Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 27 Make You Prime Minister

As soon as the opening credits of the movie came out, most of the people in the theater began to hum, da ya la, da da da da, da ya la.

At this time, entertainment was still quite scarce, and few households had TV sets. Watching movies was the only pastime for most people. It happens from time to time that a movie is played three or five times, or even a dozen times.

Most of those humming songs should have been done twice or three times.

When Nanyi heard humming, he knew that the movie was not to be watched. Sure enough, as he had expected, there were always those around who thought they had read it a few times and memorized the lines, and if they wanted to put them in Du Qiu or Mayumi's camera, the lines would come out of their mouths.

Especially those few classic lines...

"Hey, is there any evidence? Show me."

"Only these two people still want to kill me in Hokkaido!"

"I killed him in self-defense."

"Du Qiu, look, what a blue sky..."

A sentence here, a sentence there, each of them really regarded themselves as a voice actor.

The movie viewing environment was terrible, but Nan Yi and the two still insisted on watching the movie. It was really difficult to get out from the middle seat.

Looking at the reaction of the audience in the same row, I almost took off my glasses and hung them directly on the screen.

As for Nanyi standing next to this one, while watching, his mouth was still opening and closing. Judging from this posture, he should be reciting lines.

With a few lines from Du Qiu, a woman might be photographed, plus a windbreaker and a toad mirror, "Come on, let your family send someone over to talk about the dowry tomorrow."

After the movie ended, Nan Yi and Xu Qian didn't follow the crowd out immediately. The two of them were still nailed to their seats, watching the crowd rush towards the exit. From time to time, they could hear "hooligans" and "what are you ignoring?" vocabulary like that.

"Nanyi, what do you think of this movie?"

"Want to hear the truth?"


"I can almost guess the ending after watching the beginning. The story line is too thin. Takakura Ken's performance in this film is mediocre. I don't see too much acting skills. It's more about handsome action freeze-frames. I guess this film is popular in Japan. Its box office must be average."

"I just said that you are a different person. Everyone looks at it again and again, but it becomes very ordinary when you come to you."

"Don't just talk about me, in your eyes, is this a good movie?"

"It's not bad, it's better than Shaw Brothers' one-size-fits-all, and it's not comparable to Golden Harvest's. If you have a chance to watch it, I recommend you to watch "The Godfather" and "Roman Holiday."

"Okay, I will definitely watch it when I have the chance. People are almost gone, let's go too."


Walking out of the movie theater, the two of them walked on the road outside. White duck feathers fell during the day before yesterday, and goose feathers fell at night. It is so hard that people will slip when walking on it.

Xu Qian's snow boots are okay, but Nanyi's cotton shoes are miserable. The water vapor has eroded the upper insteps, except for the high top, which has become wet.

Nanyi didn't bother to pretend in front of girls, it was uncomfortable to wear, so he leaned against a tree, took off one shoe first, twisted the shoe into a twist, and the water dripped down.

After the shoes have controlled the water, it's the turn of the socks.

After wringing it dry, I was not in a hurry to put it on. I squeezed the socks and threw them on the tree with a click.

After the socks were a little hot, I put them back on.

"That's right, you're still a hygienic person, and your socks don't smell at all."

"Of course, if you are poor, you have to pay attention to hygiene. Let me tell you, I change my socks every day, and I change my cotton shoes every day. Unlike some people, they don't change their socks all winter.

Take off the socks overnight, wake up the next day, well, the socks are hard, rub it with your hands, and the smell will be gone. And the quilts were not washed, they were all patinaed. "

"Haha!" Xu Qian said with a chuckle: "I've seen it before. The dormitory is exposed to the sun outside. I'm still curious. Who is so fashionable to use a quilt with a flower bottom and a figure border? I walked in and saw it. It's covered in black dirt, how dirty this body must be."

"It's not surprising. Men, most of them don't pay much attention to it. Moreover, the quilt is troublesome to remove and wash. Few people know how to do needlework."

"Are your feet uncomfortable? Why don't I find a place to call the rental station of the car company and ask them to send a car to pick us up?" Xu Qian looked at Nanyi's shoes and said.

"Forget it, it costs ten yuan to call a car. My feet are not so expensive."

The car company rental station Xu Qian mentioned is similar to the combination of taxis and car rental companies in later generations.

Make a phone call and tell where you are and what your name is, and the taxi station will send a car over there. As long as the distance does not exceed ten kilometers, it will cost ten yuan.

This distance can be accumulated, that is, if you are willing to call the car over, you can let the driver stay with you for half a day.

But before this year, very few people would hail a car. Usually, people who were married would call for a wedding car. The rental price was 15 yuan each time, plus 8 yuan for the wedding.

"Nanyi, you shouldn't be short of money, right?"

"How can you tell that I'm not short of money?" Nan Yi asked with interest.

"Although you are wearing rotten clothes, I have never seen inferiority complex on your face. Especially when I see those well-dressed students in school, other people will take a second look, but you never.

It's like seeing me wearing a suit, you didn't take a second look, and you didn't express any surprise. "

"Just based on this arbitrary conclusion that I'm not short of money? Maybe I'm just not particular about food and clothing?"

"No, you are particular about food. You may not have noticed it yourself. I have smelled hot-boiled mutton, stewed beef, and roasted duck on your body."

"Hey, you are a military dog, you have such a good nose."

"Tch, you can smell it with your nose, okay? You wear a cotton-padded jacket in winter. Once the water vapor smokes, the smell will stick to it."

"Hehe, it seems that I have to be more careful in the future. Well, I won't pretend. In fact, my real name is not Nan Yi. In fact, my surname is Ying and Zhao. You can call me Zhao Yi.

I have the secret decree left by my ancestor Yingzheng in my hand. As long as you subsidize me three thousand yuan, I can open the treasure house he left me. In the future, I will succeed in restoring the country and make you the prime minister. "


"Really, look into my eyes, are there two words engraved in it?"

"Hey, what word, I didn't see it."

"Forget it, it seems that you have no fate with me, Daqin, and the prime minister will not seal you. You still pay three thousand yuan. I will give you a Ziying sword and a vermilion fruit, and I will send you to the Emei school to repair swords. Immortal."

"Fuck you, don't pretend that I haven't read "The Legend of the Shushan Swordsman" by Huanzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhu Zhuanzhuan." Xu Qian said angrily.

"Hey, it's terrible, she is still a talented woman, read the whole book."

"I'm hungry, please treat me to something."

Nan Yi looked at his watch and said, "What time is it? Haven't you eaten at noon?"


"Okay, I'm going to go all out today, you can say whatever you want, which store."

"Whatever, some people say that there is no good food in the capital, so there is nothing left to pay attention to. I think there is some truth to this sentence."

"Little comrade, you are wrong. Aren't you scolding the bald donkey in front of the monk? Be careful, I will take you to eat soybean juice with tripe."

"I'm not going. The bean juice smells like swill. I can't bear that smell."

Xu Qian seemed to have smelled that smell, and waved it in front of her nose, her face full of disgust.

Really, soy milk is a food, people who love it can’t love it, and people who don’t know how to drink it don’t even want to hear the name. It’s an extreme polarization.

"Forget it, I still treat you to fried noodles. If you have a mild taste, you can ask them to lighten the stew."

"Alright, just eat fried noodles."

Zhajiang noodles is a delicacy that almost everyone in the capital likes. As long as it is a restaurant, they basically make this kind of noodles. As for what is authentic or not, it doesn't matter.

As long as you cook the noodles first, then cook the noodles, the taste will not be bad.

Soon a bowl of noodles came out, and Xu Qian started to eat after stirring it.

"Well, this tastes good. I see, in this huge capital city, only this bowl of fried noodles can be regarded as gourmet food. I'm not used to eating anything else."

"Your ancestors are from the south, right?"

"What kind of ancestor? My father is Hu Jianren. He went to Nanyang to join my grandfather in the 1940s."

"That's no wonder. You grew up eating Nyonya food. It's not surprising that you can't get used to the food in the capital. The southerners say that the food in the north is unpalatable, and the northerners say that the food in the south is not tasty enough. One side supports the other side." Stomach, it's normal to not be used to food from other places."


Before I uploaded it, I posted two chapters a day, one chapter at 9.1 and one chapter at 18. It may not be on time, it may be a few minutes away. After posting the new chapter, I will listen to it by myself, correct the incomprehensible parts of the sentence, and then correct the typos.

If you follow a book friend who reads frequently, it is best to read new chapters after 9:30 and 18:00 every day.

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