During the college entrance examination in 1977, all the remaining educated youths in Wenchangwei took the college entrance examination. Not long after the exam, Ou Jing and Lin Guangwei returned to Yangcheng.

Ou Jing passed the exam, but because of her father's historical problems, she failed the political review; Lin Guangwei just failed the exam, and he doesn't know what he is doing now.

Nan Yi and Ou Jing still keep in touch. Although most of the letters are polite, they still mention the recent situation. She helped cook in a state-run restaurant and even learned how to make soy sauce chicken from the chef.

According to her own statement, she has already done a good job, and invited him to try it when passing through Yangcheng.

Zhao Hongzhuang was once recommended to go to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University, but she was rejected because she failed the political examination. Before the college entrance examination, she didn't know whose relationship she left and went back to the city.

Therefore, there is no one in Xian's ancestral hall, and it has already been cleaned up. What should be brought out has already been brought out.

All the men of the Xian clan have already arrived in place, lined up, waiting for the auspicious time to come.

Nanyi's surname is not Xian, so naturally there is no need to wait.

He was outside the ancestral hall, near the river, where he was fiddling with blunderbusses. They were all single blunderbusses. Nan Yi shook the gunpowder that had been packed in yellow paper into the blunderbuss, and inserted a trigger into the hole of the blunderbuss body. fire wire.

I took two pieces of yellow gauge paper from the bamboo basket on the side, crumpled one of them into a ball, stuffed it into the mouth of the gun, poked it in with the cleaning rod, and stuffed the second one in, then held the cleaning rod, and took the The hammer smashed the cleaning rod, so that the yellow paper tightly blocked the gunpowder.

"Do you understand?"

After finishing one, Nan Yi asked Nan Ruofing who was standing next to him.


"Then you can pack the gunpowder for the remaining five?"


Nan Ruofing enthusiastically fiddled with Nan Yi.

Looking at his watch, there was still plenty of time, so Nanyi stood by and lit a cigarette.

"Dad, it's ready, when can I put it?"

"Hehe, wait, there are still five minutes. After a while, Dad will light the first shot, and the second shot will be for you, okay?"


Four minutes passed quickly. Nanyi took out three pieces of pre-folded yellow paper from the bamboo basket, and took out three sticks of incense. First, he lit the incense with a lighter, and then lit the yellow paper. He held up the incense and worshiped.

This is to respect the heavens, the earth, the ghosts, the gods and all things. Let me say hello to everyone first, and I will be firing guns in a while.

After sticking the incense on the ground, Nanyi lit a fuse for a blunderbuss.

Chi Chi Chi, the fuse was burning very fast, Nan Yi ran four or five steps away, and the gun blew up.


There was a loud noise that shook the ears, and a large piece of the ground where the blunderbuss was inserted was also blasted.

Nan Yi picked up a gong mallet covered with a red cloth, struck the gong hanging on the shelf, and shouted loudly, "The auspicious time has come!"

As soon as the gong rang, the sounds of small gongs, big cymbals, small cymbals, golden cymbals, and hall drums rang out one after another.

Nan Yi looked at the entrance of the ancestral hall, and it was Xian Weimin who was beating the big drum, and what he held in his hand was not a drumstick, but a bamboo stick.

Nanyi needs to beat the gong in line with Xian Weimin's rhythm. When Xian Weimin hits the rhythm of bang bang, da bang, he has to follow up with a "boom"; Bang.

This is one verse, and nine verses need to be struck repeatedly.

After the nine quarters were knocked out, Nan Yi asked Nan Ruoying to light a blunderbuss. After a bang, Nanyi had to prick up his ears to listen again. Each of the six blunderbusses had to be knocked together for a while.


A morning passed, and the ceremony was finally finished, and then it was time to distribute the roast suckling pig that was worshiped to the ancestors just now.

For the roast suckling pig, no matter whether the surname is Xian or not, as long as someone comes to ask for it, he has to give it.

It's just that only men can come, and women can only come, and they will politely ask you to leave. On such a big day, they would generally remain peaceful, unless someone else rode on their necks to shit.

"Ruoping, you wait for me here, Dad will go over there, and he will be back soon."

"Father, you can go, I'll be good, I'll wait for you." Nan Ruofing nodded.

Nan Yi held a bamboo basket in one hand and a gong stand in the other, and just as he put down his things at the entrance of the ancestral hall, an old man on crutches came towards him.

The old man's name is Xian Guangbing, he is the oldest old man in Wenchangwei, and he is also the head of the Xian's ancestral hall, similar to the role of the patriarch.

It's just that apart from the affairs surrounding the ancestral hall, such as sacrifices and genealogy repairs, they don't have much say in other aspects.

"Nan Yi, you worked hard today, you take this."

"Thank you, grandpa."

Nan Yi took the Li Shi from Xian Guangbing and thanked him.

"Go, have a table with the old man and have a few drinks with me."

"Grandpa, it's not the boy who disrespected you. The little girl is still waiting. I'll take the pork, and I'll toast you a glass as an apology."

"Well, next time, we must have a few drinks."


After receiving the pork, after toasting, he talked to Xian Yaodong and the others, and Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing back to his home.

I already explained everything yesterday, let Xian Yaodong and the others communicate with the members.

Today is the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, a small year in the north.

There is a folk proverb, twenty-three, offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God; today is the day of offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God.

The Stove Lord is considered to be the God who guides the way, and the purpose of offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month is to send the Stove Lord to heaven.

One week later, on the night of the New Year's Eve, Lord Stove will bring the family's good and bad fortunes during the year and come to the world together with other gods.

After the Chinese New Year, all other gods will return to heaven, and only the Stove Lord will stay in the kitchens of thousands of households.

When Nanyi returned to Nanzhai, he immediately started to work, put water in the iron pot, and asked Nan Ruofing to light a fire.

He took out the pastry and put it in a tall basin, put the tofu cut into squares in the cup, put a piece of red paper on top of the tofu, and inserted a cypress leaf in the middle of the red paper.

Open the lead pot lid on the far side of the stove, and take out a cup of steamed rice that has been kept warm in the pot. I went to the utility room to get incense, yellow paper, and a pair of red candles, and walked back to the kitchen.

"Dad, the water is boiling."


Nan Yi responded, walked to the table in the kitchen, picked up a bamboo sieve on the table, put it on the stove, lifted a piece of white cloth covering the bamboo sieve, and put six round glutinous rice balls into the pot first , and then grabbed six more oval glutinous rice balls with a powder protruding like horns and put them into the pot.

Grab the spatula on the side and gently push the glutinous rice balls down into the pot so that they don't stick to the pot.

After three or five strokes, stop pushing and cover the pot.

Taking advantage of the spare time, he found a rice wine jar and opened it, and poured some wine into a jug.

Hearing the sound of water in the pot, Nanyi opened the lid, and the glutinous rice balls were already floating on the water.

Pack the glutinous rice balls in two bowls, six in one bowl.

"Ruoping, put the fire back into the ash pond, cover it with plant ash, and come here when it's done."


Put the snack bowl, tofu bowl, rice bowl, and glutinous rice ball bowl on the stove facing the shrine; set up another row, put three wine glasses, and pour rice wine into the wine glasses; There are three pairs of chopsticks painted with red lacquer.

He took out six sticks of incense and lit them, and handed three sticks to Nan Ruofeng. Nan Yi bowed to the Kitchen God in the shrine, then knelt down and bowed down.

"Ruoping, come here, kneel down and pay homage to the Stove Lord, and ask him to say a few more good words for you when he returns to heaven to take up his job."

Nan Ruobing obediently knelt down on the straw handle, bowed, and muttered, "Master Stove, go to heaven and say something nice to Ruobing, and remember to bring more delicious food when you come back. of."

Listening to the little girl's words, Nanyi smiled knowingly.

He had done similar things himself, but the things he asked for were even more outrageous.

He asked Lord Stove to ask the Jade Emperor to see if he could be rewarded as a fairy, no matter how big or small, as long as it is a fairy, the "land" will not dislike it.

Thanks to Comrade begekanpu for the reward. I don't insist on the reward. However, I still want to encourage everyone to learn from Comrade Begekanpu. Study hard and be the best in the blue!

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