After watching the movie with Xu Qian, the relationship between the two has not changed substantially.

Then, both of them were busy reviewing before the exam.

A few days before New Year's Eve, the students of Peking University ushered in their winter vacation.

In the past 1978, because freshman courses had to be completed within half a year, the study was very tight, and the summer vacation was only a few days away. Most of the students whose homes were far away did not go home.

Even in the current winter vacation, there are still many people who have no plans to go back for the New Year.

After buying New Year's goods for 20 yuan and sending them to Nan's house in the affiliated hospital of the No. 2 Chemical Factory, Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing and boarded the plane to Yangcheng.

Unlike Nanyi, although Liu Zhen was not welcome at home, she still stayed in the capital and planned to go back to celebrate the New Year on New Year's Eve.

The Liu family seems to be determined by their daughter and younger sister. Liu Zhen has to pay 8 yuan back to her family for the 15 yuan bursary every month, which is compulsory.

According to Liu Zhen's mother Lu Bifang, she has been raised so much and has been admitted to university. There are two older brothers who are not working at home, so it's time to pay the family.

Nanyi has no opinion on the fact that Liu Zhen paid the family money. The Liu family is really in trouble, and Liu Zhen should do something for the family.

Nanyi is worried that there will be some moths in the future, such as her particularly powerful sister-in-law, black fungus.

Don't be surprised by the name. I heard that it is black fungus. Her father especially likes to eat black fungus, and this kind of good food is not often available. It just so happens that my surname is Hei, so I simply named my daughter such a name.

Hei Mu'er has a younger brother, Hei Muyu, who works as a temporary worker at a coal station. Nan Yi heard from Liu Zhen that Hei Mu'er once "accidentally" suggested that Liu Zhen be betrothed to Hei Muyu, so that Liu Hei and his family could marry each other.

It's just that this proposal was unanimously opposed by the Liu family.

It's not that the Liu family feels sorry for their daughter and sister, but that Liu Zhen should marry a better family and sell them at a higher price; the Hei family can marry their daughter to the Liu family. It is conceivable that the Hei family's conditions Not much better.

The four characters of "the right family is right" have been the most reasonable sayings from ancient times to the present.

In the words of Liu Zhen's eldest brother, Liu Qinglong: "I don't even look at how beautiful Liu Zhen is now, and she is still a college student. Is your Muyu worthy of her?"

Regarding the bad things about the Liu family, Nanyi watched coldly.

Liu Zhen is not yet completely disappointed with the Liu family, and it is not yet time for him to make a move.

Entering the area of ​​Shajiaotou, it was drizzling and the machine farming road connecting Wenchangwei was full of potholes and mud.

Nan Yi handed the umbrella to Nan Ruofing and asked her to hold it for him. He bent down and took off his liberation shoes, tied the shoelaces together, and hung the shoes on the belt.

Fu picked up Nan Ruofing again, and staggered towards Wenchangwei.

Entering the range of Wenchang Wai, the road conditions are much better. The road connected to Jigeng Road is paved with bluestone slabs. Although it is not smooth, it also allows Nanyi to get rid of the mud.

Just as he was about to take a small path to his home, Xian Yaodong and Xian Yaohua walked up to him.

"Nanyi, why don't you call when you come back, so I can pick you up." Xian Yaodong said with a smile when he saw Nanyi.

"Is there anything to pick up? I'm not seven or eighty. Uncle Xian, why are you two here?"

"I was planning to send a telegram. I wanted you to come back sometime during the first month. I didn't expect you to come back now. That's just right. I don't have to go to the city."

"In a hurry?"

"No, in the past, we in Wenchangwei would eat poon choi during Chinese New Year, festivals or festive days; a few years ago, everyone had a hard time, and we haven't had poon choi for a long time.

Isn't this year's life easier, everyone is discussing to pick up this tradition again.

Originally, to take care of your time, it was held in the first month. Since you are back, it will be held as scheduled. The day after tomorrow, the ancestors will be worshiped in the morning and Poon Choi will be eaten at noon. "

"That's good, but the rumors haven't completely passed away, so don't make the ancestor worship too high-profile."

"I know, let the ancestors be wronged first, this year we will do it a little bit, and when this gust of wind passes in the future, we must do it again."

"En!" Nan Yi nodded, pointed to the guide Ruo Fing and said, "Let me introduce to you, my daughter Nan Ruo Fing... Ruo Fing is called Grandpa Yaodong and Grandpa Yaohua."

With a milky voice, Nan Ruofing said clearly, "Grandpa Yaodong, Grandpa Yaohua."

"Hey, good, good."

Although Xian Yaodong and Xian Yaohua wondered when Nan Yi had a daughter, they didn't show it, they just made out with Nan Ruofing for a while.

"I'll go back first, and I won't move today. Uncle Xian, please broadcast and let all the households bring back all the tables and chairs that were removed from that house. Don't let them give them away for nothing. I'll buy new ones." , or give money."

"Oh, why don't you say that money is not money? Everyone knows that you want it, and I'm sure you'll be happy to give it back."

"Money is still needed, and I can't ask for everyone's things for nothing."

After talking with the two of them, Nanyi returned to the Nanzhai.

Walking around in the front yard, everywhere is quite clean, it must be that Xian Yaodong had someone clean it.

I went to the backyard and checked the secret marks on the doors and window lattices of each room. Nan Yi confirmed that no one had entered the room.

"Ruopin, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, Dad, is this our home too?"

"Yes, this is our real home, and the capital is only our temporary home. Tomorrow, I will clean up your room."

"No, I want to sleep with Dad."

"Okay, okay, sleep with dad, but you still need a room. When you grow up, you won't be able to sleep with dad."


"Come on, go to the kitchen with Dad to see if our smoked fish has been stolen by mice."

Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing's hand, pushed open the kitchen door and walked in, looked up, and saw two hooks extending from the beam, with a rope in the middle, hanging full of smoked fish.

When it was first hung, the smoked fish and the smoked fish seemed to be arranged at an equal distance, but in fact the distance between each fish is slightly different. If you don’t pay attention to observation, you can’t find this mystery at all.

With his hand, he drew the distance between each fish, and checked the fish for any damage.

Fortunately, the fish was neither touched nor visited by mice.

"Dad, just how many fish?"

"No, it's not Gang, that's right, so many fish."


"There is no fresh food at night. Dad will make you steamed smoked fish and fried lettuce with bacon. You go to the yard to see if there are any turtles in the pool, they are turtles."


Nan Ruofeng responded, and ran into the yard, and came back excitedly after a while.

"Dad, yes, there are quite a few of them. These turtles are so strange. Their covers are not round and they don't have patterns."

"It's not surprising, haven't you seen Jingba and German shepherds? The relationship between tortoises and turtles is the same as that of them, and they belong to the same kind without blood relationship."

"That's it."

"Come on, Daddy will teach you how to make a fire."


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