"Come closer, hit me, leave me alone. For victory, shoot me!"

Nan Ruofing was riding a children's tricycle, holding a ZB26 Czech-style light machine gun in one hand, and fiercely fired at Nan Yi.

"Little devils, come on, I'm not afraid of you, da da da, da da da, magazine, give me the magazine, I still have to fight, I can't fall down."

"Little girl, why add so many dramas to yourself?"

"Tunnel warfare, tunnel warfare, millions of divine soldiers ambushing, hey, millions of divine soldiers ambushing... the king of heaven and the earth tiger?"

"Pagoda town river demon, Moha Moha, talking at noon, no one has a home."

"Why are you blushing?"


"Why is it yellow again?"

"Wax for anti-cold coating!"

"So, you are a member of Commander Nan, Iron Lady?"

"Haha, I'm her father."

"Little thief, dare to insult Commander Nan, come here, pull him out and kill him."

"You are so ruthless that you will kill me like this?"

"Hmph, I'm still not being honest when I get to the top of Commander Nan's hill. If you don't shoot me, who will you kill?" Nan Ruofeng snorted coldly, then lowered her face and said, "Dad, this gun has no bullets, it's not fun."

"Tomorrow, Dad will help you build an airplane that can fly into the sky."

"Is there a hum?"

"No, there is a whining noise."

"Ah, no engine?"

"I can't buy an engine, so I have to go abroad to buy it. If you want to play with the electric motor first, you can buy it in Yaliu Street, Xiangfang."

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"I don't have the ability, why don't you come?"

"Hmph, Dad bullied me. You can't do it as an adult, how can I do it as a child. I don't care about you, I'm going to launch a general attack on Height 513."

Nan Ruofing stomped on the pedals with two short legs, and the tricycle headed towards a small hill, yelling loudly, "Bullerman, blow the charge, tick tick, tick tick, tick tick tick tick Answer, comrades, follow me, take down the mountain, I will invite everyone to eat dumplings, rush!"

Nan Yi heard that the little girl learned well, and he was worried for a while, "I will never train a voice actor, if so, I will be blind."

Worrying for a while, he continued to work hard.

Nanyi will be doing the last process of clothing production - cutting the thread ends. The factory is too busy, so this process is outsourced to the members of the brigade and the members of several nearby brigades.

A pair of trousers is 2.5 cents, and 200 pairs of trousers are 50 cents. If you cut 400 pairs a day, you will get 1 yuan, and 30 yuan a month. This is not a low income.

However, it is impossible to have such a large amount for the time being.

Turn the trousers upside down and cut off the exposed thread ends. If the trousers are not made well, draw a circle on that position with painting powder, and then put the trousers aside. When the trousers are delivered, they will be reworked.

Nan Yi's movements were not slow. By the time Nan Ruofing appeared in front of him again, sweating profusely, he had already cut more than a hundred pairs of pants.

"Dad, what's for snack today?"

"Fried dough sticks with lard soup and rice, and silver carp jelly."



"The food is so bad today!" Nan Ruofeng pouted.

"You are so good at eating, the family is poor by you, and I can only eat bibimbap with soy sauce."

"I don't believe it, dad, you are the most capable dad in the world, how could you let such a lovely daughter like you suffer. Dad, you cook delicious food, and I will help you beat your back at night."

"Heh, you're a quick learner, so you're drawing big cakes for me so quickly?"

"I am not kidding."

"It's really not good, the landlord's house doesn't have any food left."

"Then what to do?"

"Patahako knows, right?"

"I know, Dad, you said that he is a person who kidnaps innocent, smart and cute babies like me."

"Yes, Dad is going to sell you to Shangougou for a big price. You are so smart, when you get to Shangougou, you can find a way to run back. In this way, Dad will have money to buy you delicious food."

"Hmph, I'm not going to do it. Dad ate all the delicious food before I ran back."

"Ha, then you sell your father to a rich family to be your son-in-law, and I will take good care of him. After serving him, if he is happy, if you don't mind if I bring a lot of oil bottles, you can go to eat and drink with me hot."

"Okay, I'll ask Grandpa Xian to find out whose family is richer." Nan Ruofing nodded, and said seriously, "Father, do you have any requirements for the woman?"

"Oh how? I actually have a choice?"

"Hey hey, of course there are options!"

"You ghost spirit, go make the soup yourself. Put half a spoonful of lard in the bowl, tear the fried dough sticks into pieces and put them in the bowl, pour boiling water, and then sprinkle some monosodium glutamate in it, just a handful, don't Put more.

"Yeah, I'll go by myself."

"Beware of boiling water, put the bowl on the square stool and then pour boiling water, don't take the boiling water bottle on the long table, take the one next to the stove."

"I know, Dad, I will be careful." Nan Ruofeng waved his hand and stepped into the yard.

Five minutes later, Nan Ruofing ran out to call Nan Yi.

Nan Yi gathered up the trousers that had been trimmed, put them all into the basket, carried the basket into the yard, put it aside, washed his hands at the sink, and followed Nan Ruofing into the kitchen.

"Dad, does the soup I make look good?"

Nan Ruofing pointed to the deep-fried dough sticks that absorbed water and swelled higher than the deep-fried dough sticks soup by the side of the bowl, and said in a low voice.

"Looks good, my family Ruo Fing is really capable. But next time, save one fried dough stick."

As he said, Nanyi took out the leftovers in the rice washing basket from the cupboard, filled two and a half bowls, walked to the square stool, put the bowl on the stool, hooked his feet to the bottom of the table, and a short The bench was hooked out.

Sit down, pour some soup into the rice bowl, pull a few fried dough sticks, and send rice and soup to your mouth. It tastes good, and the amount of lard and monosodium glutamate is just right.

Seeing that Nanyi had already eaten in one gulp, Nan Ruobing, who had been watching with her small eyes, asked, "Dad, is it delicious?"

"It's delicious. It seems that our family Ruobing has a talent for cooking. Starting tomorrow, Dad will teach you how to cook."

"All right."

Nan Ruofing imitated Nan Yi's example, pouring soup, pulling fried dough sticks, and slashed a big mouthful with chopsticks.

"Well, fried dough sticks are soaked in rice, and gods don't change them."


With a slight smile, Nanyi picked up a lump of fish jelly with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, feeling a burst of joy in his heart.

It is really a great enjoyment to serve fish jelly with rice.

After eating a delicious snack, the rice bowl was soaked first, and after smoking a fairy cigarette, Nan Yi picked up the original English version of "The Wealth of Nations" and read it.

Nan Ruofing did the same, took an English version of the "Tom and Jerry" comic book, sat next to Nan Yi, and read it with gusto.

Get up early in the morning to read, cut the thread after eating at noon, and start reading again after eating snacks, until the meal time for dinner.

After dinner, Nan Yi will take Nan Ruofing to go for a walk by the edge of Shenfeng Bay or by the river.

After the walk, either go to the ground cages and various fishing hooks, or take a flashlight and take a picture of the frogs on the field ridge.

Sometimes, the father and daughter will go out of their way to search for will-o’-the-wisps.

Ever since I met a ghost fire by accident, Nan Ruobing has been a little obsessed with it. She will ask Nanyi to tell her a ghost story, and she will tremble with fright before she finishes listening to it, and then lie on Nanyi's bed, and she must sleep with him .

Nan Yi always felt that Nan Ruobing was a bit pretentious. Before she came into contact with ghost culture, Nan Yi explained some strange phenomena in nature to her from a scientific point of view.

According to normal logical thinking, Nanyi first establishes a scientific worldview for Nan Ruofing, and then tells her about ghost culture. She should try to use science to explain "mystery" instead of being afraid of ghosts.

Perhaps, she just wanted a reason to sleep with her father.

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