If a person lives a regular life every day, his time will pass quickly.

For Nanyi, this is the case.

Start studying at six o'clock in the morning and continue until eleven o'clock in the evening.

In addition to professional courses, Nanyi also needs to take time to study languages ​​and read professional books related to the field he wants to enter in the future.

Er Yue had just entered the ring, and before she could provoke her, she was kicked down by the unsightly San Yue.

Just this month, at the invitation of the Ministry of Commerce, Pierre Cardin came to Beijing for the second time in his life with 8 French models and 4 Japanese models.

It was rare for Nanyi to change into unpatched clothes, and took Han Hanren and Xian Xiuyun, who had come to meet him in the capital, to the National Cultural Palace.

In the Palace of National Culture, Pierre Cardin will hold a runway show that is not open to the public, and only staff from the Ministry of Commerce and practitioners in the clothing industry will participate.

Speaking of the clothing industry, in fact, it was the brains and brains of several clothing factories and textile factories in the capital who participated in it. People from other places didn't even know about it.

Wenchangwei Garment Factory put in a lot of hard work in order to get the qualifications to visit, and finally got through the way of the No. 2 Textile Factory in Beijing before they had the opportunity to see it.

The hall is divided into three phalanxes, the largest area on the left, with neatly arranged seats, no matter whether they are male or female, they are all dressed as cadres; in the large area on the right, each one is equipped with long guns and short cannons. All the seats were reporters.

Only in the middle area, there are about 30 seats sparsely, foreigners occupy nearly ten of them, and the remaining 20 or so seats are people in the field of clothing.

As far as the qualifications of the three of Nanyi were not on the table, they stood in the most inconspicuous position at the back, and Nanyi and Han Guoren were both holding cameras and taking pictures there.

"Nansheng, in fact, Pierre Cardin is not considered a top brand in Faradays. Faradays owns Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, Hermes, Givenchy, Cacharel, Iger, Yimiao, and there are just 12 years old brands. Cerruti. In front of these brands, Pierre Cardin can only be regarded as a third-rate brand.”

Han Guoren's tone was full of disdain for Pierre Cardin.

"I know, I brought you and Xiuyun here not to popularize brand knowledge, but to let you learn how to promote it.

There is a little marketing story about a salesman from a shoe factory who went to a country in Africa.

When he got there, he found that no one in that country wore shoes.

Therefore, he thought that this country had no demand for shoes, it was a barren land, and it was impossible to open up the market, so he left that country.

Later, a salesman from another company went there and saw that all the people didn't wear shoes. He was very excited. He felt that there was a great market potential there, and it was simply his golden treasure land.

In the same market, different people have different views on him.

The market potential of our country is huge, which can be seen by all clothing brands. The problem is that some people pay attention to it, while others don't.

It is precisely because Pierre Cardin is not a very good brand in Faguo that he pays more attention to our market here. Obviously, he is basically on the right path, isn't he? "

"Although Pierre Cardin is not a top brand, its clothes are not cheap. According to the current consumption level in mainland China, how many people can afford it?"

"Keriya, you can't look at things from a static point of view, but from a developmental point of view. Not many people can afford it now, and it doesn't mean that it will still be the same in a year, three to five years.

Apparently, Pierre Cardin and the brand have won them and their favor. Nan Yi pointed to the phalanx on the left and right and said: "Getting their favor is equivalent to gaining the favor of consumers. Please don't doubt the power of public opinion and publicity." "

"Nan Sheng, are you saying that Pierre Cardin will succeed in the mainland?"

"Basically, remember an idiom: the upper and the lower are effective."

As Nan Yi said, he saw that Pierre Cardin had appeared on the runway, and he was about to give a speech. He waved his hand quietly and led the two of them out of the hall.

"Keriya, you don't have any design talent, do you admit that?" Walking out of the National Cultural Palace, Nan Yi lit a cigarette and said to Han Hanren.

"Yes, I must admit that I really don't have the talent to be a top fashion designer."

"So, I hope you will work hard in the direction of the operation officer and brand strategy officer. You can't design, but you still have a deep understanding of clothing. When you are free, you can study psychology and study the psychology of consumers. .

When the professional knowledge you have mastered is enhanced by consumer psychology, I think you will definitely have deeper and more unique insights on how to promote the Paris brand.

Although I am a mud-legged person, it does not mean that I have no knowledge. I know what a joint-stock enterprise is, and I also know what an equity incentive plan is.

You should also have a certain understanding of how seriously those female workers in the clothing city study, how much they yearn for a better life, and how much hard work they are willing to put in to achieve a better life.

Last month, the average house price in Liao Island was HK$699/sq.ft., that in Kowloon was HK$722.00/sq.ft., and that in the New Territories was HK$520/sq.ft. In Hong Kong, it is difficult to get ahead in other fields, either real estate or finance.

Finance, you don’t have professional knowledge; real estate, is that a field where you can start from scratch?

The mainland is a piece of fertile land that has not yet been developed.

If you think about it, as long as one out of ten people buys our clothes, that's 97 million pieces sold.

Even if we only earn 1 yuan for a piece of clothing, that is 97 million RMB. Today's exchange rate is 3.72, which means we can earn 360 million Hong Kong dollars.

How much you pay for your labor is up to you.

I am a fair person. If you put in one point of effort, I will give you one point in return. If you put in ten minutes of effort, I will give you twelve points in return. "

Nan Yi patted Han Hanren on the shoulder, "Keriya, throw away the prejudice in your mind that we are idiots and idiots, bend down, and work hard with snacks. You can also become a king, clothing King.

You can afford to live in Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay, and Mid-Levels in the not-too-distant future.

I know exactly where Shek Kip Mei is. It is a resettlement building. To put it bluntly, it is a place where the poor are resettled.

Did you watch TVB's "Tycoon" last year? "

"I've seen it."

"Now that you've seen it, please do your best. You will become the next Xu Shaoliang, and you will also be a tycoon in the upper class. Don't you Hu Jianren have a saying: Everyone has the same heart, loess turns into gold, three people have four hearts, make money Not enough to buy wicks.

Let go of prejudice, work hard, work hard for three to five years, explore Dajia, marry Shuimo, and build a big house [make big money, marry a beautiful woman, build a big house]. "

"Nansheng, don't worry, I will do well."

Han Renzheng also wanted to work hard to make a career, and when Nanyi encouraged him, he also screamed a little.

Maybe it was because of my complacency that I drank a few more glasses when I boiled the mutton at night.

Back at the guest house, Nan Yi and Xian Xiuyun put him to sleep, and the two went to the door of the guest house and whispered.

"Ouyang Xiu said in "Clique Theory": 'Employees should not be suspicious, and doubtful people should not be used'; but I want to say that doubtful people should be employed, and employers should also be suspicious. In a garment factory, your culture is the highest, and you have to work hard. effort.

In the future, if there is an emergency, Han Guoren has a double heart, and you will be needed to take care of him. Of course, I'm just planning for a rainy day, which doesn't mean I don't trust him.

Xiuyun, you are only seventeen this year, and you still have a long way to go in life.

Women not only have the only way to marry a good man, women can also have their own careers. The great man said that women can hold up half the sky. "

"Brother Nanyi, I see, I must study hard." Xian Xiuyun nodded.

"Well, go back to sleep, I'm leaving."

The day after tomorrow, I will test the water and push it. From tomorrow onwards, an update will be added, and it will be updated at zero o'clock. Uneasy, I don't know if the data will be greatly improved after being recommended.

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