Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 19 Emotional Investment

Lao Mo, the place that the stubborn masters of the capital want to visit the most.

But this place is too expensive. The main reason is that he has not committed a crime that is enough for a three-year sentence, so he can't afford to come here.

In fact, the stubborn masters are also divided into circles. At this time, the group mainly composed of civilian children called themselves the stubborn masters; Slowly called himself a stubborn master.

Therefore, those who can come here to consume are actually veterans, not recalcitrants in a broad sense.

"Is this silver?"


"Isn't this a cause for concern?"

"In fact, the tableware here is often stolen. It is estimated that Lao Mo will not be able to bear it any longer. He has to replace the tableware with stainless steel."

"Is this your first time here?"


"Oh, you also have this tableware there?" Lai Biao said, brightening the knife and fork in his hand.

"I'm not that boring, I'm a good citizen who obeys the law."

"Master Nan, I have it there, and I followed two sets."

"a shame."

"Whoever doesn't have Lao Mo's set of tableware, it's hard to meet people when going out."

"Who are you seeing? Seeing those stubborn masters who cause trouble every day and insist on giving themselves a sense of justice? Have you seen "Water Margin"? Just that group of things, and set up a flag for yourself to stand up for the heavens. You say, As far as those things are concerned, what will happen today?"

"Needless to say, target shooting."

"That's it. This gang of recalcitrant masters is similar. If you don't send yourself to the Northwest, you have to be a regular visitor to the police station. In the Northeast dialect, you are a bum, in the vernacular..."

"Warlord boy." Lai Biao said.

Men San'er muttered: "I haven't seen many people going to the Northwest."

"Nonsense, that's most of the people who call themselves stubborn masters. In fact, they are Ye Gong who loves dragons and have never done what a stubborn master would do. Tell me, why did you learn to smoke in the first place?"

"It's sassy and stylish."

"In the future, stop poking with the stubborn master. Back then, a little bastard poked Sijiu City back and forth with a scraper. In the end, he said it was for justice and assisted the police in arresting him. They couldn't bear the face of the stubborn masters of Sijiu City.

Every day, the naughty master hangs up, and when he meets a little bastard, his calves are shaking. If you don't unite, you can bully more and beat the little bastards, and the recalcitrant masters will have nothing to do with it. "

"Nanyi, why do you feel a little resentful towards the stubborn master?"

"Shooting mother-in-law, stumping, skating, these are the things stubborn masters do, and it is rewarding to shoot mother-in-law. If you have this time wandering around outside every day, help your parents do something at home It's not better than this."

"Yes, I understand. You don't like them being stubborn for the sake of the master. You are too purposeful in doing things, and you must not be able to pee in the same pot as them."

"Comrade Lai's hometown, the accent doesn't sound like a local."

"I came from the Northeast, and our village sent me to kill a man named Nanyi."

"Well, why do you still have a Central Plains accent in your Northeast dialect?"

"My ancestors crossed the Guandong."

"Oh, it's not easy. It's only one step away. We in the capital have collectively supplemented calcium."

"Where is this going?"

"Comrade Lai, don't talk so poorly in the future."

"Crazy line, the word sloppy, hasn't it been wandering around the boundaries of the capital? When did it move south?"

"The first two years passed with the manuscript of "Girl's Heart"."

"Don't mention this, this is a blatant provocation to morality and order, and a blatant provocation to a decent citizen with noble sentiments like me."

"Well, you pretended to be a human being."

"Set up a heart for the world, a life for the people, a legacy for the saints, and peace for all generations."

"Come on, Zhen'er, Zi Lin, give our Comrade Lai Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi, this is too good to say, Men San'er, come and light up, yelling."

Lai Biao stretched out his hand and pressed down falsely, "Don't act like this, I just did something insignificant, and I can't stand the praise of the crowd."


After Lao Mo made a fool of himself, on the way back, Men San'er walked all the way, and the remaining four walked all the way.

On the second day, Xian Zilin walked all the way alone, and she was admitted to the Northern Normal University; the remaining three from Nanyi walked all the way, and all three were admitted to Beijing University.

Originally, Nan Yi wanted Liu Zhen to go to Tsinghua University, but she had to go to the same school as Nan Yi, and Nan Yi couldn't hold her back. In the end, Nanyi, Lai Biao, and Liu Zhen all applied for the Department of Economics of Peking University majoring in political economics.

For Nanyi, the ivory tower life in 1978 was boring but not boring.

In addition to studying professional courses, he is also consolidating his five foreign languages ​​of English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Nanyi's ambition is to establish a Nan's consortium. In the future, his business will spread all over the world, and he will have subordinates of different skin colors and speaking different languages. If you want to communicate with your subordinates, you have to put a translator in the middle, which will hinder the exchange of feelings between the two parties.

At this time, there are no textbooks at all, only ink-printed handouts, which are all made by the teachers themselves. There are many and miscellaneous knowledge points, and ten years of time have been lost. The teachers can't wait to stuff all the knowledge into the students' minds.

In this era, everyone is very impatient, wishing to get back the ten years lost in the past.

Learning is urgent, work is urgent, and love is even more urgent.

If you can let it go, you can't wait to have sex the first time you meet, even if you can't wipe it off the first time, you will sniff it the second or third time.

In a good learning atmosphere, it is not without beautiful love, and dirty things like extramarital affairs happen.

A large part of this year's college students are educated youths. When many educated youths were repairing the earth in the countryside, they established a deep revolutionary friendship with their comrades. They came together; some married country girls, and some married country boys. .

Worry, the children have reached the age when gods hate ghosts.

From time to time, it happens that wives take their children to find schools, or husbands find schools, and their partners are already hooked up with others.

This also ushered in a divorce climax, although the absolute number of divorces is not very large.

But in this era, there are many de facto marriages, and the couples have no marriage certificates. Their separation has not been included in the divorce statistics.

"Sister-in-law, what are your plans for the future?"

In a Weimin restaurant not far from the school, Nanyi entertained a country wife and her baby girl for dinner.

The sister-in-law is Li Lamei, a classmate in the same dormitory as Nanyi, Comrade Zhou Maode's de facto wife, that is, the kind that the same brigade knows that they are husband and wife, but there is no proof.

It's a very clichéd story, Zhou Maode came to the university, and was soon seduced by a romantic female classmate, and he was so fascinated.

The two quickly established a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, so naturally they couldn't remember that there was a wife and daughter in the country.

"Family, I can't go back. Before, my father, my mother, and people in our village told me not to let him take the exam, saying that he would not go back after he left.

I don't believe in evil, but her father wants to make a career, and doesn't want to be a mud leg in the countryside. I can understand that the countryside is bitter, and who wants to stay there if there is a way?

I know that her father doesn't like me, he was with me at the beginning because he saw that I would earn work points. Now, if he doesn't want me, I won't cry with him or make trouble with him.

I just want him to help me find a job in the city so that I can support my baby. It's all because of my mouth. I told the people in our village that my baby's father would definitely take me to the city to enjoy happiness.

I really don't have the face to go back. "

"Sister-in-law, let's not say that Zhou Maode doesn't want to recognize you and the child, and he doesn't want to help you. Even if he wants to help, he doesn't have the ability. He is just a student, and he has no other way except for a monthly stipend.

If you really want to stay in the capital, I can find a way for you.

But you have to think about it, if the child does not have a registered permanent residence here, he will not be able to go to school here in the future. "

"They're all country kids, as long as they can work, it doesn't matter whether they can read or not. My baby is still a girl. I will find a good family to marry in the future, and my life will be complete."

Hearing Li Lamei's words, Nan Yi couldn't help frowning. Looking at the baby girl in her hands, with smart eyes and wisdom on her face, it would be a pity if she didn't study.

"Sister-in-law, do you dislike being buried?"

"Mai Tai, I'm not afraid, I haven't done any dirty work in the countryside."

"That's fine, give me the child, you can eat something to fill your stomach first, wait a minute, I will find you a place to live, and then I will arrange a job for you. Not to mention how good it can make your life, at least it can make you eat Dinner."

"Thank you, big brother, you are really my reborn parents."

Li Lamei said that she wanted to stand up, and it seemed that she wanted to kowtow to Nan Yi. How can this work, Nan Yi quickly stood up and held her down.

"Sister-in-law, don't do this, you eat."

Nan Yi said as he touched the little girl's face, the little girl didn't recognize her at all, not only wasn't afraid, she even smiled at Nan Yi.

"what is your name?"

Zhou Lamei said, "Tail, Zhou Wei."

"Oh, tail, come, come here, let uncle hug you, let your mother eat first."

Nanyi hugged the tail, and regardless of the two clear noses, kissed the tail's cheek, and a pleasant milky fragrance spread to Nanyi's nose.

"Sister-in-law, how old is Tail?"

"Xu Sui is almost three years old."

"Oh, let me ask you something, do you still breastfeed your children?"

"Hey, I have been feeding my baby since I gave birth. I have enough milk, and there is nothing good for my baby at home, so I didn't wean her."

"Then don't feed it anymore. After the child is two years old, your milk will no longer be nutritious. It's like eating grass. Not only does it taste bad, but it also gives you diarrhea."

"Then I won't feed it in the future. Let me tell you, the baby doesn't like to drink anymore. At home, I also feed some rice cereal. I have been here for two days, and I have no money, no ticket, and no place to eat. I And just breastfeeding the baby."

Li Lamei kept talking, one chopstick after another pouring food into her mouth. Hearing her say that she hadn't eaten for two days, she looked at her tail as if she wasn't hungry.

Being hungry and having to breastfeed the child, the body must be severely depleted.

Holding the child, Nanyi came to the counter and said to the waiter, "Comrade, is there any fish today?"

"Yes, braised or sweet and sour?"

"No, if you can, please help tell the master that it is for children to eat. It is best to smash the fish for me and cook a pot of milky white fish soup."

"Then I'll go ask."

The waiter said, walked into the back kitchen, and came back after a while, "Master Chang said, I can make it for you, and you will pay according to the braised fish."

"Okay, thank you, I will trouble you."

After waiting for half an hour, the fish soup came up, milky and white.

Nanyi asked for another cup of warm water, rinsed his mouth, let out a breath, and could not smell the obvious smell of smoke, then took a porcelain spoon to scoop up some fish soup, blew it with his mouth, and fed it to Tail's mouth side.

Smelling the scent, Tail hurriedly opened her mouth, sucked in the small mouth, and a spoonful of fish soup went into her stomach.

The stomach on the opposite side was 70% full, and Li Lamei, who had become gentle in eating, looked at Nan Yi's carefulness, and his stomach was filled with mixed flavors.

Nan Yi fed one spoonful after another, about twenty spoonfuls, and he stopped feeding. He touched the belly of the tail, and it was slightly swollen.

"I want to..."

Seeing that the food no longer automatically ran to his mouth, his tail became anxious, he opened his small hand, and rushed towards the fish soup with all his strength.

"My belly is swollen, I can't eat any more."

Hearing that Tail's speech is not clear, Xu Sui is three years old, and he still can't speak a complete sentence. How did Zhou Maode's grandson become a father? The child didn't even teach him how to speak.

You said that you don't want a country wife, and you can barely understand it. If you don't want children, it's really too much.

Tail looks like a smart kid, Zhou Maode doesn't want it, he wants it in Nanyi.

Someone once said a word, and Nan Yi agreed with it very much.

Emotional investment is the investment with the least cost and the highest return rate among all investments!

He not only wants to engage in business incubation, but also engages in the cultivation of adopted children.

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