Seeing that the 1970s were coming to an end, Nan Yi went to Silian to get a haircut.

Silian is not an ordinary barber shop. Usually, the barbers in the barber shop are either Zhang Fugui or Li Erdan, and the worst one in Silian is Teacher Tonny.

At that time, with a wave of the Ten Mile Chang Street, the four barbershops of Huhai Huaxin, Violet, Yunshang, and Xiangming "moved" to the capital together with their staff and guys, and merged them into one.

These four houses entertained well-known figures back then. Let's put it this way, if you look at the singers on the old records of the Republic of China, their hair was done in these four houses.

Not only celebrities, but also fashionable writers and Shanghai beach tycoons. They used to call the wind and shake the rain, but now their names are enough to seal 17 or 18 books.

Now the cheapest haircut in Beijing is about 15 cents, just the kind of barber who walks the streets and alleys; while ordinary barber shops charge you 25 cents or 30 cents.

But here in Silian, men have to drop at least 80 cents to walk in, and women are more expensive, with a minimum of two yuan.

Don't think it's too expensive, except for those who have land for reimbursement, no matter which woman, she would not be willing to come here just for a haircut. Whenever you come here, you basically come for a perm.

Perm, charge two two two.

Nan Yi sat on the barber chair, and the distinguished barber helped him put on a bib, and then put a towel on the back of his neck. He didn't ask Nan Yi what kind of haircut he wanted, and he went straight to the clipper.

There's no need to ask, even Nanyi's hair can only be cut short.

Don't be curious, why can you only have a cropped head, why can't you have a bald head?

Whenever any young man dares to shave his head, Lei Zi dares to arrest you three times a day and ask you which labor camp you just came back from; the anger of being a father is like a sailor who went to sea for three years and came back with a one-year-old Xiwen. If you are beaten to death, he will take your surname.

Nanyi doesn't care what kind of hair will be cut. He has been observing the women who are perming through the mirror.

First look at the "brain reader" on their heads, and then look at what clothes they are wearing.

Nanyi actually saw a woman wearing a turtleneck sweater, which is rare. The turtleneck has not yet become popular, and most of them work in foreign-related units.

Just this special point, the others are basically low-necked sweaters, and then a collar with a richer color leaks out of it.

It can only be a collar, no accident, they all wear fake collars.

Nan Yi pondered, there is still a market for fake collars, and Wenchangwei can definitely make some fabrics with fancy colors, and also enjoy the bonus of a wave of fake collars.

Low profit is low, but the victory lies in the fact that it is easy to do in quantity.

Moreover, the process of fake collars is not too complicated. After you are proficient, it is no problem to make hundreds of them a day.

After the hair was cut, the barber took off the towel on the back of Nanyi's neck, took off the bib, took out a powder puff from a round iron can, and slapped Nanyi's neck a few times.


The dry cleaning in the future and the prickly heat powder today are the essence that led Nan Yi into the barber shop.

As far as the barber's pats are concerned, eighty cents is worth it.

He stood up and took a look in the mirror. With this hairstyle and this attire, he looked like Ding Li, a Shanghai beach tycoon.

It's just that it was in the period when Ye Xiang was pouring Ye Xiang in Zhabei.

If you are satisfied, you will post the bill and walk out of the four couplets, go to the grocery store to buy some food, and Nanyi will go back to the depths of flowers.

Walking into the room, a big guy was sitting at the table eating noodles.

"So hungry?"

"I'm a little hungry, mainly because I'm bored, so I ordered some noodles for myself." Xian Weimin wiped his mouth and said.

Nan Yi said apologetically: "Well, it's not mine, I went to get a haircut. I bought some pickles, would you like some?"

"No more, I'm not used to the pickles here."

Xian Weimin picked up the bowl, drank the noodle soup, wiped his mouth, and took out a stack of A4 papers from his school bag.

"Grandma Fang said that TVB has decided to shoot next year's film, and all that can be found are on it. "Shanghai Beach", "The King of Thousand Kings", "A Spring Dream in Jinghua", "Grace from the Earth: Jinshan Dream", there are some actors. It’s not decided at all, and I can’t inquire about it.”

Nan Yi flipped through the paper, skipped the others, and only looked at the content related to "Shanghai Beach".

It's not very useful, there is a meaning between the lines, the script is not finished yet, let alone cast. Butterflies should not have time to flap their wings to such places, and the actors should still be those few actors.

"Only "Shanghai Beach" seems to be a fashion show. When you go back, tell my grandma to keep an eye on it. Once the crew is formed, go and get Zhang Xu Wenqiang's makeup photos.

It would be even better if you can get in touch with the costumes of the crew. Take a few photos of the costumes you plan to wear for Xu Wenqiang, and draw a layout diagram by the way. "


Xian Weimin nodded.

"When you go back, talk to my grandma and ask her to help you with the formalities. I need you to become a member of Xiangxi."

"You want me to go to Hong Kong?"

"No, I just need your Hong Kong ID card."

Nanyi took out a cigarette, loosened it, took a puff and said, "Who are the so-called Hong Kong businessmen who came back to invest from Dongguan, do you know?"

"You know, all of them swam in the past few years. I also saw one from the Huangjiawei brigade nearby. He was seven or eight years older than me. When we were fighting for water, I gave him a piece of water." shoulder pole."

"Well, I want you to become a person like him, go to Hong Kong for a round trip and come back to be a Hong Kong businessman."


"Also, it's fun for you to go back and ask, is he willing to get a green card from the state of Yi, and if he is willing, he will become a native of Hong Kong with you first, and then go to the state of Yan."

"He went to China? Who is responsible for the tape?"

"It's not so fast to go to China, let him continue to work first, the next step, I will make arrangements when I go back. The TV preview is out, "The Man From the Bottom of the Atlantic" will be broadcast next Thursday, One Monday episode.

After you go back, you can prepare for the shipment of the microphone mirror. In addition, you need to find another candidate to pick up your stall in Panyu. "

"In the brigade?"

"No, I need an outsider."

"For outsiders, I have a suitable candidate, do you want to bring them to you?"

Nan Yi waved his hand, "No, you can just be a big boss. My existence is a secret, outsiders can't know. From now on, Uncle Xian will be the top person in the brigade, and you, Boss Xian, will be the top person outside.

Why do I want you to become a Hong Kong businessman?

I just want to provide you with an insurance, and I also provide an insurance for Wenchangwei.

Next year, the food factory will be put into operation. If possible, I plan to turn the food factory into a joint venture between Wenchangwei Brigade and your Xiangxi Company.

You are just a name for Xiangzhu Company, but actually it still belongs to the Wenchangwei Brigade; more precisely, it belongs to the Wenchangwei Brigade Headquarters.

You should inform everyone about this matter when you go back, and I will explain it in detail at the meeting when I go back.

The end of the year is approaching, and the tent will be set up on the 20th of this month, and the accounts of the garment factory will be settled as soon as possible, and the final figures will be sent to me by telegram. "

"I understand."

Looking at the data in the background, the age group of book lovers is relatively older, 30-34 is the most, 35-39 is the second, and the age of over 40 is actually the same as 35-39, and the proportion of female readers is almost negligible.

I adjusted the update time, chapter 0.1 and chapter 6.1, whether it is because of taking care of children, sleeping late at work, or getting up early, so that both chapters can be read in the early morning or in the morning.

Book friends who read books in other time periods have no effect.

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