Bay, Nan Ruofing walked up to him, "Father, why are you back so late?"

"It's half past nine, and you haven't returned to your room yet?"

"I'm waiting for Dad." Nan Ruobing took the briefcase from Nanyi's hand, "Dad, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired, I won't be tired when I see us Ruofing."

"Father, sit down on the sofa, and I'll help you beat your legs." Nan Ruofing took Nan Yi's hand and said.

"Wow, when did you learn to beat your legs?"

"I learned it from TV."

"Hehehe, then I'll enjoy the service of our family Ruobing." Nanyi sat on the sofa, loosened the tie around his neck, and put one leg on the coffee table.

The little girl knelt beside Nanyi, tapping gently on Nanyi's calf and thigh with her two little hands.

"Dad, are you comfortable?"

"Put on harder."

Nan Ruofing added some strength, "What about now?"

"Almost, that's it."


Nan Yi was really tired. Under Nan Ruofing's beating, his upper and lower eyelids began to fight. It didn't take long to tell the difference.

Fang Mengyin took a thin blanket and covered him, and said to Nan Ruofing in a low voice, "Ruoping, go back to sleep and let your father lie here."

"Grandma, dad is very tired, isn't he?"

"Yes, your father is tired. I don't know why. Your father always has a strong sense of urgency and tenses himself up. Maybe, your father's goal is very far and big."

"Oh, grandma, I want to grow up quickly, and I want to help my father."

"Hehehe, little girl, your task now is to study hard. One day you can contribute. Come, go to sleep with grandma."

The next day, after nine o'clock, Nan Yi woke up from the sofa.

Stretching his waist, he took off his uncomfortable suit and tie, and his shirt. He went back to his room and took a hot bath. After soaking himself lazily, he changed into swimming gear and ran. When they reached the beach, they plunged into the sea.

You can swim safely in Repulse Bay. There is a circle of shark-proof nets in the sea, and it is impossible for aggressive big fish to pass.

It's neither early nor late. Older swimmers have already returned home after swimming. The second generation will not come to the beach at this time of year, nor will bikinis who show off their bodies naturally and catch up with the girls will not appear at this time.

Nan Yi spent half an hour swimming freely in the sea alone, and then went back to the villa to take a shower, put on sportswear, and sat back in the living room again, it was already eleven o'clock.

"Dewin, Johnny, let's go to the airport, Zhiping, you stay at home."


Arriving at the exit gate of Kai Tak Airport, Nanyi waited for a while and heard the announcement from the airport broadcast: "Flight C377 from New York has landed on the second runway, please pick up passengers..."

As soon as the sound of the broadcast disappeared, a few passengers appeared in Nanyi's sight.

Suddenly, a black light pierced Nan Yi's eyes, and two tall women in black, guarding an equally tall woman in black, walked towards him step by step.

"Nanyi, I'm back!"

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