"In Sumatra, there are a large number of rubber plantations in Medan in the north and Jugang in the south. The total planting area of ​​the two places accounts for about 65% of the entire Indonesia, and there are a large number of small rubber plantations in these two areas. It’s very convenient to incorporate.”

"So, Mr. Liu's merger targets are mainly small garden owners?"

Liu Zhenping nodded, and said: "Yes, private rubber plantation owners are powerful, and it will be more difficult to merge; state-owned rubber plantations need to open up countless joints, and all interests must be taken care of, and the cost will be relatively high. Compared with the two parties , small garden owners who are weak and not united with each other are easier to deal with."

"As far as I know, Indonesia's land ownership system is a continuation of the Indonesian Land Law promulgated in 1870 during the Dutch colonial period. The land under cultivation by farmers is allowed to retain hereditary farming rights in the name of communes or individuals;

Farmers do not have the right to sell land to non-Indonesians, and lease land to foreign companies or businessmen for a period of no more than 25 years.

Mr. Liu, are you going to turn yourself into an Indonesian, or directly lease land and rubber trees from local rubber farmers in the name of foreign companies? "

"Mr. Nan, it is not difficult to find a few Indonesians to be shareholders of the company."

Nan Yi nodded and said, "Hahaha, I'm a stickler for doing business. I didn't think about this kind of workaround for a while. That's right. It's not difficult to turn the company into an Indonesian company."

"Hehehe, Nanyi, you are still the original you, and you are still so shameless." Xu Qian laughed.

Nan Yi said with a straight face: "Student Xu Qian, don't talk nonsense, be careful, I will sue you for defamation."

Xu Qian tilted her head and smiled, "Go, go and sue."

"Don't talk nonsense with you." Nanyi said to Xu Qian, and then said to Liu Zhenping: "Mr. Liu, since you want me to invest in your business, then we might as well have an open and honest talk. We want to do business in Sumatra , naturally there must be a relationship there. I wonder which party Mr. Liu has established a better relationship with?

government? military? Or Aceh?

Coincidentally, a friend of mine lives in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province. He always wanted me to go there to play, saying that it was fun to hunt with a tank there, and I don’t know if it is Bragging, when I get some free time, I'll go around and hit him in the face. "

Nan Yi is not aimlessly. Scarlett Mining Group has entered Indonesia and cooperated with the local military force "Free Aceh" to mine gold mines in Aceh Province. The relationship there is very good, and they want to drive a tank to go out. It's really not that difficult to play.

Hearing what Nanyi said, Liu Zhenping was shocked. He didn't expect Nanyi to have a strong relationship in Indonesia.

But he still said calmly: "Mr. Nan, have you heard of Prabo?"

"Mr. Liu is talking about Prabo, Suto's son-in-law?"

"Yes, that's him, I have a good personal relationship with him, just last month, I just played golf with him in Jakarta."

When Liu Zhenping was talking, Nan Yi kept paying attention to Xu Qian's face. When Liu Zhenping said that he had a good personal relationship with Prabo, Nan Yi saw an unnatural expression on Xu Qian's face.

Nanyi showed emotion on his face and said, "Mr. Liu, when can I see your project proposal?"

"You can do it at any time. I've already prepared the plan. If Mr. Nan wants to read it, I can go to the room to get it now." Liu Zhenping slightly opened his mouth and smiled lightly, showing his teeth.

"Okay, please trouble Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Nan, wait a moment, I'll get it now." Liu Zhenping apologized and stood up.

Watching Liu Zhenping leave, Nanyi said to Xu Qian: "It's been a long time since I went back to Beijing University, why don't we go back together some time, and remember our glorious years?"

"Hehe, you're exaggerating too much. It's been a long time. I haven't been back for a long time. I should go back and take a walk when I have time." Xu Qian said, her eyes became blurred, and there was a trace of struggle in it.

This trace of struggle was keenly captured by Nan Yi, but he didn't wait for Xu Qian to take a step forward.

If you don't say it, you don't say it. Things can be simpler.

When Liu Zhenping brought over the plan, Nan Yi took it and left the Friendship Hotel.

Back at the old bungalow, Nanyi carefully read Liu Zhenping's plan. Sure enough, as Nanyi suspected before, Liu Zhenping did not want to find a shareholder in Nanyi, but N shareholders.

According to the description in the plan, the "Indonesian Rubber Plantation Merger Plan" is a super plan involving more than 1 billion US dollars, with the ultimate goal of controlling the production and supply chain of "SIR20 [Indonesian rubber species]".

Like all bad plans that look tempting but are actually bad, so is Liu Zhenping's plan. If the plan can be realized, the rate of return will be quite astonishing. If you invest one dollar, you can gain more than fifty dollars.

Fifty times the rate of return, which is already a very high rate of return. According to Liu Zhenping's plan, this plan can be realized in about seven years, not based on compound interest rates, but on average, and it can bring Seven times more return.

There are not many such good things in the world, let alone seeing them, even if they are not easy to hear, those who dare to shoot such breasts, out of ten, there are 1.5 pyramid schemes, eight Ponzis, and half Junket Operator.

Liu Zhenping's plan, Nanyi, seems to be similar to the plot of a movie called "Gold Mine", which is about the fake gold mine.

In his previous life, after watching this movie, Nanyi also learned about the prototype of its adaptation, which is the "Bre-X Mining Company Gold Mine Fraud Case". Gold is mixed in the medium to cheat, so that thousands of samples have a high-grade value, and then virtualize a gold deposit with the most abundant reserves in the world.

This operation caused Bre-X's stock price to rise from 25 cents to more than 200 US dollars, an increase of more than 800 times.

Not to mention, when the Scarlett Gold Mine Company was first established, Nanyi thought of imitating this operation. If he wanted to do it, he would further improve the plan and integrate the plan into a coup or a super tragedy, closely related to force majeure If the exemption clause is carried out, a lot of money can be obtained, but the plan can be left behind.

Now Liu Zhenping's rubber plantation merger plan made Nanyi smell a strong smell of conspiracy.

Due to ideological struggles, there are deep contradictions between Indonesian indigenous people and ethnic Chinese [I dare not write in detail. Liu Zhenping, who grew up in Ma, would not understand this kind of contradiction in Indonesia.

In the process of merging rubber plantations, conflicts will definitely intensify. Sumatra has a complex ethnic composition and even more complex beliefs. As long as there is a little spark, and someone ignites the fire in the pyre, the spark can immediately start a prairie fire.

A fire can burn the account book, and also burn the traces of investment. Nanyi is very suspicious that Liu Zhenping's idea is to swallow up the shareholders' investment funds.

Otherwise, there is no need for Liu Zhenping to plan to absorb N shareholders. If it is only for the sake of the right to speak, then the most appropriate way is to match the number of shareholders according to his own investment amount, so that the shares of any shareholder do not exceed his own shares. , to control the number of shareholders within a certain range.

"Swallowing shareholders' investment money, Liu Zhenping treats himself as a soft persimmon." Nan Yi smiled and muttered: "Xu Qian, Xu Qian, it seems that you really don't know me very well, and you really cheated me of my money." It would be strange if there were not two massacres in Malay."

Knead the plan into a ball and throw it into the trash can. Nanyi has already made up his mind, and he will not be involved in this matter, nor will he spoil their good deeds. In the future, if the two If someone is hunted down, he will certainly not help.

Since you have made up your mind to cheat people, you have to be mentally prepared to be killed by others.


Time passed and the next day came, Nan Ruobing flew over from Xiangtang.

"Dad, the newspaper."

After Nan Yi received Nan Ruofing, she immediately handed Nan Yi a newspaper.

Spreading out the newspaper, Nan Yi saw the headlines on the front page of the news that a freighter was hijacked by pirates.

There is no doubt that the cargo ship that was hijacked was the cargo ship that transported cement to Kangcheng Yingni, a large cargo ship that carried 80,000 tons of cement.

According to what was written in the newspaper, after the pirates hijacked the freighter, they found that it was filled with cement. Naturally, they were furious. In order to vent their anger, they poured water on the cement, causing all the cement to agglomerate into waste.

"Ruopin, it's strange. Why didn't these pirates push the cement into the sea? And why didn't anyone be killed? Could this be a bunch of benevolent pirates?"

"Dad, do you still need to ask me these questions? Don't you know the best?"

"Oh? Do I know?" Nan Yi pretended to ask back: "Maybe this is a group of grand thieves. I guess, even if they hijacked property, they definitely didn't use it for themselves, but donated it to the poor children in Africa." .”

"Yes, yes, yes, Dad, your analysis is correct." Nan Ruoying gave Nan Yi an angry look.

"Well, the whites of the eyes are good, and she looks a bit grown-up."

Nan Ruofing moved her position and lay down in Nan Yi's arms, "Dad, I'm upset."

Nan Yi put his hand on Nan Ruofing's back, patted it lightly, and hummed, "The orphans of Asia are crying in the wind, their yellow faces are covered with red mud, and their black eyes are filled with white fear." , the west wind sings sad songs in the east, the orphans of Asia cry in the wind, no one wants to play an equal game with you..."

"Father, is this song suitable for comforting me?" After Nan Yi finished singing, Nan Ruofing looked up at his chin and said.

"Does my Ruoping family still need someone to comfort me? I was born, you were raised by nature, we are all orphans, my father will read to you a poem translated by Yun Zhonghe from Rossetti, when I die, my dear, don't you Sing a sad song for me, I don't need roses on my grave, and I don't need shaded cypresses..."

"Hmph, it's either orphan or dead, Dad, why don't you read to me "Farewell Cambridge" again."

""Farewell to Cambridge" is not suitable, dad will read "Back View" to you, okay?"

"You are my father in the first place, and "Back View" can't take advantage of me. It's better to read "Burden Worker". Dad, I am the contractor you raised."

"Go, go, you've already used the word 'feeding'. Why are you talking about bonded labor? If you are really a bonded worker, you should say captive breeding. But when it comes to captive breeding, Dad prefers the term 'two-legged sheep.'"

"Captive? That shouldn't be the case. Dad, you didn't imprison me, nor did you stop me from understanding the outside world."

"Why stop you? If Fen is strong, Nanjia is strong. If Fen is stronger than Earth, well, I am still your father." Nan Yi suddenly turned around.

"Hee hee, Dad, be careful that Mr. Liang gets up and beats you with a sword."

"Don't be afraid, Dad will invite Mr. Du Xinwu to come up, and then hit him with paper wrapped peanuts."

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