Passing the paddy field on the road, Shimoda broke some straw from the rice pile.

He poured two buckets of water that was at the same level as the bucket, wiped off the burrs on the straw, and then flushed with some water from the well. He threw a few sticks into each bucket, and Nanyi picked up the burden and went to go back.

With straw in the bucket, the water will not easily ripple and overflow. In this way, Nanyi can speed up his pace.

One load, two loads, three loads... Only three loads of water can fill the tank.

Seeing that the female educated youths were already lighting a fire and cooking there, Liu Zhen was also cleverly responsible for lighting the fire there. Nanyi went to pull his net bag again, and took out a lunch box and two enamel water glasses from it.

"Sister Ou Jing, here are the pork with bean sauce and pork with preserved vegetables that I brought from home, and the yellow beef I bought from the commune at noon. If you are troubled, let's eat together later."

"Oh, what are you tired of? You have something good to share with everyone. What can I do if I contribute a little bit?"

Ou Jing looked at Nan Yi's opened teacup and lunch box, and couldn't help swallowing.

People often come here to sell meat here in Wenchangwei, but the educated youths don’t have any money. They have a monthly subsidy to buy some daily necessities, stamp envelopes, and they have to save up for the family to send cloth tickets to pull cloth to make clothes.

At most, there can be some burrs on the top of each penny. Everyone gathers together and cuts some meat to eat when they can't bear it. Usually, if I want to eat meat, I mainly rely on hunting frogs and catching water snakes.

"Meat, where is the meat?"

Those who haven't smelled the smell of meat once in three months, their noses will be particularly sensitive to its smell. Following the smell, every male educated youth has been caught out.

"Wow, there is meat, Nanyi, you brought it, it's sharp!"

Lin Guangwei wiped his saliva, and the vernacular was flying in his mouth.

Lai Jihua swallowed, wishing that two claws would fly out from his eyes, full of greed.

Li Hai was okay, he just took a glance and then looked away.

Tall, with fair skin and dark skin, resolute face, strong and a little fat, looks like twenty-four or five years old, rations are guaranteed, and he probably has never tasted the taste of hunger since he was a child.

"Li Hai's family should not be simple, I guess his parents are from the yamen." Nan Yi made a judgment in his heart, "Lin Guangwei came from a petty bourgeois family, and at first glance he is okay; Lai Jihua is not a close friend, he is probably a traitor People, if they get the chance, they will kill their brothers twice."

The first impression has already been made, and the rest must be confirmed one by one in daily life.

Some people's good and bad can be seen through at a glance, while some people are more reserved and hidden deeply. If you want to make a correct assessment of their personality traits, you need to synthesize many parameters and conditions, and it also takes time.

Simply put, time sees people's hearts!

"You three newcomers, tell me, which one has slept in my bed?"

Just as the male educated youths were enjoying the aroma of meat around the stove, Ke Hongxing rushed out with a cold face and asked angrily.

"Is it Lennon?"

"Or Lennon?"

"Could it be Lennon?"

Ke Hongxing didn't give anyone room to answer at all, and Ke Hongxing had already singled out the three of them and asked them all over.

"Miss Ke, what's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" Ke Hongxing stepped forward, almost poking his finger on Nanyi's face, "Ask me what's wrong, the box next to my bed has been moved, and the letters in it are messed up. Tell me, what is it?" Which moved my thing."

"That's it." The old god Nanyi was there, nodded his head, and said, "Sister Ke, I don't know who has gone in. But I guarantee that neither Liu Zhen nor I have. You might as well ask other people to see if they have any." Haven't been in."

Said, Nan Yi said to Liu Zhen: "Zhen'er, you didn't go in, did you?"

"Well, I didn't." Liu Zhen nodded.

If the second is removed from the three, the scope is narrow. Anyway, it is Jiang Biyun horizontally, and Jiang Biyun vertically.

"Let Lennon read my letter!"

Crack, Ke Hongxing slapped Jiang Biyun on the left cheek.

"Let Lennon read my letter!"

Crack, right cheek.

"I let Lennon..."

"Ke Hongxing, it's almost over." Zhao Hongzhuang grabbed Ke Hongxing's hand and said righteously: "We come from all corners of the country and work hard for a common goal. We must unite and love each other, a red heart to the sun..."

"Okay, it's started again, Nanyi, you know, here, a Zhao Hongzhuang, a Ke Hongxing must not be messed with, it's a big deal, it's endless."

Lin Guangwei took the cigarette handed by Nanyi and reminded Nanyi kindly.

"I understand, I understand."

The farce didn't last long, and after Ou Jing, who was already familiar with it, prepared the meal and announced that the meal was open, it was over.

Nanyi "again" went to his net bag, and took out a bottle of Fenjiu and a bottle of small champagne from the Beijing grape factory.

"How can good food be without good wine? Sisters drink champagne, and brothers let's drink Fenjiu. This stuff is labor-intensive. I brought two bottles of each. Let's destroy one bottle today, and drink the rest when we are exhausted."

Nanyi handed the champagne to Zhao Hongzhuang. Although her face was still sour, she couldn't resist the charm of the champagne at all. After taking it, she put it in her mouth and bit off the bottle cap, "Don't look at it, everyone go get the tea mug."

Upon hearing this, several female educated youths rushed back to their room to get teacups, no matter whether it was Ke Hongxing who beat someone just now, or Jiang Biyun who was beaten.

Jiang Biyun hated Shang Nanyi a little, but this did not prevent her from eating and drinking her enemies.

The male educated youth didn't need to yell at all. When Nanyi brought out the wine just now, several people had already got their teacups in place, and they all stared at the wine bottle in Lin Guangwei's hand.

"Up, down."

As soon as Lin Guangwei bit off the cap of the wine bottle, Lai Jihua urged.

"What's the rush, one person and half a tank, I'll get the score evenly." Lin Guangwei said while pouring wine.

First pour a little into each teacup, and then do another round; if you pour a little, you have to compare it, for fear that there is too much in any teacup.

In the end, a bottle of wine was quartered by him.

Let's put it this way, even if the points are gold, no one would say that they have less points.

Nan Yi glanced at it, and found that Lin Guangwei's cup was a little bit more filled than others', and this was because his teacups were shattered a lot, and the draft was deeper than others'.

Lin Guangwei: "Xiongguan Road is as long as iron, and now we are starting to cross it from the beginning."

Li Hai: "If the sky has love, the sky will also grow old, and the righteous way in the world is vicissitudes."

Nan Yi: "Melancholy, I ask the vast land, who is in charge of the ups and downs?"

"For such a thing, just start drinking and it will be over."

Lai Jihua didn't bother to go along with the three of them, so they gave them piercing eyes.

"Okay, okay, with the long tassel in hand today, when will you bind the Canglong? Okay, can we drink?"



The four teacups collided together, and the wine in the cups rippled. This was the only passion left after the few people were honed in the countryside for several years.

After taking a sip of wine, the three quickly picked up chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

The wine is already in his cup, but the vegetables are still in the bowl, if he doesn't eat it in his own stomach, it will go into someone else's stomach.

Look at the women, with chopsticks down, dried plums and vegetables can hold the size of a ping-pong ball, wrapped with dried plums and vegetables, with a piece of plump, oily fat inside.

Put it in your mouth and bite it, the lips become very cute, it really makes people want to lick it in the name of liking, and roll the oily flowers on it into their mouths.



The chopsticks were like lightning, and they were smashed into the meat bowl one by one. Big pieces of fat meat were pulled out from the dried plums and bean paste, and tremblingly rushed to the execution ground.

When all the fat meat was killed, the chopsticks shifted their position and killed the yellow beef.

Nan Yi took a leisurely sip of the wine, slowly picked out a piece of lean meat from the bean paste, stuffed it into his mouth and tore it, the meat strip was torn apart along the texture, and with a flick of his tongue, the meat strip was straightened from the horizontal.

The meat strips moved back and forth between the incisors, canines, and molars, and were smashed into a paste. The taste was completely absorbed by the taste buds, and the tongue rolled and swept the paste into the two deep eyes.

There must be a process of loosening the belt if you want to eat Hesai.

Liu Zhen no longer needs to be as cautious and secretive as on the train. Her waist has changed from a red cloth rope to an armed belt.

Pfft, like a tumor on a bicycle tire, my stomach suddenly bulged out by two inches.

The others did the same, loosening their belts one by one.

Swallowing and sucking up the last drop of wine in the teacup, Nanyi stood up, touched the net bag again, took out a few hawthorns from it, walked to the stove, picked up the tongs and pulled the ashes, the covered sparks The child popped out immediately.

Pull a straw handle from the side and stuff it into the firepit, pick up the sparks with the tongs, puff up your cheeks and blow into it, and the straw handle will catch.

After most of the straw was burned, Nanyi stuffed another rapeseed dumpling into the pot. When the rapeseed dumpling was on fire, he stood up, went to the water tank, poured two scoops of water into the lead pot, and put the hawthorn into the water.

"Zhen'er, there is hawthorn water sitting in the pot, look at the fire, I'll go to Captain Xian's house."


"Nanyi, why did you go to Xian Yaodong's place?" Lin Guangwei, who was paralyzed there, asked.

"Let's talk about the settlement of Liu Zhen and I. We want to settle down completely and become members of the commune here, and we will no longer be educated youths."

"What? Settling down? You're crazy, once you settle down, you won't be able to go back to the city."

①, 氿, not a typo, this "氿" was used on the label of the bottle back then.

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