Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 375: Raiders of Paris

The second day after making a snowman.

Nan Yi sat on the plane, not flying to Hong Kong, but to Paris.

Yesterday, Jeanne, the captain of the flat shoes team, called him and said that something happened to Sophie Marceau, but it was not a big deal. She was in the thirteenth arrondissement of Paris and looked through a family's home.

Treating someone else’s home as her own, eating, bathing, and sleeping in that family’s home. When she was discovered, she was sleeping naked on someone else’s bed. Fortunately, the resident of that family was a single woman.

Otherwise, Nanyi will consider kicking her.

"Ha, incomprehensible French romance."

After getting off the plane at Charles de Gaulle Airport, Nan Yi was led by Ya Zhenni to No. 144 Paris Hospital Avenue, where the police station of the 13th district is located.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the Thirteenth District Police Station, Ya Zhenni took Nanyi straight to the chief's office on the third floor.

After knocking on the door and entering the office, Ya Zhenni introduced Nan Yi.

"BOSS, this is Director Jean Martial."

"Hello, Director Martial, Adam Nan." Nan Yi stepped forward, shook Martial's outstretched hand, and then looked at him.

Martial has an obvious rosacea, the nose is very pointed and hooked, and his face is unremarkable. He is just an ordinary Latin man; he has a big belly and a big beer belly. A special belt is buckled between them.

"Hello, Mr. Adam."

Martial smiled very enthusiastically. He liked Ya Zhenni very much, loved the house and Wu, and of course he also liked Nan Yi, Ya Zhenni's boss.

As for why he likes it, it’s because Jeanne is his goddess of luck. Within two days of meeting Jeanne, Martial won the Euro Millions [Fa National Lottery]. ], but that's a good sign, isn't it?

Moreover, he didn't buy this lottery ticket himself, but it was like a feather falling from an angel's wings, fluttering and fluttering to his desk.

"Director Marshall, is Sophie's problem serious?"

"It's not a big problem. The owner didn't pursue it much. As long as she is given a sum of compensation, she will not pursue Miss Marceau's responsibility."

"How long has she been locked up?"

"About 17 hours."

"Oh, the time is too short. I'll pick her up at this time tomorrow. Director Martial, from now on, don't bring her food. Let her starve for a day, and let her understand what it means to obey the law."

Although Martial didn't quite understand Nanyi's psychology, he still readily agreed. After all, it wasn't a big deal. Sophie Marceau still owed a bail procedure if she wanted to leave. No one would protect her. She should have been in the police Stay in the detention room of the Department.

In the detention room, Sophie Marceau, who was wearing a large pink sweater, a short skirt, and a pair of pink boots, was counting with her fingers.

"It takes up to six hours to fly from New York to Paris, plus the time to go to the airport, ten hours should be enough. I have stayed here for more than ten hours. Why hasn't Adam come?"

In fact, Sophie Marceau did not break into a residential house at all. The owner of the house she entered was actually her elementary school classmate. She was arrested and taken to the police station. she.

In order to implement this plan, she had to use a lot of brains to run out of the apartment in the middle of the night.

She was able to run away, so she couldn't blame Ya Zhenni and her team. If the protected target didn't cooperate, the bodyguards would be very difficult to do. It is too difficult for them to defend against the invasion of the outside world and guard against dishonesty of the target.

Nan Yi didn't stay at the police station too much, nor did he go to see Sophie Marceau in the detention room, and left after saying goodbye to Martial.

Ya Zhenni led the way, and Nanyi and his party drove to the 16th arrondissement of Paris, which is a traditional rich area in Paris. Sophie Marceau also has a house in the Villancourt apartment in the small town of Neuilly, on the banks of the Seine north of the Bois de Boulogne.

The castle of the Viscount, Sophie Marceau got tired of living in it for just over a month. It is located in the countryside, and there are no neighbors around. It is very troublesome to go to the street. She bought it in the Villancourt apartment in the city. a house.

It has to be said that Nan Yi loves Sophie Marceau very much, otherwise he wouldn't let her spend so much money.

The car passed through the thirteenth arrondissement, came to the 14th arrondissement and then passed through the 15th arrondissement, then passed under the Eiffel Tower, crossed the Seine River Bridge to the north bank, and slowly came to the edge of the Bois de Boulogne. Next to the garden, the Billancourt Residence stands.

The top floor is the fifth floor, and the whole floor belongs to Sophie Marceau's house. The building of the Bijancourt apartment is older than the elevator was invented, so there is no elevator in the apartment, and it can only be circled along the up the stairs.

For the purpose of lighting, there is a rectangular patio in the middle of the apartment. The apartment is unnaturally divided into two parts, the north and the south. It is just right that the guest room can be located on the other side.

When you open the door and walk into the room, you will be greeted by a huge photo.

The photo is a bit blurry, it was taken last time when Nanyi and Sophie Marceau were extras in Hollywood. The photo was framed in a picture frame with glass covering the surface. Sophie Marceau mischievously painted a beard on Nan Yi's temples.

Nan Yi stepped forward to take a closer look, and found that the "beard" was smeared on the glass, not on the photo.

Smiling knowingly, Nan Yi found a rag to wipe off the stains on the glass, then walked around the house, and finally came to Sophie Marceau's bedroom.

The bedroom is a bit big, covering more than 70 square meters. There is a bathtub on the left side of the bedroom, which is in the center of the room. Although this kind of old apartment looks good from the outside, it looks okay from the inside, but the invisible inside may be rotten.

It is very troublesome to re-connect the wires and water pipes, so the layout of the room cannot be changed as you want.

However, as far as this bedroom is concerned, Nanyi still wants to change it.

Divide it into two, add a single-sided glass in the middle, and the layout on both sides is the same. Sophie Marceau lives on the side that can be seen, and Nanyi lives on the other side that can be seen, just like "Fang The scene in "Fang".

Thinking of "Fang Fang", Nan Yi felt bad again, "Damn, I can't think about it, the more I think about it, the more I feel panicked."

Coming out of the bedroom, Nan Yi walked to the balcony. On the left side of the balcony, there was a glass table and two rattan chairs beside it.

Nan Yi walked over and threw aside the underclothes that Sophie Marceau left on the wicker chair, "Ya Zhenni, pour me a cup of tea, and then bring the materials, should they be delivered?"

"Yes, it has been delivered."

"Well, bring it here." Nanyi nodded and said.

Coming to Paris was originally in Nanyi's schedule, but according to the schedule, he would not come so soon. Before coming, Nanyi had notified in advance to send relevant information about Houji Agriculture and Nuwa Animal Husbandry in Fa Country.

After a while, Ya Zhenni was holding a cup of tea, and a team member walked over holding a stack of materials.

Nan Yi signaled to put it down, and then let the two leave.

In Faguo, Nanyi covets two companies the most - Faguo Electric Power Company and Faineng Group. Besides, if they can spare their hands and do not cause the local forces of Faguo to rebound, they may still think about it Invested in Ou Ruoya.

However, it has to be ranked behind the impossibility.

Feneng Group is the most valued by Nanyi. It can also be said that it is determined to win. It must hold a certain amount of shares, and the amount of shares should not be too low. It must have the right to speak on the board of directors.

It's not because he is optimistic about the development of this company and wants to be a shareholder of Taiping and wait for dividends.

Feneng Group will be the grand strategic extension of Shennong Nanliang Group in Europe, and it will be a very important part of the sales network of pasture products.

If the shareholding is not successful, Shennong Nanliang will have to make up for this link by itself, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

Despite the ridiculous international image of Faradays, its food self-sufficiency rate is the highest in the world, reaching 329%. It can produce a large amount of grain for export every year, and it is the largest wheat exporter in Western Europe.

The pasture resources are also very rich, whether it is food or meat, the Fa country can achieve self-sufficiency. If you live with the door closed, the people of Faradays will not only be able to eat to their fullest, but they can even drink a bowl of milk, and eat a piece of steak and throw it away.

The Norman region also has the title of European Milk Warehouse, where the highest quality milk source in Europe is produced. Every drop of milk is full of essence, and the quality is absolutely high-end.

58% of the milk source is used to make the world's most famous and unique Camembert cheese, and the remaining 42% is used to make milk powder, fresh milk or other dairy products.

Faraday is the largest agricultural country in Europe, the second largest cheese exporter and the largest whey exporter in the world. Faraday plays an important role in the international trade of dairy products.

Dairy products, especially milk powder and milk, are becoming the beverages that everyone needs as they grow up, no matter in the West or the East. It is estimated that there are not many people in the world who have never drunk milk.

Of course, the so-called "world" here refers to areas that can consume milk and milk powder, excluding primitive tribes in virgin forests and deserts. Whether they drink milk or not is not within the scope of Nanyi's consideration.

Nanyi took a look at the composition of the Normandy ranches. Many of the ranches are controlled by organizations like the "Farmers' Association" and basically belong to the state. It is very difficult to have a certain right to speak on the farms in Faguo.

If you can't control the milk source, you can only use whey.

Generally speaking, raw milk, skimmed milk or skimmed milk powder, concentrated whey protein powder, desalted whey powder, etc. are common in the milk powder ingredient list.

The desalted whey powder refers to the whey powder made from pasteurized fresh whey without any preservatives, desalted by physical separation technology, concentrated at low temperature and spray-dried.

What is a good infant formula?

Hygiene is of course the primary factor, but there is another important standard. The formula of milk powder should use breast milk as the gold standard and be developed according to the physiological development characteristics and nutritional needs of infants and young children.

To put it simply, the milk powder used for babies of different ages is the best if it is closer to the composition of breast milk at each stage; and in order to achieve this, whey powder is indispensable in milk powder.

At present, the main revenue of the Feneng Group comes from dairy products, which also means that they cannot do without the supply of whey powder, and the Sodia Group in Faguo is the world's largest supplier of desalted milk whey.

Nan Yi wanted to make a futile idea, so he had to turn the curve to save the country and first point the finger at the Sodia Group.

It is much easier to win Sodia than it can be. Don't look at it with the adjective "the world's first", in fact Sodia Group is a dairy farmer cooperative company.

The so-called dairy farmer's cooperative means that some dairy farmers unite to form a small and medium-sized pasture, and concentrate on supplying milk to dairy factories to ensure quality and income.

This also means that Sodia has many shareholders, and it is not too difficult to squeeze in and become a shareholder. If it can bring benefits to dairy farmers, it is not impossible to hold such a company.

The difficulty is not how to get in, but how to manage in the future.

The more people who have the right to speak in a company, the more difficult it is to do something. To formulate a strategy or propose an idea, it is not easy to convince more than half of the shareholders [holding more than half of the shares].

However, this is not the issue to be considered at present. The most important thing now is to become a shareholder of Sodia. Only by becoming a shareholder of Sodia can it become a tool for "coercion".

As for the lure, it's too simple. Isn't Huaguo's vast market the biggest lure?

The president of Feneng and one of the major shareholders, Anthony Lieb, has already been to Huaguo twice, and he also submitted a report to the board of directors. In the report, he listed in detail the benefits Huaguoneng provided to Feneng. All kinds of opportunities.

It can be said that it is determined to win the Huaguo market.

Let Xuneng choose by himself, whether everyone will make a fortune together, or let Nanyi set up N dairy companies in China to encircle Xuneng.

If Nanyi is really not allowed to become a shareholder, let alone become a shareholder of so many domestic food and beverage companies in the future, sitting on half of the food and beverage industry in the mainland, Nanyi will make them misfire at the first shot, making it difficult for them to move forward in the mainland.

If you agree, you will benefit both, if you disagree, you will be killed.

Shennong Nanguo is in great need of the experience in the dairy industry, as well as the stepping stone and springboard that can be used to absorb the advanced experience of the company, and then create its own food and beverage loose trust association that focuses on dairy products and spans multiple fields. .

After reading the materials related to impotence, Nanyi picked up the materials of Ou Zhenya.

As soon as I opened it and saw the page of shareholders, Nan Yi frowned. The Svella family had 3.26%, the Betancourt family had 31%, and the Que Niu had 29.6%. ah.

Birds are in the business of "fast sales". The fast sales industry has a characteristic, that is, there is a lot of cash in hand, and what is the market value of others, and if they do not do it well, they can take out tens of percent of the market value in cash.

With a market value of tens of billions, it is not impossible to take out five or six billion in cash. It should be easy to take out two billion or so, and most of the money is in the account.

Although in the 1970s, in Africa and South America, infants and young children continued to get sick from drinking the dairy products produced by sparrows, and the number of people including deaths reached tens of millions every year.

For this reason, consumers in China and other places have launched a decade-long campaign to refuse to buy bird food since 1973.

Till now, Que Ni hadn't crawled out of the quagmire, but even so, Que Ni was not something the current Nan clan could provoke, and people could kill Nan clan with money.

Birds can't do it, what about Betancourt?

Nan Yi shook his head, but stopped thinking. The Betancourt family has more cash than several Nan families, so they can't do it, they can't do it.

The Svella family?

Forget it, Eugene Svella of the Svella family is the real founder of Ougeya, Ougeya was created by others, and this family is playing with technology, Ougeya is not The recipes of the core products are all invented by XX·Swira.

Nanyi took a look at the list of Shiweila in Ouzhenya's R\u0026D department. Although they have few shares, they are the core strength of Ouyaya.

The three together hold 63.86% of the shares, and firmly control the controlling stake in Ou Ruoya. Don't even think about the board of directors' right to speak. It's better to go to the secondary market, scan some shares and come back, and wait for the dividends.

After reading the materials, Nanyi's head felt a dull pain.

Feneng and Ouzhenya are not good friends, and the power company is still a state-owned enterprise. It has to wait for the wave of privatization in China to hit it before it has a chance to think about it. There is no sign of it now, and some are waiting. .

"Sure enough, things won't go so smoothly. As far as Faraday is concerned, I have to spend several years of energy, Eagle Kingdom, Germany, Soviet revisionism, South Korea, Samba, South Africa, Southeast Asia... Alas, I am busy Woolen cloth."

Nanyi arranged the materials and put them aside, stood up, stretched his waist, turned three times to the left and three times to the right, and stretched his neck again, then went to the bedroom, put hot water in the bathtub, and found Sophie Ma Saw's rose petals sprinkled a little in the tub...

no more!

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