"Okay, here we are, get off the boat, and I'll take you to the educated youth spot."

"Uncle Xian, what's the rush? There's still a boat full of fertilizer here. You stand and smoke while I'm here to carry the fertilizer off the boat."

With that said, Nanyi took Liu Zhen's luggage and himself off the boat, took off the outer shirt to reveal a sea soul shirt inside, spat in the palm of his hand with a bah sound, rubbed his hands, and boarded the boat He picked up a bag of chemical fertilizer and carried it under the boat.

One bag, two bags, one bag after another.

Xian Yaodong was watching there, Liu Zhen was watching there, Jiang Biyun was watching there...

Nan Yi doesn't care what Jiang Biyun thinks of him, he only cares what Xian Yaodong thinks, as long as he is satisfied, his strength will not be in vain.

Heck, heck, he carried thirty bags of fertilizers off the boat, took off the sea soul shirt and shook it off twice, wiped his face with the back of the clothes, then handed the clothes to Liu Zhen, took the shirt and put it on.

"Good boy, you are full of muscles. I believe you. You must be a good hand at work." Xian Yaodong came over, patted Nanyi on the shoulder, stuffed a cigarette into his mouth, and helped him Light the fire.

"We don't want to brag. If I say I'm a good player, I'm sure I'm a good player. Uncle Xian, on the way here, I saw that rice is being harvested in the field. The early rice should be ripe, and our team is rushing to harvest it, right?"

"We don't have too much rain this season, and there is not much land, so we don't need to rush to harvest, just cut slowly."

"Oh, are you planting three or two crops now?"

"Only two crops, the yield of winter rice is low, it's not cost-effective, plant a la carte in winter, and plant some sweet potatoes and young potatoes."

Liu Zhen: "Captain Xian, what is a potato?"

"I'm not sensible. I'm called Uncle Xian. Why are you still called Captain Xian? You're called Uncle Xian with me." Nan Yi pretended to be angry.

"Hahaha, you boy!" Xian Yaodong pointed at Nanyi, and then said to Liu Zhen: "From now on, I will follow Nanyi and call me Uncle Xian. Potatoes are potatoes, and yours may be called yams or potatoes."

"Oh, so it's potatoes."

"Come on, I'll take you guys to the educated youth spot."

Xian Yaodong walked in front, while introducing Nanyi to the situation of the educated youth in the past.

"Your commander is Zhao Hongzhuang, a cadre's son; besides her, there are Lin Guangwei and Ou Jing who are from Yangcheng; Ke Hongxing, whose original name is Ke Liya,

Lai Jihua, with the same personality as his surname, is rather rascal, and his work is also sneaky and slippery;

There is another person, you should pay special attention to, his name is Li Hai, and he is also from your capital, I will not talk about him, you will naturally know about it in the future. "

"Oh, okay, if you don't tell me, Uncle Xian, I will naturally not inquire about it."

"Here, everyone will be working in the fields now. Put your things down first. Nanyi, let me tell you that the commune hasn't distributed your rations yet. I'll send you some rice later.

Educated youths cook together, and when they come back, you get to know them yourself. There is still something to do in the brigade, so I will leave first. "

"Hey, Uncle Xian, I'll see you off."

Nan Yi courteously sent Xian Yaodong out of the courtyard of the ancestral hall, and then came back to look at it carefully.

Xian's ancestral hall is very large, with two entrances and two exits. The courtyard outside should have been built later. I don't know if it was for housing educated youths or to cover the ancestral hall.

Nanyi walked around to make sure that there was no one in the ancestral hall, and then walked into the yard, "I've been on the train for two days, and my body is rotten. It's not cold today. You can clean it in the yard. I'll go outside the yard." Give you a warning. You move a little faster, and you don't know if anyone will come back."

"Well, I see, brother."

"What do you call me?"

"Brother, what's the matter? You are the first person who treats me so well. In my heart, you are closer than my own brother."

"Come on, you can call me brother." Nanyi frowned and said, "Hurry up and wash."


Nanyi walked out of the courtyard, closed the courtyard door, walked a few steps to the river, sat down on the wet bluestone slab, patter, hoo...

Three cigarettes kung fu...

Mr. Hua would shake his head when he saw him, and Lu Xun would smack him with a sponge.

"Brother, we finished washing."

"Oh, it's pretty fast, didn't you wash your bald skin?"

Nanyi stood up, pulled the trouser legs, and tore off the trousers stuck to his body.

"Why, it's only been an hour, brother, it's really nice here, there is no shortage of water, and the water is soft, not as hard as the capital."

"Don't rush to say yes, you have to work tomorrow, just now Uncle Xian also said that the best work of our educated youths is only eight work points.

I know how to work, eight work points are too much for me, I will go to find Uncle Xian in a while, and I will go to work in the brigade. You also go there together to see if there is a shortage of people who cut pigweed. You go to cut pigweed, this is an easy job. "

"How many work points for cutting pigweed?"

"See if there are too many pigs here, at least two or three, and at most six or seven."

"Two or three, I can't earn even rations, how much does Wenchangwei pay for a work point?"

"I reckon it's worth at least ten cents here. I forgot to ask just now. I only know that our monthly ration is 24 catties, and we will be given a five-yuan subsidy. Let me not talk about this matter, let me tell you, I plan to settle down here, what do you think?"

"You want to settle down, don't you need a capital account?"

"What do you still have a capital account for? Our account has already fallen to Shajiaotou. It is just a collective household for the educated youth. I plan to directly complete the farm household. In this way, the rations and subsidies for the educated youth will be gone, but the things that the brigade distributes every year will also be ours. share."

"Is there any difference?"

"The difference is that we have the same registered permanent residence, and we are a family. I can justifiably find you an easy job, and the less the work points, the less. At the end of the year, I will help you pay for the work points."

"Our household registrations are in the same place?" Liu Zhen's cheeks were blushing again.

"Didn't you call me brother? What happened when we fell together?"

"I... I listen to my brother."

"Okay, I'll talk to Uncle Xian later that night. The staff at the educated youth spot is complex, so don't get in touch with them too much. You go back to the courtyard first, and I'll go down to the river to wash, and I smell bad."


Nanyi took off his jacket, plopped, and plunged into the river, and his hand touched the river mud in 0.3 seconds.

The trigonometric function plus the acceleration of gravity, the gravitational force of the earth, the density and flow velocity of the river water, and the wind speed estimate that the river water is 3475.2 mm deep.

Well, in fact, Nanyi saw a river water warning line drawn on the bluestone by the river-3.2 meters.

After rubbing it twice, he rubbed his back on the bluestone to make it clean, so Nanyi went ashore and went back to the ancestral hall to change his clothes.

He took out the rice rolls he had just bought at the commune and gave Jiang Biyun a portion. With a thank you that was neither salty nor light, the three of them wiped out the rice rolls.

Seeing that it was only a quarter after two o'clock, and it was still early before the end of work, Nanyi threw "How Steel Is Made" to Liu Zhen, took out a work notebook, and climbed up the courtyard wall.

Jiang Biyun walked into the room where the girl lived, and slammed the door shut, wondering what she was going to do inside.

Nanyi shook his head, "A little girl is a little girl!"

He climbed down the wall, walked to his travel bag, took out the remaining Huazi and two bottles of Maotai from it, pulled out a sheepskin pouch, put the wine and cigarettes in it, sealed it, ran outside the courtyard, and walked around. After looking down to see if there was no one there, he buried the sheepskin bag in the soil and carefully covered it up.


When the sun was tired at attention and became sluggish, the singing not far away drifted closer and closer.

"Song of the Educated Youth!"

Nan Yi pouted, took out the lighter, lit the work notes, and watched it burn into ashes. Take a broom to sweep away the ashes, go to the water tank, pick up the bucket, and walk out of the courtyard gate.

As soon as I walked out of the courtyard, I ran into the returning educated youth team.

The first one was wearing a green military uniform, and his hair was neither long nor short. He was the popular "progressive student head" at the moment, and his face looked very mean.

"This person should be difficult to deal with!"

Nan Yi thought about it, and quickly put on a smile on his face, "Hello, I'm an educated youth who just arrived. You can see that I am Director Zhao. I will be under your leadership in the future, and you can tell me anything."

"Don't, don't say anything, as long as you don't cause trouble for me. Captain Xian should have told you what my name is, but I have to say it again solemnly.

My name is Zhao Hongzhuang, and I am the manager of this educated youth point. Since you are here to jump in the queue, please be quiet. Don't give us the educated youth point, and don't make trouble for yourself. "

"No, no, I've been timid since I was a child. It's because others bully me. I never make trouble."

As he said that, Nanyi took out the Guangxi he bought at noon, and gave the male educated youth cigarettes one by one.

While walking away, he also said good things, "Brothers, please take care of my little brother in the future. You are new here, if you do something wrong, you can criticize it."

After a simple exchange of greetings, Nanyi carried the bucket and walked towards the brigade's well.

Don't ask how Nanyi knows where the well is. As long as you have stayed in a southern village, even if you go to a new village, you can easily find where the well is.

Or just be sweeter and know how to ask people, and others will naturally give you pointers.

This chapter has been reviewed and revised N times, 700 words have been deleted, and it almost collapsed!

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