Repulse Bay, Fang Mengyin's villa.

Fang Mengyin was sitting on the balcony on the second floor under a parasol, drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.

The servant Xianghe walked up to Fang Mengyin and said, "Ma'am, there are two people looking for her outside, one said that her surname was Bao, and the other said that her surname was Wu."

"Surname Bao? Is it in the living room?"

"Already waiting in the living room."

"Okay, I'll wash up and go."

Fang Mengyin stood up and walked to the bathroom on the second floor.

"My darling grandson is shrewd. Sure enough, he counted him in."

Facing the mirror, I straightened my hair, and looked back and forth to see if there was anything inappropriate about the clothes. When everything was in place, Fang Mengyin walked down the stairs with graceful steps.

In the living room, sat an elderly man in his early sixties and a young man in his early thirties.

Following the sound of Fang Mengyin's footsteps, the two raised their heads following the sound.

The young and middle-aged man was fine, and quickly looked away. But the eyes of the old man were drawn to Fang Mengyin's face.

"Hello, Mr. Bao, Mr. Wu." When Fang Mengyin walked to the edge of the sofa, she immediately greeted with a warm smile.

"Hello, I would like to ask, are you the second Miss Fang of the Fang family in Shanghai?"

"You know me?"

"Yes, I used to be the manager of the business department at Shanghai Bank. Miss Fang once came to our bank with Mr. Fang to do business. Besides, Miss Fang had a good reputation in Shanghai Beach back then."

As soon as Fang Mengyin's mind turned, he remembered who Bao Yugang was.

She didn't know Bao Yugang, but she knew Bao Yugang's father. Back then, the bank account of the Bao family had some business contacts with the Fang family.

"Times have changed, the Fang family is like yesterday, but Mr. Bao has a great reputation in Xiangtang, and the title of Ship King is also well-known far and wide."

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, it can only be regarded as a small achievement." Bao Yugang said modestly.

"Mr. Bao, I wonder if your father, Mr. Bao, is in good health?"

"My father is still alive, but he is not as energetic as before in his old age."

"Then I'll go to the mansion some other day to make troubles. I've been away for more than 30 years, and I miss Mr. Bao very much."

Although she has not been a young lady for decades, Fang Mengyin still has the style of a young lady back then, and she is very decent and generous in dealing with her.

"Miss Fang will come over one day, please hang up with me first, and I will bring my clumsy feet to meet you."

"Yes, tea please."

Xianghe was coming over with tea at this time.

"Good tea, Mingqian Longjing, I haven't tasted it for a long time." Bao Yugang sipped the tea and boasted.

"I'm sorry, it's not a good tea. Mr. Bao, Ming people don't speak dark words. I think you came here for the 572,000 shares of Wharf in my hand."

"Yes, Miss Fang, you and I have an old relationship. Since you are straight to the point, I won't beat around the bush. Please make a price."

"Okay, as you said, if you and I are old, I'll order directly." Fang Mengyin paused and said, "105 Hong Kong dollars, this is my psychological price."

"Miss Fang's demeanor remains the same as before, and your price has directly reached my bottom line, so I will make a deal at your price. Happy cooperation!" Bao Yugang said, lifting his teacup.

"It's a pleasant cooperation. For Shen Bi's side, Mr. Bao needs to tell you. After the stock transfer, HSBC's loan can be deducted directly."


After leaving Fang Mengyin's villa, Bao Yugang and his son-in-law Wu Zhengguang got into the car, and when the car drove out, Wu Zhengguang asked, "Father, are you and this Miss Fang old?"

"Hehehe, if you ask anything, just ask directly, without devious probing."

"Then I'll ask, is there any story between you and Miss Fang in the past?" Wu Zhengguang asked.

"No, I was already married to your mommy at that time, and Miss Fang was already married. Besides, the Bao family and her Fang family were incomparable back then. Father's bank business also relied a lot on the care of the Fang family. The family is also kind to our Bao family."

"So that's it, this Miss Fang was also such a sophisticated person back then?"

"No, she shouldn't be good at businessmanship at that time, it's strange, her asking price is really strange." Bao Yugang pondered for a while and said: "Perhaps, there is someone behind her who is pointing out, or, after the Fang family's great change, , she got the hang of it.

Don't think about it for the time being, I bought 105, and it didn't exceed our expectations. Next, we will concentrate on dealing with Jardine Matheson and Niu Bijian. "


Nanyi made some calculations, sold Wharf's shares, and recovered 60.06 million Hong Kong dollars.

The average price of buying Wharf stocks is 52 Hong Kong dollars per share, the cost is 29.74 million, and the gross profit is 30.32 million Hong Kong dollars; after deducting the loan principal and interest, there are still about 38 million funds left.

The 11 million that belonged to Xian Weimin, Xian Yaodong’s money was invested early, and he gave him 3.5 million Hong Kong dollars, so he would have 23.5 million Hong Kong dollars left. Recently, the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar to RMB has risen, and 23.5 million Hong Kong dollars can be exchanged for almost 7.3 million yuan.

After lighting a cigarette, Nanyi walked out to the yard, pacing and thinking.

The funds are still too small, and the bank does not have the ability to worry about it for the time being.

Currently, what needs to be done:

1. Establish Nanshi Holdings Investment, 100% of the shares belong to Nanshi, and inject 14.5 million shares of Meihan Enterprises and 20 million Hong Kong dollars into it;

Distinguish yourself from the Nan family, the Nan family is the public, and the individual is private, and 3.5 million Hong Kong dollars are deposited into his private account.

From then on, his personal money and Nan's money were separately accounted for.

2. Let Fang Mengyin go to Dongguan as soon as possible to find the external processing and assembly office, and establish a garment processing factory for swallowtail butterfly clothing in Dongguan as soon as possible;

3. Far East Trading established a branch in Yangcheng to enter the field of art; also, negotiate with Panasonic about the color TV agency right as soon as possible.

4. Establish the Wenchangwei Patriotic Factory, affiliated to the Wenchangwei Brigade, and grow gradually. In the future, it will be reorganized into the Patriotic Group.

5. Prepare for the establishment of the Intelligence and Strategy Committee, and complete the construction of the preliminary framework within two years.

6. Open a New York gold futures account as soon as possible, and prepare to enter New York gold.


Enough is enough, the second phase of the plan is here, and it will take some time to complete these, and the rest will be implemented in the third and fourth phases of the plan.

Think through the plan to be implemented in the next year or two.

Nanyi temporarily put down his mental activities, put his clothes in a big tub, sprinkled some panda washing powder on it, and soaked it first.

There are pandas in the north and white cats in the south. These are the two giants of washing powder. The panda brand is basically what you can see in the capital. But washing powder, not many people have used it, it is too expensive, not as affordable as soap, and it is not easy to buy tickets.

Take off the liberation shoes on your feet and put them in a high place to dry.

Jiefang shoes are of good quality and light to wear, but they are not breathable, and they are prone to sweating, and naturally they are also prone to stink. In addition, it has a strong plastic smell, which reacts chemically with the sweat of the feet, and the smell... as the saying goes, it is fragrant if it is extremely smelly.

Well, it's very fragrant!

Nanyi bought two pairs and changed them every day to ensure that they don't smell so bad.

The department store sells this year's new pullback WB-1 basketball shoes, a tendon sole and a rubber sole.

After receiving the scholarship for this semester, Nanyi plans to buy a pair to celebrate that his working capital has exceeded 20 million.

Otherwise, Nanyi really can't do such a bold thing.

Huili, today's high-end luxury brand, can buy two bottles of Moutai with a pair of basketball shoes and a few cents.

Nanyi was thinking viciously, should he stock up on a batch of this high-end product, wait forty years later, take it out and sell it, forty-year-old Huili, at that time, a pair can be exchanged for seven or eight bottles Moutai, right?

Hahaha what a great idea!

Wait a few years, and then stock up on some good numbers of BP machines, tsk tsk, direct financial freedom...

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