Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 20 Nan Ruofing, the First Adopted Daughter

In Baihuashen Hutong, there is a courtyard house in Nanyi.

He took Li Lamei to the courtyard and placed her here. The next day, he and Man San'er took her to the scrap yard to meet the worker.

When doing business in the black market, Nanyi and the others have found waste collectors to cooperate with them, so it can be considered that they know a few people here, and they have a bit of face.

Coupled with the fact that there are two bottles of wine tied by a glass rope, and four-color snacks in the other hand, it is easy to find a vacancy for collecting waste.

Well, in the capital city, there are Zhenghuang flags and × yellow flags all over the floor, and when you meet in the alley, you have to ask, "Master, do you drink vinegar today with stones, or pick salted duck eggs with bamboo sticks?"

Papa, the yellow mandarin jacket flicked, and he replied: "I am going to use pickles for wine today, Liubiju. Tianyuan can't do it, it's so sweet, it's suitable for porridge."

Lo and behold, all it takes is a pie.

No matter what, you can't do the business of collecting waste products. Going to the street match factory to paste matches is not as decent as collecting waste products.

It took two days, and Li Lamei fell and ate shit several times, and finally learned how to ride three rounds.

Not to mention, Li Lamei is really resilient and ruthless. On the first day of collecting waste, half of her face was purple, but she still set out with fighting spirit.

This strength gave Nanyi the idea of ​​turning her into a rag king.

Of course, this is only an idea for the time being, and it will take some time to observe it before it can be implemented.

It's just that from this day on, another scenery has been added to the campus of Peking University, and there is another person in the political and economic class who takes his children to school.

Others throw their children in the dormitory instead of bringing them to the classroom.

But Nanyi is different. Wherever you go, you bring your tail. The tail really becomes Nanyi's tail.

The tail is very obedient, never noisy, students who are not disturbed, naturally no one expresses their opinions. Even Zhou Maode was like this, he didn't tremble when he looked at the tail.

I don't know if it's a good disguise, or he simply can't recognize that this is his daughter.

The tail is no longer the dirty tail. Nanyi has cleaned it up from the inside to the outside. She is also wearing the most fashionable children's clothes at the moment. Her little face looks rosy and pink.

For the meal, Nanyi went to the cafeteria to eat, no need to line up to buy the meal, both Lai Biao and Liu Zhen would do it for him. It turned out that the three of them took turns cooking, and after having a tail, Nanyi's name was deleted from the list.

"Brother, here."

Hearing the call, Nan Yi walked to a table and took a look at the table. There were three servings of boiled cabbage and two servings of pork ribs and roasted potatoes. He sat down, took out a small rice bowl, and scooped some potatoes and cabbage into the rice with a spoon. In the basin, pick some meat from the ribs, and use a spoon to grind it into a meat paste.

Pull some rice into it, also use a spoon to roll it over, go to the place where the water is opened, get some boiling water, stir it, put the rice bowl next to the tail, take out a handkerchief as a napkin and wrap it around the neckline of the tail.

"Tail, eat."

"Well, eat and eat."

Tail picked up the spoon, held it backwards, and began to eat spoon by spoon.

"Nan Yi, I've been eating thin tails for more than ten days, should I feed her something dry?"

"No, take the thin one for a while. The little girl has been drinking milk for too long. The doctor's suggestion is to let her get used to the thin one before eating the dry one."

"You really look like a dad."

"Of course, I just raised Tail as my daughter, Tail, right?"

"Mmmmmm, Papa!"

"Hahaha, do you hear me, call me Papa."

"Why are you so happy? It's not your kind."

Lai Biao is a little tasteful, but Nanyi is not the only one who is taking care of the tail, Lai Biao is also dedicated. But now it seems that the tail only recognizes Nanyi.

"I'm willing." Nanyi shuddered, and then pointed to the meat dishes on the table, "Next time, just order one. Be careful if there are any faults on the line."

"I said, you are too careful, the three of us, what's the matter with two meat dishes?"

"Be careful, there is no big mistake. It's nothing at all, but you can see the pancakes drying on the playground. Once the pancakes are drying, it's hard to say."

There was a student in the political and economic class who came from Lu Province and brought half a sack of pancakes. After a long time, the pancakes became moldy, so he would take the pancakes to the playground to dry.

What behavior is this?

This is daring to expose one's own poverty for others to point out. What a positive example this is. It is estimated that the school has already taken a fancy to it, and it will be used to talk about it at any time.

At this juncture, if you eat too extravagantly, it is really easy to be pulled out by others as a target and set up as a negative example.

There are three types of people in universities. One is to work hard and not compete with the world; too much.

"That's right, Nanyi, look behind."

Nan Yi glanced back, and quickly turned around, "What's so interesting about people falling in love."

"Is Zhao Yu good-looking?"

"It's okay, it's too ugly, and the food at home is good."

"Isn't Chen Zheng handsome?"

"Well, it's about the same as you, and a little worse than me."

"Speak as you speak, don't take the opportunity to step on me. Chen Zheng looks good, why is he chasing a hundred and eighty catties..."

"Two hundred and five catties."

"All right, all right, why does he want to pursue Zhao Yu, who weighs more than two hundred catties?"

"Some people like thin people, so naturally some people like fat people."

"Fart, he likes Zhao Yu's father. He's really scheming. We're only freshmen."

"You, don't eat radish and worry about it. Zhao Yu is stupid, Director Zhao is not stupid. Just look at it, this Chen Zheng will be controlled by Director Zhao sooner or later, and his calculations will not work."

"That's right, Director Zhao is not a vegetarian, I just have a little disdain for people like Chen Zheng."

"It's not your son, what's not to like. If you don't like it, just don't look at it."

After Nanyi waited for the tail to finish eating, he poured the pork ribs and potatoes into the rice bowl, added some cabbage, stirred it, and the vegetable soup was very fragrant when served with rice.

Time continues to move forward, and Nanyi's life is still three points and one line.

Get up at six, go to school at seven, study until the end of evening self-study at nine in the evening, put my tail to sleep, continue studying, and go to bed at half past eleven.

Tail's food gradually changed from thin to half-dry. During this period, Nanyi gave her an IQ test, using several different versions of the test methods. The test results all showed that Tail was a child with a high IQ.

This makes his passion for raising children even higher.

"The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric; the sun and the moon are full... Baba, I don't know this word."

"This word is pronounced Zè zè, which means the sun is westward. Continue to read it."

"The sun and the moon are full and bright, and the days and nights are arranged; the cold comes and goes, and the autumn harvests and winter hides; the leap and the year are full, and the law and the sun are adjusted; the clouds make rain, and the dew turns into frost..."


"Regulations for disciples, sages' instruction. Filial piety first, faith second. Love everyone, but benevolence. If you have spare energy, learn literature. Parents call, do not delay. Parents order, do not be lazy. Parents teach, you must listen. The responsibility of the parents must be followed. Winter is warm, summer is hot..."

"Zhi said: The heavenly family is in the Central Plains, the nature of arrogance and taiji, I live in the northern wilderness, and I have no desire to live. Reverse simplicity and simplicity, go to extravagance and frugality, and eat every piece of clothing and food, and share the disadvantages of cattle, horses and horses Treat the people like children, raise scholars like brothers, seek harmony, and be kind to animals..."


"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when walking deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and overcomes all hardships. Relic! Color is not different from empty, empty is not different from color; color is empty, and emptiness is color; thinking and knowing are also the same. Relic Son! It is the empty form of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing..."


"The way of great learning lies in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in stopping at the ultimate good. Knowing and stopping, then there is steadiness, and then you can be calm, and then you can be peaceful, and then you can think about it, and then you can get it after thinking about it. From the beginning to the end, if you know the sequence, you will get the shortest way..."

"To be, or not to be——that is the question..."

"Le temps, qui fortifie les amities, affaiblit l'''''''''amour..."

“The etiquette of western food…”

"When you meet elders or respected people, you should bow slightly at thirty degrees..."

"The horse's gait must be steady, the legs must be straight, the waist must be straight, and when you punch, hey, ha..."

A high IQ requires a high IQ training method. Nanyi's own study is intense, and Tail's study is not easy.

From "Thousand-Character Classic" and "Three-Character Classic", it quickly transitioned to "University", "Tao Te Ching", "Diamond Sutra", and then entered the link of learning language and martial arts.

As the cold passed and the summer came, Li Lamei enjoyed collecting the tatters, and even flirted with another tatter collector.

Time is a good medicine, it can cure many diseases.

"Lamei, are you and that Wang Polanai really here?"

"Brother Wang, he is very nice. He asked me if I would like to live with him. To be honest, I am a little tempted."

Li Lamei has stayed in the capital for a long time, and I have also become me, with more standard Mandarin.

"Does he know you have a child? Has he ever been married? Has he had any children? If you are really together, will you have children?"

Nanyi is like a machine gun, shooting out questions one by one.

"I don't know, I haven't been married. If he wants, it's only natural for him to give birth to him."

"What about the tail?"

Li Lamei looked up at the tail sitting next to Nanyi. She could see the changes in her daughter. Nanyi took her well. She didn't have any rustic taste on her body. She was better than a city child. .

She doesn't know the food that her daughter is holding in her hand, and she has never seen other children eat it in the streets. The packaging looks high-end.

"Tail, come on, you can only eat half a piece. If you eat any more, your teeth will fall out."

Nanyi took the chocolate from Tail's hand, wrapped it up and put it in his pocket.

The chocolate was taken away, and the tail didn't make any fuss. It just licked its lips and wiped off the sticky mouth. Then, it took out a handkerchief from its pocket and wiped its mouth clean.

"Brother Nan, if I remarry, can you still help me with my tail?"

"Of course, I like Tail very much. You can bring her to marry you. When she gets older, I plan to send her to study outside. I have something to discuss with you. I plan to give Tail a new name. A baby name is okay, but being a big name is not so good.”

"Okay, okay, what name do you plan to name her?"

"Ruo Fing, Fen means beautiful jade. The tail is like a precious beautiful jade in my eyes. I will take good care of her. Lamei, will she follow your surname Li, or let her continue to be surnamed Zhou?"

"Can I follow your surname Nan?"

"Actually, taking her with my surname or not will not change my attitude towards treating her as my own daughter. You can rest assured about that, Lamei."

"Let her surname be Nan." Li Lamei hesitated for a long time, but still gritted her teeth and said, "If one day you don't like her, you can bring her back."

"There won't be a day like that."

It's not that Li Lamei doesn't love her daughter, it's just that Wang Polan has already shown that he wants to have children with her, and she also wants to find someone to rely on, so it's really inconvenient to marry her with a tail.

Besides, following her side, probably didn't let her tail follow Nan Yi.

It's not that Li Lamei has never seen what kind of life the "oil bottle" lives. He eats the worst, wears the worst, and does the most work.

Li Lamei is just not so great that she doesn't think about herself at all for the sake of her children.

In general, she is still a qualified mother.

Regarding the current result, Nan Yi is happy to see the results, but he has no intention of underestimating Li Lamei.

I was busy signing the contract in the morning, and it has entered the signing process. Under the guidance of the editor, it has been changed to the current book title.

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