Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 29 Proceed with caution

The brigade auditorium, a special product of a certain period, almost every brigade has one.

Usually, the auditorium will also be the best building in a brigade, or even the only reinforced concrete building.

Wenchangwei is the same, there is such an auditorium.

It is now the workshop and production workshop of Wenchangwei Garment Factory.

There is usually a stage in the auditorium, which is usually more than one meter high and less than two meters high. At this time, there was a TV stand more than one meter high on the stage, and Xiang Xing's video tape was playing on the TV.

The video tape has been edited, and the shots are all the street sceneries of Xiangtang, and the focus is on the clothes worn by passers-by, which can be regarded as street photography in the popular sense.

A man stood on the stage, with his hand on the control button of the video recorder, pressing pause from time to time.

"This dress is the most popular style in Europe this year. The fabric of the dress is... the shape of the dress... the embellishment process of the dress... the production process of the dress..."

Many women and young women below listened carefully, those who could read and memorize while listening, and those who could not read memorized in their own unique way.

Many people in the brigade are illiterate, but at the end of the year, when the work points are checked, they can remember exactly how many work points they have on a given day. As for what they use to record, of course there are auxiliary methods, not purely relying on memory.

As long as someone tells them that after learning what is being taught, there will be pork and new tile-roofed houses, they will naturally try their best to memorize and memorize it.

"Has the person who went to learn mechanical repair come back?"

"Not yet, they won't come home until the New Year's Eve. I've already told them what you mean, so they don't rush to come back. They stay in the factory for a rest of the year, and first go to the master's house with gifts and help him with work.

Weixiu is a clever boy, and he often invites his master to eat out at ordinary times, and his master also taught him the ability to press the bottom of the box. "

"This is what you have to do to learn the craft. Don't be afraid to spend money. You can be generous. How many children does their master have and how old are they?"

"One son and one daughter, with a difference of two years. The older one is seventeen years old."

"Well, in this way, when they go back at the beginning of the new year, they will buy some longan, snacks, a few cans of malted milk, and buy a tape recorder for their master.

After delivering the things, let them ask the master to go out for a drink immediately, and when the wine is in full swing, they will go around and see if there are any other unique skills that they haven't taught.

If, I said if, if their master is willing to come and work, the house in the city will give him a house, and he will be paid 150 yuan a month. "

"Difficult, this treatment sounds good, but we can't guarantee that we are an iron rice bowl after all, and people will basically not want to come."

"I also know it's impossible, but at least I have to give it a try, what if someone has an impulse?"

A monthly salary of 150 yuan, according to the relative living index, can be compared with the level of annual income of about 300,000 yuan for future generations living in second-tier cities.

But even with such conditions, it is basically impossible for people to come.

It is understandable that people in their forties, who have experienced various movements and passed through several turbulent periods, value stability and hold on to their jobs.

In the past 30 years, one case after another has told people that to change means to hit the south wall and make themselves bloody.

At this time point, Wenchangwei wanted talents, and there were only two more reliable ways.

One is to cultivate it yourself, and the other is to go to Xiangtang to find it.

The class on the stage was the fashion designer found from Xiangxi, the average-level designer that Nanyi asked Fang Mengyin to help find, and he was better at being obedient.

He was given a high salary of 3,000 Hong Kong dollars every month, and he was also given a travel allowance of 500. He was very satisfied with this salary, and when he heard the call, he came here to report.

"Uncle Xian, who among them is the fastest learner?"

"Xiuyun is the fastest learner, and her culture is also the highest. She graduated from junior high school and has been in high school for half a year."

"Well, tell Uncle Yaoguo that there must be no open flames in the auditorium. Anyone who dares to smoke here will have his legs crippled. It is best not to let irrelevant personnel come here."

"Okay, I'll tell him later that he will go to the commune to buy new year's goods."

"Let's go to the brigade."

The two went to the brigade headquarters, except for Xian Yaoguo, several other important figures were there.

Nan Yi sat down on a seat carelessly, raised his hand and said, "Brother Jimin, let's start."

"Okay." Xian Jimin nodded, took out a ledger and said, "The last transaction received a total of 790,000 yuan, including 420,000 yuan for a windbreaker, 250,000 yuan for a scarf, and 120,000 yuan for a toad mirror;

The freight cost is 2457.32, and the freight here includes all the expenses of entertaining the driver for meals and accommodation; the cost of personnel travel is 327.53, relying on relationships..."

"Wait a minute, Brother Jimin, don't use 'relationship' and other words with similar meanings in the ledger in the future. This type of expenditure is collectively called sunk costs. You can divide it into sub-categories yourself, such as Category A , Class B.

Just know what expenses are in your mind, keep them in your mind, and don't record them in the account book. "

"Okay, I understand, I will continue..."

"The last remaining net fund is 750,002, right?"


"Okay, two things, Brother Jimin, you draw up a loan contract, Wenchangwei Garment Factory borrows RMB 420,000 from Xiangtang Far East Trading Company, and the date is written one and a half months ago.

Uncle Yaowei, after the meeting is over, you can bring a few people with you and deposit 200,000 in the factory's account. In the future, large sums of money must go through the bank instead of direct cash transactions. "

"I understand."

"The 420,000 is what I want to take away, and the deposit is 200,000, so there is still 132,000. Wenchangwei Garment Factory is a collectively owned enterprise in Wenchangwei, which means that every household in the brigade, everyone should enjoy clothing. Factory dividends.

So out of the 130,000 yuan, 80,000 yuan is used for dividends, and it will be distributed when eating Poon Choi tomorrow.

I will draw up a sample of a power of attorney, and the members authorize the Wenchangwei Garment Factory Committee to operate and manage the Wenchangwei Garment Factory. When the dividends are distributed tomorrow, the members will be asked to sign the power of attorney, and those who can't write will have their private seals and fingerprints.

However, before they sign the power of attorney, you have to break things down and tell them clearly. And when explaining to them, take a tape recorder and put it on the side to record.

After the explanation is over, you have to ask each of them if they understand, one by one, and record what everyone confirms that they understand.

It must be ensured that the representative of each household can only sign and pledge if he knows what it means to sign the power of attorney. "

"Nanyi, do you need to be so troublesome? Doesn't the brigade have the final say?"

"Nonsense!" Nan Yi spat and lit a cigarette for himself, "According to the regulations, all major matters of the production brigade must be decided by the brigade member congress. The brigade holds meetings at least twice a year, and the representatives are re-elected once a year.

Although I guess Uncle Xian, you have only heard about the membership congress, but the constitution is the constitution, and the organizational procedures must be followed.

Otherwise, it’s okay if no one finds fault. If someone wants to catch your pigtails, they will catch them right away.

If one is not good, it will become your death talisman, Uncle Xian. "

"Is it that serious?"

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