After the tofu is pressed and formed, Nanyi cuts off the irregular corners to make the tofu square, and then separates the tofu from the middle.

Put water in the pot again, put the fragrant leaves in the water, cut half of the tofu into squares, and soak it in the pot.

Nan Ruofing simmered the pot with straw, and Nan Yi held a pair of chopsticks, turning the tofu in the pot from time to time.

Slowly, the tofu will be stained with khaki.

When the heat is enough, take out the pot, drain the water, and the freshly baked incense is buried in the ash by Nanyi.

The plant ash looks black, but it is not dirty. The dried incense is buried in the plant ash, which can absorb the remaining water in the dried incense. It will last longer and taste better.

After burying it in plant ash for a day, it can be packed in a container and hung on a beam.

When you want to eat it, soak it in water for a while, then cut it into strips or any shape you like, and then you can fry it and eat it.

The dried incense produced in this way can be soaked in water for three or four days without spoiling, and there is no problem at all with a pot of tofu until Yuanxiao.

Before liberation, ordinary families in the south relied on this dish of tofu to celebrate the New Year, with a little bit of meat outside, and if possible, they bought a piece of silver carp. All other dishes have to be grown or fiddled with at home.

No matter how bad the conditions are, eight or ten dishes can be prepared for a New Year's Eve dinner.

Seeing that it was only a few days before the New Year's Eve, Nan Yi estimated the fermentation time of the wine, and gave up the idea of ​​making wine by himself.

According to the almanac, Nanyi led Nan Ruofing to do what he should do every day.

When it was time to get rid of the filth, I got rid of the filth. On the twenty-sixth day when it was time to kill a pig, Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing to see someone butchering a pig.

The willow-shaped butcher's knife pierced the pig's neck, and the pig began to struggle on the two benches. Three or five people held the pig tightly and drained its last drop of blood.

After the pig's belly was opened, Nanyi went up to get close, bought a few pork ribs, and bought some lean meat and a whole pig's large intestine.

These days, not many people like lean meat, even pigs themselves don't like it, their bodies are full of fat.

If someone's pigs are slaughtered, they will be full of lean meat, not only will they be disappointed, but others will gossip, "Look, this family is lazy, the pigs are lean and lean, not fat at all. long."

This is an era when fat is considered beautiful, and it is also a beautiful era for fat people. If a young man of marriageable weight exceeds one hundred and eighty catties, then his right to choose a mate will be beaten every minute to drive a Ferrari with one hand.


Twelfth lunar month twenty-eight

Nanyi went to the checkpoint on Zhongying Street, and received Fang Mengyin who was carrying only a briefcase.

"Grandma, you came here to eat and drink for nothing, and you didn't bring anything?"

"No, I'm talking."

"How about you put the briefcase down and turn around?"

"Believe it or not, your grandma can also say the word "baby boy?" Fang Mengyin gave Nan Yi a sideways look.

"I believe it, I believe it too much. Grandma, there are still a few miles away from home, please get on the sedan chair."

"Heh, are you going to give me a non-physical show, or let me play the emperor written by Andersen?"

"You are old, you are determined."

"I'll slap you to death, you little bastard."

"Hahaha, let's go, your great-granddaughter is still at home alone."

The two walked all the way to Wenchangwei, talking all the way.

"The clothing brand has been registered. My client has registered a company in Faguo, and applied in Paris under the name of this company."

As he said that, Fang Mengyin took out a document from his briefcase, "I have also signed the authorization letter, and the Peris brand is authorized to be used by Wenchangwei Clothing Factory."

"Well, the Chinese brand uses Paris first. The name sounds foreign, and consumers will think that it is a foreign product, and it will look good when worn."

"Why not just use Paris?"

"Grandma, now everyone just opened their eyes to see the world, and think that foreign things are good. But after you look at it for a long time, you will think that foreign products are the same, and when the time comes, domestic products will rise. Foreign products will not sell. At that time, I planned to turn it into a domestic product.”

"This name sounds like a foreign product, how did it change?"

"It's easy to say that a temporary worker in the factory made a mistake and heard the name from Peirui to Paris. These hundreds of thousands of shipping marks have already been ordered, and the factory is reluctant to throw them away, so they just use them.

Wenchangwei Clothing Factory is a collective enterprise of the production team, and everyone's education level is not high. This kind of mistake should be understandable.

As for the future, how to explain the operation of Parris as a foreign product depends on the specific situation and formulates different strategies.

Of course, things may not go as smoothly as I thought. That's okay, let's get another auxiliary brand, and operate the two brands together, the main one is Paris, and the other one is ready, first arrange the way out. "

"The idea is good, and the entry point is also good. Do you have an idea to turn Wenchangwei into the first village in the country?"

"Hidden in the city, only Wenchangwei is rich, I hide in it so I don't show the mountains and dews. In addition, grandma, you have gone through dozens of springs and autumns, and you have also witnessed previous changes in Shanghai Beach.

Have you ever seen change happen overnight?

Although the top has already released the economy, individuals can also do business.

If I just set up a stall on the street to sell wontons, then I don't worry about anything. But what I want to do is an enterprise, an enterprise that needs a large number of employees.

As long as the word "exploitation" is not redefined in the previous day, and the labor restrictions are not relaxed, running a business will be like walking on eggshells. "

"So, you need the shield of Wenchang Wei Collective Enterprise?"

"Yes, for a long period of time, our business in China will need to wear the coat of Wenchangwei.

I need to have the right to speak in Wenchangwei, and I also have an obligation to make Wenchangwei rich; I have to let the people in Wenchangwei understand that with me, Wenchangwei's future is bright, and I have to make them treat me like a god.

Only in this way can I rest assured that our company is affiliated with Wenchangwei. "

"But if the company develops very well, then at that time, it will not only be the little wolf cubs in Wenchangwei who are staring at them, but also the vicious tigers outside will be attracted to them, watching them eagerly, and devouring them if they have the opportunity. " Fang Mengyin said worriedly.

"First of all, I'm not a sheep, and I'm not a sheep that can be swallowed by anyone who wants to. Secondly, a cunning rabbit must have three holes, multi-pronged approach, and bloom in many places. In China, it must not only take the route of affiliation, but also combine foreign capital and joint venture models;

At the same time, industrial layout should also be carried out abroad.

In my opinion, the most ideal state is that our industries spread all over the developed and underdeveloped regions of the world, and an investment bank is used to connect industries. "

"Very well, I have far-sighted thoughts, and I hope you will keep your head clear."

"It's raining heavily, and when your head gets hot, the rain will hit you all over your head. If you don't stay awake, you can't do it, my comrade."

The two approached the Nanzhai, and Nan Yi turned to Mengyin again and said, "Grandma, Nan Ruofing is my daughter, her own!"

Nanyi specially emphasized the tone of the word "biological".

"Okay, I don't need you to ask again and again. Since you are optimistic about her, I will treat her as my great-great-granddaughter and cultivate her well so that you will not disrupt your plan."

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