"Uncle, you love to watch it at your age, of course it's pretty good."

The student boy is really sharp-tongued. This remark made Nanyi go straight to where he was, and he didn't make a mistake. Four points were four points. He took out two steel coins to pay the bill, and Nanyi squatted at the base of the wall next to him. .

"School beauty, go and call Hongdou and ask her to come back before the end of the summer vacation." Nan Yi flipped through the comic book in his hand and said without raising his head.


Turning the page, Nanyi soon saw Wu Song swinging his fist to hit the tiger's head. The fist was already raised in the air, and he was about to watch the picture of the fist falling on the tiger's head... No more, a missing page.

Nan Yi looked at the page number, and there were eight pages missing, four pages, which is a big deal.

Holding the comic book, Nan Yi came to the student's side, "Little boss, take a look for yourself, there are several pages missing, what do you want me to read?"

The student child accepted the little book, and instantly his face was covered with distress, and after a while there was a trace of reluctance, and then he became firm, stretched out his hand to grope in his schoolbag, and took out a two-point steel coin, "Uncle, I'll refund you two cents."

"The money will not be refunded, and you will let me read a book for free later."

The student gave a pleasant smile and said, "Success, uncle, you can choose whatever you want."

Nan Yi picked out "Ode to the Longjiang River" and retreated to the bottom of the wall. He originally wanted to let the student know the dangers of the business world, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, and let him feel that the world is beautiful.

The student in front of me can set up a book stall. Either there is an uncle who likes comic books at home, or he has a more active mind and rents books from schoolmates at a low price to make a difference.

The possibility of cooperating with classmates is very small. If a few brats set up a stall together, the business will have to be taken back by the parents for three days.

No matter what the situation is, this stall will not last long. In the eyes of adults, this is not doing business properly.

Nan Yi looked up at the student baby, wondering which part of his body would be unlucky, whether it was pulling his ears, slapping his face, or pressing his pants on the bed to hit pumpkin pie?

When the student child was abused in every way in Nanyi's mind, a woman came to Nanyi.

The woman is holding a boy in her left hand and another in her right hand.

The sun was covered, so Nan Yi looked up, and when he saw it, his brows furrowed, and he sighed in his heart, "Things don't always go in the direction I want most."

Nanyi saw Li Lamei in front of him. Although he deliberately let his hair hang down and brushed over his temples, he still saw a bruise on Li Lamei's left cheek, which was obviously caused by a beating.

Li Lamei doesn't live in this area, and the possibility of encountering Nanyi here by chance is extremely low, most likely he came directly to Nanyi.

"Find me?"


Li Lamei responded in a low voice.

"Let Wang Zaipai beat you?"


"Whose fault?"


Li Lamei didn't answer Nanyi's question, but lowered her head so that her hair brushed Wang Bi's head in her arms.

Seeing Li Lamei's actions, Nan Yi didn't ask any more questions, and continued to read his little book with his head down.

"I... I want to see the tail."

Nanyi raised his head again, and said with a gloomy face, "Lack of money?"

Seeing Nanyi's face suddenly cloudy and cloudy, Li Lamei shuddered and denied in a panic: "No...no, I just want to see her."

Suspiciously looking at Li Maomei's face repeatedly, Nan Yi tentatively asked with a bad feeling: "Where is the shareholding document I gave you?"

"I...I..." Li Lamei said with averted eyes.

With Li Lamei's virtues, Nanyi guessed that the "document held on behalf of others" should have fallen into the hands of others.

Regarding this speculation, regardless of whether it has become an established fact or not, Nanyi is not panicked at all. Whether the "document on behalf of the holder" is valid or not depends on his will. If he says it is valid, it will be valid.

Not to mention the "documents held on behalf of others", relevant arrangements were made when it was first issued, and the initiative is in Nanyi's hands. Let's just say that it is only 0.5% of the shares.

The account transfer is completed today, and tomorrow, Nanyi dares to let people carry out a series of operations to make Ruobing Catering insolvent, and the accounts show that it owes billions of dollars. Whoever wants to become a shareholder can claim it according to the proportion Debt will do.

It is not so easy to be a minority shareholder of a non-listed company. The major shareholder wants to play tricks, and counts the money for others after being sold every minute.

Nanyi is very curious, in whose hands did this proxy document fall into?

He thought about it for a while, and soon, the name of an old friend who had just reviewed it yesterday jumped out.

"Have you met Zhou Maode?"


Li Lamei's face was full of surprise, and her eyes were full of doubts. She couldn't figure out how Nanyi guessed it.

"Are you asleep?" Nan Yi asked playfully.

Li Lamei lowered her head even lower, and made a sound like a mosquito flying low, "Yeah!"

"How long ago?"


"I'm asking you something, it's not uncommon for old feelings to rekindle." Nan Yi said heavily.

"Three... three months ago."

Zhou Maode obviously didn't like Li Lamei, otherwise he wouldn't have dumped her at the beginning, and after a few years, it is unlikely that Zhou Maode's taste would change and he would like Li Lamei again.

Zhou Maode and Li Lamei are dating again, probably with ulterior motives.

Nanyi reasoned according to the development logic of a lame story, and then said: "Mahjong, betting, Pai Gow, money booth, tell me, which one does Wang Polan play?"

Li Lamei's mouth was wide open, and she stood there in a daze, looking at Nanyi incredulously.

"Mute, talk."


"Hey hey hey!"

Nanyi laughed sarcastically, stood up, and took out ten yuan from his pocket.

Just about to throw it on the ground, but seeing Wang Ge and Wang Bi hugging each other, Nan Yi put away the humiliating move and directly stuffed the money into Li Lamei's hand.

Walking to the bookstall and returning the villain's book, Nan Yi walked briskly, ignoring Li Lamei who was in astonishment, and left directly.

Zhou Maode jumped out, which is very good news for Nanyi.

Regarding Zhou Maode, Nanyi has always been a bit wary. Regardless of whether Zhou Maode is a father or not, he is a bastard or not, the blood relationship and father-daughter relationship between him and Nan Ruofing are unquestionable.

Nanyi could suppress Zhou Maode before and not give him a chance to climb up, but he couldn't beat Huanglong to death with a stick.

Ever since he was in college, he couldn't catch Zhou Maode's messing around with men and women, and Nan Yi never had any plans to kill him directly, all because he wanted to worry about Nan Ruofing.

"It's good now. This grandson jumped out on his own initiative. It seems that Ruoying's idea is also on his mind. Hehe, grandson, I'll let your daughter come and play with you."

Nan Yi is not worried at all that Nan Ruofing is not Zhou Maode's opponent, not to mention that Nan Ruofing has the unique skill of "one force to defeat ten meetings".

If you have money, the little girl can take care of her belongings, and there are tens of millions of dollars; if there are people, the Xiaonan Office can provide strategic support, and the Human Cannon Squad can provide military support, and she can act coquettishly and ask Liang Huiwen to help her at any time. The entire intelligence policy committee can back her up.

With all these things, how could Zhou Maode play with her?

Just because he, a graduate of Peking University, has degenerated into being a sidekick for a low-level character like Yang Shanqing?

Nanyi doesn't underestimate the help of idle strips, and it's a shortcut to be a dog's leg to climb fast.

But in any case, good birds choose trees to live in, and they have to climb high branches if they want to climb.

After hanging up a call to Nan Ruofing, Nan Yi waited for her to come, and he continued to do what he should be busy with.

On Xu Qian's side, Nanyi has been hanging her out for several days, and it's time to meet her and her fiancé.

Nan Yi came to the Friendship Hotel, found the front desk, and asked the front desk to call Xu Qian's room, and Nan Yi went to the coffee shop to find a seat and sit down.

Randomly ordered a cup of coffee, Nan Yi drank it while waiting slowly.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Nan Yi saw Xu Qian and a man in his mid-twenties, with long hair, medium fat, and wearing rimless glasses that are still rare today, walking away. come over.

Nanyi is a little uncertain about age, as long as a man is a little fatter, his age is a bit metaphysical. The same person and the same face can be said to be thirty or forty, or seventeen or eighteen.

Nanyi's judgment of Liu Zhenping's age was based on the fact that he already knew his real age. Generally speaking, it should be the same.

Seeing the two coming, Nan Yi pulled the hem of his clothes, stood up, and greeted them with smiles.

In fact, on the day when Xu Qian went to the old house, Nanyi could take time to meet and chat with Liu Zhenping, but he did it on purpose and left them alone for a few days. What kind of performance is Liu Zhenping doing?

"Hello, Mr. Liu, I'm so sorry, I'm so busy with mundane affairs, I can only take time out today, so I kept you waiting." When the two sides met, Nan Yi stretched out his hand to Liu Zhenping, still apologizing Full of politeness.

"It's okay, I've heard Xu Qian mention that Mrs. Ling is pregnant with Liujia, so it's understandable that Mr. Nan can't spare time."

Liu Zhenping had a strong smile and spoke Mandarin very well without any accent, which was much better than Xu Qian's Mandarin of Hokkien.

"The evil, the evil, please sit down, Mr. Liu, and Xu Qian."

Nanyi invited the two of them to sit down, then called the waiter over, exchanged greetings and invited the two of them to order something to drink, and then chatted a little bit unnutritively, such as where did they go to visit in the past two days, what happened to the Forbidden City, and what happened to Badaling What's wrong.

The opening remarks are usually meaningless, but they are essential, just like a gentleman will take off his pants and fart, it is a particular thing.

"Mr. Liu, Xu Qian said that you want to go to Indonesia to merge rubber plantations. I don't know where your main direction is? Sumatra or Kalimantan? Is the main target of merger small plantation owners, state-owned or private?"

Nanyi's two questions seemed very simple, but he vaguely told Liu Zhenping and the two that he had a certain understanding of the situation of the Indonesian rubber plantation.

The owners of rubber plantations with the largest natural rubber production in Indonesia are small plantation owners, accounting for about 80% of the total output, state-owned ones account for less than 10%, and private ones account for more than 10%.

If Liu Zhenping said that his objects of merger are private ones, Nanyi can have a chat with him; if the objects of merger are state-owned, then they can have a deep chat; chat.

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