After Xian Weimin helped Men San'er to leave, Nan Yi who was helped to the bed opened his eyes.

The eyes are very clear, not like a drunk person at all.

I got up, went to the bathroom to drain the waste water, and ran to the kitchen to make myself a glass of honey water.

Holding a cup, he smoked a cigarette in the yard, and on the way back to his room, he heard movement in Nan Ruofing's room.

Standing outside and knocking on the door, Nan Yi opened the door and went in when he heard a sound coming in.

"Is "Doraemon" good?"

"It's beautiful, but I can't understand a lot of words."

"Then you should hurry up and learn English, and when you learn a little more, you will be able to understand everything."

What Nan Ruobing watched was the videotape of "Doraemon", the English-dubbed version released by Li Jiapo, which Nan Yi asked Men San'er to get from Hu Jianren.

Hu Jianren has many people in Nanyang, and it is very easy to engage in parallel imports from outside.

Now, there are two places where parallel imports are most rampant in China, one is Hujian Ludao, and the other is Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The new foreign gadgets that appear in the mainland, all from outside Hong Kong, basically come from these two places.

"Dad, can you watch with me?"

"Okay, but after this episode you should go to bed."


Nan Yi leaned on Nan Ruofing's bed, and Nan Ruofing took advantage of the situation to lean on him.

"What is this episode about?"

"Forty-five years later, Nobita from the future has come to the present."

"Forty-five years? What a coincidence, I am not born after forty-five years." Nanyi thought silently.

"Dad, do you think there really is such a machine that can travel through the past and the future?"

"I don't know, Dad hasn't seen it. But Einstein put forward the "Theory of Relativity of Time". He had a hypothesis. If the speed exceeds the speed of light, time can be reversed.

If you want to know whether it can be realized, you can find a way to verify it when you grow up. "

"Well, I want to create a Doraemon, and I also need a treasure bag and a cat-shaped robot. Dad, can you help me make a bamboo dragonfly?"

"Okay, I'll make it for you tomorrow."

Nan Ruofing's mention of bamboo dragonfly reminded Nanyi that bamboo dragonfly and hula hoop are things that children love to play with, and they can make a lot of quick money if they are made.

It can only be quick money, let’s stop the long-term business, and see that this product is selling well, and factories will start up soon. My quality is not as good as yours, so I can sell it cheap.

You bite me?

Follow the trend, the Chinese people are all experts, and when something becomes popular, people who "learn" will pop up every once in a while. In a few decades, not to mention industrial products, even the appearance will follow suit.

"Ah, this one looks beautiful, I want to look like this too."

Blessed are the men, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law who look the same as their wives are all measured in thousands.

Swipe to look over, thousands of wives, are you afraid?

"One episode is over, it's time to go to bed."


Nan Ruofeng shrank down, got into the quilt, closed her eyes, and opened them again immediately.

"Dad, you sing to coax me."


Nanyi helped Nan Ruobing tuck the quilt, and patted the quilt lightly, "Let's swing the oars, the boat pushes away the waves, the sea reflects, the beautiful white pagoda, surrounded by green trees and red walls... "

With a soft cry, Nan Yi tiptoed off the TV and VCR, closed the door, and went back to his room.

From the time when Nanyi went to the countryside, especially after the college entrance examination, the return of the educated youth to the city has been an unavoidable topic.

In the past, they tried their best to return to the city through various crooked ways.

For the purpose of returning to the city, those who pretend to be sick, and those who untie their belts, as long as they can return to the city, there are people who are willing to do whatever they want.

This year, the educated youth no longer need to try to find a way to return to the city secretly, and the policy has been relaxed.

In the past two months, 7 million educated youths have returned to the city.

Many of those who returned to the city in a scattered way before could not be resettled and became unemployed youths. Now that so many people have been killed all of a sudden, the pressure on employment is even greater.

The city has also become more chaotic. At the entrance of the alley, there are often groups of young people wandering there. Every morning, many bottles of Erguotou wine can be cleared from the alley.

Aunt Huang from the Baihuashen Neighborhood Committee walked around the streets and made a watch, and each household took turns to clean the alleys twice a day.

Today, it happened to be Nanyi's turn.

It happened to be another weekend, Nan Yi didn't let Aunt Yu go, he took Nan Ruobing to clean up by himself.

A rope was hung around Nan Yi's waist, and a snakeskin bag was tied on one side. He walked in front, while Nan Ruofeng picked up bottles from behind, and put them into the snakeskin bag clangingly.

"Dad, can this bottle be sold for money?"

"It can be sold, one cent for one cent, and ten cents for one cent."

"I've picked up eighty of them, isn't that worth eight cents?"

"That's right, when we finish picking, we can make up a dime. What do you want to use this dime for?"

"How much is a catty of meat today?" Nan Ruobing asked after thinking about it.

"It's gone up, it was seventy-six cents yesterday."

"Ah, it's so expensive, didn't you pay seventy-three cents last year?"

"The number of hogs slaughtered in the second half of last year was less than that in the first half of the year. There was a certain shortage of raw meat supply across the country. It is normal for the price to rise, and it will have to rise in the future. By then, Dad's current one-month subsidy will not be enough to buy a catty of meat."

"Oh, doesn't that mean there will be no more meat in the future?"

"How can Dad let you have no meat to eat? Next year, Dad will send you to study in a country where there is no shortage of meat. You can eat meat every day."

"Dad, can you not go, I don't want to leave you."

"No, Dad still expects you to help Dad in the future. How can you help Dad if you don't learn? Do you help Dad eat the meat?"

"Hee hee, okay, I'll help dad eat meat."

"Little girl, you only know how to eat meat. Dad will start arranging work for you tomorrow. Can you go do business with dad?"

"Okay, dad, what's your business?"

"You must like it. Let's spread pancakes. You can eat them while selling them."

"Pancakes for breakfast?"

"That's right, it's the pancakes, don't you like them?"

"Okay, just sell pancakes."

Nan Yi is not kidding, he really intends to sell pancakes.

In the afternoon, Nanyi packed up Nan Ruofing's odds and ends and asked her to move to the old bungalow in Gongzhufen.

Then, he went back to the dormitory alone.

As usual, Wu Renpin was still reading in the dormitory.

"Renpin, let's go out, I have something to tell you."

Wu Renpin put down his book and followed Nanyi to the corridor outside in a daze.

Nanyi took out a cigarette and gave Wu Renpin one.

"I quit." Wu Renpin waved his hand.

"You can quit buying cigarettes, but you can't quit smoking. It's just such a hobby. What do you do if you quit. Put it in your mouth and smoke it."

Nan Yi stuffed the cigarette into Wu Renpin's mouth and lit it for him with a lighter.

"I came to you today because I want to cooperate with you in business. After eating for more than a year, many students who are not short of money already feel that the canteen is unpalatable. Look at the restaurant behind the school. Many students hang out there.

So, I plan to pull you, the two of us go to the industrial and commercial office to apply for two individual industrial and commercial business licenses, and set up a breakfast stall. Don't you know how to make spicy soup, and I can make pancakes.

We have two licenses, so we can set up a stall, and two people work together. In this way, we can bypass the problem of not being able to hire workers. "

"Is it okay to sell breakfast? The school won't allow it?"

Wu Renpin was a little moved when he heard it.

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