Nanyi received a telegram from Wenchangwei, and there were only three words on it - shares in hand.

It is too slow to send a letter from Xiangtang to the capital. Now Nanyi and Fang Mengyin are not very important, but the time-sensitive information will be transferred through Wenchangwei. In this way, no accident, it only takes seven days to go back and forth.

Nanyi took the letter of introduction from Wenchangwei Garment Factory and ran across the post office, trying to install a telephone in the old bungalow. Well, the letter of introduction was almost thrown back in his face.

It is ridiculous that a production team factory actually wants to install a telephone in the capital.

"Hi, hello, help me pick up the Bao'an Wenchangwei Brigade."

Nanyi found a public paging phone and was about to make a call to Wenchangwei. After talking with the operator, he stood outside the phone booth and waited.

I don't know how long it will take to get through, and the bored Nanyi looked at the phone booth.

The paging phone is a popular product in Shanghai, and there is such a phone in every alley. When a phone call comes in, if you ask who it is for, the grandpa and aunt who are looking at the phone will hold a loudspeaker, or run to the door to call for someone.

The most real meaning of the word paging is to send a message and shout.

There is also a paging phone in Beijing, but the coverage rate is not too high, not every hutong can be found, and Nanyi only found such a phone near the school.

After waiting for ten minutes, Nan Yi finally heard the ringing of the phone and stood up to pick up the receiver.

"Nanyi, right?"

"Nonsense, is there someone else calling from the capital?"

"That's not necessarily true. Isn't the capital city related to the Second Textile Factory?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, reply to the letter, collect the contents of the newspaper about Carrian and Chen Songqi, and send it to me once every two weeks."

"Okay, I see. Let me tell you something. The materials for building the school have been collected. Hurry up and finish the project before the end of the year."

"Okay, I see. If you have anything else to say, write me a letter. The phone bill is too expensive. If you have something urgent, just call me at the school."


After hanging up the phone and paying, Nanyi left the phone booth.

"After two more years, it will be more expensive. You must get a satellite phone. If the communication is not good, it will be a shitty business."

Communication failure is a major problem facing Nanyi.

Without good and timely communication, he would not dare to engage in short-term speculation. If the capital is lost, if the news is delayed, he will lose all his pants.

Half a month after the phone call, Xian Weimin came to Beijing again.

"Have you finished watching the movie?"

"It's over, Nanyi, this movie has already been introduced, hasn't it?"

"Well, it seems that the court TV has been introduced, and it probably won't be long before you can see it on TV."

"The McDay toad mirror in it is too beautiful. If it looks like this, the toad mirror in the film can be popular again. Shall we do it?"

"Yes, of course, but don't call it a toad mirror, just call it a Mike mirror or a panda mirror. You can see how similar the lens is to a panda's eyes."

"What's the purpose of changing your name?"

"The price of the Toad Mirror has fallen too much. If it is still called the Toad Mirror, it will be difficult to raise the price. It is still the same as last time, fast in and fast out, and we will make a wave of quick money."

Xian Weimin excitedly agreed, "Okay, three months, fast in and fast out."

"That's what Mike Mirror said, did you notice that Frisbee toy in the film?"

"Just that yellow disc that Mike played with on the beach?"

"Yes, adults and children can play with this thing, although the profit does not seem to be much, but I still plan to do it, and I have to put it on the table.

After you go back, tell the brigade department that the brigade will set up another plastic factory, um, just for a name, just buy two cheap broken machines and come back to pretend.

After the factory was completed, he asked Uncle Xian to find other plastic factories and place an order with them to produce flying discs in the name of Wenchangwei. As for the quantity to be produced, I'll make a decision after asking for the price. "

"Nanyi, why don't we produce it ourselves?"

"The plastic production process will cause air and water pollution. I don't want the green water and green mountains in Wenchangwei to be destroyed. We must organize the production of plastic products by ourselves, but not now.

When we can go to other places to set up factories, we will open the plastic factory to other places.

Speaking of pollution, tell Uncle Yaoguo when you go back, and the militia company will work harder in the future.

Taking Wenchangwei as the center, with a radius of 30 kilometers, and the upper reaches of the river in the brigade, what kind of factories have been opened, and what kind of products are produced, so we need to investigate regularly.

Later, I will give you an explanation, which will mark the degree of damage to the environment of each type of factory.

I will mark the four categories of minor, general, serious, and particularly serious. If it belongs to the latter two categories, you must notify me as soon as possible. "

"You want to stir up pornography?"

"Well, even if it's harmful to others, I have to mess them up. Set up a pornography office under the brigade headquarters, dedicated to doing the kind of things that hurt others and harmful to yourself, and I will personally be responsible for the expenses."

"This pollution is very harmful?"

"It's not very big, but it's so big that it has no boundaries. Let me tell you this, whoever dares to pollute the clear water and blue sky in Wenchangwei will have a deep blood feud with me that will never be solved. I will not treat this kind of enemy The family is broken and the people are dead, and they will never give up."

"Understood, I will do this by myself. Whoever dares to open that kind of broken factory to the edge of Wenchangwei, I will throw a grenade at his house."

"Hehe, that's not necessary. To deal with an enemy, killing and killing is the most stupid way. There are many legal and clever ways to kill people invisible. Wenchangwei needs to have its own fists, but that's just for deterrence Xiaoxiao."

Nanyi touched his temple with his left index finger, "Remember, we eat brains. It was published in the newspaper, and the lawyer system will be restored soon. Next year, Wenchangwei will have its own legal advisor.

At least two, one from the mainland, one from Hong Kong, and will be paired with other countries in the future.

Any major decisions that Wenchangwei will make in the future will require lawyers to participate in the discussions. Legal risk is a risk that Wenchangwei must avoid. "


"Needless to say, I know that you don't understand much about lawyers. It's okay. When I go back, I will send you a few books on corporate law and company law from Xiangtang, so you can study hard."

"Ah, reading? I'm not a material for studying. It's very difficult for me to read, otherwise I would have passed the college entrance examination."

"No matter how difficult it is, it depends on the matter. It involves a lot of money, and...whether you will lose your freedom in the future."


"Yes, you must know very clearly what things you do will send you to the cage. Only when you know this, when you do things, will you know where the bottom line of doing things is and where is the insurmountable gap."

"Then we got things from the outside to the inside, haven't we crossed the bottom line?"

"That's right, so we have to get our feet back as soon as possible. The Mike mirror is the last time. We will not touch this kind of activity in the future. I will talk about it in detail when I go back during the Chinese New Year.

Aunt Niu, the female director, has nothing to do in the brigade. You can send her a message and ask her to go on a business trip to the places where lychees are produced in Guangdong Province to find out about the production of lychees in various places in the past three years.

After this task is done, let her find a way to visit the canning factory and learn about the process of canning production. "

"Do you want to can it?"

"Prepare, do a good job of investigation in the early stage. After a few days, there will be a few photos and a blueprint from Xiangxi. Put the blueprints away and send the photos to me."


Happy birthday!

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