Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 32 New Year's Taste, Ground Tofu

"Dad, I'm hungry."

"There is some snacks on the table, you can eat some first, and the Stove Lord is eating, so don't bother him. When he finishes eating, he will give us something to eat."

"Well, Dad, would you like a snack?"

"Help me get some glutinous rice sticks, and a pack of mochi candy."

The little girl ran to the table, climbed onto the stool first, picked up the kettle, poured two cups of tea first, opened the wrapping paper of each pastry, grabbed a little from each pastry and stuffed it into her pocket. Wrap the pastry again.

Put the two cups of tea on another stool first, then jumped off the stool, and walked back to Nanyi with the two cups of tea, "Dad, here you are."

"Well, good job."

Nanyi took the teacup and put it on a low stool beside him, took out two pieces of dried bamboo shoots from the bucket beside him, and sandwiched them between a piece of moso bamboo that was more than one meter long and about forty centimeters of which had been split in half.

The dried bamboo shoots only protrude more than one centimeter from the outside of the moso bamboo, and then tied tightly with a rope at the other end of the two halves. He poked one end of the moso bamboo on the ground and the other end against his chest, holding a small planer in his hand, and planed on the dried bamboo shoots one by one.

The dried bamboo shoots were planed into thin slices similar to those of boiled mutton and fell from the moso bamboo, just falling into the next wooden basin below.

After digging the dried bamboo shoots exposed, untie the rope on the bamboo, push the dried bamboo shoots out a little, tie them tightly, and continue digging.

The sliced ​​bamboo shoots are called Lu bamboo shoots. After frying, they taste very good, and the taste of bamboo shoots cut with a kitchen knife is completely different.

People who eat it for the first time will only find it delicious, and will not think that Lu bamboo shoots are actually made of bamboo shoots.

Planing the bamboo shoots requires water grinding, and certain skills are required, otherwise the thickness of the bamboo shoots will be different, and the taste will not be very good.

The little girl ate a few mouthfuls of glutinous rice noodles, another piece of hibiscus cake, took a sip from the teacup, smacked her mouth, and then continued to eat other snacks.

The small eyes followed the plane in Nanyi's hand, as if full of interest.

"Father, are you tired, let me try?"

"No, it's good to have the courage to try, but you have to do what you can. Planing bamboo shoots looks simple, but it actually requires skills. You are too young to perform well."

"Oh, is that so?"

"That's it. Eat less snacks, they are all sweet and will cause tooth decay."

"But I'm not full yet."

"Then go get some fried rice."

"Father, fried rice doesn't taste good without sugar."

"Ghostly, you still have to pick food, forget it, now that it's the holiday, I'll let you continue to eat dim sum."

"Hee hee hee, dad, you are so kind."

The little girl laughed and continued eating snacks.

The bamboo shoots have been planed, and Nanyi has about the same time to think about it. The Stove Lord should finish enjoying his tribute.

Packed up the things, went to the stove, took a bowl of wine and sprinkled it on the ground, bowed to the Kitchen God again, poured the remaining two cups of wine back into the wine pot, and put the other offerings into the food box , leaving two bowls of glutinous rice balls alone.

"There are twelve glutinous rice balls in total, six sweet ones and six salty ones. How many sweet and salty do you want?"

"Two sweet ones and one salty one." Nan Ruofing said after thinking for a while.

"Take it."

Nan Yi poured out two bowls of glutinous rice balls, and handed one of the smaller bowls to Nan Ruofing.

Gududu, the two ate the glutinous rice balls, and Nanyi's stomach was 70% full. After a while, he will invite the old Kitchen God statue down, and on New Year's Eve, he will invite a new one into the shrine.

Twenty-four, sweeping dust day.

Two people, one big and one small, cleaned up the whole house and washed everything that needed to be dismantled and washed.

Twenty-five, grind tofu.

Today is the day when the Jade Emperor came to the world for a private visit after hearing the report from the Stove Lord.

In order to help the Stove Lord hide it together, each household will eat tofu residue to show their diligence and thrift.

Before dawn, Nanyi woke up Nan Ruofing.

The beans that were soaked yesterday have already swollen and have enough water, so they can be ground.

Carrying the beans to the brigade's mill, Nan Yi pushed the mill himself, and Nan Ruofing was responsible for adding the beans, and within an hour the beans were ground into a white paste.

Going home with the bucket, first filter the white paste through a bag made of gauze. What stays in the gauze bag is tofu residue, and what flows out is tofu water.

Put a pot of water half full in the large iron pot on the stove, boil it until the water boils, and pour the filtered water into the pot.

Stir slowly to allow it to heat evenly.

As time passed, the water in the pot turned milky white. When the water in the pot boiled again, Nan Yi took out a bowl, put a little soy sauce and green onion in the bowl, and scooped out the soy milk from the pot.

"Take it and drink it."

Nan Ruobing, who was sitting there burning the fire, took the bowl, blew on it and took a sip, "It's so delicious, Dad, it's better than Beijing's soybean milk."

"Of course, the ones sold outside are mixed with more water. How can they be as delicate as my father's?"

With that said, Nanyi opened another jar, poured a little muddy juice from the jar into a bowl, and stopped when it was almost done.

Holding the bowl, pour the juice inside into the pot little by little, stirring while pouring.

As the juice is poured into the pot, the soy milk begins to coagulate, turning into lumps of bean curd, which is tofu nao.

At this time, Nanyi scooped up a bowl of bean curd for himself, and drank it without adding anything.

"Well, that's the taste!" Nanyi exclaimed comfortably.

"Dad, is it delicious?"

The little girl had already finished her soy milk, and she was thinking about tofu curd again.

"It's definitely not good for you. The taste is a bit close to soybean juice."

The bean curd that has been ordered with salted bittern tastes a little bit harsh, sour, not as pure as soy milk.

If the bean curd sold outside is made with brine, because it is not for the final tofu, there will be very little brine, and it will not taste sour when you drink it.

The sour taste is actually an illusion, more precisely, it should be bitter.

"Hey, what a pity, what a pot of soy milk."

"Human little devil is big, back a few logs out, the fire can be a little smaller."


The fire is reduced, and the fat and protein in the pot begin to float, and then slowly condense.

What condenses is the rotting clothes.

Nanyi took out a piece of straw that had been cleaned beforehand and passed it under the rotting clothes, holding the two ends of the straw, he lifted a piece of rotten clothes out of the pot and hung them on a rope that had been pulled in advance.

After picking more than a dozen slices, the rotten clothes no longer condensed in the pot. This is also the time to start the pot, otherwise it will be too old.

A simple shelf was built with a few stools, and Nan Ruofing supported a large bag made of gauze with his hands. Nan Yi scooped the bean curd into the gauze pocket with a spoonful of water.

The beancurd will stay in the gauze pocket, while the water will be drained and dripped into the large basin under the shelf; when the pot is scooped up, Nanyi will squeeze the mouth of the gauze pocket tightly and cover it with a wooden pot Squeeze out more water.

When the water is almost squeezed out, tie the pocket tightly, put a chopping board under the pocket, put a wooden pot cover on the pocket, and put two small bluestone slabs on the pot cover to increase the squeezing force.

Press it for a while, wait for it to cool, and the tofu will be formed.

And the water drained out just now will condense into sparse tofu residues again; relying on the residual temperature, the aroma has already spread from the pot, and there is a big tofu rice cracker inside.

Shovel it off with a spatula, and then add some chili and garlic to stir-fry, and it becomes a unique spicy stir-fried tofu crispy rice, which is the best appetizer.

Add some egg whites to the tofu dregs and fry them with chili and garlic leaves. The taste is not bad, and some restaurants in later generations can also eat this dish.

The restaurant will also give this dish a witty name - Woman Forty.

A woman forty tofu dregs!

After being reminded by the book friend "Nobody Called Me", I revised the process of making tofu. The original one was wrong, sorry!

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