"First, register an offshore company in Cayman, and use this company to hold a Tokyo-based company.

Then, in the name of the company, I went to discuss the agency right with Panasonic, and when I won the agency right, I used the agency right as capital to invest in a Hong Kong electrical appliance sales company.

Whether it's a representative of a corporation or a director of an electrical appliance sales company, they all need a scapegoat.

This kind of person is not difficult to find, there are people in Tokyo who do this kind of business; here in Hong Kong, it is easy to find a suitable person by looking for a financial company.

Also, grandma, you can't do these things yourself.

Find yourself a foot as soon as possible, it is best to find a few more feet, and don't let them know the existence of other people between the feet. "

"Does it need to be so troublesome? I have already consulted a lawyer. We sell color TVs to the outside world, and we don't need to bear joint and several liability for whether the buyer will use the color TV to engage in illegal activities. What's more, we sell within the scope of Hong Kong and do not sell outside. "

"Grandma, you're starting to look like an eighteen-year-old socialite again, aren't you? A rabbit eaten by wolves, which one breaks the law?

When a wolf wants to eat sheep, it can find any plausible reason.

for example……"

Nan Yi glanced at Fang Mengyin's white coat and said, "I will give you two slaps in the name of wearing a white coat. As long as I am a wolf and you are a sheep, you have no room to resist."

"Little Chi, don't use me as an example next time." Fang Mengyin laughed.

"Anyway, that's what it means. I'll use you as an example to make you feel better. In short, there's nothing wrong with being careful."

"Very well, it's up to you."

"One more thing, help me find a secretary, Japanese, female, if unmarried, must not have a boyfriend, and have a good relationship with the family;

If you are married, forget it, Japan is very rich now, and it is rare for a married woman to come out to work.

When you find a candidate, check it out first, and then observe her for half a year, no problem, I will see her again to check her quality. "

"Hehe, do you have any requirements for appearance?"

"Grandma, don't be joking. It's a taboo to have sex with female subordinates. I won't make this kind of mistake. Even if you find a fairy, the secretary is still the secretary. I won't label her any more. This person I It's very useful, grandma, don't let me lose the chain."

"Okay, whenever your grandma and I do things inappropriately, you can rest assured."


Nanyi looked at his watch and said, "Grandma, I'm going back to school, so I won't accompany you for dinner."

"Wait a minute, I'll bring you the photo, Ruoying asked me to bring it." Fang Mengyin opened her Kun bag, took out an envelope and handed it to Nan Yi, "There is also a tape inside, and it is full of thoughts about you as a father." .”

"Stinky girl, isn't it time for vacation soon?"

The corner of his mouth hooked, and the envelope was tapped in his hand, Nan Yi happily left the courtyard.


Ever since Xu Feiyang and Nanyi approached, this guy has decided on Nanyi.

As soon as Nanyi finished his meal and sat down, he would sit across from Nanyi with pancakes, unceremoniously scraped away 60 to 70% of a portion of vegetarian dishes, and ate Hesai with his pancakes.

"Panbing, tell me, where have you spent your stipend?"

"It's okay if you don't say it?" Xu Feiyang showed embarrassment when he heard Nanyi's question.

"What do you mean, you eat and drink from me, I have to find out, what kind of bastard did I feed?"

Xu Feiyang swallowed the pancakes in his mouth, poured another free soup, wiped his mouth and said, "There is a bastard educated youth like you who patted his ass and ran away, leaving one who didn't confine himself well, and fell A wife with severe confinement rheumatism, and a pair of twins."

"You took twenty-four and five yuan for the second class. At most, you kept a fraction for yourself. What kind of country family dares to spend twenty yuan a month?"

"The girl in the twins has a strange disease. When she is hungry, she will eat a kind of soil from our place. The soil cannot be digested in the stomach. The child has been to the hospital twice for emergency treatment.

Someone had to watch her, and she couldn't leave people by her side. If she is not given soil, she will not eat, and she has to be force-fed, but even so, the nutrition still cannot keep up, and she must be given some nutritious food frequently. "

"Understood, it costs a lot, right?"

"Twenty-one months is not enough. There have been many famines in the brigade. Although the people in the brigade sympathize with her, it is impossible for her to owe endlessly."

Nanyi patted Xu Feiyang on the shoulder, "It's rare, seeing that you are a big and thick guy, you are not only a good person, but also a delicate person. Good comrade, really good comrade."

"Then can I get some meat for the next meal?"

"Pull your butt, you have a good idea. You are a good person outside, and you blackmail me here. You eat and drink for nothing. I'm still not good enough. I'm sick, and I'll give you meat."

"Is it brother?"


"Then we will be married now."

"The sworn brother is exempted, just give it to me, call me daddy."

"Grandma, bear, why don't I call you brother?"

"Call it." Nanyi Dama sat down with a golden knife, and straightened his waist.

"elder brother."

Nan Yi said with a bad taste: "It's too light, I didn't hear it."

Xu Feiyang glanced at Nanyi, suppressed his boiling anger, and called out heavily, "Brother, big brother."

"Hey, be good. From now on, you can smell it as long as you have a bite to eat. If you want something fresh, tell me, and I will buy it for you to eat."

"The surname Nan, don't tell me, this brother is worth at least twenty meat dishes."

"Oh, you are quite valuable."

The two walked out of the cafeteria arguing, and squatted on the edge of the basketball court to smoke.

Nan Yi, who has recovered his seriousness, said: "The little girl you mentioned should have pica, which may be a physical disease or a psychological disease. There is no research on this disease in our country. Well, there are no studies abroad. Not deep."

"Didn't you just talk nonsense?" Xu Feiyang said dissatisfied.

"Don't interrupt, let me ask you, besides eating dirt, does the little girl have any other symptoms?"

"No, other people see her as crazy, it's because if she doesn't eat dirt, she will go crazy, but if she calms down, she's a very well-behaved child. I also taught her to read and she will be able to learn it as soon as she learns."

Nan Yi nodded and said: "I have a cornucopia at home, and dozens of dollars will be turned out of it every month. I have to go to school every day, and I don't have time to look at it.

You asked the girl's mother to come to the capital with her two children, and help me watch the cornucopia. I can split the money with her in half. "

"Are you willing to help?"

"Can't you help me?" Nanyi glanced at Xu Feiyang, "You bastard, don't you just eat me. Even if I don't ask today, you will find a chance to tell me her story, right?"

"Hey hey!" Xu Feiyang touched the back of his head, quite embarrassed, "You saw through it."

"You know my daughter is not my own?"

"It's not that I'm brainless, she doesn't look like you at all; besides, how old are you, the possibility of giving birth to a daughter as old as her is not great at all."

"You bastard, I'm really determined. Come on, tell someone to sneak up. Sigh, I hid it so well, but you discovered the essence of my low-browed Bodhisattva. Don't call me Patch in the future, just call me Patch. Let me call Baoyi."

"Hu Baoyi? I'm still waiting for the rain."

"Don't, this name is too big, my teacher, let's just call him brother in the future."

"Like I said, I'm not Lu Zhishen. I'd rather you call me Wudutou." When Xu Feiyang heard that Nanyi still beat around the bush, he compared himself to Lu Zhishen in a hurry.

"Okay, black guy!"

"Grandma is a bear, Wudutou, I am Wudutou, not Li Kui, let alone Lu Zhishen."

"Okay, Hei Si."

Do me a favor, everyone, don't talk about such "high-end" topics in this chapter, they are evil!

In addition, a few comments have been deleted. As I said, you can scold at will if you have something to say, even if you feel uncomfortable after reading it without commenting, I have no objection, I will accept it, but please don't talk nonsense.

There was a guy who was so angry with me, all the deleted posts had his comments, so I went to his space to check, the loyal book friend of a novel with several million words, the rank is "apprentice", and besides that Comments on this novel and other novels are all spam.

If you have any comments on which paragraph, just post this chapter and say it. In fact, I read your comments intermittently when I lie in bed. If you are careful, you should be able to see them. Almost every article has my reply.

I feel that the back is too scattered, with a hammer here and a stick here. It may be that my writing skills are too poor and I haven't written it well. When I calm down, I will go back and rethink it. I will take the time to make changes. I will notify you when the changes are completed.

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