When Nan Yi was enjoying himself in the bathtub, at the police station, Sophie Marceau had scolded him again and again.

"Shit, bastard, bastard..."

Countless dirty words spewed out of Sophie Marceau's mouth, and the object of venting was naturally Nanyi.

Nan Yi sat in the living room, ate pickled cucumbers, cashew nuts on the coffee table, and a hamburger he made himself, with a glass of red wine, watching "The Summer of Murder" played by Adjani on TV.

Adjani should be very popular in Fa Country, and the crown of French roses has already been worn on her head.

Moreover, Nanyi once read a gossip saying that she is the only Rose of France recognized by the Fa people, not that there are so many messy so-and-so, and even his Sophie, who is not recognized by Fa people at all.

However, Nan Yi felt that she didn't quite suit his eyes, but her acting skills were really remarkable.

The performance of a lively, charming and coquettish revenge girl is extremely good, especially during the dance in the plot, her eyes are as clear as spring water, her curly hair sticks to her shoulders, and her clothes are clinging to her wet belt from dancing Bronzed skin.

Stained with sweat, under the light, a little bit of luster.

After watching the whole film, Nanyi felt that the revealing scenes in it were a bit redundant, so he deliberately went back, looked at the subtitles of the title, and looked for the director's name.

The stinking virtue of the Gallic rooster seems to be incapable of interpreting the liberation of nature without stripping off the clothes.

After watching the video, Nanyi cleaned up the mess he left behind.

Then, a good night's sleep.

The next day, Nanyi still woke up early, went to a newsstand on the street to buy some newspapers, found a cafe by the Seine River, ordered breakfast, and read newspapers along the way.

There was an article in the newspaper, which said that the young people of Fafa now lived in the economic downturn of the 1970s since childhood. Since then, they have learned to look at the world and reality with a cold eye.

Gradually, their parents and public opinion called them the "indifferent generation".

They are indifferent to everything and have no political, ideological or moral pursuits. The only thing that can arouse their passion is Chinese-style rock music.

Michael Jackson is the most sacred idol in their minds.

In the 1980s, they turned their interests to business, and the idols of young people began to change, from rock to entrepreneurs, especially self-made entrepreneurs, who were even more admired by them.

They all fantasized that they would become the protagonists in the next entrepreneurial story, so after entering the 1980s, many young people in the country entered the business field and became self-employed entrepreneurs. It is still unknown whether they will be able to start a business.

Nanyi picked up the croissant on the table, stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite, thinking about going to check the number of company registrations in Faguo in the past two years.

He knows that the economy in Faradays has been very sluggish in the past two years, and it is very difficult for fresh graduates in Faradays who have no work experience to find a suitable job.

Unlike their parents' generation, most of them work in state-owned enterprises, their wages and benefits are guaranteed, and they don't have to worry about life at all.

However, the situation in Huaguo is somewhat similar to that in Huaguo. State-owned enterprises have encountered the problem of overstaffed organizations and heavy burdens. State-owned enterprises can take good care of the employees who have already joined the company, but it is impossible to accept new employees.

After all, there is no replacement system here in Faguo, and jobs do not become the private property of workers and can be passed on to their next generation.

The young people in Farah feel pessimistic and disappointed about their future, and their parents call them "the generation that is worried about jobs" in a sympathetic tone.

Nanyi looked again at a set of data listed in the newspaper: In 1978, 42% of young people worried about unemployment, which increased to 51.2% in 1983, and half of young people under the age of 25 lived in poverty.

Young people who should be carefree are troubled by daily life and worry about losing their jobs. Troubles in this direction have filled their minds, and they have scarcely time for questions of purely moral worth.

The worry about survival is the reason why young people in Fa country have a common beautiful dream-to start a business and become a successful entrepreneur.

This kind of boss dream and Fa country dream with special meaning, the young people in Fa country are moved by themselves, and they have plunged into the unpredictable ocean of entrepreneurship.

In the dark, unemployment and entrepreneurship are always intertwined. Often when the entrepreneurial wind blows, it is also a time when the unemployment rate in society is relatively high.

A high unemployment rate indicates an economic downturn. At this time, the success rate of starting a business will be much lower than normal. Originally, starting a business is a matter of great luck. Those who can succeed are those with superior IQ, patience, perseverance and luck.


Nanyi tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "You need some start-up capital to start a business. If the blueprint is not big, you can use a little savings from your family to make ends meet; deed.

The population of Paris has been increasing, but there are not many places that can be used to build houses. It is an inevitable trend for house prices to rise...

The young entrepreneur took the real estate certificate and went to the bank to mortgage the loan. The business failed, unable to repay the loan, and the bank took over the house. At this time, it happened to be 1987. The stock market plummeted and the economic crisis caused the mortgaged house to become a non-performing asset.

If the bank has non-performing assets, it must be packaged and dealt with..."

With the tapping of fingers, Nanyi is ready to do two things: first, establish a non-performing asset management company in Paris; second, speed up the speed of Nanguo Bank's entry into Paris.

Of course, it's just a preparation. He has to let someone carefully investigate how strong the entrepreneurial wind is in Faguo before he can say it.

"Boss, hurry up and enter the store." Xiaohua suddenly ran to Nanyi and said.

At the same time, the other bodyguards began to shrink towards Nanyi. Before he had time to think, Nanyi was surrounded into the shop, his head was held down, his body was short, and he was stuffed into the bar.

Ignoring the astonishment of the shop assistants, the bodyguards knocked down the dining tables one by one, stood them up, and formed a circle around the bar. People hid behind the tables, one by one very close together, creating a wooden and human-like mass for the bar. city ​​walls.

Fortunately, Parisians are relatively lazy, before they wake up, Nanyi is actually a customer in the store.

As soon as the bodyguards finished their actions, there was loud gunfire outside the cafe.

Nan Yi, who was lying on the ground, raised his ears and listened. Farmas, Uzi, MAB PA-15 pistol, MR73, listening to the sound, Farmas and Uzi were shooting a car. These two sounds should be shooting On the bulletproof glass.

Nanyi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not for me, I don't know which unlucky ghost it is."

Boom boom boom!

"Damn it, offensive grenade, how many exploded this time..."

Nanyi couldn't hear a few bombs in a row, but listening to the angle of the sound waves and the sound of glass breaking in the cafe, the grenade was probably hung on the car door and exploded.

"Damn it, you're such an amateur, you won't be afraid of being blown to death with an offensive grenade."

Tucao, Nanyi bowed himself into a shrimp, and stuck his hands together to block the front door. If a steel ball flew over, it would definitely not be fatal, but if you want to disfigure your face, you must protect your face.

Next to Nanyi was a female cashier lying on her stomach, she was trembling, her thighs were close to Nanyi, he could feel the violent shaking, the irregular rhythm made him feel bad premonition.

"Ma'am, don't pee."

Nanyi's reminder was late, or it might not be useful at all, his right leg already felt wet, uh, still hot.

Nan Yi could only press his right leg to the ground more tightly, one wet leg is better than two wet legs.

bang bang bang!

With the last few sounds of MR73, the motor of the motorcycle roared, and then drifted away.



After two "clears", the school belle walked into the bar and helped Nan Yi up. At the same time, her nose twitched unnaturally, and she glanced at the female salesperson and the puddle of water on the ground. She knew it.

"Nansheng, next time you should lie down in a different direction so that you can have more meat shields."

"Forget it, it's useless to add a meat shield to the bullets that can hit my position." Nan Yi said, and then said to Ya Zhenni: "What's the situation?"

"Boss, the country's economy is currently in a recession, and the mentality of young people is changing rapidly. What they once affirmed will be quickly denied, and new ideas and values ​​will become popular due to changes in the situation.

They hate politicians' glib promises, empty rhetoric..."

"Be concise. You don't need to analyze the background. Tell me what's going on first." Nan Yi pointed to a Peugeot with many holes outside the cafe.

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