One day in August, Nanyi went to Zhongying Street again, and brought back a big bag and a stack of documents.

"Dad, what's in your pocket?"

After returning to the Nanzhai, Nan Ruofeng blocked him.

"Open it yourself."

As soon as Nanyi put his pocket on the stone table, he began to read the materials.

Nan Ruofing opened the pocket, and took out a well-opened small rectangular box from the inside. Seeing that it was covered with foreign characters, she tried to spell it, "Ta Ta Dules [Dulces]".

"It's not Dulles, it's Dulles, which means Candy in Spanish."

"This is foreign candy!"

Nan Ruofing's small eyes sparkled.

"Yes, it's candy. You can only chew it in your mouth and not swallow it in your stomach. Do you see the big bubbles on it? You can blow them."


Nan Ruofing tore off the outer wrapping paper, impatiently stuffed a piece of bubble gum into her mouth and chewed it, "Dad, it's sweet, like chewing dough."

"Just chew it in your mouth, don't swallow it. Dad will teach you how to blow bubbles in a while." Nan Yi said, also took a piece of bubble gum and stuffed it into his mouth and began to chew.

What Nanyi and Nan Ruofing are chewing in their mouths is the big bubble gum that will be known to everyone in the future, covering many people's childhood memories.

After chewing the bubble gum, Nan Yi used the tip of his tongue to make the bubble gum into a cake shape. With the tip of the tongue in the middle, he pressed lightly. The tip of the tongue was wrapped in the bubble gum, and he blew air slowly. A bubble came out from Nan Yi. Yi's mouth came out.

"Wow, Dad, teach me quickly."

Nan Yi opened his mouth slightly, and demonstrated the whole steps to Nan Ruofing.

Nan Ruofing failed two or three times, but was able to blow out the bubbles smoothly. Blowing bubbles is not difficult to learn, basically you can learn it once you learn it, if you can't learn it a few times, you can basically never learn it.

Pop, pop!

Nan Ruofing kept blowing there for a while, and soon she developed a new way to play, and she had a great time playing it.

Nanyi continued to read the information, which stated the production process of bubble gum, the list of raw materials, and the international prices of raw materials.

There is nothing magical about the production process and raw materials of bubble gum, and the information in Nanyi's hands was not obtained through any special channels. In addition to the price of raw materials, others can be found in the library.

After reading the information, Nanyi didn't find it difficult to make bubble gum.

It is nothing more than mixing all kinds of raw materials in a blender evenly, taking them out, pressing them into shapes, packaging them and then selling them on the market.

There is no difficulty in production, and the machines are easy to install. Mixers, conveyor belts, molding machines, cutting machines, and the last step of packaging are manual operations; the investment is not large, and the machine can be done for tens of thousands of dollars.

But because nothing is difficult, the added value of bubble gum is very low, and the profit is also very thin.

It is not surprising that when Big Bubble Gum became popular in China, there were not many competitors. Like Coke, it is a product with thin margins and needs to rely on volume to make money.

After lighting a cigarette, Nan Yi became thoughtful.

Two cents a piece, you can earn some money for a few years when the money is still valuable, and when the money is worthless, the profit will be too thin. Bubble gum can only be used to enhance brand influence, not as a pillar product.

After Nanyi recorded in the workbook that he ordered bubble gum production machines from the machinery factory and purchased the raw materials for production, he began to think about hawthorn again in his mind.

Regardless of whether it is fruit skin or hawthorn slices, the production process is also very simple.

The previous process is similar. It is nothing more than removing the stalks, stems, and cores of fresh hawthorns, and then steaming the hawthorns in a steamer; after steaming, add saccharin to the mixer and stir evenly;

After natural solidification, cut into the desired shape and dry in a dryer, and the finished product is hawthorn slices.

The last step is not to go to the dryer, but to be pressed into thin slices, cut into a suitable size and rolled up, and the finished product is the fruit skin.

In the beginning, hawthorns are cheap, so you can choose good-quality hawthorns as raw materials. When the price of hawthorns rises, you can use relatively poor-quality hawthorns. The taste can be adjusted through food additives and food flavors.

The finished product of hawthorn slices is square, and interesting images can be cut out from the middle, such as animals, cartoon characters, etc.;

For the round one, you can cut out a square in the middle, which is called copper coin hawthorn;

You can also cut out a series of shapes such as triangles and trapezoids, which are called hawthorns.

You can also add some gimmicks, saying that foreign children's education experts have gone through ten years, no, sixty years, no no, the time is too long, it is easy to be punctured, let's say thirty years...

Well, it's still twenty-eight years, and it sounds more real.

After twenty-eight years of research, experts have found that hawthorn can not only promote children's appetite, but also develop children's brains when they are exposed to geometric shapes from an early age, blah blah blah...

This is to be determined, so I have to consult experts in this field to see how to write advertisements so that they are plausible. It sounds reasonable, and it is not easy for a knowledgeable person to puncture it.

Anyway, hawthorn slices should be pressed as thin as possible, and a piece must be cut out in the middle, which can save raw materials, and can also arouse the enthusiasm of little kids to buy, and increase the gimmick of fooling parents, killing three birds with one stone.

Fruit skin...

The wrapping paper wrapped outside can be printed with cartoon characters, Journey to the West, no, let’s wait for a while, wait until Journey to the West is broadcast, and the 108 generals of the Water Margin, as long as they are collected, you can summon the dragon.

Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and relatively large consignment stores have to display a line of fruit dan skins in a conspicuous position to seduce little kids to think about them every day.

Each city has to arrange fake [trust] to exchange Shenlong from time to time, which will further stimulate the consumption desire and repeat purchase enthusiasm of potential customer groups.

Nanyi lit another cigarette, thinking whether to launch this collection card at the beginning, or to let it go and talk about it later.

After thinking about it for a while, he still decided to wait until the product was made and launched, and then check the sales situation.

Bubble gum, hawthorn slices, and fruit peels are enough for the food factory to have these three products at the beginning, and other products will be kept and added later, step by step.

The waste residue generated during the production process can be made into cheap hawthorn candies and sold outside, so as not to waste any raw materials as much as possible.

Nanyi recorded all the main points, and then went back to review it again. He didn't find any problems, so he put away the work manual and let his mind go blank.

He took out a washbasin, poured some warm water into it, then put a small piece of soap in it, crushed the soap with his hands, and pounded out a little soapy water.

I took out the sorghum stalks from the broom, cut two pieces to serve as straws, and tried to blow air through my mouth. The air could circulate and the hole in the middle was not blocked.

"Ruopin, come here and blow bubbles."

Nan Yichong was wearing a hat made of lotus leaves. From his face to the catkins exposed outside his clothes, he was red and black. Nan Ruoying, who had just returned from the wind and dust, waved.

"Dad, I'm so hot, I want to eat popsicles."

"Why do you suddenly want to eat popsicles? Someone who sells popsicles has been here?"

"Yeah, it's right at the door of the brigade headquarters."

"Aren't you rich yourself, why don't you buy it?"

"My money is all in the piggy bank, and I can't get it out." Nan Ruofing looked at Nanyi expectantly with her small eyes.

"Hehe, what's there?"

"White sugar popsicles, cream ice cream, red bean ice cream."

Nan Yi took out the money from his pocket, calculated it, and handed it to Nan Ruobing, "Go to the brigade headquarters and see who is there, and ask the adults to come forward and find someone who sells popsicles, and buy sixty sticks of white sugar." Popsicles, sixty ice creams.

Make a broadcast and ask every child in the brigade to get a popsicle and an ice cream for each person. remember? "

"Remember, I'm going now." The little girl ran two steps away, then turned back, "Dad, wait until I come back to play with soapy water, don't play secretly."

"Understood, I will wait for you."

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