As soon as Han Guoren and Xian Xiuyun left the capital, Xian Weimin came over.

He also came with 50,000 electronic watches and 3,000 calculators.

Dong Laishun, who was about to become Mensan'er's designated canteen without going there, first served Nan Ruofing to eat in the courtyard deep in Baihua, and then Nan Yi put a mask on her and asked her to sit by the side and listen.

"Men San'er, when the item is in your hands, it is considered the second order. When you ship out, the electronic watch cannot be lower than seventy-five, and the calculator cannot be lower than eighty.

The settlement price between Weimin and you is fifty-eight on the electronic meter, and your minimum gross profit is seventeen; on the calculator, sixty, your minimum gross profit is twenty;

This one piece of money is yours. In addition, you can get five points in the whole business.

So, you have no objection, do you? "

"Master Nan, of course I have no objection. If I can sell all the goods, I will have millions of profits." Men San'er said excitedly.

"Well, what we sell is not cheap, and it will be a bit tiring to walk the goods. But, it is tiring, and the action must be fast. As soon as electronic watches and calculators appear on the market, smart people will follow suit and do it If there is more, the profit will drop steadily.

At that time, not to mention earning more than ten yuan, whether it can be sold for more than ten yuan is a question.

This business is short, flat and fast. When you two are shipping, you should always pay attention to whether other people in the market start to sell.

Especially Weimin, why did I let you go to Panyu?

As long as foreign goods from outside enter the country, it doesn't matter which way they go, they will definitely appear in Panyu soon.

Therefore, you have to check the market frequently, and once someone else starts to make electronic watches, you must immediately notify Mensaner.

Mensaner, my bottom line is ten yuan for electronic watches and fifteen yuan for calculators.

When our batch of goods was produced, the price of LCD panels was the highest, and the cost was relatively high. Only by selling them at the price I said can we save our capital. "

"Nanyi, don't worry, I'm familiar with the people in Panyu, who are doing parallel imports, and what kind of parallel imports they are doing, I have a clear idea." Xian Weimin patted his chest and said.

"Well, Men San'er, earlier, I want you to go to the Educated Youth Mutual Aid Association more, so that you can get to know more people. My intention is to let you have a group of people who can help you with bulk goods.

Many educated youths are unemployed, so you sell the electronic watch to them for 80 yuan, and you sell it first and then pay the bill.

They can earn a few yuan to dozens of yuan by selling one, and as long as they talk sharply, they can earn several months' wages a day. Once they got this business, they would definitely be reluctant to let it go.

At that time, you can mention the wholesale price to them. If you buy five at a time, you can save them 50 cents, and if you buy ten, you can save one yuan, and so on. The price is up to you.

Anyway, as a principle, the shipping speed must be fast.

What I'm talking about is what you did in the capital, as well as other regions in the north. You've been on business trips all these years, and you've been doing everything I asked you to do, right? "

"Master Nan, how dare I neglect what you ordered. Over the past year or so, I have known many people who are doing business secretly, and some of them are doing big business, and they have a lot of money in their hands.

I also understand what you mean, I will find them as soon as possible and deliver the goods in my hand to them.

Weimin, you can prepare to send me the second batch of goods. "

Men San'er is very confident. It seems that he has really met many people who do business in the past year or so.

"Okay, let me tell you two, three months, the longest is only three months." Nanyi raised three fingers and said: "Once the three months arrive, you have to close the holes in your hands. , if the goods have not been sold out, they will immediately go out at a low price.

As soon as the goods are out, you will focus on the garment factory for the people;

Mensaner, you can continue to work with peace of mind, and the next business will be held after mid-August. Also, after this year, you go to suspend without pay, and next year, you have to put all your thoughts on business. "

"Okay, follow Master Nan's orders."

"That's all for the matter, let's drink to our heart's content, come on, cheers."

Nan Yi raised the wine glass, and Nan Ruofing followed suit and raised her glass too.



After drinking, Nanyi asked Nan Ruofing to go back to her room to watch TV.

"Mensaner, did you get the honey you said you wanted last time?"

Men San'er wiped his mouth, "Don't mention it, it's useless, people took the initiative to lean on me. No, I didn't hold it back one day, so I ate the sugar-coated shells prepared by the enemy and fell into the trap .”

"What? Is it a bad circle [female gangster]?"

"Well, hanging out with a group of people, smoking, drinking and doing everything, it's still everyone's honey with that group of people."

"Hey, how many buses are there?"

"Master Nan, don't laugh at me. You're right. When you're looking for a woman, you can't find one who's too pretty. I've seen through it, music, bah, how elegant are you?"

"Huh? Playing rock and roll?"

"Well, it's rock and roll, I don't understand."

"He has long hair, a cigarette in his mouth, and his mouth is either your mother or the kind of fuck. After a few drinks, he talks about the Beatles, the Beatles, freedom, liberation and so on."

"Hey, it's really similar to what you said, Master Nan, it's just a bunch of stuff."

"Let me tell you, Men San'er, don't hang out with those guys. It's nothing good, and your honey will be cut off as soon as possible. If she refuses, you can slap two thousand yuan on her face. Anyway, the more you cut it off, the better it will be." The sooner the better.

Otherwise, one day the belly will be big, should you raise it or not?

Keep it, you are not sure if it is yours, don't keep it, what if it is yours? "

"Master Nan, what you said makes sense. I really need to break with this bad circle as soon as possible. This bitch is not a good person." Man San'er poured the wine into his stomach, and pulled his chopsticks in the copper hot pot to pick out a piece. Flying dragon meat, threw it into his mouth and chewed, "This meat is delicious, hurry up tomorrow, I'm on a business trip to the Northeast, and I'll get some back."

"Don't do too much, one of these things is eaten and one is missing, hurry up tomorrow, the more people with money in their pockets, the more people will eat it, sooner or later it will be eaten up, let's do less crime.

However, you need to go to the Northeast a few more times, there are a lot of mountain products, and the little devil is very rich now, so he only cares about the things in the mountains of our country. We can sell them to the little devil after a few somersaults.

This matter needs to be acted quickly. Our country is now starting to be pragmatic. It is no longer the same as in the past. We live poorly, and we still help this little brother and that little nephew;

We want to play with rich little devils and American emperors, and the objects of solidarity and friendship will change.

The little devils will come over to do this business by themselves soon, and by then, once they figure out this market, we will no longer be good citizens, we will die, and our conscience will be greatly damaged.

Then we have nothing to do, even if we continue to do it, the profit will be very thin.

Now there are so many opportunities, and money is very easy to earn. Take advantage of the good opportunity to make a lot of money and make a quick profit. When the capital is saved enough, we can start a business in peace and earn a dime. "

Nan Yi spoke with a big tongue, and suddenly, with a bang, he fell on the table and fell unconscious.

"Hey, Grandpa Nan is drunk, for the sake of the people, let's continue drinking."

Men San'er's face was flushed, the hand holding the wine glass was trembling, and his tongue was thick.

"Drink, after drinking this cup, we should accept it."

Xian Weimin was fine, he didn't drink much at all.

After the last drink, Men San'er sneered, and got under the table.

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